ORLANDO DI LASSO MEDAL - Regensburg 2018
...and some thoughts about Honors & Awards
Only at a certain age your life’s work is perceived and honored... – a circumstance that surely gives pleasure but also can unsettle one with the feeling of being an old man! ... So I got even in 2015 at the International Festival „Soundtrack Cologne“ a Honorary Prize for the Lifetime Achievement. And in march 2016 I was awarded the title of a honorary professor at Amazonas University in Manaus/Brazil. And now in 2018 there are some more honors:
On 5th of may 2018 II was invited to be the Honorary Artistic Adviser of the Guangzhou opera house (worldfamous and built by Zaha Hadid)... also with relief imprint of the hand for the Hall of Fame.
On 8th of may 2018 I was elected honorably as an official member of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Art in Munich
On 22nd of october Enjott Schneider will be awarded in Regensburg – together with Roland Büchner (Domkapellmeister at Regensburg Cathedral) with the ORLANDO DI LASSO-MEDALLE by ACV – Allgemeiner Caecilienverein Deutschland: This is the highest award for Sacred Music and is given internationally by unanimous decision of the three countries Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
My gratitude for all these attentions!
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