Category: Chamber Music , Recordings
Duration: 6
Publisher of notes/sheet music: Schott Music publisher , 1999
Instrumentation: 12 pianists (on at least 6 grand pianos)
Solo instruments: Klavier
Introduction: Composed and spectacularly performed for the opening of the Prinzregententheater Munich on 8th November 1996 as a paraphrase on wagner's 'Tristan und Isolde': In only 6 minutes the Wagnerian epos is presented in a colourful bouquet from tango, ragtime and waltz in a smilingly provocative form. The initiator of this 'shortened folk version' was the theatre director August Everding, who staged the opening with 'Tristan' and to whom this composition is also dedicated.
Dedication: Dedicated to Prof. August Everding (for the opening of the Munich Prinzregententheater)
World premiere: 11.08.1996, Prinzregententheater Munich
Performers at world premiere: Pianist ensemble of the Munich college of music and theatre, production by Enjott Schneider
Press reviews for world premiere: Hamburger Abendblatt (30.7.97): ...all important subjects and motives presented without words, in only six minutes, a tango, waltz and ragtime. Musical fun for true Wagner's pilgrims. Who takes such a thing seriously, that is, not to be helped even with Gurnemanz original Sangraal meadow drop'
alle wichtigen Themen und Motive ohne Worte, in nur sechs Minuten als Tango, Walzer oder Ragtime dargeboten. Ein musikalischer Spaß für wahre Wagner-Wallfahrer. Wer so etwas ernst nimmt, dem ist selbst mit Gurnemanz Original Gralwiesentropfen nicht zu helfen'.
Records: CD (Shape-CD) bei ALCRA ALC 5503-2, 285 503-2 LC 3853, 1997
Performers on recording: Munich college of Munich pianist ensemble, recorded on 8.11.1996, large concert hall Munich, sound master: Ulrich Kraus