Category: Chamber Music
"Pablo Neruda and the Silence" is about the art of connecting with the true essence of one's being. The poem is considered one of the most beautiful in the history of poetry. It is an invitation to participate again in the essential being, especially through the return to nature. Silence is understood as a counter-concept to the world of machines, the artificial inhuman world and war. Silence is the magic spell to stop the mechanical noise of cars, shops, sleepless industries and cities!
Movements: 1: Llamamos a la puerta del silencio / Let us knock at the gate of silence
Motto: Ahora contaremos doce / y nos quedamos todos quietos / Seria un minuto fragante. (Lasst und jetzt bis zwölf zählen / und wir stehen alle still / das wäre eine Minute voller Duft)
2: Fragmentos de lo inaudible / Fragments of the Inaudible
3: El poder del silencio / The Power of silence
Motto: Un gran silencio pueda interrumpir esta tristeza, este no entendernos jamas y amenazarnos con la muerte (Ein großes Schweigen könnte diese Traurigkeit unterbrechen, dieses Sich-nicht-Verstehen, dieses Sich- mit-dem-Tode-bedrohen)
Duration: 10 Minutes
Publisher of notes/sheet music: Ries & Erler Musikverlag Berlin , 43038 , 2020
Instrumentation: Violin 1+2, alto, violoncello, piano
Introduction: "Pablo Neruda and the Silence" is about the art of connecting with the true essence of one's being. The poem is considered one of the most beautiful in the history of poetry. It is an invitation to participate again in the essential being, especially through the return to nature. Silence is understood as a counter-concept to the world of machines, the artificial inhuman world and war. Silence is the magic spell to stop the mechanical noise of cars, shops, sleepless industries and cities!
All this for just one minute, counting once slowly to twelve and being silent: it would be a striking minute without hurry, without cars, a minute in which all people would be united. Silence as a creative breath that allows us to exist in a completely different way: in a world of respect and togetherness. Silence as a perspective of meaning that transcends all commercialism, profit and egoism.
Many musical works have already led us into silence. I would like to remind you of Claude Debussy's (1862-19818) and his "music is the silence between the notes", of many works by Morton Feldman (1926-1987), Giacinto Scelsi (1905-1988) or Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996), ...or decidedly of 4'33'' ("four thirty-three") by John Cage, which he established with radicalism as a key work of New Music in 1952. Cage already had the idea of a "Silent Prayer" in the 1940s while studying Japanese Zen Buddhism and also the "White Paintings" by Robert Rauschenberg. - The piano quintet "STILLSEIN - CALLARSE" leads associatively to aspects of silence.
Dedication: Cordially dedicated to my friend Oliver Triendl
World premiere: 01.08.2021, Zorneding - Martinstadl
Performers at world premiere: 1st of August 2021 with the Schumann Quartet and Oliver Triendl (Piano).
Broadcasted by BR Klassik, Bavarian Broadcast