Category: Chamber Music
More than 2000 years old seems the Tree Calendar of the Celtic Druids, - based on the moon calendar. Related to different phases of half a year we find 21 trees. There energy and characteristic vibrations are typical for persons born in the days of a special tree.
The Guitar Duo GRUBER & MAKLAR are performing on two Fifth Bass Guitars. Below you can start a short Video-Trailer to get an acoustic impression of the Talking Trees.
Movements: I: THE LIME TREE
Gentle, docile, sacred, insatiable yearning for happiness
(11.3. - 20.3. and 13.9. - 22.9.)
Robust, strong, powerful, of great stability, tree of the Gods
Charming, melancholy, magical-nocturnal, intuitive, related to the moon
(29.2./1.3. - 10.3. and 3.9. - 12.9.)
Austere, cool, mysterious, withdrawn, the tree of light
(2.1. - 11.1 and 5.7. - 14.7)
Lively, impulsive, appealing, ambitious, the tree of the worlds
(25.5. - 3.6. and 22.11. - 1.12.)
Sensual, erotic, good and bad, tree of awareness and love (23.12. - 1.1. and 25.6. - 4.7.)
Unusual, frugal, strong in judgement, the tree of magical energy (22.3. - 31.3. and 24.9. - 3.10.)
Duration: 20 Minutes
Publisher of notes/sheet music: Manuscript at the composer , 2009
Instrumentation: Two quint bass guitars (tuned in b-e-a-d-f-sharp-b, with an additional bourdon string)
Can also be performed on a traditional guitar, but then it sounds a fourth higher
Introduction: Performed on two Fifth Bass Guitars / Quintbassgitarren (Hermann Hauser 1922 und 1924)
Over 2000 years ago, Celtic druids developed a tree calendar based on a 13-month lunar calendar. The different phases of a half-year were assigned to 21 trees, whose energy and characteristics corresponded to the people born at these times in the sense of a horoscope. In the selection of this video trailer, the lime tree, apple tree, fir tree, willow tree and ash tree are presented in a musical realisation. The Guitar Duo with Christian Gruber and Peter Maklar are performing these fascinating compositions on Fifth Bass Guitars with their full sound.
Trees are the personified forces of the earth. For thousands of years they have been sung about, worshipped and immortalised in stories, myths and fairy tales.
Each type of tree represents an individual psychological figure in the sense of an archetype, which is reflected in the silhouette of the tree, the shape of its leaves, the structure of its bark, the energy potential of the growth and the shape of the fruit. These characteristics are very similar to the principles of human psychology.
Dedication: Dedicated to the Christian Gruber and Peter Makler guitar duo
World premiere: 05.08.2009, Säulenhalle / Landsberg Theatre
Performers at world premiere: Gruber & Makler Guitar Duo
Press reviews for world premiere: The world premiere of 'Tree Pictures' by Enjott Schneider with the Gruber & Makler Guitar Duo, Stefan Temmingh, the Consortium Arboris ...in the Säulenhalle pays homage to nature's miracles and shines the quint bass guitar in the correct light.
Landsberger Kreisbote on the 11.5.2009 (Marcellus Steinhausen):
Announcements for cultural events often live on exaggeration. Often the great promises are not reached. In the program notebook the author speaks of a 'synaesthetic concert' which should be the premiere of the composition 'Tree Images'. A risqué formulation. However, seldom this expression in an event has grasped exactly the essentials of a cultural evening. It was a concert for the ears and for the eyes, the most important human senses.
The Munich based composer Enjott Schneider, born in 1950, in his introductory words to the work, showed a connection to biology and an astrological botany follower of a 'feeling' biology and 'astrological botany', and gave an abbreviation of being and cultural-historical education of trees. Many biological facts were not probably familiar even to well informed listeners.
Records: Wildner Records AG KWW 58205 LC 15257, 2009
Performers on recording: See TALKING TREES in: WORKS