Category: Symphonic / Orchestral , Chamber Music , Choir / Vocal , Recordings
“Only those who know longing / Know what I have to suffer!”-
Beethoven's last song of his four settings of the wordsw by J. W. von Goethe is one of the most beautiful piano songs in music history. This song of the enigmatic girl "Mignon" comes from the Goethe novel "Wilhelm Meister", which has personally accompanied me since my youth and has shown me - like many other people - the way to poetry, music, art and the "other world" ... beyond our daily routine of utility.
And so, at the end of 2019, I had the idea to focus on Ludwig van Beethoven's little song on the occasion of his 250th birthday and to arouse curiosity and interest in it among my fellow human beings via metamorphoses and variations. This was a birthday present for Beethoven... and also for myself, because I was able to celebrate my 70th birthday in 2020 in the same year.
Movements: A Co-Production of the labels Ambiente Audio with University of Music and Theatre Munich and the Ensemble „oktopus für Musik der Moderne“
Id 01 Birgit Stolzenburg: NUR WER DIE SEHNSUCHT KENNT
für Hackbrett solo. Mit Birgit Stolzenburg/Hackbrett
Id 02-05 Ludwig van Beethoven: NUR WER DIE SEHNSUCHT KENNT für Sopran und
Klavier. Vier Vertonungen WoO 134 des Gedichts von J.W. von Goethe.
Mit Julia Sophie Wagner/Sopran und Jelena Stojkovic/Klavier
Id 06 Konstantia Gourzi: NÉOME Trio für Klarinette, Schlagzeug & Klavier op. 87
Mit Slava Cernavca/Klarinette, Carlos Vera Larrucea/Percussion und
Konstantia Gourzi/Klavier
Id 07 Evelyn Huber: “SEH ICH ANS FIRMAMENT…“ für Harfe solo.
Mit Evelyn Huber/Harfe
Id 08 Enjott Schneider: SEHNSUCHT – THE LONGING, für Sopran, Klarinette und
Klavier (Texte: J.W. von Goethe)
Mit Julia Sophie Wagner/Sopran, Stefan Schneider/Klarinette und
Jelena Stojkovic/Klavier
Id 09 Dorothea Hofmann: „SEHNSUCHT…“ für Streicher und Vibraphon. Mit
Christian Benning (Vibraphon) und “ensemble oktopus & guests”,
Dirigentin: Konstantia Gourzi
ALL TIME for piano solo. Mit Jelena Stojkovic/Klavier
Id 11 Martina Eisenreich: „…NACH JENER SEITE“ für Harfe, perkussive
Klanginstallation und Streichorchester. Mit Evelyn Huber/Harfe, Wolfgang
Lohmeier/perkussive Klanginstallation, “ensemble oktopus & guests”,
Dirigentin: Konstantia Gourzi
Id 12. Marco Hertenstein: IL FIORE BLUE. Konzert für Englischhorn und
Streichorchester. Mit Kai Rapsch (Englischhorn), “ensemble oktopus & guests”
Introduction: “Only those who know longing / Know what I have to suffer!”-
Beethoven's last song of his four settings of the wordsw by J. W. von Goethe is one of the most beautiful piano songs in music history. This song of the enigmatic girl "Mignon" comes from the Goethe novel "Wilhelm Meister", which has personally accompanied me since my youth and has shown me - like many other people - the way to poetry, music, art and the "other world" ... beyond our daily routine of utility.
And so, at the end of 2019, I had the idea to focus on Ludwig van Beethoven's little song on the occasion of his 250th birthday and to arouse curiosity and interest in it among my fellow human beings via metamorphoses and variations. This was a birthday present for Beethoven... and also for myself, because I was able to celebrate my 70th birthday in 2020 in the same year. Unfortunately, the large-scale live concert on 7 November was cancelled due to the Corona pandemic lockdown... but in this CD concept, some of the fascination of Beethoven's song could still be salvaged.
In collaboration with the University of Music & Theatre Munich, some facets of "Sehnsucht/Longing" are shown here in different compositional personal styles and instrumentations. Artful juxtaposed with simple, small forms juxtaposed with more extended works, a diversity of ideas as a breath of "Beethoven Universal!". Among the countless Beethoven activities, this "Project Longing" is undoubtedly a gem with a unique selling point - not the gigantic symphonies or elaborate genres of works are celebrated, but a simple song lasting just one minute: with imagination and creativity, the potential of this often overlooked petitesse was recognised and expanded into a 70-minute sound journey. An absolute rarity - as is the unusual gender ratio: for once, five female authors are juxtaposed with only two male authors....
Records: Ambiente Audio, 2021
Performers on recording: LC 07811 - Bestellnummer ACD 3054
© Schott Music Mainz (Id 8), Editions Musica Ferrum LTD London (Id 10), Ries & Erler Berlin (Id 11), alle anderen Werke sind Manuskripte mit © bei Autorinnen und Autoren.
All compositions are First Recordings
Recording: 3.11. – 8.11. 2020 im Großen Konzertsaal der Hochschule für Musik & Theater München / Great Concert Hall in University of Music Munich
Recording, Editing & Mix: Klaus Strazicky, Valentin Eckmann Assistent-Engineer