The producer of the new Oehms Classic-CD SINGPHONIKER: CHATROOM & OTHER WORKS BY ENJOTT SCHNEIDER, Dieter Oehms, refused to include the lyrics of "CHATROOM" in the CD insert, - on reasons of unsuitability for young people! - Such an inquisitorial measure is beyond comprehension in our day and age, - as children see and hear things that are far worse in any afternoon program on RTL. Moreover, it is fact that this kind of chat language is of the highest literary level (why else would more that 50 recent dissertations deal with communication and language structures in Chat). - To cut a long story short: My agent Dr. Andreas Janotta  has now produced a CD insert that contains both the lyrics as well as the note - also missing in the Oehms CD - that I was the conductor of the Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss and that I conducted the CD on German Radio Cologne in May 2012. So, here are the lyrics:
