Category: Opera / Music Theatre
Movements: Inhaltsverzeichnis:
Tableau symphonique Nr. 1 (?Es war einmal??)
1. scene:
I/1: Am Friedhof. Minna wird beerdigt (Tutti)
I/2: Im Dorf. Thiel und Tobias (Thiel, Tobias, Choir)
I/3: Lene packt sich Thiel (Thiel, Lene, Minna)
Tableau symphonique Nr. 2 (?Zeit vergeht in der Natur?)
2. scene:
II/1: Thiel beim Pfarrer(Pfarrer,Thiel,Choir)
II/2: Was ist der Mensch? (Pfarrer, Thiel, Tobias)
II/3: In der Falle des Fleisches (Thiel, Lene, Tobias)
II/4: Der Alltag und der Dorfklatsch (Tutti)
Tableau symphonique Nr. 3 ('Weg durch märkischen Wald?)
3. scene:
III/1: Thiel im Bahnwärterhaus. Seine Welt. (Thiel)
III/2: Lene misshandelt Tobias (Lene, Tobias)
III/3: Misteriöse Andachten (Thiel, Minna, Lene, Choir)
Tableau symphonique Nr. 4 (?Unwirkliche Natur?)
4. scene:
IV/1: Thiel bekommt Panik. Er will heim. (Thiel)
IV/2: Misshandlung des Tobias (Thiel, Lene, Tobias)
IV/3: Lene über ?Fleisch? (Lene, Thiel, Choir
---- Pause ---
Tableau symphonique Nr. 5 (?Intermezzo oscuro?)
5. scene:
V/1: Thiels Trauma: Zwischen Minna & Lene (Tutti)
V/2: Lene will zum Acker (Thiel, Lene, Tobias, Pfarrer)
Tableau symphonique Nr. 6 (?Friede der Natur?)
6. scene:
VI/1: Familienidylle auf dem Acker (Thiel, Lene, Tobias)
VI/2: Das Unglück: Tobias vom Zug erfasst (Tutti)
Tableau symphonique Nr. 7 (?Schienen ins Nichts?/Film von Kirsten Winter)
7. scene:
VII/1: Thiels Wahn und Verzweiflung (Thiel, Minna)
VII/2: Tobias ist tot. Übergabe des Leichnams (Tutti)
VII/3: Thiel ohnmächtig im Krankenbett (Thiel, Lene)
Tableau symphonique Nr. 8 (?Mondnacht?)
8. Bild:
VIII/1: Lene und ihr Kind ermordet! (Pfarrer, Chor)VIII/2: Thiel auf den Schienen ? irr geworden (Thiel, Choir)VIII/3: Thiel in der Irrenanstalt (Thiel, 2 Wärter, Choir)
Duration: 145 Minutes
Publisher of notes/sheet music: Schott Musik International , 51 289 , 2003
Instrumentation: Thiel high baritone
Lene dramatic soprano
Minna lyrical soprano
Tobias child (speaking and folk song voice)
Pfarrer Bass
village people, constabulary, institute supervisor:
Frau 1 alto
Frau 2 mezzo soprano
Mann 1 tenor
Mann 2 baritone
Choir (at least 20 people)
2 Fl. (2. also Picc.) / 2 Ob. / 2 clar. / 2 bas. /
4 Hr. / 3 trp. / 3 tro. / harp / 2 percussionists /
large string section
Also ad libitum: Projections of moving and still pictures (DVD with original footage by experimental film maker Kirsten Winter available at Schott International) and sound effects (sounds. etc)
Additional remarks: Libretto by Julia Cloot and Enjott Schneider
Commissioned by the Oberlausitz/Niederschlesien music theatre
World premiere: 07.02.2004, Görlitz theatre
Performers at world premiere: Direction: Aron Stiehl Stage & costumes: Karen Hilde Fries
Theatre choir, extra choir and the Prague radio choir
Neuen Lausitzer Philharmonie orchestra
conducted by GMD Eckehard Stier
Choir rehearsal master: Myron Michailidis
Thiel: Hans-Peter Struppe
Lene: Yvonne Reich
Minna: Anja Meyer
Priest: Stefan Bley
among others.
Press reviews for world premiere:
"Wärter im Mordmorast" (Die Welt from 2.3.04, also: ?Oper & Tanz?, March-April 2004):
A skillful grip to use the choir as commentator: The singers pursue Thiel, carp and grumble on account of his behaviour. Thus the opera gets the interesting second level: The (pre) judgment by people of others. Enjott Schneider has well met the sombre-narrow atmosphere of the novella. His music is often melodic, symphonically flattering and places, with rough beats, sharp accents on the wind players. (Ute Grundmann)
Records: Selbstverlag,
Performers on recording: A video documentary (short and long versions) with 3 cameras (Z-Art film productions Munich) as live recording and can be ordered with the author.