Choir / Vocal
, Organ / Sacred Music
A simple but very effective and moving setting of the Beatitudes from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. - The composition was commissioned by the Nikolaikirche Leipzig for the 20th anniversary of the Peaceful Revolution in Leipzig: on 9 October 1989, the traditional Beatitudes peace prayer was held in the overcrowded Nikolaikirche, after which the decisive peace revolution of 70,000 people took place in the streets, whose silent power neither the SED leadership, nor the Stasi, nor the police forces were able to resist, and which led directly to the downfall of the GDR and the opening of the Wall. That is why the music contains elements of a contemporaneous composed film music.
Movements: Movement 1: In distress
Movement 2: Mercy
Movement 3: Hope
Duration: 13 (4:20 / 3:30 / 4:50)
Publisher of notes/sheet music: Schott Music
, 2009
Instrumentation: Motet for choir, violin, viola, cello, bassoon, organ (strings can be performed by soloists but also by an orchestra)
Solo instruments: Fagott
Text/Lyrics by: The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 5/3-12, translated by Martin Luther
Introduction: The composition was commissioned by the Nikolai Church in Leipzig for the 20th anniversary of the peaceful revolution in Laipzig on the 9th of October 1989.
Of great help to me with this composition was the work I did on the soundtrack for the film "The Miracle of Leipzig. We are the people" (broadview - TV Cologne with MDR and ARTE) from autumn 2008 until the recording on the 11th of January 2009, during which time I was confronted with pictures from 1989 and was plunged into the history of the time. Some motifs from the soundtrack were worked into the choral work, a fact that enhances its effect and expressiveness.
Words sung in German:
Der Bergpredigt-Text in der Übersetzung Martin Luthers (Matthäus V/1-12):
Selig sind, die da geistlich arm sind, denn ihrer ist das Himmelreich.
Selig sind, die da Leid tragen, denn sie sollen getröstet werden.
Selig sind die Sanftmütigen, denn sie werden das Erdreich besitzen.
Selig sind, die da hungert und dürstet nach der Gerechtigkeit, denn sie sollen satt werden.
Selig sind die Barmherzigen, denn sie werden Barmherzigkeit erlangen.
Selig sind, die reines Herzens sind, denn sie werden Gott schauen.
Selig sind die Friedfertigen, denn sie werden Gottes Kinder heißen.
Selig sind, die um Gerechtigkeit willen verfolgt werden, denn ihrer ist das Himmelreich.
Selig seid ihr, wenn euch die Menschen um meinetwillen schmähen und verfolgen und reden allerlei Übles wider euch, so sie daran lügen.
Seid fröhlich und getrost; es wird euch im Himmel belohnt werden. Denn also haben sie verfolgt die Propheten, die vor euch gewesen sind.
Dedication: Dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the peaceful revolution in East Germany
World premiere:
10.09.2009, Nikolai Church Leipzig
Performers at world premiere: World premiere as part of the Prayer of Peace at the Nikolai Church in Leipzig on 9th October 2009 with the Nikolai Church Leipzig Bach Choir, conducted by Jürgen Wolf