„Above the clouds“ (with many journeys and creative highlights, supernatural performances) and „fully grounded“ (with terribly exhausting work, very little sleep and even a concussion) ... that's how high-contrast and eventfully the year 2015 began. Images above: Easter Monday at the village well of my birth town Weil am Rhein and flight Berlin-Munich in March.
My highlights:
NEW COMPOSITIONS: I developed the oboe concert MOZART ASCENDING for Albrecht Mayer (Berliner Philharmoniker), the flute concert YANG GUIFEI for the Chinese dizi virtuoso Chen Yue (Beijing), the cello concert FATAL HARMONIES OF BLACK SWEETNESS for Julius Berger, the double concert ISOLDE & TRISTAN for erhu and violoncello for the erhu soloist Beiru Xu (Xiamen), two "Bayreuth Oratorio" JESUS CHRISTUS, MENSCH & BRUDER (Jesus Christ - Human Being & Brother) for Good Friday 2015 and TAUBE, WASSER & FEUERSTURM (Dove, Water & Firestorm) for Pentecost 2015, the piano composition WENN WEIDEN VOLLMONDS IM WASSER... (When Willows in the Water at a Full Moon ...) and a commissioned work for the Regensburg 'Domspatzen', the motet SIE IST MIR LIEB, DIE WERTE MAGD.... (She is dear to me, the valued maidservant)
WORLD PREMIERES: January 29 / Bayreuth 'Stadtkirche' Part 1 of the Oratorical Triptych SANCTA TRINITAS; March 8 / Cathedral Havana in Cuba, the motet SALVE REGINA; March 29 / 'Herrsching am Ammersee', the cello concert FATAL HARMONIES based on the Gesualdo madrigal „Moro ai lasso“ with Julius Berger; April 3 / Bayreuth 'Stadtkirche', the Good Friday Oratorio JESUS CHRISTUS; April 24 / 'Philharmonie Bad Reichenhall', the violin concert AUGEN DER ERDE/EARTHs EYE with Ingolf Turban. Among the film scores, I would like to mention the premiere of the ZDF documentary MIT DEM MUT DER VERZWEIFLUNG (With the courage of despair) on the 27th of January on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.
CD RECORDINGS: In January, in co-production with BR-Klassik, I conducted the oratorio AUGUSTINUS and the orchestral composition HÖCHSTES HEILES WUNDER (Highest Holy Wonder) for Hansjörg Albrecht, the Munich Bach-Choir and the Munich Bach-Orchestra as volume 12 of my series „Sacred music“ (ambiente audio). In March, the Mexican conductor Alondra de la Parra and the 'Tonkünstler-Orchester' recorded my third CD of the series 'Orchestermusik' (WERGO) in Vienna/Grafenegg (e.g. with Symphony No. 7 „Dunkelwelt“ (Dark World) and „Naturklänge – Hommage a Sergiu Celibidache“ (Sounds of Nature - Ode to Sergiu Celibidache); in the Regensburg Cathedral, cathedral organist F.J. Stoiber performed JUBILISSIMO and ORGAN SYMPHONY NO. 12 „VENI CREATOR“ for the CD Volume 13 (ambiente audio).
NEW PRINTED SHEET MUSIC PRINTS: Schott-Music/Mainz published „Robert Schumanns Traumreise“ (Robert Schumann's Dream Journey) and the piano excerpt for the recorder concert „Ommagio a Vivaldi“, as well as „Dreamin’ backwards to my former times mistress“ for alto recorder. The publishing company Ries & Erler/Berlin published „Dunkelreise“ (Dark Journey), sextet for oboe and strings, as well as the score and piano excerpt for the violin concert „Augen der Erde/ Earths Eye“. The Strube-Verlag Munich released sheet music for the cello concert „Fatal Harmonies of Black Sweetness“, oratorio 2+3 of the triptych SANCTA TRINITAS, each with score and piano excerpt, the motet „Salve Regina“ for six female voices and the motet „Sie ist mir lieb, die werte Magd“ (She is dear to me, the valued maidservant) for mixed choir. Carus-Verlag/Stuttgart published my three choral arrangements from the film score for THE HOBBITS.
This website contains more detailed information for all compositions and performances.
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