Category:  Organ / Sacred Music , Recordings

Jürgen Geiger performs at the organ of Church St. Ulrich & Afra in Augsburg. The "soul" is the spiritual essence of every creature. In it, the timeless belonging to creation as a whole manifests itself. In the Organ Symphony No. 2, the Mother of God Mary is depicted in four rather softly drawn expressive pictures. In the "Tree Pictures", in the tradition of the "Celtic tree calendar", energetic characteristics of seven tree types are found, which can also be directly read as basic psychological patterns of human types. The Organ Symphony No. 15 was composed "in memoriam" for the 100th anniversary of the death of Max Reger.

I Salve Regina
II Berceuse pour Marie
III Mater Dolorosa
IV Finale: Ave Maris Stella

I BIRKE – der schöpferische Frühling
II ULME – die Zuversicht
IV TANNE – das Geheimnis
V Zypresse – Schatten des Todes
VI WEIDE – die Trauer
VII EBERESCHE – Feingefühl und Glück

- Max Reger in Memoriam –
I Obsession & Kontrast
II Einsamkeit
III Fragmente des Fliehens
IV „Seele, vergiss nicht die Toten“

The "soul" is the spiritual essence of every creature, whether human, animal or plant. In it, the timeless belonging to creation as a whole manifests itself. The compositional challenge to paint psychological portraits with the sounds of the organ resulted in three expressive works of very different kinds: In the movements of the Organ Symphony No. 2, the Mother of God Mary is depicted in four rather softly drawn expressive pictures. In the "tree pictures", in the tradition of the "Celtic tree calendar", energetic characteristics of seven tree types are found, which can also be directly read as basic psychological patterns of human types. The Organ Symphony No. 15 was composed "in memoriam" for the 100th anniversary of the death of Max Reger, whose genial and eruptive compositions are so interspersed with contrasts and obsessions that only a psychological dimensioning allows us to understand this life between boundless excess and fragile introversion.

Additional remarks: According to the Celtic tree calendar, the trees of the seven movements embody the following characteristics and are assigned to people according to their date of birth:
1: BIRCH TREE - the creative springtime
24.6.: lively awakening - delicate/beautiful/demandingly graceful - girlish figure
2: ELM TREE – the confidence
12.1. - 24.1. and 15.7. - 24.7.: alert - good disposition - loves ideals and justice
3: APPLE TREE – the love
23.12. - 1.1. and 25.6. - 4.7.: knowledge and love - connecting good and evil - sensual
4: THE FIR TREE - the secret
2.1. - 11.1. and 5.7. - 14.7.: cool, closed - tart - tree of light
5: CYPRESS - shadow of death
25.1. - 3.2. and 26.7. - 4.8.: Death and resurrection - immortality - demanding
6: WILLOW TREE – the mourning
29.2./1.3. - 10.3. and 3.9. - 12.9.: melancholic - magical nightly - intuitive - moon
7: THE ROWAN TREE - sensitivity and happiness
1.4. - 10.4. and 4.10. - 13.10.: tender but persistent - grace - deep-rooted pioneer - tree of the seers

Records:  2022

Performers on recording: JÜRGEN GEIGER / Orgel
Recording 30. Oktober bis 2. November 2021 an der „Ulrichsorgel“ und der „Marienorgel“ in St. Ulrich und Afra / Augsburg, Tonaufnahme und Schnitt: Toms Spogis
Verlage: Schott Musikverlag: cues 1-4 ED 2074, cues 12-15 ED 22615
Dr. J Butz Musikverlag: cues 5-11 BU2018