Choir / Vocal
, Organ / Sacred Music
Movements: Halleluja motet (four voices) and modular movement (4 voices, 3 voices, organ movement, children's choir movement, movement for 3 equal voices)
Duration: 4 minutes
Publisher of notes/sheet music: Carus Verlag Stuttgart
, Motettenbuch Chorleiterband Carus 2.170 and Chorbuch Gotteslob Carus 2.160/10
, 2013
Instrumentation: a cappella choir and organ ad lib.
Text/Lyrics by: medieval
Introduction: Motet and choral movement were developed as no.39 of the new edition of the 'Katholisches Gotteslob' (Catholic Praise for God)
Dedication: Original: first mentioned, Salzburg around 1150, 'Klosterneuburg' 1325, Wittenberg 1529, Melody: Salzburg 1160/1433