Musical Works, newly published in music editions & newly composed
The corona pandemic has hardly killed any significant number of people in Germany... we have a lower mortality rate in the population as a whole than in 2018 or 2019. What really fell victim to the hysterical and exaggerated restrictions on contact and events, however, are music life and traditional music publishers: no more performances and live music-making (whether orchestras, choirs or house music), no more sales of sheet music and no more music rental (to opera houses and philharmonic orchestras). Paralysing inactivity in all areas of culture and music making, and little hope for a cultural upswing....
This is why it is currently difficult to compose new works with flow and visionary energy. A dozen of composed and also published works lie in my drawers, - no performance dates, no new composition commissions, a literal "no future feeling".
In many music publishing houses, a production stop and short-time work prevail as a survival strategy. So I can count myself lucky that at least some smaller compositions have been printed and published in the last few months. Four works were published by Ries & Erler/Berlin in October: "RA"-RITUAL for 10 concert flutes, the "SILENT PRELUDES... ABOUT INSECTS & THE MICROBIOTIC WORLD" for organ and sound design, "AILULU", Yiddish lullaby for flute and harp (the Polish premiere has been postponed indefinitely), "STILL SEIN - CALLARSE" for piano quintet after a poem by Pablo Neruda (the November premiere with BR-Klassik is also postponed indefinitely). In October "THE STONES OF NEWGRANGE", a Spiral Music for Guitar & Organ.... was published by Strube Munich.
Only with great effort and downright personal effort ("What is the point of composing for and for whom in this Corona idleness?") have smaller works with smaller instrumentation been created in the months of August/September/October 2020: Besides the piano quintet "STILL SEIN - CALLARSE", the lullaby "AILULU" for flute and harp, the organ work "SILENT PRELUDES". In addition, a chamber-musical CONCERTINO "ODE TO HARMONY" for bassoon and string orchestra (premiered four times in Italy in September) was composed and four interludes "FARBEN DER GLOCKE" for vocal ensemble and percussion, which is currently being edited by Strube-Verlag and which will be recorded on CD in December by the Regensburg vocal ensemble "Stimmgold" (premiere postponed indefinitely)...
...Yes, - that's how retarded and not very hopeful "Composing during the Covid19 pandemic" looks like. Let's wait for better times again!
"ALBATROS" - THE PORTAL...FOR MUSIC OF A NEW EARTH Don't fear contemporary music... there is a lot of finest music for a broad and worldwide audience... Music of the ALBATROS Like this amazing bird...with an impressive span, with a wide range, stylistically boundless, cosmopolitan, holistically appealing to heart and mind, spiritual beyond ego and greed for profit; always in search of transcendence, peace and the preservation of nature, but nevertheless vital, motoric, playful and with an excessive desire for liveliness... ...instead of machine & computer there is soul, freedom, breathing, love and life!2024 - Composing Oratorios - my secret passion / eine stille Leidenschaft!
Auch in 2024 waren großbesetzte Oratorien meine stille Leidenschaft, die viel Raum für Ideen, kosmische Klänge lassen und meist ein sehr großes Publikum anziehen... ein Überblick.CD "BRIDGES TO INFINITY" im Juli 2024 eingespielt
Hoch aufwendige CD-Produktion BRIDGES TO INFINITY mit der BODENSEE-PHILHARMONIE (vormals: Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz) mit Chefdirigent Gabriel Venzago. Ein Feuerwerk der musikalischen Qualitäten, indem sich als Sternstunde des Musizieren die Solisten Julia Sophie Wagner (Sopran), Alexias Eichhorn (Viola), Friedemann Eichhorn (Violine), das Schlagzeugquartett Stefan Blum, der Chor der Klang-Verwaltung und eben das staunenmachende Orchester gegenseitig hochschaukelten, kompromisslos, risikobereit und hoch emotional. Diese CD dürfte meine beste von den bislang über 100 CDs werden!!!! Ich freue mich auf den release ihm Herbst 2024!NEW WORKS in 2024 Part 1
NEW COMPOSITIONS... in the first half the year 2024: TIME IS RUNNING & LIFE IS SO SHORT!!! Ein kleiner Überblick über die neu komponierten Werke und über die neuen Verlagsausgaben.2024 erste Hälfte: Uraufführungen / First Performances
Neben den zahlreichen wiederholten Werkaufführungen aus vergangenen jahren gab es in der ersten Hälfte von 2024 einige bemerkenswerte aktuelle Uraufführungen. Im Überblick: