Category: Choir / Vocal , Organ / Sacred Music
The Choral Fantasy NUN JAUCHZT DEM HERREN for choir, organ and congregational singing could be the opening music of a festive celebration. It was commisioned by ACV Allgemeiner Caecilienverein / Germany for the 150th anniversary. First premiere 23rd of september 2018 in the cathedral of Regensburg.
Movements: one movement with: Introduction / Toccata / choral song 1-7 / Epilogue
Duration: 6 Minutes
Publisher of notes/sheet music: ACV-Chorblätter , 2018
Instrumentation: Choir, large organ and congregational chant
Solo instruments: Orgel
Text/Lyrics by: Text based on the 100th Psalm: Strophes 1-6 David Denicke 1646 (based on Cornelius Becker 1602). Strophe 7 Lüneburg 1652
Introduction: The choral fantasy „Nun jauchzt dem Herren“ for choir, organ and congregational singing could be the opening music of a festive celebration. The introduction slowly searches a mysterious way with atmospheric vocalizes of the choir and is leading to a majestic Toccata for organ. Followed by a choral prelude for choir and organ we finally hear the choral "Nun jauchzet":
1: congregational chant
2: Choir a cappella
3: congregational chant
4: Choir with organ
5: congregational chant with additional high choir
6: womens chor and mens choir divisi
7: congregational chant with additional high choir
Short Epilogue of the organ
Dedication: für Domkapellmeister Roland Büchner (Regensburg) in Freundschaft
Additional remarks: As part of the celebrations of the ACV Allgemeiner Caecilienverein will be awarded on 22nd of september 2018 a medal to Enjott Schneider and to Domkapellmeister Roland Büchner (conductor of Regensburger Domspatzen, the oldest boy choir worldwide): This "Orlando di Lasso-Medaille" is the highest award for great services to sacred Music and is decided as an international award unanimously by three countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland
World premiere: 23.09.2018, 23rd of september in Regensburg Cathedral Saint Peter
Performers at world premiere: "Regensburger Domspatzen" and the choirs of ACV - Allgemeiner Cäcilienverein Deutschland, conducted: Domkapellmeister Prof. Roland Büchner, Organ: Domorganist Prof. Franz Josef Stoiber.