Category:  Organ / Sacred Music

Duration: 9 minutes

Publisher of notes/sheet music:  , 2015

Instrumentation: organ (if possible with 3 manuals)
percussions (large drum, small drum, 2 toms, large tam-tam, triangle, metal chimes)

Introduction: The Gregorian 'Media vita in morte sumus' (In the middle of our lives, we are in death) embodies the medieval thought of perishability. It was developed around 750 in France and is located in the 4th church sound (hypophrygic). It became popular as a protestant choral after the first publication in 1524 (Erfurt 'Enchiridion') in Martin Luther's German version 'In the middle of our lives, we are' with the melody by Johann Walther.
The drums contribute to the creation of the medieval atmosphere as they invite the listeners with muffled sounds to join the dance of the dead: after the mystical introduction, a vital saltarello follows and later mutates to Luther's 'In the middle of our lives, we are' with a symbolic 12 o'clock church bell ringing of an imaginary church bell in the middle of Luther's part. A more and more virtuosic 'Valse Macabre' follows, leading to a woodcarving-like quote of the Luther song as the finale.

Lyrics (in the original German language):
Martin Luther
Mitten wir im Leben sind

Mitten wir im Leben sind
Mit dem Tod umfangen.
Wen suchen wir, der Hilfe tu,
Daß wir Gnad erlangen?
Daß bist du, Herr, alleine.
Uns reuet unser Missetat,
Die dich, Herr, erzürnet hat.
Heiliger Herre Gott,
Heiliger starken Gott,
Heiliger barmherziger Heiland, du ewiger Gott,
Laß uns nicht versinken in des bittern Todes Not.
Mitten in dem Tod ansicht
Uns der Höllen Rachen.
Wer will uns aus solcher Not
Frei und ledig machen?
Das tust du, Herr, alleine.
Es jammert dein Barmherzigkeit
Unser Klag und großes Leid.
Heiliger Herre Gott,
Heiliger starker Gott,
Heiliger barmherziger Heiland, du ewiger Gott,
Laß uns nicht verzagen vor der tiefen Höllen Glut.
Mitten in der Höllen Angst
Unser Sünd uns treiben.
Wo solln wir denn fliehen hin,
Da wir mögen bleiben?
Zu dir, Herr, alleine.
Vergossen ist dein teures Blut,
Das gnug für die Sünde tut.
Heiliger Herre Gott,
Heiliger starker Gott,
Heiliger barmherziger Heiland, du ewiger Gott,
Laß uns nicht entfallen von des rechten Glaubens Trost.
(Erfurt Enchiridion 1524)

Dedication: Dedicated to Irmtraud Tarr, from the bottom of my heart

World premiere:  31.12.2015, Christuskirche Rheinfelden (Baden)

Performers at world premiere: Irmtraud Tarr (organ) and Edward Tarr (percussions), as part of the New Year's Eve concert 2015