The summer months had begun end of April with the re-election as President of the German Composers Association and as Chairman of the Authors Right-Society GEMA - pretty intense cultural and political work associated with extensive travel from Berlin, Paris, London to Stockholm... Besides as a counterpart to the functionary life: MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC in all facets of composing and concerts, world premieres, editions of notes and CDs.
- It is a great honor that the ipc magazine made me "Artist of the Month" with the headline "enthusiastic playing... artfully and with ambiguous intelligence" in July 2016... this coincides with the fact that meanwhile a pleasing response is heard across the press and also across the broadcasts. The two WERGO CDs of my orchestral works Volume 5 "Bach, Dracula, Vivaldi & Co" (with soloists like Albrecht Mayer/oboe and Dorothee Oberlinger/flute among others) and Volume 6 "Shadows in the Dark" (with Christoph Hartmann/oboe among others) were newly published in May and August. In addition, also several online editions like the soundtrack of the movies classic "Charlie & Louise, the double Lottchen, that has been out of stock for 20 years and is now commercially available with i-tunes and amazon or a DVD from Taiwan showing the world premiere of my "YI JING" for Sheng & Chinese orchestra in Taipei NCPA last December.
World premieres during the last months were:
- Paris (three times in April) of LE CRI MUET for saxophone, choir and orchestra. The Orchestre Nouvelle Europe posted a youtube document thereof (available for keyword: Enjott Schneider "Le cri muet")
- Augsburg in the fairytale enchanted palace of the synagogue (the second most beautiful synagogue in Europe): LILITH. SYMPHONIC POEM, commissioned by the Yehudi Menuhin Society for its 100th anniversary
- St. Martin Bingen SYMPHONIALIS EST ANIMA for choir and percussion with the Clara Voce ensemble
- Munich on the occasion of "20 Years Society for Contemporary Music": THE BRIDE OF MARCEL DUCHAMP for large ensemble
- Gdansk/Poland Basilica Oliwa the double concerto for flute and organ BERNARDUS FRESCOS with Lukasz Dlugosz , Roman Perucki and the Baltic Philharmonic Orchestra Gdansk
- In the Cathedral of Berlin at the legendary Sauer Organ Bernhard Buttmann played the world premiere of the ORGAN SYMPHONY NO. 15 "PSYCHOGRAMM" created to Max Reger's 100th year of this death
- The orchestra of the State Theatre Mainz played the world premiere of PANTA RHEI. THE LUCK OF FLOWING
- In the cultural "egg" of Beijing, the NCPA National Center for Performing Arts, WuWei (Sheng) and BiaoLi, China's No. 1 percussionist, played the world premiere of my TIGER, DOG & ROOSTER together with the NCPA orchestra (see photos) - once again an entirely inspiring travel to China (even to the tropical island Hainan, which is located 3000km south, excursion to the rain forest included).
- Besides, numerous repeated performances contained in the regular concert life. I would particularly like to mention the PIANO CONCERT "EVOLUCIÓN", which I conducted myself with the Philharmonic Orchestra Madrid (see photo above).
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The summer 2016 was also marked by many personal moments like the birth of my fourth grandchild Yuna Milou Sophie (great joy) or a knee surgery (less joy). Many personal encounters were rewarding, for example meeting the exceptional trumpeter Sergei Nakarjakov and Otto Sauter on the Arlberg (for who I already completed composing a double concert "Dreamdancers", which will be played during the Trans-Siberian Art Festival in March 2017 for the first time); encounters, discussions, musical visions with musical friends like the conductor Hansjörg Albrecht, the piano duo Grau-Schumacher in Berlin, Christoph Enzel from the Saxophone quartet "Clair obscur" in Berlin, for which I'm composing a concert called "Berlin Punk" at the moment (which is played 7 times the coming spring), Albrecht Mayer (with an idyllic walk along the Isar), Biao Li and Wu Wei with 14 turbulent days in Berlin and Beijing and so on...
Many other good news are permanent: for example on September 19, 2016 the first broadcast of the ZDF thriller LOVE TO MURDER (a truly special and exciting movie, for which my soundtrack has been recorded in January 2016), ... new issues of music sheets like (from the Schott Verlag) the Organ Symphony No. 15 "Psychogramm" and No. 16 "Martin Luther", the orchestral score "Panta Rhei", or (from the Ries & Erler Verlag) the double concerto "Tiger, Dog & Rooster", "Lilith", "Le Cri Muet", the musical fairytale "The Moon and the Little Star" for orchestra or the choral work "Symphonialis est anima" (from the Strube Verlag in Munich), the organ variations "Song of the Franconians" or the orchestra scores for the double concert "Bernardus Frescos" and for the double concert "Dreamdancers" for piccolo trumpet and flugelhorn.
"ALBATROS" - THE PORTAL...FOR MUSIC OF A NEW EARTH Don't fear contemporary music... there is a lot of finest music for a broad and worldwide audience... Music of the ALBATROS Like this amazing bird...with an impressive span, with a wide range, stylistically boundless, cosmopolitan, holistically appealing to heart and mind, spiritual beyond ego and greed for profit; always in search of transcendence, peace and the preservation of nature, but nevertheless vital, motoric, playful and with an excessive desire for liveliness... ...instead of machine & computer there is soul, freedom, breathing, love and life!2024 - Composing Oratorios - my secret passion / eine stille Leidenschaft!
Auch in 2024 waren großbesetzte Oratorien meine stille Leidenschaft, die viel Raum für Ideen, kosmische Klänge lassen und meist ein sehr großes Publikum anziehen... ein Überblick.CD "BRIDGES TO INFINITY" im Juli 2024 eingespielt
Hoch aufwendige CD-Produktion BRIDGES TO INFINITY mit der BODENSEE-PHILHARMONIE (vormals: Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz) mit Chefdirigent Gabriel Venzago. Ein Feuerwerk der musikalischen Qualitäten, indem sich als Sternstunde des Musizieren die Solisten Julia Sophie Wagner (Sopran), Alexias Eichhorn (Viola), Friedemann Eichhorn (Violine), das Schlagzeugquartett Stefan Blum, der Chor der Klang-Verwaltung und eben das staunenmachende Orchester gegenseitig hochschaukelten, kompromisslos, risikobereit und hoch emotional. Diese CD dürfte meine beste von den bislang über 100 CDs werden!!!! Ich freue mich auf den release ihm Herbst 2024!NEW WORKS in 2024 Part 1
NEW COMPOSITIONS... in the first half the year 2024: TIME IS RUNNING & LIFE IS SO SHORT!!! Ein kleiner Überblick über die neu komponierten Werke und über die neuen Verlagsausgaben.2024 erste Hälfte: Uraufführungen / First Performances
Neben den zahlreichen wiederholten Werkaufführungen aus vergangenen jahren gab es in der ersten Hälfte von 2024 einige bemerkenswerte aktuelle Uraufführungen. Im Überblick: