Kategorie: Symphonie / Orchester , Orgel / Sacred Music
Fanfara – Giotto – Time is changing – Toccata de Rinascimento- Fanfara
Intrada – „Al fonte, al prato“ (J. Peri) – Intermezzo – „Amarilli“ (G. Caccini)
Toccata festosa – Marcia con fierezza – Con gloria
PARTE IV: La Nascita di Opera (soprano solo)
Introduzione - Jacopo Peri – Finale con Puccini
Dauer: Duration: 26 Minutes
Notenausgabe: Manuskript, Material über den Autor , 2017
Besetzung: 12 Soli:
Piccolo trumpet – 3 trumpets – 4 french horns – 3 trombones – Tuba
Brass Orchestra I:
4 trumpets – 4 french horns – 4 trombones – Tuba – Percussion
Brass Orchestra II:
4 trumpets – 4 french horns – 4 trombones – Tuba - Percussion
Textdichter: Jacopo Peri, Giovacchino Forzano (1884-1970)
Vorwort: Introduction:
Florence has a historic tradition and richness of neverending uniqueness: place of birth of the european Renaissance, of the modern sciences, arts and painting, the birth of opera, stylistical architecture. The list of the most famous artists of all art forms – coming from Florence – is highly impressive: Giotto, Donatello, Dante Alighieri, Petrarca, Leonardo da Vinci, the Medicis, Galilei, Boccaccio, Macchiavelli, Botticelli, Brunechelli, Michelangelo, Raffael, Benvenuto Cellini, Peri, Caccini. Viviani, Cherubini....
Our musical journey begins with a festive Fanfara, and then with remembrance of the artist Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) and leads us in the climate of ancient Florence and the historic Renaissance. In Parte II we can be remembered to the birth of opera about 1600: Jacopo Peri and Guilio Caccini have been members oft he „Camerata fiorentina“ located directly at the Ponte vecchio and Arno River. A diamond to listen is Gulio Caccinis famous song AMARILLI orchestrated for Piccolotrumpet & brass orchestra. In Parte III the brass orchestras give us impressions oft he timeless Gloria and brightness of Florence as cultural center oft he wolrd of arts and science. In Parte IV the voice of soprano with the austrian artist Eva Lind complets the sound of brass orchestras. We can listen to a recitativo and arie of Jacopo Peri... and then (as high light finale) to „Babbino Caro“ Aria from the opera „Gianni Schicchi“ of composer Giacomo Puccini. In this famous aria we find the words „andrei sul Ponte Vecchio, ma per buttarmi in Arno“.... because the action of this Opera is located in Florence. The audience will have the unique possibility to listen to this music sung on the Ponte vecchio..... a World premiere!
I’m very thankfull fort he permission oft he publisher Casa Ricordi s.r.l. / Milano to arrange this aria for brass ensemble and to perform it als the outstanding finale of our journey:
O mio babbino caro, dall'opera Gianni Schicchi (1918) di Giacomo Puccini.
Widmung: Cordially dedicated to my friend Luca Benucci... „Amore!“---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’m very thankfull fort he permission oft he publisher Casa Ricordi s.r.l. / Milano to arrange this aria for brass ensemble and to perform it als the outstanding finale of our journey:
O mio babbino caro, dall'opera Gianni Schicchi (1918) di Giacomo Puccini.
Anmerkungen: KOMPOSITIONSAUFTRAG/COMMISSIONED INTERNATIONAL BRASS WEEK FLORENCE 2017-----------------------------------------------commissioned by the 18th Italian Brass week 2017, integrated in the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino with partnership of Opera di Firenze / Florence Opera House. Musical Director: Luca Benuccio, President: Dale clevenger. Invited composer: Enjott Schneider.
The work will be performed by tweo brass orchestras at the left and right side of Arno River, 12 soloists (with the professors oft he brass week in boats on the river, piccolo trumpet: Otto Sauter) and the austrian soprano singer Eva Lind standing above on the Ponte Vecchio in the center of Florence.
Uraufführung: 13.07.2017, Firenze/Florenz/Florence
Uraufführung Interpreten: First performance: 15. Juli 2017 19:30
Firenze open air on the Arno River at 18th International Brass Weeks /
Italian Brass Weeks 9.-16. July 2017
with Eva Lind (soprano) and the festival brass ensemble
Conductors: Alain Trudel, Roger Bobo, Dale Clavenger