Category: Chamber Music , Organ / Sacred Music
Duration: 15 minutes
Publisher of notes/sheet music: Schott Music Mainz , 2000
Instrumentation: Version 1: Oboe (middle: Englisch horn) and organ
Version 2: Pan pipes and organ
Version 3: Sopran saxophone (middle: alto saxophone) and organ
Solo instruments: Oboe, Saxophon
Introduction: NEKYIA is a world principle drawn from classical mythology and philosophy: every superior development, every spiritual advance, every step towards perfection requires the journey down to Hades. Every mountain begins in the bottom of a valley; light cannot exist withoug darkness, nor heaven without hell. Nekyia is the archetype of all religions. Orpheus had to go down to Hades ir order to reclaim the life of Euridice; Christs had to die in order to bear witness to life.
World premiere: 07.10.1989, St. Ursula Munich (Concert series MUSICA SACRA VIVA)
Performers at world premiere: Bernhard Heinrichs (oboe), Harald Feller (organ)
Records: WERGO, WER 6296-2, 1995
Performers on recording: First recording with Dieter Salewski (oboe) and Harald Feller (organ) St. Ursula church Munich on the WERGO-CD SOUNDS OF LIGHT LC0846
Second recording with Ulrich Herkenhoff (pan pipes) and Matthias Keller (organ) Eule-organ of the church of the ascension Munich-Sendling by KOCH/SCHWANN
on the CD PIPES & TUBES 3-6492-2 LC 1083 1997
Thid recording with Fabien Chouraki/saxophone and Marc Adamczewski/organ on the CD CHANT OF TÉNÈBRES on the Grandes Organ in the Noyon cathedral vds 012 2005