Category: Symphonic / Orchestral , Choir / Vocal , Organ / Sacred Music
"AUS ABGRUNDTIEFER FINSTERNIS" is a setting of the gloomy Psalm 88 for vocal ensemble / choir, solo violin and orchestra is commissioned by the Jesuit Cathedral St. Michael in Munich on the occasion of the memorial concert "75 Years of Destruction by Bombing in November 1944". The work is played as a commentary and introduction to Mozart's Requiem in D minor in a seamless transition. The instrumentation is identical to that of Mozart. It can be performed in many ways with solos (S A T B) or with a four-part choir or in various solo choral variations.
Duration: 10 Minutes
Publisher of notes/sheet music: Strube Musikverlag München , 2019
Instrumentation: 2 clarinets (B) (Bassett horns ad lib.)
2 bassoons
3trombones (T-T-B)
Timpani and percussion (one player)
Violin solo
sztring orchestra
Choir oder soloistic ensemble (S-A-T-B) or mixes of both
Text/Lyrics by: Psalm of Holy Bible
Introduction: This setting of the gloomy Psalm 88 for vocal ensemble / choir, solo violin and orchestra is a composition commission for the Jesuit Cathedral St. Michael in Munich on the occasion of the memorial concert "75 Years of Destruction by Bombing in November 1944". The work is played as a commentary and introduction to Mozart's Requiem in D minor in a seamless transition. The instrumentation is identical to that of Mozart. It can be performed in many ways with solos (S A T B) or with a four-part choir or in various solo choral variations. Despite the catastrophic desolateness of the rarely read Psalm 88, the music offers - especially through the solo violin - a horizon of consolation and hope.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
Dedication: Friendly dedicated to Kirchenmusikdirektor Dr. Frank Höndgen
Additional remarks: Selection of text:
O HERR, du Gott meines Heiles,
vor dir schreie ich am Tag und bei der Nacht
Laß mein Gebet vor dein Antlitz dringen,
meinem Flehen neige dein Ohr.
Denn mit Leid ist meine Seele gesättigt,
mein Leben ist dem Totenreich nahe.
Ich bin unter die Toten entlassen
Wie die erschlagenen, welche ruhen im Grab
Du brachtest mich in die unterste Grube,
in abgrundtiefe Finsternis.
Ich aber, HERR, ich schreie zu dir um Hilfe:
Warum, o Herr, verwirfst du mich,
warum verbirgst du vor mir dein Antlitz?
Über mich fuhr dahin die Glut deines Zornes,
deine Schrecken machen mich stumm.
O HERR, du Gott meines Heiles,
vor dir schreie ich am Tag und bei der Nacht
World premiere: 24.11.2019, Jesuiten-Kathedrale St. Michael München
Performers at world premiere: „Wie liegt die Stadt so wüst“
Konzert am 24. November 2019 zum 75. Jahrestag der Zerstörung von St. Michael in München
Bettina Kühne, Sopran
Birgit Rolla, Alt
Markus Zeitler, Tenor
Sebastian Myrus, Bass
Chor und Orchester St. Michael
Solovioline: Peter Riehm
Leitung: Chordirektor Dr. Frank Höndgen