Category:  Opera / Music Theatre , Recordings

For the 100th anniversary, FC Schalke 04 manager Rudi Assauer commissioned an opulent musical from the Musiktheater im Revier: Music Enjott Schneider, Book & Lyrics: Michael Klaus and Bernd Matzkowski with vocal soloists, choir, ballet, rock band, big band and the new Philharmonie Westfalen. Endlessly sold out performances and greatest media response. The CD is a recording from 8 and 9 May 2004

Records:  Media Systems,  2004

Performers on recording: JoJo, Hauptdarsteller / Rasmus Borkowski
Louisa Stegemann / Carina Sandhaus
Ümkit, der Türke / Evren Pekgelegen
Anna / Isabell Clasen
Aurora, GTattoobesitzerin / Richetta Manager
Chor, Neue Philharmonie Westfalen und viele Gäste,
Leitung: Kai Tietje

The C D contains as Bonus-Track "Seit 100 Jahren" (Arena-Mix) by Enjott Schneider, arranged and produced by Frankie Chinasky in the Pepper Studios Munich, by courtesy of Artist & Acts GmbH