Category: Symphonic / Orchestral
Movements: 1: Madrid in the morning - a city wakes
(Madrid - El despertar de una ciudad),
2: Shadoes in a lilac night
(Sombras en una noche de color de lilas),
3: Galoppo (... cuando un asno es muy asno
se tiene por caballo)
Duration: 18:00 (08:00 / 06:00 / 04:00)
Instrumentation: Piccolo (flute), flute, oboe, Englich horn (oboe),
2 clarinets in B, bass clarinet in B, 2 bassoons,
3 horns, 3 trumpets in B, 3 trombones (T-T-B),
harp , kettledrum, two percussionists, (keyboard ad libitum), large string orchestra (16-14-12-10-8)
The work can also be performed as an orchestras symphonic dance without the castanet soloists.
Solo instruments: Percussion
Introduction: RESONANCE is answer, reverberation, communication, vitality. In this composition there are many reconances: Spain - Germany, the connection between traditional classical orchestra with folkloristic, minimalistic and almost jazz elements and the four soloistst and ensemble. The first movement describes the awakening of a pulsating city. The second movement has an erotic atmosphere in an endless dance of desire and distress ('tempo di valzer lugubre'). The third movement comprises the coexistence of high-mindedness and banality, as Cervantes so aptly apprehended. The final movement can also be played as an independent piece.
Dedication: Dedicated in friendschip to Herbert Lampka (Madrid). It was his idea to compose a 'Castanet Concerto'
Additional remarks: The parts of four castanet soloists is so conceived that they can be played not only by special drummers, but also by four musicians of the Flamneco-Tradition/folklore. According to virtuosity, the solo part can be decorated, in addition, be formed even more like a virtuoso or also be simplified. Application of the feet can be included after the given measure. Also two musicians with hand applause can be taken, in addition, to the strengthening of the castanets. Choice of the castanets is free, e.g., four men or two men and two women. A light electric-acoustic strengthening (in the 2nd movement, perhaps, with sound effects effects / Delay ad libitum) is also possible. In the 2nd movement, four claves can be used for a change of timbres.
World premiere: 12.02.2001, Auditorio Nacional Madrid
Performers at world premiere: Luz Martin Leon-Tello ensemble,
Orchestra Filarmonica de Madrid, direction: PASCUAL OSA