Enjott Schneider
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- 25. May 2025
Symphonie Nr. 8 DIE GLOCKE
Am 25. Mai 2025 - exakt an meinem 75. Geburtstag (!) - gibt es in Konstanz / im Historischen Konzilgebäude im Rahmen des 10. Philharmonischen Abo-Konzertes die Uraufführung der Symphonie Nr. 8 DIE GLOCKE - BRÜCKE ZUR UNENDLICHKEIT, mit Julia Sophie-Wagner (Sopran), Sinfonischer Chor Konstanz (Einstudierung Wolfgang Mettler) und der Bodensee-Philharmonie. Gesamtleitung Chefdirigent Gabriel Venzago; davor erklingt von F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy die Musik zu "Sommernachtstraum" op. 21 und op. 61 - 23. May 2025
Uraufführung Symphonie Nr. 8 DIE GLOCKE
Am 23. Mai 2025 gibt es in Konstanz / im Historischen Konzilgebäude im Rahmen des 10. Philharmonischen Abo-Konzertes die Uraufführung der Symphonie Nr. 8 DIE GLOCKE - BRÜCKE ZUR UNENDLICHKEIT, mit Julia Sophie-Wagner (Sopran), Sinfonischer Chor Konstanz (Einstudierung Wolfgang Mettler) und der Bodensee-Philharmonie. Gesamtleitung Chefdirigent Gabriel Venzago; davor erklingt von F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy die Musik zu "Sommernachtstraum" op. 21 un d op. 61 - 18. May 2025
REQUIEM about insects in Konstanz
Am 18. Mai 2025 Konstanz Konzilgebäute gibt es als Kammermusik: REQUIEM About Insects & The Microbiotic World for string quartet, surprise percussion, Video and sound design mit Florian Reß (Percussion), Streichquartett der Bodensee Philharmonie, Enjott Schneider Sound Design - 8. May 2025
Friedens-Moratorium FREIHEIT - ATEM DES LEBENS
80 JAHRE KRIEGSENDE – EINE KLANG-REISE mit Musik aus Gregorianik, Renaissance, Frank Martin (1890-1974), und (Uraufführung) Enjott Schneider: „Die Freiheit ist der Atem des Lebens“ Texte: NS-Widerstandskämpfer Pater Alfred Delp / Musik: Enjott Schneider mit Solisten und der Michaelsmusik Leitung: Dr. Frank Höndgen mit dem Collegium Monacense, der Choralschola, dem großen Michaelschor mit Violincello solo, Sopransaxohon solo, Streichquartett, Percussion mit der großen Orgel und der Chororgel - 20. Apr 2025
FATAL HARMONIES Violakonzert in Arco Festival Gardasee
Am Ostersonntag 20. April 2025 17:00 beim Festival "Pasqua Musicale Arcense" spielt Alexia Eichhorn mit dem Festivalorchester von Enjott Schneider das Violakonzert FATAL HARMONIES. VARIATIONS ON GESUALDO'S MADRIGAL - 28. Feb 2025
Jury Musica Sacra Nova Rom 25
Vom 28. Februar bis 2. März 2025 in Rom findet die Jurysitzung des Internationalen Wettbewerbs für Chorkomposition MUSICA SACRA NOVA in den Räumen des Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra / Päpstliche Musikiniversiät Rom statt. Bei diesem Wettbewerb bin ich erneut Juryvorsitzender. - 22. Feb 2025
Am 22. Februar 2022 in München Matthäuskirche gibt es die Uraufführung von: CREATIO - VOM MYSTERIUM DES EWIGEN URSPRUNGS für Sopran, Chor, Sprecher, Saxophon-Quartett, Violoncello-Quartett, Percussion-Quartett und Orgel. Münchner Motettenchor, Leitung: Benedikt Haag, mit Miroslav Nemec (Sprecher), Arcis-Saxophonquartett, Wen-Sinn Yang-Celloquartett, Stefan Blum-Percussionquartett. Libretto: Enjott Schneider Kompositionsauftrag des Münchner Motettenchors. - 7. Feb 2025
Motette ELEMENT "WASSER" Uraufführung
Am Freitag, den 7.2.2025 um 19:00 in der Matthäuskirche München, Sendlinger Tor, gibt es in der "Motette" des Münchner Motettenchors die Uraufführung von ELEMENT "WASSER" für Chor und Orgel. Dies ist eine Bearbeitung des 5. Satzes aus dem Oratorium CREATIO, das dann am 22. Februar am selben Ort seine Premiere haben wird. - 3. Feb 2025
Vom 3.-7. Februar 2025 findet in Köln eine WDR-Produktion mit dem Rundfunkorchester des WDR, Leitung: Frank Strobel statt. Solisten sind Andreas Skouras (Piano) und Friedemann Eichhorn (Solovioline). Auf dem Programm stehen u.a. neu komponierte Orchester-Suiten nach Motiven aus Filmen wie "Leise Schatten", "Die andere Frau", "Ohne Dich", "Catarina von Siena", "Vater Wider Willen", "Stauffenberg" u.a. - 24. Nov 2024
Am Sonntag, den 24. November 2024 17:00 im Frauendom München gibt es eine besondere Uraufführung (Auftragswerk des Erzbistums München-Freising): Enjott Schneider: BEATITUDINES DIE SELIGPREISUNGEN – IN ZEITLOSER WAHRHEIT Oratorium 1300 Jahre Erzbistum München und Freising für Sopran, Bariton, Chor, Solovioline & Orchester mit Soli, den Chören des Frauendoms, Ruben J. Sturm (Orgel), Ingolf Turban (Solovioline), Orchester der Dommusik München, Leitung: Benedikt Celler Ausserdem spielt Domorganist Ruben J. Sturm die Uraufführung des ihm gewidmeten PRELUDIO BEATITUDINES für Orgel - 23. Nov 2024
Am Samstag, den 23. November 2024 17:00 im Frauendom München gibt es eine besondere Uraufführung (Auftragswerk des Erzbistums München-Freising); Wiederholung am Sonntag, den 24.11.2024: Enjott Schneider: BEATITUDINES DIE SELIGPREISUNGEN – IN ZEITLOSER WAHRHEIT Oratorium 1300 Jahre Erzbistum München und Freising für Sopran, Bariton, Chor, Solovioline & Orchester mit Soli, den Chören des Frauendoms, Ruben J. Sturm (Orgel), Ingolf Turban (Solovioline), Orchester der Dommusik München, Leitung: Benedikt Celler Ausserdem spielt Domorganist Ruben J. Sturm die Uraufführung des ihm gewidmeten PRELUDIO BEATITUDINES für Orgel - 23. Nov 2024
RING DER NIBELUNGEN in Augsburger Puppenkiste
23. November um 19:30, - Im Herbst 2024 gibt es acht weitere Termine mit der legendärgewordenen Version: DER RING DER NIBLUNGEN, Regie und Buch: Florian Moch, dazu 70 Minuten kaleidoskopartig schillernde Enjott Schneider-Musik zwischen Richard Wagner, Elektronik und Flapsig-Pop.... Wagners Ring von 16 Stunden auf 2 Stunden verdichtet...höchst verständlich (endlich) die komplexe Götter-Beziehungsgeschichte, ab 12 Jahren. - 22. Nov 2024
RING DER NIBELUNGEN in Augsburger Puppenkiste
22. November um 19:30, - Im Herbst 2024 gibt es acht weitere Termine mit der legendärgewordenen Version: DER RING DER NIBLUNGEN, Regie und Buch: Florian Moch, dazu 70 Minuten kaleidoskopartig schillernde Enjott Schneider-Musik zwischen Richard Wagner, Elektronik und Flapsig-Pop.... Wagners Ring von 16 Stunden auf 2 Stunden verdichtet...höchst verständlich (endlich) die komplexe Götter-Beziehungsgeschichte, ab 12 Jahren. - 21. Nov 2024
RING DER NIBELUNGEN in Augsburger Puppenkiste
21. November um 19:30, - Im Herbst 2024 gibt es acht weitere Termine mit der legendärgewordenen Version: DER RING DER NIBLUNGEN, Regie und Buch: Florian Moch, dazu 70 Minuten kaleidoskopartig schillernde Enjott Schneider-Musik zwischen Richard Wagner, Elektronik und Flapsig-Pop.... Wagners Ring von 16 Stunden auf 2 Stunden verdichtet...höchst verständlich (endlich) die komplexe Götter-Beziehungsgeschichte, ab 12 Jahren. - 19. Nov 2024
O PASTOR ETERNE in Brauweiler UA
Am 19. November 2024 in der Basilika der Abteikirche St. Nikolaus Brauweiler führt Michael Utz im Rahmen der Feierlichkeiten "1000 Jahre ehemalige Benediktinerabtei Brauweiler" auf: O PASTOR ETERNE. Meditation zum Heiligen Nikolaus. Das Augftragswerk wird im "Brauweiler Orgelbuch" (Verlag Dr. J. Butz) veröffentlicht. - 16. Nov 2024
RING DER NIBELUNGEN in Augsburger Puppenkiste
16. November um 19:30, - Im Herbst 2024 gibt es acht weitere Termine mit der legendärgewordenen Version: DER RING DER NIBLUNGEN, Regie und Buch: Florian Moch, dazu 70 Minuten kaleidoskopartig schillernde Enjott Schneider-Musik zwischen Richard Wagner, Elektronik und Flapsig-Pop.... Wagners Ring von 16 Stunden auf 2 Stunden verdichtet...höchst verständlich (endlich) die komplexe Götter-Beziehungsgeschichte, ab 12 Jahren. - 15. Nov 2024
DAO OF WATER - Double Concerto in Hongkong PREMIERE
Friday 15th of November 2024: world premiere of Enjott SchneidersDouble Concerto for Yangqin, Kanun and Chinese Orchestra "Dao of Water" at the "Then and Now: A Dialogue" concert at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall! Renowned Kanun player Mr. Hakan Güngör and Principal Yangqin of our Orchestra Ms. Lee Meng-hsueh will be the soloists for this piece. - 9. Nov 2024
Am 9. November 2024 um 19:00 in der Kompakt-Klavierwerkstatt München spielt Jelena Stoijkovics das Klavierstück NOTTURNO OSCURO "...erbärmlich gekrümmt" (erschienen im Schott Musikverlag), das eben auch auf ihrer neuen CD SCHUBERT ECHOS erschienen ist. - 3. Nov 2024
REQUIEM. About Insects in München
Am 3.11.2024 17 Uhr in der Herz Jesu Kirche München gibt es mein: REQUIEM. About Insects & The Microbiotic World for string quartet, percussion, Video and sound design mit Stefan Blum (percussion) & Friends. 1: ALIENS AMONG US! 2: SPIDER & FLY 3: FROM UGLY TO BEAUTIFUL (CATERPILLAR & BUTTERFLY) 4: BEETLES RAG. 5: IN THE CITY OF ANTS 6: REQUIEM FOR A DYING WORLD - 26. Oct 2024
Concert Beijing with China National Symphony Orchestra
26. Oktober 2024 in Beijing / Beijing Concert Hall: Das CHINA NATIONAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA / conductor: LI Xincao gibt ein Konzert mit Werken von Enjott Schneider: SYMPHONY NR. 3 "CHINESE SEASONS" for alto, sheng and orchestra, mit Zhu Huiling (Alt) und WuWei (Sheng) sowie das Shengkonzert CHANGES ("I Ging") mit WuWei (Sheng). - 26. Oct 2024
RING DER NIBELUNGEN in Augsburger Puppenkiste
26. Oktober um 19:30, - Im Herbst 2024 gibt es acht weitere Termine mit der legendärgewordenen Version: DER RING DER NIBLUNGEN, Regie und Buch: Florian Moch, dazu 70 Minuten kaleidoskopartig schillernde Enjott Schneider-Musik zwischen Richard Wagner, Elektronik und Flapsig-Pop.... Wagners Ring von 16 Stunden auf 2 Stunden verdichtet...höchst verständlich (endlich) die komplexe Götter-Beziehungsgeschichte, ab 12 Jahren. - 25. Oct 2024
RING DER NIBELUNGEN in Augsburger Puppenkiste
25. Oktober um 19:30, - Im Herbst 2024 gibt es acht weitere Termine mit der legendärgewordenen Version: DER RING DER NIBLUNGEN, Regie und Buch: Florian Moch, dazu 70 Minuten kaleidoskopartig schillernde Enjott Schneider-Musik zwischen Richard Wagner, Elektronik und Flapsig-Pop.... Wagners Ring von 16 Stunden auf 2 Stunden verdichtet...höchst verständlich (endlich) die komplexe Götter-Beziehungsgeschichte, ab 12 Jahren. - 19. Oct 2024
BEYOND STILLNESS beim Lublin-Musikfestival Polen
Am 19.10.2024 beim Festival "Andrzej Nikodemowicz" in Lublin / Poland spielen Lukasz Dlugosz und Agata Kielar-Dlugosz die Drei Sutras für 2 Flöten und Klavier: BEYOND STILLNESS. Am Klavier: Andrzej Jungiewicz (piano) - 19. Oct 2024
ALPHA & OMEGA UA im Konzerthaus berlin
Am 19. Oktober 2024 um 20:00 im Konzerthaus Berlin / Am Gendarmenmarkt spielt Hansjörg Albrecht (Orgel) die offizielle Urauffü´hrung von Enjott Schneider ALPHA & OMEGA. IN MEMORIAM ANTON BRUCKNER zum 200. Geburtstag, erschienen im Strube-Musikverlag München. Das Werk entstand als 10. "Brucknerfenster" seiner Gesamteinspielung aller Bruckner-Sinfonien auf den großen Orgeln quer durch Europa. Diese CD-Box erscheint bei Öhms Classics im Juni 2024 - 19. Oct 2024
RING DER NIBELUNGEN in Augsburger Puppenkiste
19. Oktober um 19:30, - Im Herbst 2024 gibt es acht weitere Termine mit der legendärgewordenen Version: DER RING DER NIBLUNGEN, Regie und Buch: Florian Moch, dazu 70 Minuten kaleidoskopartig schillernde Enjott Schneider-Musik zwischen Richard Wagner, Elektronik und Flapsig-Pop.... Wagners Ring von 16 Stunden auf 2 Stunden verdichtet...höchst verständlich (endlich) die komplexe Götter-Beziehungsgeschichte, ab 12 Jahren. - 19. Oct 2024
Am Samstag, den 19.Oktober in der Kirche St. Martin Kaufbeuren spielt Johannes Skudlik das sinfonische GEDICHT: AT THE EDGE OF TIME... Variationen über das Requiem d-moll von W.A. Mozart, in denen die letzten Stunden des Musikgottes beleuchtet werden. - 18. Oct 2024
18. Oktober um 19:30, - Im Herbst 2024 gibt es acht weitere Termine mit der legendärgewordenen Version: DER RING DER NIBLUNGEN, Regie und Buch: Florian Moch, dazu 70 Minuten kaleidoskopartig schillernde Enjott Schneider-Musik zwischen Richard Wagner, Elektronik und Flapsig-Pop.... Wagners Ring von 16 Stunden auf 2 Stunden verdichtet...höchst verständlich (endlich) die komplexe Götter-Beziehungsgeschichte, ab 12 Jahren. - 15. Oct 2024
EDGE OF TIME in Firenze/Florenz
Am 15. Oktober 2024 in der Basilika Santa Croce in Florenz/Firenze spielt Johannes Skudlik mein 18minütiges Orgelwerk AT THE EDGE OF TIME / AM ABGRUND DER ZEIT. Variationen über Mozarts REQUIEM d-moll und seine letzten Lebensminuten. - 12. Oct 2024
12.10.2024 um 19:00 in Traunstein / Vereinshaus werden im Rahmen des Konzerts OUR HOPE IS BLUE & GREEN / UMWELT-FRIEDE-HOFFNUNG des Tonkünstlerverbandes Südostbayern e.V. von Enjott Schneider aufgeführt: Quintett für Flöte, Harfe, Violine, viola und Violoncello OUR HOPE IS BLUE & GREEN mit dem Ensemble MOSAIQUE / Alice Guinet (Flöte), Barbara Pöschl-Edrich (Harfe), Anna Kakutia (Violine), Julia Ruge (Viola), Michael Weiß (Cello) und das Finale von PRAYERS... FROM THE HELLS OF WAR für Akkordeon und Hackbrett, mit Marinus Weidinger (Akkordeon) und Xaver Eckert (Hackbrett) - 19. Sep 2024
SECRET WORLD OF DEMONS mit TCO in Dresden Sheng Concerto
Am Freitag, 19.9.2024 um 19:30 in Dresden Kulturpalast spielt WuWei das Shengkonzert SECRET WORLD OF DEMONS & SPIRITS, auf der Europatournee 24 des TCO Taipei Chinese Orchestra, Leitung: Yu-An Chang - 16. Sep 2024
SECRET WORLD of SPIRITS in Prague/Czech Rpublic
Am Montag, 16.9.2024 um 20:00 in Prag/ Smetana Saal in der Stadthalle spielt WuWei das Shengkonzert SECRET WORLD OF DEMONS & SPIRITS, auf der Europatournee 24 des TCO Taipei Chinese Orchestra, Leitung: Yu-An Chang - 14. Sep 2024
Organ Works performed by Winfried Lichtscheidel / Landsberg
Samstag, den 14. September 2024 in der Stadtpfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt / Landsberg am Lech spielt Winfried Lichtscheidel im Abschlusskonzert des 39. Landsberger ORGEL-Sommer von Enjott Schneider: Aus dem Ansbacher Orgelbüchlein: Agnus Dei, Allein Gott in der Höh', Komm, Heiliger Geist, Schmücke Dich, o liebe Seele; ferner zum Brucknerjahr 2024 mein ALPHA ET OMEGA. IN MEMORIAM ANTON BRUCKNER - 8. Sep 2024
Sonntag, 8. September 2024 in Taipei Zhongshan Hall erklingt Enjott Schneider: The Secret of Demons & Spirits for Sheng and Chinese Orchestra with Taipei Chinese Orchestra,CHANG Yu-an, Conductor WU Wei, Sheng solo. The composition is dedicated to WuWei - 18. Aug 2024
HOKETUS ex: JUBILUS beim Lucerne Festival /Schweiz
18.8.2024 im KKL Konzertsaal des Luzerne Festivals in der 11:00 Matine gibt es die Uraufführung des HOKETUS aus dem Zyklus "Jubilus" für Brass Ensemble und Orgel in der erweiterten Neufassung mit 2 Trompeten, 2 Posaunen, Orgel und Pauken. Mit dem brass ensemble des Lucerne Festival Orchestra (Leitung Reinhold Friedrich) und Raymond Curfs (Solopauker des Sinfonieorchesters des BR München). - 19. Jul 2024
Vivaldissimo in Meloneras / Gran Canaria
Am 19. Juli 2024 in Meloneras / Gran Canaria (Spanien) spielen Reinhold Friedrich und Jeroen Berwaerts (Trompeten) zusammen mit dem Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria unter Leitung von Önder Baloglu das Doppelkonzert VIVALDISSIMO für zwei Trompeten als Abschluss eines Barockkonzertes. - 16. Jul 2024
Orgelsinfonie Nr. 6 im Kölner Dom
Am 16.7. 2024 um 20:00 wird im Kölner Dom mit TV-Übertragung zu Anton Bruckners 200. Geburtstag vom Kölner Domorganisten Winfried BÖNIG neben Werken von Anton Bruckner meine 35minütige "Orgelsinfonie Nr. 6 TE DEUM: IN MEMORIAM ANTON BRUCKNER" als großes Finale aufgeführt… Eine große Ehre für mich neben Anton Bruckner zu sein sowie in diesem einmaligen Kathedral-Ambiente, ...wo ich natürlich anwesend sein werde. - 15. Jul 2024
15.7.2024 um 20:00 in Freiburg i.Br. Konzertsaal der Hochschule für Musik Freiburg: Vincent Knüppe (Orgel) spielt die TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER in einem Konzert mit Werken von Bach, Buxtehude, Schneider, Vierne. Dieses Konzert hat mit tiefe Bedeutung, denn genau am 15. Juli 1924 ist mein Vater geboren, der hier seinen 100. Geburtstag feiern könnte, wenn er nicht mit 49 Jahren gestorben wäre.... alles in meiner eigenen Freiburger Studienzeit. - 13. Jul 2024
Da Pacem - Verleih uns Frieden in Regensburg
Am Samstag den 13. Juli 2024 um 18:00 in Regensburg Basilika St. Emmeran singt das Chorensemble ART VOKAL im Programm "Alte Meister bewegen!" von Enjott Schneider die Motette DA PACEM DOMINE - VERLEIH UNS FRIEDEN für chor a capella (SATB) Edition Schott Music ED 55511, die Leitung hat Kunibert Schäfer. Veranstaltet vom "Kulturgarten Regensburg e.V." - 11. Jul 2024
MOTETTE DA PACEM - Verleih uns Frieden in Schwandorf
Am 11. Juli 2024 um 18:00 in Schwandorf Kirche "Zu unserer Lieben Frau" singt das Chorensemble ART VOKAL im Programm "Alte Meister bewegen!" von Enjott Schneider die Motette DA PACEM DOMINE - VERLEIH UNS FRIEDEN für chor a capella (SATB) Edition Schott Music ED 55511, die Leitung hat Kunibert Schäfer - 10. Jul 2024
Orgelsinfonie Nr. 6 TE DEUM im Münchner Frauendom
Am 10.7. 2024 um 19:30 Uhr wird im München Dom "Zur Lieben Frau" anlässlich von Anton Bruckners 200. Geburtstag vom Kölner Domorganisten Winfried BÖNIG neben Werken von Anton Bruckner meine 35minütige "Orgelsinfonie Nr. 6 TE DEUM: IN MEMORIAM ANTON BRUCKNER" als großes Finale aufgeführt… Eine große Ehre für mich neben Anton Bruckner zu sein, ...wo ich natürlich anwesend sein werde. - 7. Jul 2024
BAUMWELTEN - WORLDS OF TREE im Penderecki-Zentrum Polen
7.07 2024 in Luslawice (Penderecki Center) Lukasz Dlugosz (Flute) performs "Wolrlds of Tree /Baumwelten" with the Silesian Chamber Orchestra - 6. Jul 2024
AT THE EDGE of TIME im Landsberger Orgelsommer
Am 6. Juli 2024 um 11:15 in der Stadtpfarrkirche Mariäe Himmelfahrt in Landsberg am Lech spielt Johannes Skudlik im Rahmen des 39. LANDSBERGER ORGELSOMMER mein 18minütiges Orgelwerk AT THE EDGE OF TIME / AM A BGRUND DER ZEIT. Variationen über Mozarts REQUIEM d-moll und seine letzten Lebensminuten. - 1. Jul 2024
BRIDGE TO INFINITY - - - - - - - CD-Recording
Vom 1. Juli bis zum 5. Juli 2024 in der Dominikanerkirche beim Seehotel Konstanz findet die CD-Aufnahme BRIDGES TO INFINITY statt. Programm mit Werken von Enjott Schneider: Sinfonie Nr. 8 DIE GLOCKE - BRÜCKE ZUR UNENDLICHKEIT / Violinkonzert THE BIRDS - WISDOM & MAGIC / Violakonzert FATAL HARMONIES. VARIATIONS ON GESUALDO "MORO LASSO AL MIO DUOLO" Ausführende: Julia Sophie Wagner (Sopran), Friedemann Eichhorn (Violine) Alexia Eichhorn (Viola), Chor der KLANGVERWALTUNG und SÜDWESTDEUTSCHE PHILHARMONIE, Leitung: Gabriel Venzago Tonmeister: Karsten Zimmermann und Johannes Müller für das Label SOLO MUSICA (Hubert Haas, München) - 29. Jun 2024
KRIEMHILD - Spiel zum Nibelungenlied vor Passauer Dom
Am Samstag, den 29. Juni 2024 auf dem Domplatz Passau gibt es die Uraufführung der Neufassung von KRIEMHILD. SINFONISCHES SPIEL ZUM NIBELUNGENLIED (Libretto: Enjott Schneider nach der Übersetzung von Carl Simrock) u.a. mit Theresa Pilsl (Sopran), Miroslav Nemec (Sprecher), Festspielchor und Chor der Klangverwaltung, Symphonieorchester des Konzertvereins Passau, Ltg. Markus Eberhardt, Sounddesign Fritz Dosch, Live-Elektronik Enjott Schneider ERÖFFNUNGSKONZERT DER EUROPÄISCHEN FESTWOCHEN PASSAU 2024 Nach dem großen Erfolg der Premiere in der Dreiländerhalle 2023 gibt es nun 2024 die neue Fassung Open Air auf dem Domplatz mit Projektionen auf die Domfassade. Um 19:00 am Domplatz gibt es dazu die Konzerteinführung vom Festwochen-Intendanten Dr. Carsten Gerhard - 29. Jun 2024
TOCCATA FESTOSA in München Premiere
Am Samstag, den 29. Juni 2024 in der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München ist die Uraufführung von TOCCATA FESTOSA für 10 Trompeten. Die Komposition entstand zur Verabschiedung des Trompetensolisten Hannes Läubin und ist ihm gewidmet, dem Freund noch aus unseren Studienzeiten an der Freiburger Musikhochschule, wo ich ( bescheiden neben diesem Trompeten-Mythos "Hannes") ebenfalls Hauptfachb Trompete studierte. Ausführende am 29.6.2024 sind 10 Solistern aus der Trompetenklasse Hannes Läubin... - 29. Jun 2024
Samstag, den 29.6.2024 19:00 in Augsburg „Beim Glaspalast“ im H2 Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst spielt Iris Lichtinger (Flöte) in der Finnisage von FRIENDS von Enjott Schneider: DREAMIN‘ BACKWARDS TO MY FORMER TIME MISTRESS, in der Reihe JETZT:MUSIK! - 28. Jun 2024
München Ciacona Mistica performed by Xaver Eckert
Am 28. Juni 2024 in München Reaktorhalle (Luisenstrasse 37a) spielt Xaver Eckert die CIACONA MISTICA für Pantalon (Kontrabasshackbrett mit kombiniertem Diskanthackbrett), im Rahmen des Konzerts "hackbrett and more" IV: Echolot im Erdbeerfeld - 26. Jun 2024
ALPHA ET OMEGA In memoriam Anton Bruckner in München
Am 26. Juni 2024 19:30 im Münchner Frauendom spielt Domorganist Ruben J. Sturm mein für das Brucknerjahr '24 neu komponiertes "ALPHA ET OMEGA - In memoriam Anton Bruckner". Bruckner (1824-1896) kann seinen 200. Geburtstag feiern! Ruben Sturm ist der erste Organist, der nach dem Widmungsträger Hansjörg Albrecht (mit dessen Uraufführung und CD-Einspielung von "ALPHA ET OMEGA") dieses neue Werk ins Programm genommen hat. Leider kann ich selber wegen zeitgleicher Generalprobe meiner KRIEMHILD-OPER bei den Passauer Festspielen nicht in München anwesend sein. - 18. Jun 2024
Ciacona Mistica in Linz/Austria 18:00
Am 18. Juni 2024 18:00 in Linz/ Austria im Kleinen Saal der Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität spielt Xaver Eckert die CIACONA MISTICA für Pantalon (Kontrabasshackbrett mit kombiniertem Diskanthackbrett), im Rahmen des Konzerts HACKBRETTMUSIK VON DER TRADITION BIS ZUR GEGENWART (Konzert der Hackbrettklasse Birgit Stolzenburg Hochschule für Musik und Theater München) - 12. Jun 2024
Vom 16. - 20. Dezember 2024 finden im Schwabinger Klaviersalon die CD-Aufnahmen zu "2Flöten & Klavier" statt, - für das Label Ambiente Audio. Mit Agata Kielar-Dlugosz und Lukasz Dlugosz (Polen) sowie Andreas Skouras (Piano). Auf dem Programm stehen von Enjott Schneider Klavierwerke sowie: BEYOND STILLNESS für 2 Fl & Pno, DIE SEHNSUCHT MEINES GEO-DREIECKS für 2 Fl & Pno, das Flötentrio WATER - ELEMENT OF INFINITY Tonmeister: Toms Spogis, Tonstudio Axel Kröll - 8. Jun 2024
"WALGESAÄNGE" in Donaueschingen
Am 8. Juni 2024 um 20:00 in Donaueschingen Stadtkirche St. Johann gibt es die Aufführung meiner "Walgesänge" Kyrie & Gloria für Chor, Walgesänge und Digital Audio. Es singt das Ensemble cappella unter Leitung von Patricia Ott in einem bemerkenswerten Konzert "voices from beyond - es gehtr auch anders"! - 1. Jun 2024
Fanfara Festosa in Abtei Maria Laach
Am Samstag, den 1.6.2024 um 12 Uhr spielt Gereon Krahforst in der Abteikirche Maria Laach von Enjott Schneider "FANFARA FESTOSA". - 29. May 2024
Ciacona Mistica in München Seidlvilla
Am 29. Mai 2024 um 19:30 in München / Seidlvilla) spielt Xaver Eckert die CIACONA MISTICA für Pantalon (Kontrabasshackbrett mit kombiniertem Diskanthackbrett), im Rahmen des Konzerts "Hörraum Hackbrett - AT NIGHT PARK - 25. May 2024
Am 25. Mai 2024 beim "Posener Frühling" spielen Lukasz Dlugosz und Agata Kielar-Dlugosz, Andrzej Jungiewicz (piano), die Sutras für 2 Flöten und Klavier: BEYOND STILLNESS. Festiwalu "Poznańska Wiosna Muzyczna" - 5. May 2024
MARCO POLO im Operahouse Guangzhou Wiederaufnahme
Am Samstag, den 4.5. um 20.00 im Operahouse Guangzhou/China gibt es anlässilich des Jubiläums (700. Todestag von Marco Polo, gestorben Venedig 1324) die Wiederaufnahme meiner 3 stündigen Oper MARCO POLO, die ich in original chinesischer Sprache 2017 komponierte (Libretto: Wei JIN) und die komplett in Mandarin gesungen wird. Regie: Kasper Holten & Amy Lane, Video Designer: Luke Halls, Costume Designer Emma Ryott, Movement Director & Choreographer: Mcihaele Barry, es musizieren Solisten, Chor und das Macao Orchestra unter Leitung von Junpiang Qian, mit dem Xing Sheng Choir of Xinhai Conservatory of Music, und dem Guangdong Song & Dance Ensemble (Ballett). Link zum Videotrailer auf youtube: https://youtu.be/7iPgt942moA - 3. May 2024
MARCO POLO in Opera House Guangzhou
Am Freitag, den 3.5. um 20.00 im Operahouse Guangzhou/China gibt es anlässilich des Jubiläums (700. Todestag von Marco Polo, gestorben Venedig 1324) die Wiederaufnahme meiner 3 stündigen Oper MARCO POLO, die ich in original chinesischer Sprache 2017 komponierte (Libretto: Wei JIN) und die komplett in Mandarin gesungen wird. Regie: Kasper Holten & Amy Lane, Video Designer: Luke Halls, Costume Designer Emma Ryott, Movement Director & Choreographer: Mcihaele Barry, es musizieren Solisten, Chor und das Macao Orchestra unter Leitung von Junpiang Qian, mit dem Xing Sheng Choir of Xinhai Conservatory of Music, und dem Guangdong Song & Dance Ensemble (Ballett). Link zum Videotrailer auf youtube: https://youtu.be/7iPgt942moA - 28. Apr 2024
28.4.2024 um 18:00 in Buchloe / Haus der Begegnung: Im Rahmen des CONTRAST Festival Buchloe spielen Carlos Vera Larrucea (Congas / Bayerische Staatsoper München) und Jelena Stojkovic (Piano) von Enjott Schneider REQUIEM POUR ERIC SATIE für Klavier und Congas - 21. Apr 2024
WALGESÄNGE in Basilika St. Emmeran Regensburg
Am Sonntag, den 21.4.2024 um 10:30 in der Basilika St. Emmeran gibt es von Enjott Schneider in dem Konzert WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD die WALGESÄNGE - KYRIE & GLORIA für gemischten Chor und Tape, Es singt der Chor der Basilika St. Emmeran, Gesamtleitung: Matthias Schlier - 24. Mar 2024
Am Palmsonntag 24.3.2024 um 20:00 in der Heilig Geist-Kirche Mannheim gibt es von Enjott Schneider: SIEBEN LETZTE WORTE JESU mit dem Motettenchor Mannheim, Neues Mannheimer Posaunenquartett, Thorsten Gellings (Percussion), Markus Eichenlaub (Orgel), Klaus Krämer (Leitung) - 24. Mar 2024
"7 Worte Jesu" für Chor & Ensemble im Würzburger Dom
Passionskonzert am Palmsonntag, 24. März 2024, um 16 Uhr im Würzburger Dom. ENJOTT SCHNEIDER: SIEBEN LETZTE WORTE JESU. Es singen und spielen die Männerstimmen der Domsingknaben, der Konzertchor der Mädchenkantorei, der Domchor und die Camerata Würzburg. Leitung: Julian Beutmüller Besonderheit: In dieser Aufführung werden auch "Die Sieben Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze" von Jospeh Haydn aufgeführt. Dies jedoch nicht nacheinander, sondern verschränkt: jedes Jesu-Wort erklingt somit in einer spannenden direkten Gegenüberstellung "Haydn-Schneider". - 23. Mar 2024
Am Samstag, den 23.3. 2024 in Bayreuth / Steingraeber-Haus im Rahmen von ZfNM Festival Zeit für Neue Musik spielt Christoph Enzel die Komposition WENN DIE VERNUNFT SCHLÄFT, SINGEN DIE SIRENEN / When reason sleeps, sirens sing für saxophon und Klavier (nach einem surrealen Gemälde von Max Ernst) - 25. Feb 2024
VIVALDISSIMO Im Saarländischen Staatstheater Saarbrücken
Am Samstag, den 25.2.2024 im Saarländischen Staatstheater Saarbrücken spielten Reinhold Friedrich & Gabór Reiter mit dem Saarländischen Staatsorchester (Leitung: Justus Thurau) das Doppelkonzert VIVALDISSIMO von Enjott Schneider (Besprechung in der Saarbrücker Zeitung vom 26.2.2024). - 24. Feb 2024
Herr, Mache mich zum Werkzeug Deines Friedens in Regensburg
Am 24.2.2024 - Erinnerungstag zum Kriegsausbruch in der Ukraine - in der Dominikanerkirche Regensburg singt das Ensemble ART VOKAL unter Leitung von Kunibert Schäfer die Motette "Herr mach mich zum Werkzeug Deines Friedens", dies im Konzert Wie liegt die Stadt so wüste / Lamentationes und Motetten zum Frieden - 23. Feb 2024
Jury MUSICA SACRA Competition 2024 in Warschau
Vom 23. - 25. Februar 2024 trifft sich in Warschau die Jury des MUSICA SACRA NOVA 2024 / 20th International Composers Competition / for young composers. Chormusik in mehreren Klassifikationen können eingereicht werden. Juryvorsitz: Enjott Schneider - 18. Feb 2024
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde in Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
Am Sonntag, den 18.2.2023 um 20:00 in der Elbphilharmonie Hamburg gibt es mein Doppelkonzert für 2 Violoncelli & Orchester in einer neuen Version als Melodram mit Erzähler. Es wirken mit: Das Kammerorchester METAMORPHOSEN Berlin (Leitung: Woilfgang Emanuel Schmidt), Dietmar Wunder (die Synchronstimme des james Bond 007 alias Daniel Craig) als Erzähler und die Solisten auf dem Cello: Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt und Philipp Schupelius (der 2023 den 1. Preis des deutschen Musikwettbewerbs gewonnen hatte). Titel des Programms: VERY BRITISH! - LITERATURKLASSIKER UND MUSIK - 17. Feb 2024
Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde in Berlin
Am Samstag, den 17.2.2023 um 20:00 in der Berliner Philharmonie gibt es mein Doppelkonzert für 2 Violoncelli & Orchester in einer neuen Version als Melodram mit Erzähler. Es wirken mit: Das Kammerorchester METAMORPHOSEN Berlin (Leitung: Woilfgang Emanuel Schmidt), Dietmar Wunder (die Synchronstimme des james Bond 007 alias Daniel Craig) als Erzähler und die Solisten auf dem Cello: Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt und Philipp Schupelius (der 2023 den 1. Preis des deutschen Musikwettbewerbs gewonnen hatte). Titel des Programms: VERY BRITISH! - LITERATURKLASSIKER UND MUSIK - 21. Jan 2024
2. Abokonzert mit SILKROAD for Sheng & Orchestra
Am Sonntag, den 21.1.2024 in Konstanz / Konzil findet das hzweite Abokonzert statt mit SILKROAD. MARCO POLO GOES EAST for Sheng & Orchestra, mit WuWei (Sheng), Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz, Ltg.: Gabriel Venzago. Das Werk wurde im März 2023 in dieser Besetzung in Konstanz auf CD SYMPHONIC TIME TRAVELS (Label: Solo Musica) eingespielt. - 19. Jan 2024
SILK ROAD for Sheng & Orchestra world premiere
Am Freitag, den 19.1.2024 in Konstanz / Konzil findet die Uraufführung statt von SILKROAD. MARCO POLO GOES EAST for Sheng & Orchestra, mit WuWei (Sheng), Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz, Ltg.: Gabriel Venzago. Das Werk wurde im März 2023 in dieser Besetzung in Konstanz auf CD SYMPHONIC TIME TRAVELS (Label: Solo Musica) eingespielt. - 18. Dec 2023
DREAMIN' Backwards im Studio für Neue Musik
Am Montag, 18.12.2023 in München, Rubinstein-Saal spielt im MUSIK-FORUM-MÜNCHEN "Studio für Neue Musik" Iris Lichtinger /Altblockflöte mein Solostück: DREAMIN' BACKWARDS TO MY FORMER TIME MISTRESS (= Konzert von UNBLOCK - MUNICH RECORDER SOUNDS) - 12. Nov 2023
UA Oratorium "GABRIEL" mit Aachener Bach-Chor
12. November 2023 in Aachen/Eurogress: Uraufführung des Oratoriums "GABRIEL - EKSTASE DER REINHEIT" für Sopran, Tenor, Chor und Orchester, Chorsymphonisches Jubiläumskonzert des Aachener Bachvereins mit derPhilharmonie Südwestfalen, Ltg.: Georg Hage - 11. Nov 2023
OUR HOPE - Uraufführung der Quintett-version
Am 11. November 2023 19:30 in Rosenheim (Hans-Schuster-Haus / Innsbruckerstr. 3) spielt das Ensemble MOSAIQUE die Uraufführung der europäischen Quintettfassung des chinesischen Werkes OUR HOPE IS BLUE & GREEN - mit Alice Guinet/Fl, Barbara Pöschlk-Edrich/Harfe, Anna Kakutia / Vl, Miriam Peter/ Vla, Michael Weiß. - Ferner spielen Marinus Weidinger (Akkordeon) und Xaver Eckert (Hackbrett) aus m einem Werk zum Syrienkrieg PRAYERS FROM THE HELLS OF WAR. Ein Projekt „Our hope is blue and green“ / Umwelt . Friede . Hoffnung als Konzert des Tonkünstlerverbands Südostbayern e.V. - 5. Nov 2023
Am 5. November 2023 19:30 im Kleinen Theater Haar/ Theatersaal bei München spielen LES SILVAINES / Hackbrett-Duo Lisa Schöttl und Birgit Stolzenburg die DREI NOCTURNES, veranstlatet vom Kulturverein Haar e.V. - 4. Nov 2023
Orchestersuite MOVIE THEMES MADE IN GERMANY in Theater Coburg
4.11.2023 18:00 Theater Coburg. MOVIETHEMES MADE IN GERMANY (Orchestersuite) mit Musik aus Herbstmilch, Stalingrad, Wildfeuer, Jahrestage, Leitung: Wolfgang Lischke - 4. Nov 2023
WALGESÄNGE für Chor im Odenwald/Schönmattenwag
Am Samstag, den 4. November 2023 in Unter-Schönmattenweg / Haus des Gastes erklingen die WALGESÄNGE für Chor und Tonzuspielung, aufgeführt vom Frauenchor des Sängerbundes Unter-Schönmattenwag, Ltg.: Hans-Joachim Karl - 30. Oct 2023
Am 30.10. um 20:00 in Schule Otterfing spielen Birgit Stolzenburg und Lisa Schöttl HACKBRETT-DUO "LES SILVAINES" von Enjott Schneider THREE NOCTURNES - 22. Oct 2023
Oratorium AUGUSTINUS in Stadtkirche Ravensburg
Am Sonntag, den 22. Oktober 2023 um 18:00 in der Evangelischen Stadtkirche Ravensburg singt der Konzertchor Ravensburg e.V. das Oratorium AUGUSTINUS für Sopran, Tenor, Bariton, Chor und Orchester. Leitung: Hans Georg Hinderberger - 7. Oct 2023
CARITAS DEI für Chor in Regensburg
Am Samstag, den 7.10.2023 um 12:00 singt der Chor ART VOKAL Ltg.: Kunibert Schäfer die Komposition CARITAS DEI für Frauenstimmen. - 29. Sep 2023
world premiere THE BIRDS Violin concerto with BRIDGES and soloist Itamar Zorman
29th of september 2023 19.30 Worldpremiere of the violin concertoTHE BIRDS - WISDOM & MAGIC in the Casalsforum Kronberg im Taunus. Im Rahmen des CASALS FESTIVALS "Zuerst Mensch" (Veranstalter: Rheingau Musikfestival) mit dem BRIDGES-Kammerorchester / BRIDGES Chamber Orchestra und dem Solisten Itamar Zorman. Kompositionsauftrag der Kronberg Aacademy (artistic director: Friedemann Eichhorn) - 21. Sep 2023
BAUMBILDER für Flöte und Harfe
Am 21. September 2023 in der Städtischen Galerie Rosenheim spielen Alice Guinet (Flöte) und Barbara Pöschl-Edrich (Harfe) aus den BAUMBILDERN, im Rahmen der Ausstellungseröffnung "VERZWEIGT" mit Fotografien zur Thematik "Bäume" - 7. Sep 2023
7. September 2023 um 19:30 im Kronprinzenpalais Berlin gibt es die Uraufführung des Finales meines neuen Klaviertrios DRACULA -BIRTH OF A LEGEND mit Yukino Kaihara/piano, Indira Koch/violin und Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt/Vcello, - im Sommerkonzert von PWC - 2. Sep 2023
Symphony Nr. 8 GLOCKE - BRÜCKE ZUR UNENDLICHKEIT im Leipziger Gewandhaus
2nd of September 2023 in Leipzig Gewandhaus will take place the Worldpremiere of: SYMPHONIE NR. 8 für Sopran, Chor und Orchester „DIE GLOCKE – BRÜCKE ZUR UNENDLICHKEIT“ („The Bell – Bridge to Infinity”) with Julia Sophie Wagner (Soprano), Chor und Leipziger Symphonieorchester, Ltg. Wolfgang Rögner ENTFÄLLT ERSATZLOS UND KURZFRISTIF WEGEN FINANZIELLEN ENGPÄSSEN DES LEIPZIGER SYMPHONIEORCHESTERS, OBWOHL PROGRAMM UND FESTSCHRIFT ZUM 60. JUBILÄUM SCHON GEDRUCKT UND DIE SINFONIE SCHON ANGEPROBT WAR! - 1. Sep 2023
Symphony Nr. 8 THE BELL - BRIDGE TO INFINITY for soprano, choir & orchestra
1st of September 2023 in Leipzig / Kulturhaus Böhlen will take place the Worldpremiere of: SYMPHONIE NR. 8 für Sopran, Chor und Orchester „DIE GLOCKE – BRÜCKE ZUR UNENDLICHKEIT“ („The Bell – Bridge to Infinity”) with Julia Sophie Wagner (Soprano), Chor und Leipziger Symphonieorchester, Ltg. Wolfgang Rögner - 27. Aug 2023
VIVALDISSIMO im Dom Schwerin
Am Sonntag, 27. August 2023 im Dom zu Schwerin erklingt im Rahmen des Konzerts INSPIRATION ORGEL & TROMPETE (Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) als Finale mein Doppelkonzert VIVALDISSIMO - mit Gábor Boldoczki und Tamás Pálfalvi (Trompeten) und Sebastian Küchler-Blessing (Orgel).... ein preisgekröntes Musiker-Triumvirat. - 26. Aug 2023
Shengkonzert CHANGES mit Sinfonia Rotterdam
Am Samstag, den 26.8.2023 in Rotterdam im Sinfonia Maritime Concert Open Air spielt WuWei auf der Sheng CHANGES. Concerto for Sheng & Orchestra. Es spielt Sinfonia Rotterdam unter Leitung von Conrad van Alphen - 1. Aug 2023
PRAYERS für Oud & Orgel in München / Erlöserkirche
1.8.2023 at 21:00 in München / Erlöserkirche Schwabing in the "Moonlight Serenade I" Abathar Kmash (Oud) & Michael Grill (Organ) are Performing: "PRAYERS... from the Hells of War" organ & Oud, - documentary feelings about the longlasting War in Syriah. - 9. Jul 2023
CARITAS DEI in Klosterkirche Mallersdorf
Am 9.7.2023 um 16:00 in der Klosterkirche Mallersdorf singt das Vokalensemble ART VOKAL u.a. von Enjott Schneider CARITAS DEI - 8. Jul 2023
Am 8.7.2023 um 17:00 in der Basilika St. Emmeran in Regensburg singt das Vokalensemble ART VOKAL u.a. von Enjott Schneider CARITAS DEI - 1. Jul 2023
Oper KRIEMHILD bei Passauer Festwochen
Am Samstag, 1. Juli 2023 findet zur Eröffnung der Passauer Europäischen Festwochen die Premiere statt von: KRIEMHILD. Ein sinfonisches Spiel zum Nibelungenlied. Mit Theresa Pilsl (Sopran) als Kriemhild, Miroslav Nemec als Rezitator, dem Symphonieorchesters des Passauer Konzertvereins, dem Festspielchor der Europäischen Festwochen, Leitung: Markus Eberhardt, mit Sophia Lux (Video), Friedrich M. Dosch (Sounddesign) und Enjott Schneider (Elektronik und Z.uspielungen). - Ein großer Event, bei dem das NIBELUNGENLIED einmal ganz aus der Frauenpersketive Kriemhilds gesehen wird. - 27. Jun 2023
CD-Aufnahmen Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz SILKROAD
Am 26. und 27. Juni findet mit der Südwestdeutschen Philharmonie die CD-Einspielung von SILKROAD. MARCO POLO GOES EAST statt. Solist auf der Sheng: WuWei, Dirigent: Gabriel Venzago - 26. Jun 2023
Silkroad-The Bells-Am Bodensee
Am 26.6.2023 um 19:00 findet im Kulturzentrum "Dreispitz" in Kreuzlingen (Schweiz) ein Studio- und Gesprächskonzert statt: WuWei (Sheng) spielt die Uraufführung des ihm gewidmeten Konzertes SILK ROAD. MARCO POLO GOES EAST for Sheng & Symphony Orchestra, ferner erklingt mein Orchesterwerk THE BELLS - A TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM BYRD (1540 – 1623) und AM BODENSEE . Es spielt die Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz unter Leitung ihres Chefdirigenten Gabriel Venzago. WuWei und Enjott Schneider werden von Gabriel Venzago in einem Studiotalk befragt. - 24. Jun 2023
Am 24. Juni 2023 ab 19:00 in der Lübecker LANGE NACHT DER CHORMUSIK im Rahmen des 20. Deutschnen Chorfestivals Lübeck erklingt in der Kirche St. Aegidien mit dem Ensemble CLARA VOCE (Bingen) das Werk von Enjott Schneider SYMPHONIALIS EST ANIMA für 16 Frauenstimmen, Cello und Schlagwerk (nach Texten von Hildegard von Bingen), Leitung: Alexander Müller. Die Zeile "Die Liebe überflutet Alles" aus diesem Werk war titelgebend für das gesamte Konzert. - 17. Jun 2023
Ach Gott... in Hamburg/Katharinenkirche
17th of June 2023 in Katherinenkirche Hamburg: Deutsche Erstaufführung des ORGELBÜCHLEIN PROJECT des englischen Organisten und Musikwissenschaftlers William Whitehead: a initiative of Andreas Fischer, Organist at the Katharinenkirche in Hamburg. The world’s third (and Germany’s first) "Gesamtorgelbüchlein" will be heard, over the weekend of 17th and 18th June, in Hamburg.- Enjott Schneider's ACH GOTT, TU DICH ERBARMEN, performed by Yuhan NIU - 17. Jun 2023
Worldpremiere BEYOND STILLNESS Mit Münchner Flötentrio
Am Samstag.den 17. Juni 2023 in Brannenburg (Inntal) spielt im Rahmen der "Brannenburger Kirchenkonzerte" das Münchner Flötentrio die Uraufführung von BEYOND STILLNESS / HINTER DER STILLE Sutras for 2 flutes & piano. Performers: Elisabeth Weinzierl und Edmund Wächter (Flöten), Eva Schieferstein (Klavier).Verlag: Schott Music. Die Sätze: 1: Heart Sutra / 2: Kama Sutra / 3: Diamond Sutra - 1. Jun 2023
SONNENGESANG Motette bei Chorbiennale Aachen
Am 1.6.2023 in Aachen bei der "7. Internationale Chorbiennale" singt der Kammerchor BachVokal (Ltg.: Georg Hage) von Enjott Schneider den 8stimmigen SONNENGESANG (Franz von Assisi), in der Einrichtung des Komponisten für Chor a cappella und drei Schlagzeuger ist es sogar eine Art Uraufführung. - BachVokal ist das Auswahlensemble des Oratorienchors Aachener Bachverein und hat 30-40 Mitglieder. - 27. May 2023
At the 27th of May 2023 in Posen (Poland) Agata Kilar-Dlugosz and Lukasz Dlugos aref performing the World Premiere of BEYOND STILLNESS - HINTER DER STILLE for two flutes & piano (published by Schott Musik) at the "Posener Frühling". - 17. May 2023
Worlds of Tree - Baumwelten in in Wałbrzych - Waldenburgische Philharmonie
At v17th of May in Wałbrzych - Waldenburg Philharmonics - Lukasz Dlugosz (Poland) is performing the concert for flute & orchestra - dedicated to Lukasz Dlugosz - WORLDS OF TREE - BAUMWELTEN - 6. May 2023
6th of May 2023 in Taipei/Taiwan, Zhongzheng Auditoriumwill finally be the worldpremiere of THE HIDDEN WORLD OF DEMONS & SPIRITS. Concerto for Sheng & Chinese Orchestra,WU Wei performs with the TCO Taipei Chinese Orchestra, conductor: Tsung Yeh - 30. Apr 2023
Am Sonntag, 30. April 2023 um 17 Uhr in Kelheim (Franziskaner-Kirche/ Orgelmuseum) gibt es das Release-Konzert der Neuen CD SYMPHONIALIS EST ANIMA – KLANGREISEN ZUR SEELE / Chorwerke von Enjott Schneider mit ART VOKAL Tomasz Skweres (Violoncello) Antonio Secchia (Percussion) Roman Puck (Orgel) Kunibert Schäfer (Leitung) - 23. Apr 2023
MACHINE WORLDS in München/Herkules-Saal
23.4.2023 um 19:00 in München / Herkules-Saal der Residenz gibt es das Schlagzeugkonzert MACHINE WORLDS for scrap metal & Orchestra, - mit dem Solisten Stefan BLUM, der sowohl die Uraufführung Augsburg 2018 wie auch die CD-Aufnahme beim Label WERGO 2022 gespielt hat. Es musiziert am 23. April das Akademische Sinfonieorchester München unter der Leitung von Carolin Nordmeyer. - 22. Apr 2023
HIP, TRASH & HOP with Alexej Gerassimez in Nürnberg
On 22nd of April 2023 at 20:00 in Kia Metropol Arena, Nürnberg will take place the wordlpremiere of: HIP, TRAH & HOP. RECYCLING SYMPHONY for Percussion & Orchestra, with Alexej Gerassimez and Nürnberger Symphoniker, Conductor.: Gordon Hamilton, programmed by U-TURN / DAS ORCHESTIVAL. commissioned Nürnberger Symphoniker. - 17. Apr 2023
EL CANT DELS OCELLS - So close to the heaven, in SAGRADA FAMILIA
17th of April 2023 at 19:00 in Cathedrale SAGRADA FAMILIA in Barceloa (Spain) fwill take plavce the world premiere of: "EL CANT DELS OCELLS - So close to heaven" für 5 Organs, 5 Percussion Players, Piccolotrumpet. Prerformers are among others. Christian F. Benning Percussiongroup, Conductor.: Johannes Skludlik (gefördert vom Goethe Institut Spanien) - 24. Mar 2023
Am 24. März 2023 19:00 in der Christuskirche Gauting bei München spielen LES SILVAINES / Hackbrett-Duo Lisa Schöttl und Birgit Stolzenburg die DREI NOCTURNES - 15. Mar 2023
CD-Recordings Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie SYMPHONIC TIME TRAVELS
From 10.3. till 15.3.2023 will take place in Konstanz the recordings for a new CD SYMPHONIC TIME TRAVELS: FROM SIDDHARTA, MARCO POLO TO BYRD & BACH, with: Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz, Condctor.: Chefdirigent Gabriel Venzago, Soloists: Reinhold Friedrich (Trumpet), Christoph Enzel (Saxophone) and Wu Wei (Sheng). Label: Solo Musica. - 15. Mar 2023
Uraufführung TWILIGHT PEACE - 150 Jahre Max Reger
Am 15. März um 19:00 Regensburg (im Degginger) findet im Konzert "Durch den Wald: 150 Jahre Max Reger und der Klimawandel" die Uraufführung statt von: TWILIGHT PEACE für Chor und Ensemble. Es singt das Vokalensemble STIMMGOLD und das Elektronik-Duo FALLWANDER. Vderanstaltung zum 150. Geburtstag von Max Reger. - 25. Feb 2023
IN MEDIA VITA in St. Amandus / Datteln
Am Samstag, den 25.2.2023 in der Kirche St. Amandus / Datteln spielen Michael Kemper (Orgel) und Dirk Rothbrust (Percussion) meine Komposition IN MEDIA VITA. Totentanz für Orgel und Schlagwerk, erschienen im Strube-Verlag München - 19. Feb 2023
ABUBU / DIE SINTFLUT in Heidelberg
Am Sonntag, den 19.2.2023 um 19:00 in Heidelberg, in der Aula der Neuen Universität findet statt die Uraufführung von ABUBU / DIE SINTFLUT für Tenor, Bariton, Chor und Orchester, Oratorium nach altbabylonischen Keilschrift-Texten, Libretto von Prof. Dr. Stefan M. Maul (Lehrstuhl für Assyriologie der Universität Heidelberg). Über 300 Ausführende: Collegium Musicum: Universitätsorchester, Universitätschor, Leitung: Universitätsmusikdirektor Michael Sekulla. Im Programm wird ausserdem noch DER STURM von Pjotr I. Tschaikowsky gespielt. - 18. Feb 2023
ABUBU / DIE SINTFLUT in Heidelberg
Am Samstag, den 18.2.2023 um 19:00 in Heidelberg, in der Aula der Neuen Universität findet statt die Uraufführung von ABUBU / DIE SINTFLUT für Tenor, Bariton, Chor und Orchester, Oratorium nach altbabylonischen Keilschrift-Texten, Libretto von Prof. Dr. Stefan M. Maul (Lehrstuhl für Assyriologie der Universität Heidelberg). Über 300 Ausführende: Collegium Musicum: Universitätsorchester, Universitätschor, Leitung: Universitätsmusikdirektor Michael Sekulla. Im Programm wird ausserdem noch DER STURM von Pjotr I. Tschaikowsky gespielt. - 11. Feb 2023
Competition for Choir Composing: MUSICA SACRA NOVA 2023
From 10th of march to 12th of march 2023 will take place in Rome (Vatikanisches Kirchenmusik-Institut) the competition composing for choir MUSICA SACRA NOVA 2023 Members of the Jury: Andrea Angelini - Italien Vaclovas Augustinas – Litauen Vincenzo De Gregorio - Vatikan Stephen Layton – England Jan Łukaszewski – Polen Pawel Łukaszewski – Polen (Vorsitz) Enjott Schneider – Deutschland - 29. Jan 2023
RA - RITUAL for 10 Flutes in Aveiro / Portugal
Am 29.1.2023 in Aveiro/Portugal beim Aveiro International Flute Festival spielt das Münchner Flötenensemble Elisabeth Weinzierl / Edmund Wächter von Enjott Schneider RA - RITUAL for ten Flute Players. - 22. Jan 2023
RA - RITUAL for ten flutes
Am 22.1.2023 um 20 Uhr in München Musikzentrum Schwere Reiter spielt das Münchner Flötenensemble Elisabeth Weinzierl / Edmund Wächter von En jott Schneider RA - RITUAL for ten Flute Players. - 6. Jan 2023
AM BODENSEE in Friedrichshafen
Am 6.1.2023 um 17 Uhr im Graf-Zeppelin-Haus Friedrichshafen / Eckener Saal findet das Neujahrskonzert der Südwestdeutschen Philharmonie Konstanz statt, bei dem als Finalstück mein sinfonischer Marsch nach Wendelin Kopetzky AM BODENSEE aufgeführt wird. Leitung hat Gabriel Venzago. - 5. Jan 2023
AM BODENSEE (Marsch nach Wendelin Kopetzky) im Neujahrskonzert
Am 5.1.2023 im Konzil Konstanz (Hafenstrasse 2) findet im Neujahrskonzert "Freunde, das Leben ist lebenswert!" die Uraufführung einer symphonisches Neufassung des Marsches AM BODENSEE (Wendelin Kopetzky, 1891) durch Enjott Schneider statt. Gabriel Venzago dirigiert die Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz. - 1. Jan 2023
AM BODENSEE / Neufassung eines Marsches op. 161 von Wendelin Kopetzky
Am 1.1.2023 in der Lindenhalle von Konstanz-Ehingen findet im Neujahrskonzert "Freunde, das Leben ist lebenswert!" die Uraufführung einer symphonisches Neufassung des Marsches AM BODENSEE von Wendelin Kopetzky (1891) statt. Gabriel Venzago dirigiert die Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz. - 31. Dec 2022
Oboenkonzert BACH-Metamorphosen in Trier
Im Sylvesterkonzert am 31.12.2022 um 20:00 in der Basilika St. Paulin in Trier spielt der ukrainische Oboist Makysm Malkov (Solo-Oboist der Ukrainischen Nationalphilharmonie), von Enjott Schneider B-A-C-H Metamorphosen für Oboe und Orchester, Ltg.: Volker Krebs - 4. Dec 2022
RORATE COELI im Münchner Frauendom
Am 2. Advent 4.12.2022 15:00 im Münchner Frauendom gibt es von Enjott Schneider RORATE COELI für hohe Stimmen und Orgel. Es singen die Mädchenkantorei, die Münchner Domsingknaben, Ltg.: Domkantor Benedikt Celler, Orgel: Bastian Fuchs. Dies im Rahmen des "Adventssingen der Münchner Dommusik". - 25. Nov 2022
Uraufführung des Klavierstücks NOTTURNO OSCURO "
Am 25.11.2022 um 19:00 im Suschko-Klangwellenhaus Filiale München-Bogenhausen (Starnberger spielt Jelena Stojkovics die Uraufführung II des Klavierstücks NOTTURNO OSCURO "...erbärmlich gekrümmt", inspiriert von der SCHUBERT-Biographie von Peter Härtling (1992) - 24. Nov 2022
Uraufführung NOTTURNO OSCURO für Klavier
Am 24.11.2022 um 19:00 im Suschko-Klangwellenhaus Filiale Berg (Starnberger See) spielt Jelena Stojkovics die Uraufführung I des Klavierstücks NOTTURNO OSCURO "...erbärmlich gekrümmt", inspiriert von der SCHUBERT-Biographie von Peter Härtling (1992) - 22. Nov 2022
YIN & YANG Concerto Sheng und Orchestra in Shanghai
22nd of November 2022 in Shanghai in the Shanghai Symphony Hall: Soloist Zheiyue ZHONG (Professorship for Sheng at the Shanghai Conservatory) was performimng with the Shanghai Opera Symphony Orchestra my concertoYIN & YANG for Sheng & Orchestra (published byi Ries & Erler Berlin). - 19. Nov 2022
Percussion Quartet RITUALS
19th of November 2022 20 Uhr in the concert hall in the Leopold Mozart Zentrums of the University of Augsburg: RITUALS – PERCUSSION-QUARTET with Ensemble „Schlagwerker Augsburg“: Stanimir Andreev / Stefan Blum / Denis Egger / Robin Toth. - 15. Nov 2022
November 15, 2022 8 pm in Munich Schwere Reiter-Saal in the III concert of the four-part concert cycle "La Bohème 2022": World premiere of MARCEL DUCHAMP - MYTH OF THE WORLD OF THINGS ("Mythos der Dingwelt") for percussion & strings. With Stefan Blum (percussion) and the “Ensemble für Synkretische Musik”. Sponsored by "NeuStart Kultur" of the Bundesregierung Deutschland - 13. Nov 2022
SIDDHARTHA for Saxophone and Orchestra in Heilbronn
13.11.2022 with Christoph Enzel (Saxophone) and the Heilbronner Sinfonie Orchester, Conductor: Alois Seidlmeier: Worldpremiere of SIDDHARTA. Concerto for Saxophone & orchestra 1: Auf der Suche / 2. Kamala, die Kurtisane / 3: “Kindermenschen” / 4: Beim Fährmann, - Abschiede, Loslassen der Welt / 5: Die Weisheit des Flusses Exactly one hundred years ago in October 1921, the first edition of SIDDHARTA by Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) was published, which became his most popular novel worldwide, translated into 50 languages and acclaimed many millions of times. The Asian way to a peaceful world without hate, envy, fear or greed. - 11. Nov 2022
THE BIRTH OF THE LIGHT... musical thoughts about Handels's MESSIAS - World-Premiere
11th of November 2022 at 8 p.m. in the Herkulessaal München: World-premiere of THE BIRTH OF THE LIGHT OUT OF DARKNESS for choir & orchestra, with: "Chor und dem Kammerorchester der Bayerischen Philharmonie, Leitung: Mark Mast". Commissioned by Bayerischen Philharmonie as a prologue to G.Fr. Händel's Oratorio MESSIAS - 4. Nov 2022
FIVE ROSES Premiere in Regensburg
Am Freitag, den 4.11.2022 um 19:00 in der Dreifaltigkeitskirche Regensburg musizieren Christian Schmidt-Timmermann (Bassbariton) und Stefan Baier (Orgel) die Uraufführung von FIVE ROSES für tiefe Stimme und Orgel (erschienen im Strube-Verlag) im Rahmen der STUNDE DER KIRCHENMUSIK: Musik für Gesang und Orgel - 31. Oct 2022
LUNEA-WALZER Konzerthaus Berlin
31.10.2022 20:00 Konzerthaus Berlin, LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline (Szene in der Dorfschenke aus dem FAUSTUS. Gedicht von Nikolaus Lenau 1836) mit Franziska Hölscher (Violine) und dem Süddeutschen Kammerchor, Ltg. Gerhard Jennemann (über www.reservix.de) - 30. Oct 2022
LUNEA-Walzer / Faustprojekt in Göttingen
30.10.2022 19 Uhr Kulturk,rche Göttingen, LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline (Szene in der Dorfschenke aus dem FAUSTUS. Gedicht von Nikolaus Lenau 1836) mit Franziska Hölscher (Violine) und dem Süddeutschen Kammerchor, Ltg. Gerhard Jennemann (über www.reservix.de) - 29. Oct 2022
Lunea-Walzer / Faustprojekt in Frankfurt a.M.
29.10.2022 20 Uhr Frankfurt am Main VOCAL ART, LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline (Szene in der Dorfschenke aus dem FAUSTUS. Gedicht von Nikolaus Lenau 1836) mit Franziska Hölscher (Violine) und dem Süddeutschen Kammerchor, Ltg. Gerhard Jennemann (über www.reservix.de) - 28. Oct 2022
LUNEA-WALZER / Faust-Projekt in Frankfurt a.M.
28.10.2022 20 Uhr Frankfurt am Main VOCAL ART, LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline (Szene in der Dorfschenke aus dem FAUSTUS. Gedicht von Nikolaus Lenau 1836) mit Franziska Hölscher (Violine) und dem Süddeutschen Kammerchor, Ltg. Gerhard Jennemann (über www.reservix.de) - 22. Oct 2022
TOCCATA & VISION in Munich/Mariahilfkirche
Am Samstag, den 22.10.2022 19:15 spielt der Münchner Domorganist Ruben Sturm neben Händel, Reger u.a. von Enjott Schneider TOCCATA & VISION für Orgel - 22. Oct 2022
Goethe-Projekt in Wien
At 22nd of October 2022 19:00 in WIEN, in der Gesellschaft für Musiktheater Türkenstrasse 19 (Austria) singt Ute Ziemer, begleitet von Hiroko Imai (Klavier) von Enjott Schneider LIEDER DER NATUR (im Rahmen des Goethe-Projekt) - 9. Oct 2022
NATUR-LIEDER NACH GOETHE in Schloß Albeck/Kärnten
On 9th of October 2022 in Schloß Albeck/ Kärnten (Austria) Ute Ziemer (with Hiroko Imai / Klavier) sings LIEDER DER NATUR (Goethe-Projekt) - 9. Oct 2022
ART VOKAL Chorkonzert Enjott Schneider in Kelheim
Sonntag, 9.10. 2022 um 19:30 in Kelheim (Donau) in der Stadtpfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt Chorkonzert KLANGREISEN ZUR SEELE mit dem Programm des Vokalensemble ART VOKAL, die am 2.3. Oktober eine CD SYMPHONIALIS EST ANIMA mit Chorwerken von Enjott Schneider aufgenommen hatten. Cello: Tomasz Skweres, Percussion: Antonino Secchia, Orgel: Roman Puck, Gesamtleitung: Kunibert Schäfer - 24. Sep 2022
ACH GOTT... Choral Prelude in London
On Saturday 24th of September 2022 at 10:00 am in the Temple Church London will be performed the Choral Prelude by Enjott Schneider ACH GOTT....Organist: Charles Andrew. This is part of the Project of William Whitehead: Bach & Friends. The Orgelbüchlein completed, presented by the Royal College of organists and sponsored by Professor Christopher Wood - 18. Sep 2022
TOCCATA & VISION in Augsburg St. Anna
18.9.2022 um 17 Uhr in der Kirche St. Anna Augsburg findet im Rahmen des Orgelkonzerts des Deutschen Musikrates ORGELMUSIK IN ZEITEN VON CORONA die Aufführung statt meines: NACH DER APOKALYPTIK. TOCCATA & VISION. es spielt Moisés Santiesteban, der das Werk auch schon für die Youtube-Veröffentlichung des Musikrates eingespielt hat. - 17. Sep 2022
Saturday, 17th of. September 2022 in Berlin, in Arena GÄRTEN DER WELT (Blumberger Damm): WuWei (Sheng) performs "Touei", the Finale of the Concerto CHANGES, Junping Qian (conductor) in: Sinfoniekonzert anlässlich der 50-Jahresfeier diplomatische Beziehungen Derutschland-China (u.a. mit dem Doppelkonzert für 2 Violinen von J.S. Bach und der Sinfonie Nr. 5 c-moll von L.vanBeethoven) - 19. Aug 2022
Am Freitag, den 19.8.2022 um 16:15 in der St. Annakirche Augsburg spielt Iris Lichtinger die Komposition DREAMIN' BACKWARDS TO MY FORMER TIME MISTRESS für Altflöte solo. Eine Veranstaltung STEINKLANG / STERNKLANG von jetzt:musik! Augsburger Gesellschaft für Neue Musik - 18. Aug 2022
Am 18.8.2022 um 16:15 in der St. Annakirche Augsburg spielt Iris Lichtinger die Komposition DREAMIN' BACKWARDS TO MY FORMER TIME MISTRESS für Altflöte solo. Eine Veranstaltung STEINKLANG / STERNKLANG von jetzt:musik! Augsburger gesellschaft für Neue Musik - 31. Jul 2022
FATAL HARMONIES / Cello concerto in Utrecht
Sunday 31th of July Concert 16:00 Concert at the Geertekerk in Utrecht: Lidy Blijdorp (Violoncello) with Voorzitter Nederlands Strijkersgilde, conducted by Konradin Herzog, performs Enjott Schneider: FATAL HARMONIES OF BLACK SWEETNESS - 30. Jul 2022
Fatal Harmonies / Cello Concerto in The Hague
Saturday 30th of July 20:00 Concert at the Paleiskerk in The Hague: Lidy Blijdorp (Violoncello) with Voorzitter Nederlands Strijkersgilde, conducted by Konradin Herzog, performs Enjott Schneider: FATAL HARMONIES OF BLACK SWEETNESS - 29. Jul 2022
Concerto Violoncello "FATAL HARMONIES" with Lidy Blijdorp (Dutch Premiere)
Friday 29th of July Concert 20:00 at the Akoesticum in Ede: Lidy Blijdorp (Violoncello) with Voorzitter Nederlands Strijkersgilde, conducted by Konradin Herzog, performs Enjott Schneider: FATAL HARMONIES OF BLACK SWEETNESS (= Dutch Premiere) - 28. Jul 2022
Concerto Violoncello "FATAL HARMONIES" with Lidy Blijdorp (Dutch Premiere)
Concerto Violoncello "FATAL HARMONIES" with Lidy Blijdorp (Dutch Premiere) Thursday 28th of July Try-out concert at the Bergkerk in Deventer: Lidy Blijdorp (Violoncello) with Voorzitter Nederlands Strijkersgilde, conducted by Konradin Herzog, performs Enjott Schneider: FATAL HARMONIES OF BLACK SWEETNESS (= Dutch Premiere) - 24. Jul 2022
Worldpremiere RITUALS for Percussion Quartet
On Sunday 24th of July 2022 in Kulturforum Oberalteich at 19:30 / 7. Abokonzert "Reihe zeitgenössische Musik (Konzertfreunde Straubing e.V.) will take place the worldpremiere of RITUALS for Percussion Quartet Performers: Schlagwerker Augsburg (Stanimir Andreev, Dennis Egger, Alexander Herrmann, Robin Toth) Leitung: Stefan Blum / Markus Schmitt, Einführung und Künstlergespräch With other works bySteve Reich, Wolfgang Rihm, Richard Heller, Stefan Blum - 24. Jul 2022
ABUBU / SINTFLUT aus dem Gilgamesch-Epos für Tenor, Bariton, Chor und Orchester (Text aus babylonischer Keilschrift)
DELETED DUE TO COVID19 Pandemic! - Am 24. Juli 2022 Heidelberg / Auditorium der Universität die zweite Aufführung des Oratoriums ABUBU / SINTFLUT aus dem Gilgamesch-Epos für Tenor, Bariton, Chor und Orchester (Text aus babylonischer Keilschrift, transkribiert und übersetzt von Stefan M. Maul). NN (Tenor), Florian Götz (Bariton), Chor und Orchester des Collegium Musicum Heidelberg, Ltg.: Universitätsmusikdirektor Michael Sekulla - 24. Jul 2022
Drei Märchen in Simeonskirche München
24. Juli 2022 in der Simeonskirche München gibt es die DREI MÄRCHEN für Orgel und Erzähler, Hannes Ritschel (Augsburg), Orgel und Stephanie Zagler (Erzählung) - 23. Jul 2022
Oratorium ABUBU -DIE SINTFLUT nach altbabylonischen Keilschrift-Tafeln in Heidelberg
DELETED DUE TO COVID PANDEMIC - Am 23. Juli 2022 Heidelberg / Auditorium der Universität Welturaufführung des Oratoriums ABUBU / SINTFLUT aus dem Gilgamesch-Epos für Tenor, Bariton, Chor und Orchester (Text aus babylonischer Keilschrift, transkribiert und übersetzt von Stefan M. Maul). NN (Tenor), Florian Götz (Bariton), Chor und Orchester des Collegium Musicum Heidelberg, Ltg.: Universitätsmusikdirektor Michael Sekulla - 20. Jul 2022
Am 20.7.2022 um 20:00 wird im Rahmen des ARD RADIOFESTIVAL via BR u.a. das Konzert MAGIC OF CRIME (Gezeitenkonzerte Aurich vom 13.6.2022) übertragen. Es enthält meine Uraufführungen FRANKENSTEIN - Psychogramm des Minströsen / Das Doppelkonzert DRACULA - BIRTH OF A LEGEND für Violine, Cello und Orchester u.a. - 17. Jul 2022
MARIA in Bielefeld beim 42. Orgelsommer
Am Sonntag, den 17.7.2022 um 18:00 wird in der Neustädter Marienkirche Bielefeld meine Komposition MARIA für Orgel solo von Michael Utz (Abtei Brauweiler) im "Orgelsommer III" gespielt. - 11. Jul 2022
LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline
11.7.2022 19 Uhr Kleiner Goldener Saal Augsburg, LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline (Szene in der Dorfschenke aus dem FAUSTUS. Gedicht von Nikolaus Lenau 1836) mit Franziska Hölscher (Violine) und dem Süddeutschen Kammerchor, Ltg. Gerhard Jennemann - 10. Jul 2022
LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline
10.7.2022 19 Uhr Allerheiligen Hofkirche München, LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline (Szene in der Dorfschenke aus dem FAUSTUS. Gedicht von Nikolaus Lenau 1836) mit Franziska Hölscher (Violine) und dem Süddeutschen Kammerchor, Ltg. Gerhard Jennemann - 10. Jul 2022
Toccata Schlafes Bruder in Manderscheid
Am 10.7.2022 in Manderscheid, Lebensbaumkirche um 17:00 findet im Rahmen des Kultursommers Rheinland Pfalz eine >Aufführung der TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER statt, mit der Hamburger Organistin Kerstin Wolf. - 9. Jul 2022
LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline
9.7.2022 19 Uhr Bibliotheksaal Polling/Starnberger See, LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline (Szene in der Dorfschenke aus dem FAUSTUS. Gedicht von Nikolaus Lenau 1836) mit Franzoska Hölscher (Violine) und dem Süddeutschen Kammerchor, Ltg. Gernd Jennemann - 8. Jul 2022
LUNEA-WALZER …und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer für Chor und Solovioline
8.7.2022 19 Uhr Kammermusiktage Mettlach Kirche St. Peter, Uraufführung von LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline (Szene in der Dorfschenke aus dem FAUSTUS. Gedicht von Nikolaus Lenau 1836) mit Franziska Hölscher (Violine) und dem Süddeutschen Kammerchor, Ltg. Gerhard Jennemann - 8. Jul 2022
8.7.2022 um 19:00 in der Pauluskirche Ulm: Konzert des Kammerchors der Universität: Enjott Schneider SONNENGESANG DES FRANZ VON ASSISI (neben A. Bruckners Messe e-moll) - zusammen mit den Universitätschören aus Chisinau (Moldavien) und Sofia (Rumänien) im Rahmen des Internationalen Donaufestes. - 4. Jul 2022
4 Uraufführungen im ARD/NDR Festivalkonzert
Am 10.7.2022 um 20:00 wird im Rahmen des ARD RADIOFESTIVAL via NDR das Konzert MAGIC OF CRIME (Gezeitenkonzerte Aurich vom 13.6.2022) übertragen. Es enthält meine Uraufführungen FRANKENSTEIN - Psychogramm des Minströsen / Das Doppelkonzert DRACULA - BIRTH OF A LEGEND für Violine, Cello und Orchester / die GOLDFINGER-VARIATIONEN u.a. - 2. Jul 2022
Am 2.7.2022 im Petridom Bremen um 20:00 wird im Rahmen der "LANGE NACHT DER MUSIK" von Enjott Schneider aufgeführt: AFRICAN PATCHWORK für Orgel / Tobias Gravenhorst und Djembee / Olaf Tzschoppe - 19. Jun 2022
Am 19.6.2022 um 19:00 in Schwere Reiter München / Spielraum für Aktuelle Musik (Dachauerstrasse 114a) spielt JU(MB)LE. Bayrisches Jugendensemble für Neue Musik mein Streichtrio OUR HOPE IS BLUE & GREEN - 19. Jun 2022
Streichtrio OUR HOPE in Freising
Am 20.6.2022 um 19:30 in Freising "Musik im Museum" spielt JU(MB)LE. Bayrisches Jugendensemble für Neue Musik mein Streichtrio OUR HOPE IS BLUE & GREEN - 18. Jun 2022
Chorkonzert mit ART VOKAL in Regensburg
Am 18.6.2022 in der Dompfarrkirche Niedermünster in Regensburg singt der Kammerchor ART VOKAL unter Leitung von Kunibert Schäfer Chormusik von Enjott Schneider (....und anderen Kollegen). - 18. Jun 2022
NACH DER APOKALYPTIK in Mönchengladbach
Am 18.6.2022 um 12:00 spielt Ruben Sturm (Domorganist in Rottenburg und ab Herbst '22 Domorganist im Münchner Frauendom) meine TOCCATA & VISION "NACH DER APOKALYPTIK" an der Lukas Fischer-Orgel (1975). - 13. Jun 2022
MAGIC OF CRIME Vier Uraufführungen
13. Juni 2022 in Stadthalle Aurich beim GezeitenFestival (Friesland) / Mit Tonaufnahme des NDR Hamburg MAGIC OF CRIME - MAGIE DES BÖSEN Eine konzertante Nervenkitzel-Soiree mit Dietmar Wunder, der deutschen Synchronstimme des James Bond, als Erzähler Ausführende: Dietmar Wunder (Erzählungen und Sprecher), Indira Koch (Violine), Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt (Violoncello), Das Kammerorchester METAMORPHOSEN, Leitung: Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt Drei Uraufführungen von Enjott Schneider: FRANKENSTEIN - PSYCHOGRAMM DES MONSTRÖSEN für Streichorchester & Sound Design DRACULA - VIA CRUCIS DES BÖSEN. Doppelkonzert für Violine, Violoncello und Orchester. Mit Sound Design sowie Texten zum historischen Dracula sowie aus dem Roman (1897) von Bram Stoker Dietmar Wunder erzählt und improvisiert aus seinem „Bond-Kosmos“, - musikalisch unterstützt zwei Uraufführungen von Enjott Schneider für Streichorchester und Sound Design „GOLDFINGER VARIATIONEN“ und „BAD GUY OF JAMAICA“ - 12. Jun 2022
MAGIC OF CRIME for Strings & Sounddesign in Elb-Philharmonie Hamburg
12 of June 2022 im Kammermusiksaal der Elb-Philharmonie MAGIC OF CRIME - MAGIE DES BÖSEN Eine konzertante Nervenkitzel-Soiree mit Dietmar Wunder, der deutschen Synchronstimme des James Bond, als Erzähler Performers: Dietmar Wunder (narrator), Indira Koch (Violine), Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt (Violoncello), Das Kammerorchester METAMORPHOSEN, conductor: Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt 3 World Premieres by Enjott Schneider: FRANKENSTEIN - PSYCHOGRAMM DES MONSTRÖSEN for Strings & Sound Design DRACULA - VIA CRUCIS DES BÖSEN.double concerto for strings & Sound Design Dietmar Wunder is speaking about his „Bond-Kosmos“, - with two wordl premieres by Enjott Schneider for Sztring orchestra and Sound Design „GOLDFINGER VARIATIONEN“ und „DR. NO - VOM ORCHESTER GEJAGT“ - 28. May 2022
Drei Märchen für Orgel
28.5.2022 18:00 in der Dreifaltigkeitskirche Osternburg: Anne Jaborg (Erzählerin) und Insa Meier (Orgel) führen von Enjott Schneider auf: DREI MÄRCHEN für Erzähler und Orgel - 27. May 2022
MAGIC OF CRIME - MAGIE DES BÖSEN. Three World premieres for strings, sound design
27 of May 2022 in the Kammermusiksaal der Berliner Philharmonie MAGIC OF CRIME - MAGIE DES BÖSEN Eine konzertante Nervenkitzel-Soiree mit Dietmar Wunder, der deutschen Synchronstimme des James Bond, als Erzähler Performers: Dietmar Wunder (Erzählungen und Sprecher), Indira Koch (Violin), Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt (Violoncello), Das Kammerorchester METAMORPHOSEN, Conductor: Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt 3 Wolrd Premieres by Enjott Schneider: FRANKENSTEIN - PSYCHOGRAMM DES MONSTRÖSEN für Streichorchester & Sound Design DRACULA - VIA CRUCIS DES BÖSEN. Doppelkonzert für Violine, Violoncello und Orchester. Mit Sound Design sowie Texten zum historischen Dracula sowie aus dem Roman (1897) von Bram Stoker Dietmar Wunder erzählt und improvisiert aus seinem „Bond-Kosmos“, - musikalisch unterstützt zwei Uraufführungen von Enjott Schneider für Streichorchester und Sound Design „GOLDFINGER VARIATIONEN“ und „DR. NO - VOM ORCHESTER GEJAGT“ - 27. May 2022
Yi Jing for Sheng & Chinese Orchestra in Beijing
On 27 May in Beijing Concert House 8 pm: Yunlei NIE (Beijing) is performing in his Solo Recital my composition. YI JING for Chinese Orchestra, the third Movement TOUEI / THE LAKE & THE JOY - 23. May 2022
SPIRITS OF SIBERIA mit Reinhold Friedrich (Trompete) in Halle
Am 23. Mai 2022 um 19:30 im Opernhaus Halle spielt im Rahmen des 7. Sinfoniekonzerts "PANORAMA" Reinhold Friedrich (Trompete) das Konzert SPIRITS OF SIBERIA for trumpet, strings & percussion group. Han sjörg Albrecht leitet die Staatskapelle Halle. Es erklimngen auch EWerke von Dvorac, Ciurlionis und Franz Liszts "Berg-Symphonie" - 22. May 2022
SPIRITS OF SIBERIA for trumpet, strings & percussion group mit Reinhold Friedrich
Am 22. Mai 2022 um 11:00 Matinee im Opernhaus Halle spielt im Rahmen des 7. Sinfoniekonzerts "PANORAMA" Reinhold Friedrich (Trompete) das Konzert SPIRITS OF SIBERIA for trumpet, strings & percussion group. Han sjörg Albrecht leitet die Staatskapelle Halle. Es erklimngen auch EWerke von Dvorac, Ciurlionis und Franz Liszts "Berg-Symphonie" - 22. May 2022
Orchestersuite HERBSTMILCH im Theater Rott am Inn
At Sunday 21 Mai 2022 17:00 in Rott am Inn / Theater an der Rott, Grosses Haus will be performed in the Symphony Concert the orchestral Suite HERBSTMILCH /Soundtrack to the Cinema Movie. With Czech Virtuosi, Conductor. Dean Wilmington - 22. May 2022
Sonntag, den 22.5.2022 in der evangelischen Martinskirche Sindelfingen spielt Ruben Sturm mein Werk NACH DER APOKALYPTIK. Toccata und >Vision, - im Rahmen seines Konzerts AUS DEN TIEFEN. Kunst in Zeiten von Corona - 21. May 2022
HERBSTMILCH Orchestral Suite in Theater Rott am Inn
At Saturday 21 Mai 2022 19:30 in Rott am Inn / Theater an der Rott, Grosses Haus will be performed in the Symphony Concert the orchestral Suite HERBSTMILCH /Soundtrack to the Cinema Movie. With Czech Virtuosi, Conductor. Dean Wilmington - 20. May 2022
Two Choral Works at Stiftsmusik Stuttgart
On Friday, 20.5.2022 at 19:00 in Stiftskirche Stuttgart will be performed in the concert MUSIK DER HOFFNUNG: PATER NOSTER for 6 Voices & prayer bell, and UBI CARITAS for Choir a cappella. With chamber Choir ART VOKAL conducted by Prof. Kunibert Schäfer - 8. May 2022
Drei Märchen für Erzähler und Orgel in Immenstadt
Am Sonntag 8. Mai um 17:00 in der Kirche St. Nikolaus in Immenstadt gibt es die Komposition von En jott Schneider DRei Märchen für Erzähler und Orgel". Sprecher: Michael Hanel, an der Orgel Hannes Ritschel - 7. May 2022
African Patchwork in der 21. Durchlacher Orgelnacht
Am 7. Mai 2022 in der 21. Durlacher Orgelnacht in der Stadtkirche Durchlach spielen Frank Thomé (Percussion) und Dominik Axtmann u.a. die Komposition von Enjott Schneider AFRICAN PATCHWORK für Djembee & Orgel (Präsentiert von der Durlacher Kirchenmusik-Stiftung "Continuo") - 6. May 2022
Kölner Orgelnacht "Zu Ehren Enjott Schneider"
Am 6.5.2022 in der Antoniterkirche Köln findet die seit dem 8.5.2020 um zwei Jahre wegen Covid19-Pandemie verschoebene KÖLNER ORGELNACHT "Zu Ehren Enjott Schneider" statt...also ein um zwei Jahre ritardiertes Geburtstagskonzert, was mich ahrt und freut. U.a. mit der ursprünglich geplanten Uraufführung des Chorwerk MAYIM CHAIM - WASSER DES LEBENS durch den Kammerchor CONSTANT, Ltg. Judith Mohr - 5. May 2022
Exclamatio für Orgel und Trompete bei Verdiener Sommerkonzerte 2022
Am 5. Mai 2022 im Dom von Verden spielen Ingo Müller (Trompete) und Tillmann Benfer (Orgel) von Enjott Schneider die Komposition EXCLAMATIO. - 16. Apr 2022
DER RING in der Augsburger Puppenkiste
Am 16.4.2022 wird nach den vielen Corona-Pandemie-Streichungen wieder DER RING der Nibelungen (Richard Wagner in zwei Stunden) gespielt. Regie: Florian Moch, Musik: Enjott Schneider - 14. Apr 2022
DER RING in Augsburger Puppenkiste
Am 14.4.2022 wird nach den vielen Corona-Pandemie-Streichungen wieder DER RING der Nibelungen (Richard Wagner in zwei Stunden) gespielt. Regie: Florian Moch, Musik: Enjott Schneider - 10. Apr 2022
Am 10.4.2022 in Landshut Pfarrkirche St. Margaret 19:00 : Enjott Schneiders SELIGPREISUNGEN für Chor und Orchester werden (neben Mozarts Requiem d-moll KV 626) vom Konzertchor Landshut aufgeführt, mit dem <landshuter Sinfonieorchester, Leitung: Christoph Schäfer - 4. Apr 2022
Worldpremiere FIVE TO TWELVE in Munich
On 4th of april 2022 at 1 p.m. in Herz Jesu-Kirche Munich: Worldpremiere of FIVE TO TWELVE. TIME IS RUNNING OUT for percussion quartet & organ, with Christian Benning-Percussion Group and Hansjörg Albrecht Organ. - 29. Mar 2022
CIACONNA MISTICA mit Birgit Stolzenburg / Pantaleon
29.3.2022 um 20 Uhr in München SCHWERE REITER (Dachauerstrasse 114) spielt Birgit Stolzenburg (Hackbrett) u.a. von Enjott Schneider die ihr gewidmete CIACONNA MISTICA für Pantaleon. Eine Veranstaltung des DTKV Deutschen Tonkünstlerverbandes - 27. Mar 2022
Am Sonntag, 27.3. 2022 18:00 und zweites Konzert um 20:00 Evangelische Christuskirche spielen Christian Gruber (Gitarre) und Silvia Elvers (Orgel) in Landsberg "The Stones of Newgrange"... eine Spiral Musik. - 18. Mar 2022
FATAL HARMONIES - Laszlo Fenyö performs Cello Concerto in Budapest
Sunday 18 of march 2022 in Budapest (Hungary) BMC Budapest Music Center: Laszlo Fenyö (Cello) performs my Cello Concerto FATAL HARMONIES about Gesualdo's Madrigal "Moro lasso, al mio duolo". Chamber Orchestra ANIMA MUSICAE Kamarazenakar is conducted by Jegy Vásarlás. Publisher: Strube Musikverlag (München ) - 5. Mar 2022
NEKYIA in Berlin-Spandau
Am 5.3.2022 15 Uhr in der Luther-Kirche Berlin-Spandau: Nekyia Oboe & Orgel mit Kim Witt (Oboe) und Martin Kückes (Orgel) - 4. Mar 2022
REQUIEM "about insects and the macrobiotic worlds" Konzerthaus Berlin
Friday, 4 of March 2022 at 8 pm inh Berlin/Konzerthaus will take place the world premiere of REQUIEM. About Insects & The Microbiotic World for string quartet, surprise percussion, video and sound design. with Stefan Blum (Percussion) and the Gropius string quartet (Indira Koch, Friedemann Eichhorn, Alexia Eichhorn, Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt) - 30. Jan 2022
STONES OF NEWGRANGE für Gitarre und Orgel in Landsberg
Am Sonntag, 30.01. 2022 18:00 Evangelische Christuskirche spielen Christian Gruber (Gitarre) und Silvia Elvers (Diskussion Orgel) in Landsberg "The Stones of Newgrange" - 29. Jan 2022
RA - RITUAL for 10 Flutes in Aveiro/Portugal
Am 29. Januar 2023 in der Universität von Aveiro/Portugal spielt im Rahmen des Flötenfestivals von Aveiro das Münchner Flötenensemble von Enjott Schneider RA - RITUAL for 10 Flute Players. - 13. Jan 2022
Am 17. November 2022 um 19:30 in der Neupfarrkirche Regensburg singt der Chor ART VOKAL (Leitung: Kunibert Schäfer) ein Koinzertprogramm LEBENDIGES WASSER mit Motetten von Johann H. Schein (1586-1630) und Enjott Schneider, - u.a. MAYIM CHAIM - Wasser des Lebens - 13. Jan 2022
Am 17. November 2022 um 19:30 in der Neupfarrkirche Regensburg singt der Chor ART VOKAL (Leitung: Kunibert Schäfer) ein Koinzertprogramm LEBENDIGES WASSER mit Motetten von Johann H. Schein (1586-1630) und Enjott Schneider, - u.a. MAYIM CHAIM - Wasser des Lebens - 13. Jan 2022
Uraufführung NOTTURNO OSCURO für Klavier
Am 24.11.2022 um 19:00 im Suschko-Klangwellenhaus Filiale Berg (Starnberger See) spielt Jelena Stojkivics die Uraufführung I des Klavierstücks NOTTURNO OSCURO "...erbärmlich gekrümmt", inspiriert von der SCHUBERT-Biographie von Peter Härtling (1992) - 13. Jan 2022
- 13. Jan 2022
ABUBU / DIE SINTFLUT in Heidelberg
Am 18.2.2023 um 19:00 in Heidelberg, in der Aula der Neuen Universität findet statt die Uraufführung von ABUBU / DIE SINTFLUT für Tenor, Bariton, Chor und Orchester, Oratorium nach altbabylonischen Keilschrift-Texten, Libretto von Prof. Dr. Stefan M. Maul (Lehrstuhl für Assyriologie der Universität Heidelberg). Über 300 Ausführende: Collegium Musicum: Universitätsorchester, Universitätschor, Leitung: Universitätsmusikdirektor Michael Sekulla. Im Programm wird ausserdem noch DER STURM von Pjotr I. Tschaikowsky gespielt. - 13. Jan 2022
LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline
11.7.2022 19 Uhr Kleiner Goldener Saal Augsburg, LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline (Szene in der Dorfschenke aus dem FAUSTUS. Gedicht von Nikolaus Lenau 1836) mit Franzoska Hölscher (Violine) und dem Süddeutschen Kammerchor, Ltg. Gerhard Jennemann - 13. Jan 2022
- 13. Jan 2022
LUNEA-Walzer /FAUST-Projekt in Berlin
31.10.2022 20 Uhr Berlin, Konzerthaus (Kleiner Saal), LUNEA-WALZER…und brausend verschlingt sie das Wonnemeer, für Chor und Solovioline (Szene in der Dorfschenke aus dem FAUSTUS. Gedicht von Nikolaus Lenau 1836) mit Franziska Hölscher (Violine) und dem Süddeutschen Kammerchor, Ltg. Gerhard Jennemann (über ticket@konzerthaus.de) - 13. Jan 2022
world Premiere: FIVE ROSES for low voice & organ
On Friday, 4th of November .2022 at 7 p.m. in Dreifaltigkeitskirche Regensburg: Christian Schmidt-Timmermann (Bassbaritone) and Stefan Baier (Organ) are performing the premiere of FIVE ROSES für tiefe Stimme und Orgel (published by Strube-Verlag) - 2. Jan 2022
Ataccot für Orgel in Stadtkirche Laubach
2.1.2022 10:30-11:30 in Laubach, Evangelische Stadtkirche: Hermann Wilhelmi (Orgel) spielt von Enjott Schneider ATACCOT - 14. Nov 2021
Sunday 14th of November 2021 in St. Margaret Landshut will be performed besides Mozarts REQUIEM by Enjott Schneider : BEATITUDES / SELIGPREISUNGEN für Chor und Orchester aufgeführt. Performers: Konzertchor Landshut, das Landshuter Sinfonieorchester, Ltg.: Christoph Schäfer - 13. Nov 2021
Orgelsinfonie Nr. 7 EWIGKEIT
Samstag, den 13.11.2021 um 17:00 in der St. Georgen-Kirche Waren (Müritz) spielt Lukas Storch (Neustrelitz) die Orgelsinfonie Nr. 7 „Von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit“ - 12. Nov 2021
WATER - ELEMENT OF INFINITY Double concerto in Katowice/Poland
Am 12th of November 2021 in Philharmony of Kattovice/Poland iis the world premiere of double concerto WATER - ELEMENT OF INFINITY for 2 flutes & orchestra. Performers: Agata Kielar-Dlugosz und Lukasz Dlugosz (Flöten) and the Silesian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, Conductor: Miroslaw Jacek Blaszczyk. CD-Recording on WERGO-CD "Flute stories" in january 2020. - 6. Nov 2021
6th of november.2020 in Nürnberg : The Nürnberger Symphoniker conducted by Chefdirigent Kahchun Wong are performing: Schlagzeugkonzert MACHINE WORLDS for Scrap Percussion & Orchestra with soloist Stefan Blum - 1. Nov 2021
1st of november 2021 at 6 pm in Melanchthon-Kirche in Bochum: wordl premiere of SOMBRAS FRAGMENTARIAS for piano solo, Hommage to Michael Praetorius (1571-1621) - 29. Oct 2021
3 Uraufführungen im Dom zu Speyer
Freitag, den 29. Oktober 2021 um 20:00 im Dom zu Speyer. Drei Uraufführungen zum 40. Jahrestag des Speyerer Domes als Hauptwerk romanischer Baukunst in deutschland zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe: MUNDUS NOVUS - DIE NEUE WELT (Apokalypse des Johannes) für Chor, Solovioline, Blechbläser und Orgel / PSALM 84 WIE LIEBLICH für Chor und Ensemble / LIEDKANTATE "JERUSALEM DU HOCHGEBAUTE STADT, Es musizieren Chöre, Solisten und Instrumentalensemble der Dommusik Speyer, Ltg. Markus Melchiori - 23. Oct 2021
Brandenburger Remixed in Columbia/Missouri
23rd of October 2021 in Columbia/Missouri, at Missouri University Columbia Otto Sauter (piccolo trumpet) performs first time the concerto BRANDENBURGER REMIXED for Piccolo Trumpet, Flute, Oboe. Solo Violin and the Columbia >Soloists. Ringpremiere Nr. 1 of "300 years Brandenburg Concerto by J.S. Bach" - 23. Oct 2021
23rd of Oct. 2021 in the Sinquefield Music Center in Columbia/Missouri: Worldpremiere II of the concerto BRANDENBURGER REMIXED for Piccolotrompete, Oboe, Flute, Soloviolin and Orchestra. Performers: Otto Sauter (Piccolotrumpet), Missouri Soloists and Orchestra of the University of Missouri, Conductor: Dr. Stephen Rogers Radcliffe - 20. Oct 2021
2th of Oktober 2021 in Essener Cathedral. Konzertreihe "Dimension Domorgel 2021": SILENT PRELUDES. About Insects and the microbiotic world - for Organ, Video & Sounddesign: ORGAN: Sebastian Küchler-Blessing Sounddesign: Friedrich Dosch, Sounddesigner of films like Schlafes Bruder, Stalingrad, Im Namen der Rose.... - 17. Oct 2021
Uraufführung MISSA SALTERIO in Landsberg a.L.
On Sunday17.10.2021 in the Stadtpfarrkirche Landsberg will take place the world premiere of MISSA SALTERIO "MARIA" for choir and dulcimer solo statt. Performers: Jugendchor Landsberg conducted byMarianne Lösch and Birgit Stolzenburg (Hackbrett) - 17. Oct 2021
BRANDENBURGER REMIXED Premiere in San Louis Potosi/Mexico
17. 10.2021 in der Philharmonie von San Louis Potosi/Mexico Worldpremiere des Konzertes BRANDENBURGER REMIXED für Piccolotrompete, Oboe, Flöte, Solovioline und Orchester. Es spielen Otto Sauter (Piccolorompete) und das Orquesta Sinfonica de San Louis Potosi, Conductor: José Miramontes Zapata - 2. Oct 2021
Worldpremiere Nr.2 Brandenburger Remixed
2.10.2021 Wien-Neustadt: Otto Sauter (piccolo trumpet) performs first time the concerto BRANDENBURGER REMIXED for Piccolo Trumpet, Flute, Oboe. Solo Violin and Wiener Neustadt Instrumentalisten. Ringpremiere Nr. 1 of "300 years Brandenburg Concerto by J.S. Bach" - 25. Sep 2021
TRAKL-LIED bei "75 Jahre Tonkünstlerverband München"
At Saturday 25th of September.2021 at 4 pm in the concert "Lieder-Strauss" , 75 Jahre Tonkünstler München E.V. Performance of my TRAK-LIEDER-ZYKLUS Nr. 4 "Musik im Mirabell", with Ansgar Theis, Baritone, and Lauriane Follonier, pisno - 25. Sep 2021
25th of september 2021 in Regensburg in the Night-Concert of the Chamber Music Festival in Regensburg: theEnsemble STIMMGOLD performs the composition FARBEN DER GLOCKE für 6 Stimmen und drei Schlagzeuger (Colors of the bells), which was composed especially for this Ensemble. - 21. Sep 2021
Symphonic Portrait in Beijing
21st of september .2021at 8 pm. NCPA in Beijing: Symphonic Portrait with Symphony III "Chinese Seasons" and Concerto for Sheng & Orchestra (Soloist: Wu Wei), China National Orchestra, Conducted by Xincao LI - 13. Sep 2021
Lieder der Natur,Song Cycle with lyrics by J.W. von Goethe in München
Monday, 13th of September, at 20:00 in München, Rubinstein-Saal / Steinway-Haus: Ute Ziemer (Soprano) and Tobias Jackl (piano) are performingLiederzyklus LIEDER DER NATUR (lyrics: J.W. von Goethe) - 12. Sep 2021
12th of September 2021 in San Louis-Potosi, Teatro de la Paz, Otto Sauter (piccolo trumpet) performs first time the concerto BRANDENBURGER REMIXED for Piccolo Trumpet, Flute, Oboe. Solo Violin and Orchestra. Ringpremiere Nr. 1 of "300 years Brandenburg Concerto by J.S. Bach" - 26. Aug 2021
Baumbilder & Orgelsinfonie III in Nürnberg
26th of august 2021 in St. Sebald/Nürnberg Marianne Lösch (organ/Landsberg) is performing "Baumbilder für Orgel" and Organ Symphony Nr. 3 TOTENTANZ - 22. Aug 2021
LIEDER DER NATUR with Ute Ziemer (Soprano)
Saturday, 22.8.2021 in Dörgisce (Hungaria - Plattensee) in the Ungarn-Landhaus Ute Ziemer (Soprano) und Hiroko Imai (piano) are performing LIEDER DER NATUR. Drei Lieder nach Texten von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. - 8. Aug 2021
Église Aubusson /France: PAVANE
8th of August 2021 at 5:30 p.m. in church Aubusson /France will be performed PAVANE for Saxophone & Organ, with Fabien Chouraki (sax) and Olivier Dekeister (org) - 5. Aug 2021
Église Pont L‘Abée /France: PAVANE
5th of August 2021 at 11a.m. in church Pont L’Abée /France will be performed PAVANE for Saxophone & Organ, with Fabien Chouraki (sax) and Olivier Dekeister (org) - 4. Aug 2021
Église de St. Michel in Saint Brieuc /France: PAVANE
4th of August 2021 at 5 p.m. in church Église de St. Michel in Saint Brieuc /France will be performed PAVANE for Saxophone & Organ, with Fabien Chouraki (sax) and Olivier Dekeister (org) - 4. Aug 2021
Lannilis /France: PAVANE
4th of August 2021 at 9:30 a.m. in church of Lannilis/ France will be performed PAVANE for Saxophone & Organ, with Fabien Chouraki (sax) and Olivier Dekeister (org) - 2. Aug 2021
Église de Saint Méen/France the: PAVANE
2nd of August 2021 at 9p.m. in church Église de Saint Méen/ France will be performed PAVANE for Saxophone & Organ, with Fabien Chouraki (sax) and Olivier Dekeister (org) - 2. Aug 2021
Questembert/France PAVANE Saxophone and Organ
2nd of August 2021 at 11a.m. in church of Questembert/France will be performed PAVANE for Saxophone & Organ, with Fabien Chouraki (sax) and Olivier Dekeister (org) - 1. Aug 2021
STILLSEIN - CALLARSE Uraufführung mit BR-Klassik
1. August 2021 in Zorneding/Konzertstadl(2 Konzerte um 17:00 und um 19:30) findet nun die wegen Corona Pandemie verschobene Uraufführung statt von: STILLSEIN - CALLARSE. Pianoquintet about a poem of Pablo Neruda.Performers: Oliver Triendl (Pno) und das Schumann-Quartett. Prodcution and broadcasting by BR-Klassik/Bayerischen Rundfunk - 31. Jul 2021
"BEETHOVENS Creation" First Performance in Munich
Saturday, 31st of July 2021 at 20:00 in "Bürgersaalkirche" gibt es die Münchner Erstaufführung meines Werkes "BEETHOVENS SCHÖPFUNG" - NATURBILDER ZUM SEPTETT ES-DUR OP.20 für Soli, Chor und Ensemble. Mit dem Süddeutsche Kammerchor und der Orchesterakademie des Bayerischen Rundfunks. Ltg.: Gerhard Jenemann. Dazu Werke von Joh. Seb. Bach und Louis Vierne (u.a. mit Michael Hartmann/Orgel)............Das Werk wurde im Oktober 2020 viermal rund und Frankfurt uraufgeführt, - unter der Schirmherrschaft der Kultusministerin Monika Grütters, die dort auch die Einführung sprach - 30. Jul 2021
Beethovens Schöpfung in Aschaffenburg
Am Freitag, den 30. Juli 2021 um 20:00 in der Stiftsbasilika Aschaffenburg gibt es "BEETHOVENS SCHÖPFUNG" - NATURBILDER ZUM SEPTETT ES-DUR OP.20 für Soli, Chor und Ensemble. Mit Solisten und dem Süddeutschen Kammerchor Ltg.: Gerhard Jenemann. Dazu Werke von Joh. Seb. Bach.......Das Werk wurde im Oktober 2020 viermal rund und Frankfurt uraufgeführt, - unter der Schirmherrschaft der Kultusministerin Monika Grütters, die dort auch die Einführung sprach - 24. Jul 2021
STONES OF NEWGRANGE for Guitar & Organ in Weilheimer Orgelsommer
24.7.2021 um 19:00 in Stadtpfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt in Weilheim / O.Bayern im Rahmen des Internationalen Orgelsommers Weilheim: Christian Gruber (Gitarre) und Silvia Elvers (Orgel) spielen im Konzert "Orgel trifft Gitarre" von Enjott Schneider THE STONES OF NEWGRANGE. Eine Spiralmusik nach steinzeitlichen Grabmustern aus Newgrange (Irland). - 6. Jul 2021
Resurrectio für Orgel
Dienstag, 6.7.2021 20:00 Kölner Dom bei den „Orgelfeierstunden“ erklingt Resurrectio. Invocatio per tempore paschalis mit dem Organisten Balthasar Baumgartner - 19. Jun 2021
Premiere BOTTICELLI-TRIPTYQUE Europäische Festwochen Passau
Saturday 19th of June 2021 in Passau Studienkirche St. Michael at 18:00 and (repeated)) 20:15 will be premiered in the opening concerto of 69. Festspiele Europäischen Wochen Passau: DIE FRAUEN DES SANDRO BOTTICELLI Drei Tanz-Portraits für Orchester 1: Die Geburt der Venus 2: Minerva und der Kentaur 3: La Primavera With Nationale Kammerphilharmonie Prag, Leitung: Hansjörg Albrecht - 17. Jun 2021
Yin & Yang / Toccata & Melisma for trumpet and organ
17.6.2021 in the Cathedral of Güstrow at 19:30 "Festspiele Mecklenburg Vorpommern" Gábor Boldoczki/Trompete and Sebastian Küchler-Blessing/Orgel are performing YING & YANG / TOCCATA & MELISMA for trumpet and Organ - 16. Jun 2021
YIN & YANG - TOCCATA & MELISMA in Ribnitz-Damgarten
16th of June 2021 in St. Marienkirche Ribnitz-Damgarten Gábor Boldoczki/Trompete and Sebastian Küchler-Blessing/Orgel are performing: YING & YANG / TOCCATA & MELISMA for trumpet and organ - 16. Jun 2021
Percussionquartett RITUALES Premiere of the New Version
16.6.2021 at the "Straubinger Musiktage" in Straubing/Bavaria the Percussion Quartet Stefan Blum is performing the renewed version of URKULTUR Nr.1 RITUALES (1988/2021) - 14. Jun 2021
14th of june 2021 in Munich, Bayerische Versicherungskammer. Concert of DTKV Deutscher Tonkünstlerverbandes: Ute Ziemer (Soprano) and Tobias Jackl (piano) are performing the Premiere of: LIEDER DER NATUR. Drei Lieder nach Texten von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. - 4. Jun 2021
African Patchwork
Freitag, 4.6.2021 Stadtpfarrkirche Ried, AFRICAN PATCHWORK wird gespielt von Jakob Angleitner (Orgel) und Bastian Unterberger (Djembee) - 26. Apr 2021
GOETHE-Liederzyklus "NATUR" Premiere
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA PANDEMIC. POSTPONED to 14th of June. Monday 26th of april 2021 in Munich, Bayerische Versicherungskammer. Concert of DTKV Deutscher Tonkünstlerverbandes: Ute Ziemer (Soprano) and Stéphane Boelingen (piano) are performing the Premiere of: LIEDER DER NATUR. Drei Lieder nach Texten von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. - 22. Mar 2021
Willst eine Welt Du schaun
Monday 22nd of March 2021 Bayerische Versicherungskammer Munich: WILLST EINE WELT DU SCHAUN for Flute & piano, with Sylvia Dankesreiter - 17. Mar 2021
MICROCOSM for Beatboxer & String Quartet
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA PANDEMY - 17th of march 2021 in Berlin/Philharmonie will take place the worldpremiere of: MICROCOSM for Beatboxer, String Quartet & Sounddesign with Indra Tedjasukmana (Beatboxer), an the string quartet Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt, - "about insects & the microbiotic world" with Video and Sounddesign. - 14. Mar 2021
2 Compositions for OUD & ORGEL in Berlin-Spandau
At sunday 14.3.2021 in the Luther-Kirche Spandau in a programme titled "SEHNSUCHT NACH FRIEDEN" two works for Oud and Organ will be performed, by Mohannad Nasser (Oud) and Dr Martin Kückes (Organ): NATHANS DREAM and PRAYERS FROM THE HELL OF WAR - 21. Feb 2021
RAPTUS in Frankfurt a.O.
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA PANDEMY - 21st of february 2021 at 11:00 in Konzerthalle Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachsthe Brandenburgische Staatsorchester Frankfurt (Oder) is performing: Enjott Schneider RAPTUS - DIE FREIHEIT DES BEETHOVEN, conducted by Kazem Abdullah - 22. Jan 2021
MAYIM CHAIM in Regensburg
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA PANDEMY - On Friday 22nd of January at 19:30 in Regensburg St. Andreas takes place: Worldpremiere of MAYIM CHAIM - WASSER DES LEBENS für Chor a capella in the performance EN12 with contemporary Sacred Music. Dpouble performance: at the beginning with the Neuen Kammerchor Regensburg cond. Kunibert Schäfer, and at the end together with the additional Mädchen-Kantorei Regensburg cond. Eva-Maria Leeb - 7. Dec 2020
Monday, 7th of december 2020 at 6 p.m. in Izmir/Turkey: Double Concerto ALTAI - TRACES TO INFINITY. Performed by Otto Sauter (Piccolotrumpet) und Davide Alonga (Violin) with Izmir State Orchestra, Conductor: Darius Mikulski. - 6. Dec 2020
Enjott with folk musician Stofferl Well in Bavarian Broadcast
Sunday 6th of december 14-15 and (repeated) 22-23 on air "BR - HEIMAT - TYPISCH BAYERN" Enjott with folk musician Stofferl Well in Bavarian Broadcast . Also available asPodcast in BD-Mediathek - 22. Nov 2020
UA STILLSEIN Klavierquintett
POSTPONED DUE TO CORONA PANDEMIE On Sunday 22nd of November 2020 at 17:00 and at 19:30 / in Martinstadl Zorneding / will take place a world-premiere: Piano Quintet STILLSEIN - A CALLARSE (nach einem Gedicht von Pablo Neruda). Performers: Oliver Triendl/ Piano and the Schumann Quartet. The concert will be recorded and broadcasted by BR Klassik. - 22. Nov 2020
Sunday, 11th of November 2020at 5 pm (second concert at 7 pm) in Rubinstein-Saal München (formerly Steinway-Haus) will be performed the string trio: OUR HOPE IS BLUE & GREEN, played by members of: ju(mb)le- Jugendensemble für neue Musik, Bayern. - 15. Nov 2020
NATHANS DREAM + PRAYERS ...from the hells of war in SPANDAU
On 1th of Novemeber 2020 at 4 pm in: Spandauer Neustadt/ Lutherkirche veranstaltet von den drei religiösen Gemeinden (Moschee-Gemeinde Lynarstraße, Luther-Kirchengemeinde, Baptistische Gemeinde) und dem Konservatorium für türkische Musik in Kreuzberg BTMK leine Aufführung ...there will take place a performance of NATHANS DREAM and PRAYERS...FROM THE HELLS OF WAR. Performers: the syrian Oud-Soloist Mohannad Nasserand the german organ player Martin Kückes. - 7. Nov 2020
Beethoven 250 - Schneider 70
POSTPONED DUE TO COVID19-PANDEMIE!!! - 7.11.2020 at 7 pm. in iGroßer Konzertsaal der Hochschule für Musik & Theater -a birthday concerto " Beethoven 250 - Enjott Schneider 70". With 8 worldpremieres round about Beethovens song NUR WER DIE SEHNSUCHT KENNT by Martina Eisenreich, Konstantia Gourzi, Dorothea Hofmann, Evelyn Huber, Birgit Stolzenburg, Marco Hertenstein und Enjott Schneiders SEHNSUCHT für Sopran (Julia Sophie Wagner), Klarinette (Stefan Schneider) und Klavier (Jelena Stojkovic) sowie DESPAIR & LONGING für Klavier ....und vielen weiteren Solisten als Gast des ensemble oktopus der moderne, Leitung: Konstantia Gourzi - 19. Oct 2020
POSTPONED on 22nd of march DUE TO CORONA-PANDEMY... Montag, den 19.10.2020 Bayerische Versicherungskammer München WILLST EINE WELT DU SCHAUN für Flöte und Klavier mit Sylvia Dankesreiter - 19. Oct 2020
Willst eine Welt Du Schaun! - in der Versicherungskammer München
19.10.2020 um 20 Uhr in München, Saal der Bayerischen Versicherungskammer (im Lehel): WILLST EINE WELT DU SCHAUEN für Flöte und Klavier mit Sylvia Dankesreiter - 19. Oct 2020
19thz of october 2020 at 8 pm Frankfurt a.M. Deutschordenskirche: world premiere von BEETHOVENS SCHÖPFUNG für Soli, Chor und Ensemble (4. Konzert); Solisten und Ensemble des Süddeutschen Kammerchores, Ltg.: Gerhard Jennemann - 18. Oct 2020
Sunday 18th of october in Stadtpfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt Landsberg am Lech: Missa Brevis SURREXIT CHRISTUS, Landsberger Jugendchor, Conductor: Marianne Lösch - 18. Oct 2020
18th of october 2020 at 5 pm Uhr Bergkirche Niedergründgau: world premiere of BEETHOVENS SCHÖPFUNG für Soli, Chor und Ensemble (3. Konzert); Solisten und Ensemble des Süddeutschen Kammerchores, Ltg.: Gerhard Jennemann - 17. Oct 2020
Am Samstag, 17.10. in Bologna, Basilica S. Antonio 21:15: Johannes Skudlik (Orgel) spielt AT THE EDGE OF TIME. Variations on Mozarts Requiem KV 622 - 17. Oct 2020
17th of october 2020 uat 8 pm Basilika St. Martin, Bingen: world premiere of BEETHOVENS SCHÖPFUNG für Soli, Chor und Ensemble (2. Konzert); Solisten und Ensemble des Süddeutschen Kammerchores, Ltg.: Gerhard Jennemann - 16. Oct 2020
16th of october 2020 at 8 pm in Kulturforum Alzenau/Bavaria: world premiere of: BEETHOVENS SCHÖPFUNG für Soli, Chor und Ensemble (1. conzert); im Eröffnungskonzert der 45. Fränkischen Musiktage mit Gastrednerin Monika Grütters, Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien. Solisten und Ensemble des Süddeutschen Kammerchores, Ltg.: Gerhard Jennemann - 11. Oct 2020
Sunday, 11th of October..2020 at 8 p.m. in Sotschi/Russland City Hall: Doppelkonzerts ALTAI - TRACES TO INFINITY. Perfomred by Otto Sauter (Piccolotrumpet) and Davide Alonga (Violin) Conductor: Darius Mikulski. - 10. Oct 2020
Enjott Schneider Concert for his 70th anniversary
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA PANDEMIE! - Saturday, 10th of october 2020 at 19:00 in Seibelsdorf Markgrafenkirche, JUBILÄUMSKONZERT with Marius Popp and his Consortium. Besides works of A. Vivaldi and A. Marcello will by performed music by Enjott Schneider. His: "B-A-C-H"-Concerto für Oboe, Sztreicher und <cembalo, Kyrie & Gloria mit Wal-Gesängen, SELIGPREISUNGEN für Chor und Ensemble - 8. Oct 2020
Christuskirche Dormagen Enjott Schneider z70th Birthday with 2 Premiesen
8.10.2020 in Christuskirche Dormagen Kantor Georg Wendt will pefrom a concert "Enjott Schneider zum 70.": besides Toccata SCHLAFES BRUDER and SO ICH MICH SELBER LESE for Soprano and Organ ewill be performed 2 worldpremieres: L'ANGELICA FARFALLA. DIAMONDS LOST IN THE PAST.Concerto for Piccolotrumpet and Organ and SILENT PRELUDES…ABOUT INSECTS & THE MICROBIOTIC WORLD (with tape / Sound design made by Friedrich M. Dosch) Motto: „So God created every living creature that moves…“ Genesis 1,21). - 4. Oct 2020
AT THE EDGE OF TIME in Loyola, Spain
On Sunday 4.10.2020 in Loyola/Spain in Basilica at 20.00: Johannes Skudlik (Organ) performs AT THE EDGE OF TIME. Variations on Mozarts Requiem KV 622 - 19. Sep 2020
Organ Symphonies 6+8 in Augsburg
Saturday 9th of september 2020 7 p.m. in Augsburg Kirche St. Ulrich und St. Afra Jürgen Geiger is performing the OPRGAN SYMPHONY Nr.6 TE DEUM. and Nr. 8 IN MEMORIAM. Both symphonies are a metamorphosis of Anton Bruckner works "Te Deum" and "Sinfonie Nr. 8" - 12. Sep 2020
Double concerto ALTAI in Reggio/Italy
Saturday 12th of september 2020 at 7 p.m. in Reggio/Italy. Double Concerto ALTAI - TRACES TO INFINITY. Performed by Otto Sauter (Piccolotrompete) and Davide Alonga (Violine) with Sinfonica del conservatorio F. Cilea, Conductor: Darius Mikulski. - 10. Sep 2020
Organ Symphony Nr. 6 TE DEUM in Vaterstetten
10.9.2020 at 11:15 Jürgen Geiger is performing in a "Matinee zur Marktzeit" the organ symphony Nr. 6 TE DEUM with motifs from Anton Bruckners Te Deum. - 6. Sep 2020
CONCERTINO Basson & Strings in Italy
Am 6.9.2020 in Castelina (Italy/Siena) in Chiesa di Salvatori: 3rd performance CONCERTINO FOR BASSOON B& STRINGS "Ode to Harmony". Performers: Jonas Alexander Beckmann (bassoon), Laura Sophia Hummel (Violin solo), Ensemble BELLA MUSICA of the University Mozarteum Salzburg, Conductor: Stefan David Hummel - 5. Sep 2020
Organ Symphony Nr. 16 in Landsberg am Lech
5th of september 2020at 11:15 in Landsberg am Lech / Church Mariä Himmelfahrt, Johannes Quack (Köln) is performing dOrgelsinfonie Nr. 16 MARTIN LUTHER, dedicated to Johannes Quack - 5. Sep 2020
CONCERTINO for bassoon & strings
5th of september 2020 in Impruneta/Firenze Castello di Faggio the second performance of CONCERTINO FOR BASSOON B& STRINGS "Ode to Harmony". Performers: Jonas Alexander Beckmann (bassoon), Laura Sophia Hummel (Violin Solo), Ensemble BELLA MUSICA of the University Mozarteum Salzburg, Cond.: Stefan David Hummel - 4. Sep 2020
CONCERTINO bassoon & strings in Italy
4th of september 2020 in Lamole (Italy/Chianti) in Chiesa San Donati: world-premiere of CONCERTINO FOR BASSOON B& STRINGS "Ode to Harmony" (composed august 2020). Performers: Jonas Alexander Beckmann (bassoon), Laura Sophia Hummel (Solovioline), Ensemble BELLA MUSICA of University Mozarteum Salzburg, Conducted: Stefan David Hummel - 30. Aug 2020
PAVANE für Altsaxophon und Orgel
30 august 2020at 5 pm in Stadtkirche Neustrelitz (Grüneberg-Orgelsommer) Lukas Storch (Orgel) and Claudia Tesorino are performing the : PAVANE für Altsaxophon und Orgel - 28. Aug 2020
At 28th of august 2020 20:00 in Cathedral of Lausanne (Switeerland): Johannes Skudlik (Organ) sis performing Enjott Schneider AT THE EDGE OF TIME. VARIATIONS ON MOZARTS REQUIEM KV 622 - 28. Aug 2020
EDGE OF TIME in Lausanne
28th of august .2020 20:00 in zthe Cathedral of Lausanne/Switzerland Johannes Skudlik (Organ): AT THE EDGE OF TIME. Variations about Mozarts Requiem KV 622 - 17. Aug 2020
WUHAN 2020 Symphonic Poem in Tianshen/China
17.8.2020 at 20:00 in City Concert Hall the Tianshen Symphony Orchestra conducted by Li Biao will finally perform the 2nd worldpremiere of SYMPHONIC POEM "WUHAN 2020" .. This composition was commissioned in february 2020 by Beijing Symphony Orchestra to encourage the brave people of Wuhan suffering so hard with Corona Virus.... and then the premiere of 6th of march was postponed to April, to May..... - 15. Aug 2020
Organ symohony Nr. 10 in Leipzig Church St. Thomas
Saturday, 15th of august 2020 Leipzig, Thomaskirche, Hansjörg Albrecht is performing the Organ Symphony Nr. 10 d"B-A-C-H" (dedicated to Hansjörg Albrecht) as the finale of a programe Bach-Liszt-Schneider: "20 Jahre Bach-Orgel" - 14. Aug 2020
SYMPHONIC POEM "WUHAN 2020" in Beijing
14.8.2020 at 20:00 in NCPA National Center of Performing Arts Beijing the Bejing Symphony Orchestra conducted by Li Biao will finally perform the worldpremiere of SYMPHONIC POEM "WUHAN 2020" in the definite large orchestration... This composition was commissioned in february 2020 to encourage the brave people of Wuhan suffering so hard with Corona Virus.... and then the premiere of 6th of march was postponed to April, to May..... and finally to 14th of august. - 13. Aug 2020
Organ Symphony Nr. 10 B-A-C-H in Pirna
13th of august 2020 in Pirna, Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche, Hansjörg Albrecht is perfroming ORGELSINFONIE Nr. 10 B-A-C-H, which i dedicated to him. - 9. Aug 2020
9 August .2020 at 5 pm in Stadtkirche Neustrelitz (Grüneberg-Orgelsommer) Lukas Storch (Organ) is performing ORGELSINFONIE NR. 7 "VON EWIGKEIT ZU EWIGKEIT" - 7. Aug 2020
Luthermania Orgel à 4 in St. Bavo Haarleml
7.8.2020 at 13:15 in Grote of St. Bavokerk Haarlem/Amsterdam Catherine Navarro and Marc Adamczewski are performing: LUTHERMANIA for two organists - 5. Aug 2020
AT THE EDGE OF TIME in Copenhagen
On Wednesday 5.8.2020 in Copenhagen/Danmark in Holmens Kirke at 12:00: Johannes Skudlik (Organ) performs AT THE EDGE OF TIME. Variations on Mozarts Requiem KV 622 - 4. Aug 2020
AT THE EDGE OF TIME in Gdansk/Oliwa Poland
On Tuesday 4.8.2020 in Cathedral of Oliwa in Gdansk/Poland: Johannes Skudlik (Organ) performs AT THE EDGE OF TIME. Variations on Mozarts Requiem KV 622 - 4. Aug 2020
Organ Symphony Nr. 12 Kölner Dom
4.8.2020 at 20:00 in Cathedral of Cologne: Organ Symphony Nr. 8 Veni Creatorperformed by the Regensburg Domorganist Franz Josef Stoiber.. Live-Streamin at Domradio.de and at youtube - 28. Jul 2020
Concert for the 270th anniversary of death of J.S. Bach POSTPONED due to Corona Virus to 2021
28th of July 2020 Concert for J.S. Bach's 270th anniversary of his death "Water IV" with works by J.S. Bach and Enjott Schneider....among others world premiere of the organ concerto "Vom Geist des Wassers" (soloist: Johannes Skudlik) and "WASSERORATORIUM" for solos, choir and orchestra. Performers: Munich Bach Choir and Munich Bach Orchestra, conductor: Hansjörg Albrecht - 26. Jul 2020
Works of J.S. BACH and ENJOTT SCHNEIDER in St. Bonifaz München
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS- -26th of July 2020 in München Abtei St. Bonifaz Hansjörg Albrecht and the Arcis Saxophone Quartet ar performing works by J.S.Bach and Enjott Schneider. Enjott Schneider's ATACCOT for organ, his CRUCIFIXUS for saxophone quartet and organ, NATURKLÄNGE for organ and electronic playback. - 25. Jul 2020
BEETHOVENS "SCHÖPFUNG". Naturbilder Aschaffenburger Bach-Tage
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 25th of July .2020 at 8 p.m. in the Stiftskirche Aschaffenburg: Süddeutsche Kammerchor with soloists and chamber orchestra conducted by Gerhard Jenemann performing: Enjott Schneider BEETHOVENS „SCHÖPFUNG“ Naturbilder zum Septett op. 20 für Sopran, Tenor, Chor und Ensemble (Texte: Ludwig van Beethoven und Johann Wolfgang von Goethe). = 33. Aschaffenburger Bachtage 2020 "Bach und Beethoven" - 19. Jul 2020
Ataccot for Organ, in Gland/Switzerland
Sunday 19.7.2020 at 17:00 in the Protestant Church in Gland/Switzerland Johannes Skudlik (Organ) performs ATACCOT, - the retrograde version of Bach Toccata d-minor - 13. Jul 2020
AT THE EDGE OF TIME (organ solo) in Rapallo/Italy
On Monday 13.7.2020 in Rapallo/Italy 21:15 in San Matteo: Johannes Skudlik (Organ) performs AT THE EDGE OF TIME. Variations on Mozarts Requiem KV 622 - 12. Jul 2020
SULAMITH for Cello & Organ in Neustrelitz
12 July .2020 at 5 pm in Stadtkirche Neustrelitz (Grüneberg-Orgelsommer) Lukas Storch (/Organ) and Beate Richter are playing SULAMITH für Violoncello und Orgel - 11. Jul 2020
SULAMITH for Violoncello and organ
Saturday 11th of July .2020 at 3 p.m.in Alt Placht Kirchlein im Grünen: Beate Richter (Violoncello) and Lukas Storch (organ) atre performing SULAMITH für Orgel und Violoncello - 6. Jul 2020
CD-recordings at the National Theatre BRNO / Czech Republic
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - From 6thof July till 12th of July 2020 in Janacek Operahouse / Czech Republic CD-Recordings (Label WERGO, distribution Naxos) with works by Enjott Schneider: SINFONIE NR. 4 SALAAM "Friedenssinfonie" für Soli, Chor und Orchester, and APOCALYPSIS. END OF TIME für vier Posaunen und Orchester, performed by choir & orchestra of National Theatre BRNO, Conductor: Hansjörg Albrecht - 5. Jul 2020
FIVE ROSES for voice & organ in Regensburg
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 5th of Juli 2020 in Regensburg, Historic Museum of the City of Regensburg: Worldpremiere of the song cycle FIVE ROSES for voice & organ with Christian M. Schmidt (Bassbaritone) and Stefan Baier (Organ) iin the framework of the renowned "Museumskonzerte". - 3. Jul 2020
Kammer-Konzert mit Buchpräsentation
Am Freitag, den 3.7.2020 um 19:00 in München Künstlerhaus am Lenbachplatz wird das Buch ENJOTT SCHNEIDER vorgestellt, Allitera-Verlag, Reihe "Komponisten in Bayern" Band 66. Dazu gibt es ein Kammerkonzert. Es musizieren Christian Maria Schmidt (Bassbariton), Stefanie Pritzlaff (Flöten), Stefan Schneider (Klarinetten), Stefan Blum (Percussion), Jelena Stojkovics (Klavier). Auf dem Programm steht der Zyklus ROBERT-SCHUMANN-TRAUMREISE, DREAMIN BACKWARDS, MANDALAS NACH WILLIAM BLAKE, REQUIEM POUR ERIK SATIE... und ein ganz neues Werk: die Vertonung des am 25.5.2020 von Polizisten ermordeten Amerikaners George Floyd "PLEASE, PLEASE, I CAN'T BREATHE!" - 28. Jun 2020
Philharmony in the Gasteig Munich, CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 28th of June 2020 in Philharmony in the Gasteig Munich: "CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS", for the 250th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven, the 125th anniversary of Carl Orff, the 70th anniversary of Enjott Schneider, the 75th anniversary of Münchner Symphoniker, the 60th anniversary of Münchner Motettenchors.Performances of Enjott Schneider: RAPTUS. DIE FREIHEIT DES BEETHOVEN, of Carl Orff: CARMINA BURANA für Soli, Chor und Orchester, of Enjott Schneider: ORBE ROTUNDO für Soli, Chor und Orchester (a "sisterwork" to Orff's "Carmina Burana"). With Münchner Motettenchor, Münchner Symphoniker, Conductor: Benedikt Haag - 25. Jun 2020
ALTAI - TRACES TO INFINITY in Manaus/Amazonas-Brasilia
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 25th of June 2020 at 8 p.m. in Manaus/Brasilien in the Amazonas Theatre: Double concerto ALTAI - TRACES TO INFINITY. Performed by Otto Sauter (Piccolotrompete) and Davide Alonga (Violin) with orchestra Amazonas Philharmonics, Conductor: Darius Mikulski. - 25. Jun 2020
Leoporello & Giovanni Double Concerto in Moskau
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 25th of June 2020 in Moskau in the futuriustic concert hall Sarjadje will be performed: Double Concerto LEPORELLO & GIOVANNI for double bass, Contrabass-Balalaika and orchestra, with Artem Chirkov (doublebass) and Mikhail Drydudze (Contrabass-Balalaika) - 21. Jun 2020
Uraufführung bei Europäische Wochen Passau
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - Sonntag, 20.6. 11.00 Uhr / Passau / Konzertsaal der Europäischen Wochen die Komposition FRIDAY FOR FUTURE für Ensemble, mit dem JU[MB]LE PROJEKT 2020 - 100 Jahre Zukunft. Junge Musiker spielen junge Musik, sowie weitere Werke von Mauricio Kagel, Marc Andre, Helmut Lachenmann u. a. JU[MB]LE – Jugendensemble für Neue Musik Bayern. Johannes X. Schachtner Dirigent - 20. Jun 2020
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 20th of June 2020 Gasteig München, „FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE“. A study on optimism, for eight musicians. Flute, clarinet, string quintet and percussion. Worldpremiere in the concert “100 JAHRE ZUKUNFT” of: JUMBLE / Jugendensemble für Neue Musik Bayern, Conductor: Johannes X. Schachtner - 18. Jun 2020
Enjott Schneider bei "VERHÖRT" München
18th of june 2020 in Munich, Seidlvilla Nicolaiplatz 1b in the interview serie "VERHÖRT" of: MGNM Münchner Gesellschaft für Neue Musik e.V. will Enjott Schneider be the guest - 11. Jun 2020
Moon over Erqan Waters in Shanghai
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 11th of June 2020 Shanghai, Concert Hall of Central Conservatory: Worldpremiere of MOON OVER ERQAN WATERS / Piano Trio, with Pianist Yinjia YU - 10. Jun 2020
Two worldpremieres in Philharmony Krasnoyarsk
10th of june 2020 in Krasnoyarsk Philharmonic Hall. Two wolrd-premieres commissioned by the Siberian State Symphony Orchestra - where I'will be for 2020 composer in residence": Work 1: DEDICATION .In Memoriam Dmitri Hvorostovksy for baritone, choir and orchestra (lyrics: Alexander Puschkin). oerk 2: Saxophone concerto DEMONIC WORLDS, Tales from the dark side of life, performed by Christoph Enzel (Sopran- und Tenorsaxophon) andd conducted by Vladimir Lande.Recording of both works 7th - 12th june in Krasnoyarsk for WERGO-CD eingespielt. - 6. Jun 2020
Symphonic works in China
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 6th of june 2020 in Beijing, CONCERT OF NATONAL SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA tribute to Enjott Schneider 70th anniversary, , conducto: Xincao LI, with 3rd Symphony "Chinese Seasons" (words by Hans Bethge) and CHANGES / JI YING for Sheng and Orchestra, Soloist: Wu Wei (Sheng) - 5. Jun 2020
Organ Symphony Nr. 13 in Regensburg
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 5th of June 2020 at 21:00 in Regensburg, Neupfarrkirche, Professor Stefan Baier is performing in a concert programme "Mondscheinmusik zum Vollmond" the organ symphony Nr. 13 LUNA, which is dedicated to Stefan Baier - 30. May 2020
NEKIJA for Oboe and Orgel in Kloster Stühlingen
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 30th of May 20205 p.m. imnKapuziner-Kloster Stühlingen "Musik im Kloster / Klänge des Lichts" Stefan Pöll (Organ) is perfprming NEKIJA for Oboe and Organ - 27. May 2020
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 27.5.2020 in Brussels / Belgium "Europäischer Friedenspreis" in Brüssel/Belgien: Worldpremierer IN THE TWILIGHT OF ANTAGONISM for String Quartet - 1: Colors of Antagonism. 2: „Peace“ – the path to reconciliation 3: Song for a World beyond Future with Henschel String Quartet - 24. May 2020
Orgelsinfonie Nr. 7
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 24th of May 2020 5 p.m. in Basilika Waldsassen: Markus Rupprecht performs >Organ Symphony Nr.7 "In Eternity", together with Neuer Kammerchor Regensburg, Ltg.: Kunibert Schäfer - 17. May 2020
JOY OF MUSIC Staatstheater Mainz
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 17th of May 2020 at 11 a.m. in Matinée of Staatstheater Mainz, Worldpremiere of the hymn JOY OF MUSIC 250th anniversary of Schott Musikverlag; in two versions: children choir and chamber ensemble, symphonic version for orchestra with Staatsorchester Mainz - 16. May 2020
ATACCOT in Karlsruhe-Durchlach
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 16th of May 2020 at 8 p.m. in Karlsruhe-Durlach, Evangelische Stadtkirche, Dominik Axtmann is performing: Enjott Schneider ATACCOT für Orgel und 14 Paukenschläge, with. Frank Thomé, Percussion - 15. May 2020
RAPTUS Philharmonie Bad Reichenhall
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 15th of May 2020 in Theater Bad Reichenhall: The Philharmonie Bad Reichenhall, Conductor: Christian Simonis, is performing: Enjott Schneider RAPTUS. DIE FREIHEIT DES BEETHOVEN - 14. May 2020
Organ Symphony Nr. 9 in Suntory Hall Tokio
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 14th of May in Tokio Suntory Hall: Johannes Skudlik is performing the ORGAN SYMPHONY NR. 9, dedicated to J. Skudlik as a hommage to P.I.Tschaikowsky - 8. May 2020
Cologne Organ Night: in honour of Enjott Schneider's 70th birthday
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 8th of may 2020 COLOGNE ORGAN NIGHT "In honour of Enjott Schneider's 70th anniversary" takes places in various churches as Antoniterkirche, Trinitatiskirche of Cologne/City. Organisation by KMD Johannes Quack/ Antoniterkirche. Programme and locations will be announced shortly. - 8. May 2020
Worldpremiere Motette WERKZEUG DEINES FRIEDENS for choir and orchestra in Speyer
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 8th of may 2020 at 7 p.m. in Cathedral / Dom zu Speyer: Worldpremiere of Motette "WERKZEUG DEINES FRIEDENS" for Choir and Orchestra. Domchor Speyer, Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz, Conductor: Domkapellmeister Markus Melchiori im Gedenk-Konzert "75. Jahrestag Ende des 2. Weltkrieges" - 8. May 2020
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 8th of may 2020 at 8 p.m. in Quenca / Ecuador: Doppelkonzert ALTAI - TRACES TO INFINITY. Performers: Otto Sauter (Piccolotrumpet) and Davide Alonga (Violin), Sinfonica Quenca, Conducted: Darius Mikulski. - 2. May 2020
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 2nd of May 2020 in Taipei Concert Hall (Taiwan): Worldpremiere of HIDDEN WORLD OF DEMONS & SPIRITS for Sheng and Chinese ORCHESTRA, Soloist: WuWei (Sheng), TCO Taipei Chinese Orchestra, Conductor: Yu-An Chang. - 1. May 2020
AT THE EDGE OF TIME in Trnava/Slowakia
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - ON Sunday 9.8.2020 in Basilica of Trnava at 20:00: Johannes Skudlik (Organ) performs AT THE EDGE OF TIME. Variations on Mozarts Requiem KV 622 - 1. May 2020
AT THE EDGE OF TIME in Spania/Dolina
29th of august 2020 at 19:00 in Spania/Dolina Johannes Skudlik (Organ) is performing: AT THE EDGE OF TIME. Variations about Mozarts Requiem KV 622 - 1. May 2020
AT OF TIME in Scalica
At 30th of august 2020 at 19:00 in Jesuitenkirche Scalica with Johannes Skudlik (Orgel): AT THE EDGE OF TIME. Variations about Mozarts Requiem KV 622 - 1. May 2020
- 1. May 2020
- 1. May 2020
Église Pont L‘Abée /France: PAVANE
5th of August 2021 at 11a.m. in church Pont L’Abée /France will be performed PAVANE for Saxophone & Organ, with Fabien Chouraki (sax) and Olivier Dekeister (org) - 22. Apr 2020
works of Enjott Schneider in Essener Dom
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 22nd of april 2020 19:30 at: Hoher Dom zu Essen. Works for trumpet & Organ in the concert named DIMENSION DOMORGEL II "Schlafes Bruder" with Reinhold Friedrich and Hannes Läubin (Trumpets), David Friedrich and Brandt Attema (trombones), Sebastian Küchler-Blessing (Organ: Jubilus für 2 Trp., 2 Pos. & Orgel, Vivaldissimo für 2 Trp. & Orgel, Exclamatiofür Trp & Orgel, Gethsemane für Trp & Orgel, Golgatha für Pos. & Orgel, fS. Küchler-Blessing will perform on the organ the famous TOCCATA "SCHLAFES BRUDER" - 20. Apr 2020
CD-recordings Cathedral of Essen/Germany
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - From 20th of april to 23rd of april 2020 will take place in the cathedral of Essen the CD-recordings "ORGEL PLUS..." for the Label Ambiente Audio: works by Enjott Schneider for trumpet & trombone & organ. With Reinhold Friedrich & Hannes Läubin (Trumpet), David Friedrich & Brand Attema (trombone) and Domorganist Sebastian Küchler-Blessing (organ) - 18. Apr 2020
Ach Gott, tu dich erbarmen, Thüringer Bachwochen
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 18th of april 2020 3 p.m. in Arnstadt, Bachkirche, William Whitehead (London) is performing during "Thüringer Bachwochen" the Choralprelude ACH GOTT TU DICH ERBARMEN, - 11. Apr 2020
"WUHAN 2020" Symphonic Poem in Tianjin (China)
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 11th of april 2020 in Tianjin (China) National Concert Hall: 2nd performance of "WUHAN 2020". Symphonic Poem for Orchestra with Tianjin Symphony Orchestra, chief conductor Biao Li (commissioned by Beijing Symphonyand Tianjin Symphony ) dedicated to the heroic and suffering people in Wuhan, where the Virus Epidemy started in January. - 7. Apr 2020
"WUHAN 2020" Symphonic Poem in Beijing Worldpremiere
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 7th of April 2020 Beijing, NCPA National Center of Performing Arts: Worldpremiere of "WUHAN 2020". Symphonic Poem for Orchestra with Beijing Symphony Orchestra, chief conductor Biao Li (commissioned by Beijing Symphony) for the virus epidemy in China - 5. Apr 2020
HERBSTMILCH-SUITE in the Theater an der Rott
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 5th April 2020 at 5 p.m. in Eggenfelden, Theater an der Rott, iEnjott Schneider HERBSTMILCH-ORCHESTERSUITE. Conductor: Dean Wilmington. - 5. Apr 2020
SONNENGESANG for 8 voices in Köln
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 5th of April 2020 at 5 p.m. in Köln Lutherkirche Südstadt-Köln: the chamber choir CONSONO, conducted by Harald Jers, is singing Enjott Schneider's SONNENGESANG (Franz von Assissi) as final point in the concert "Night & Light". - 4. Apr 2020
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 4th of April 2020 in Munich Aula of Ludwig-Maximillians-Universitätl: The "Akademisches Sinfonieorchester München ASO" conducted by Carolin Nordmeyer is performing two Symphonic works: RAPTUS - THE FREEDOM OF BEETHOVEN and MACHINE WORLDS for Scrap Percussion & Orchestra with Soloist Stefan Blum - 4. Apr 2020
HERBSTMILCH-SUITE im Theater an der Rott Eggenfelden
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 4th of April 2020 at 19:30 in Eggenfelden, Theater an der Rott, in the symphony concert will be performed in memory of great film director Joseph Vilsmaier the filmscore of his first movie: Enjott Schneider HERBSTMILCH-ORCHESTERSUITE. Conductor: Dean Wilmington. - 2. Apr 2020
Worldpremiere PRAYERS for dulcimer & organ
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 2nd of april 2020 in Kleiner Konzertsaal of Gasteig Münchentakes playes in the programme of Festival "HACKBRETT AND MORE" at 18:00 the worldpremiere of PRAYERS...from Hells of Warfor Dulcimer & Organ. (the Original version was composed for the arabic Oud and Organ). Anton Peter (Dulcimer) and Alexander Wiegmann (Truhenorgel) - 2. Apr 2020
Keynote Symposium BEETHOVEN IM FILM
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 2nd of April 2020 at 3 p.m. in Berlin, Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung Preussischer Kulturbesitz: Enjott Schneider gives the Keynote "Vom Film an sich und Beethovens 'Aura'" for starting the 3days Congress - 24. Mar 2020
Ciacona Mistica in Munich/Schwere Reiter
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 24th of march 2020 at 8 pm in Munich, Schwere Reiter-Halle (Dachauerstrasse 114): Birgit Stolzenburg performs CIACONA MISTICA for Pantaleon (Contrabass-Dulcimer). The concert "Dedicated to... Birgit Stolzenburg" is given by Verband Tonkünstler e.V. München - 22. Mar 2020
"passion time". Elektronik statements to Bach's "Johannespassion"
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - Sunday 22nd of March 2020 in Salzburg/;Mozarteum: "Passion Time" Elektronic comments to Bachs "Johannespassion" live performed by Enjott Schneider.. Soli, Chor und Orchester der Oratorienklassen des Mozarteums Salzburg, Conducted.: Hansjörg Albrecht - 14. Mar 2020
„Heiwa no Kane“ in Hiroshima
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 14th of March 2020 in Hiroshima Philharmonic Hall: Worldpremiere of „Heiwa no Kane“ / The Bell of Peacefor large string orchestra - 14. Mar 2020
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - Saturday 145th of March .2020 at 19:30 in Freising, Luitpoldhalle, Konzert des "Freisinger Symphonieorchesters" with performance of: RAPTUS - DIE FREIHEIT DES BEETHOVEN by Enjott Schneider - 12. Mar 2020
Mozart Ascending in Jena
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 12th of March .2020 at 8 p.m. in Volkshaus Jena: Wolrd Premiere of MOZART ASCENDING for Oboe and Orchestra with Juliana Koch (Oboe/ Solo-Oboe of London Symphony Orchestra) and with Jenaer Philharmonie, conductor: GMD Simon Gaudenz - 8. Mar 2020
Sonnengesang with Choir CONSONO in Metelen
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 8th of march .2020 5 p.m. in Metelen / Katholische Pfarrkirche the chamber choir CONSONO iis performing in the programme "night and light": Enjott Schneider SONNENGESANG des Franz von Assisi für 8stimmigen Chor, Conductor: Harald Jers - 1. Mar 2020
Sunday, 1st of March 2020 in Pristina / Kosovo in the Red Hall of the Youth & Sports Palace takes place the World premiere of double concerto ALTAI - TRACES TO INFINITY for Piccolo trumpet, Violin and Orchestra. Performer: Otto Sauter (Piccolo trumpet) and Davide Alonga (Violin) with Kosovo Philharmonics, conducted by Dariusz Mikulski - 22. Feb 2020
Toccata SCHLAFES BRUDER im Berliner Konzerthaus
Saturday 22th of February 2020. Berlin Konzerthaus, Grosser Saal Sebastian Küchler-Blessing is performing TOCCATA "SCHLAFES BRUDER" for organ, im Konzert ORGANO CON STROMENTI mit dem Salaputia Brass Quintet - 21. Feb 2020
DAO OF WATER. Double Concerto in Hongkong
CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA-VIRUS - 21st of February at 8 pm 20 in the City Hall of Hongkong: Worldpremiere „THE DAO OF WATER“. Double Concerto for Yangquin, Kanun & Chinese Orchestra. Commissioned by HKCO Hongkong Chinese Orchestra, with Bermann Lee (Yangqin) and Hakan Güngör (Qanun), conductor: Yan Huichang. Movements: 1: “Supreme good is like Water” (Lao Tse, Dao De Jing) 2: Garden with glittering fountains 3: Buddha Mind – the hidden power of lowest places 4: “Moon over Erquan Springs” 5: Power - the true shape of Water - 8. Feb 2020
Jury Member International Competition Composing for Choir & Organ
8th and 9th February 2020 in Rome, VConservatory of Vaticane Santa Cecilia Juror beim INTERNATIONALER KOMPOSITIONSWETTBEWERB für Chor- und Orgelmusik. Einkladen ist diesmal der Organist des Papstes Montsignore de Gregorio, Mitjuroren sind außerdem Pawel Lukaschwski (Polen, Direktor des Warschauer Konservatoriums), Stephen Layton (Cambridge Trinity Choir), Richard Mailänder (Köln) u.a. - 7. Feb 2020
7th of February.2020 at 8 p.m. in Laeiszhalle Hamburg:Worldpremiere of ELIAS-METAMORPHOSIS for orchestra as musical thoughts about Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's "Elias", with C.Ph.E. Chor Hamburg, conductor: Hansjörg Albrecht - 26. Jan 2020
THE LONGING - SEHNSUCHT, Worldpremiere in Mumbai/India
26th of january 2020 7 p.m. in Mumbai/India, Worldpremiere (2nd concert): DIE SEHNSUCHT – THE LONGING für Sopran, Klarinette und Klavier, with Julia Sophie Wagner (Soprano), Jérome Voisin (Clarinet), Oliver Triendl (Piano), commissioned by Goethe-Institut - 24. Jan 2020
THE LONGING - Worldpremiere in Poona/India
Friday 24th of january.2020 in Poona/Indien, Mazda Hall, Worldpremiere 1st concert DIE SEHNSUCHT – THE LONGING für Sopran, Klarinette und Klavier, with Julia Sophie Wagner (Sopran), Jérome Voisin (Clarinet), Oliver Triendl (Piano), commissioned by Goethe-Institut . Organized by The Poona Music Society - 19. Jan 2020
dreamin' backwards for alto-recorder
19th of january 3 p.m. in the museum og monastery Oberschönenfeld: Iris Lichtinger is performing DREAMIN' BACKWARDS for alto recorder - 10. Jan 2020
Katovice/Poland -CD-recordings Label WERGO for 2 flutes & orchestra
From 10.1. till 13.1. 2020 with the Silesian Philharmony Katovice in Philharmony Katovice/Polen: "IN TUNE WITH NATURE" CD-recordings for the Label WERGO with double concerto "The Dao of Water". for 2 flutes andOrchestra, "Four Talking Trees" for Flute and Orchestra, "Pictures of Yang Guifei" for Flute and Orchestra, with: Lukasz Dlugosz and Agata Kielar-Dlugosz (Flutees) - 14. Dec 2019
JI YING in Kaohsiung Taiwan
14th of december 2020 in Kaohsiung/Taiwan in NCPA National Center Performing Arts: WuWei (Sheng) ius performing JI YING for Sheng and Chinese Orchestra, conducted by Jasen Kuo - 27. Nov 2019
27th of November.2019 Augsburg: „…und bin Ewig, Ihr gehorsamster Sohn“. Fragmente & Reflexionen für Knabenstimme, Klarinette (Bassklarinette), Violine, Violoncello und zwei Schlagzeuger in the context of concerts LETTERS TO LEOPOLD zum 300. Geburtstag von Leopold Mozart, First Pfremiere with the „MEHR MUSIK! Ensemble“ - 24. Nov 2019
Sunday, 24th of november 2019 1at 4 p.m.at Michaelskirche München: Worldpremiere AUS ABGRUNDTIEFER FINSTERNIS - Psalm 88 vocal soloist, choir and orchestra, „Wie liegt die Stadt so wüst“ zum 75. Jahrestag der Zerstörung von St. Michael in München mit: Bettina Kühne, Sopran Birgit Rolla, Alt Markus Zeitler, Tenor Sebastian Myrus, Bass Chor und Orchester St. Michael Solovioline: Peter Riehm Leitung: Chordirektor Dr. Frank Höndgen - 24. Nov 2019
Vilsmaier-Medley in Philharmonic Hall / Gasteig in Munich with FILMFONIKER
On Sunday, 24.11.2019 at 19:00 the "MOVIE NIGHT 2019" of the orchestra FILMFONIKER will take place in the Philharmonie München/Gasteig. In addition to film music from Harry Potter, Gladiator, Der Fall Collini and others, the focus will be on two anniversaries: filmmaker Joseph Vilsmaier turns 80, and composer Christian Bruhn turns 85. In honour of Joseph Vilsmaier, my medley with music from Herbstmilch, Stalingrad, Rama Dama, Schlafes Bruder will be heard (live on screen). The conductor is Ingo P. Stefans. - 23. Nov 2019
FIVE ROSES Premiere in Regensburg
23rd of November 11.2019 Konzertsaal der Hochschule für Musik Regensburg Worldpremiere: FIVE ROSES. 5 Lieder für Tiefe Stimme und Orgel, mit Christian Maria Schmidt (Bass) und Stefan Baier (Orgel) - 9. Nov 2019
9th of november .2019 in Opera House Halle (Saale) takes places as Finale of Filmmusiktage Halle a Concert Gala "Filmmusic" There is performed my orchestra Suite MOVIE THEMES MADE IN GERMANY (scores from the movies: Wildfeuer, Stalingrad, Rama Dama, Herbstmilch, Jahrestage). Performed by Staatskapelle Halle and the Vokalensemble "Vox Mandala" from Lübeck, Conductor: Bernd Ruf. - 8. Nov 2019
On Friday, 8.11.2019 in Halle, the GALA DES DEUTSCHEN FILMMUSIKPREIS in Halle/ a.d.Saale will conclude with the award of the honorary prize to Enjott Schneider. I am very happy about this honourable award. - 31. Oct 2019
31.10.2019 18 Uhr Nikolaisaal Potsdam Dorothee Oberlinger spielt das Konzert für Blockflöte, Cembalo und Streicher OMAGGIO A VIVALDI mit der Kammerphilharmonie Potsdam, Ltg.: Sergi Azzolini - 20. Oct 2019
WATER-Oratorio in Schorndorf
2oth of october 2019 Evangelische Kirche Schorndorf WATER-ORATORIO für Soli, choir & Orfchestra, cond. by KMD Hannelore Hinderer - 20. Oct 2019
SINGING WHALES in Regensburg
Sunday 20th of october at 10:30 Basilika Sankt Emmeran Regensburg: KYRIE & GLORIA for Choir, singinge Whales and tape, Basilika-Chor St. Emmeran, cond.: Matthias Schlier - 14. Oct 201914th of october at 19:30 in Unterföhring near München / Bürgerhaus: "Berlin Punk" for Saxophon Quartet and Orchestra with Saxophone Quartet clair_obscur and orchestra Nürnberger Symphoniker, conductor.: Tomás Brauner
- 12. Oct 2019
Berlin Punk in Nürnberg
12th of october at 19:30 in Nürnberg / Meistersinger-Halle: "Berlin Punk" for Saxophon Quartet and Orchestra with Saxophone Quartet clair_obscur and orchestra Nürnberger Symphoniker, conductor.: Tomás Brauner - 10. Oct 2019
Berlin Punk Nürnberger Symphoniker
10h of october at 19:30Ansbach: "Berlin Punk" for Saxophon Quartet and Orchestra with Saxophone Quartet clair_obscur and orchestra Nürnberger Symphoniker, conductor.: Tomás Brauner - 6. Oct 2019
NATHAN'S DREAM for Oud & Organ in Merklingen
Sunday, 6th of October 2019 in Church Maria Königin in Merklingen: NATHANS TRAUM / NATHAN'S DREAM for oud & organ. Performed by Abathar Adel (Oud, Syrien)aund Michael Grüber (Organ). - 5. Oct 2019
Choral Preludes in Zepernick
5th of october .2019 6 p.m. in St. Annen-Kirche in Zepernick at festival "RANDSPIELE": Premiere of two choral preludes for the „Zepernicker Orgelbüchlein“, performed by Thomas Noll: WIR GLAUBEN ALL (Text & Melody: Martin Luther 1524) and O TRAURIGKEIT, O HERZELEID (Text : Friedrich Spee 1628, Melody: Mainz-Würzburg 1628) - 29. Sep 2019
Opera Marco Polo in Genua/Italy
28th of September 2019 in Genova (Italy) / Teatro San Felice: Italian Premiere of my 3 hours monumental opera MARCO POLO (composwed in chinese language) (Libretto: Wei Jin, Music: Enjott Schneider). Extraordinary: Marco Polo wrote his famous book "Il Millione / The Travels of Marco Polo" in the prison of Genova and created - besides the christian bible - the most popular book in mediaeval centuries... and exactly there this hughe chinese production will have the european First Premiere. - 28. Sep 2019
MARCO POLO in Genua/Italy
28th of September 2019 in Genova (Italy) / Teatro San Felice: Italian Premiere of my 3 hours monumental opera MARCO POLO (composwed in chinese language) (Libretto: Wei Jin, Music: Enjott Schneider). Extraordinary: Marco Polo wrote his famous book "Il Millione / The Travels of Marco Polo" in the prison of Genova and created - besides the christian bible - the most popular book in mediaeval centuries... and exactly there this hughe chinese production will have the european First Premiere. - 27. Sep 2019
ODE TO HARMONY in Sotschi/Russia
27th of September in Sotschi/Russia at the "Sirius-Parc of Arts & Science": Opening Concert for the Formula I. Car Racing, - Performance by Otto Sauter and his Ensemble TEN OF THE BEST of compositions: Enjott Schneider FANFARE HARMONY OF CULTURES and ODE TO HARMONY (with singer Ulita Knaus/Hamburg) - 24. Sep 2019
Marco Polo-Opera in Milano
Tuesday 24th of September 2019 Concerthall und Opernhaus TEATRO DAL VERME in Milano /Italien: Zweite Auffüphrung der konzertanten Fassung von der Oper MARCO POLO: "Recita in forma di concerto dell'Opera Marco Polo al Teatro dal Verme di Milano, - Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova"....conducted by Muhai Tang. - - 22. Sep 2019
Marco Polo in Milano/Italy
Sunday 22nd of September 2019 Concerthall and Opera house TEATRO DAL VERME in Milano /Italy: Uraufführung der konzertanten Fassung von der Oper MARCO POLO: "Recita in forma di concerto dell'Opera Marco Polo al Teatro dal Verme di Milano, - Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova"....conducted by Muhai Tang. - - 13. Sep 2019
13th of september 2019 in Philharmonic Hall Krasnoyarsk: World-Premiere (second performance) of THE SPIRITS OF SIBERIA. Concerto for trumpet & Orchestra, Soloist: Reinhold Friedrich, and the Orchestra of the Festival ASIA-SIBERIA-EUROPE 2019. Conductor: Martín Baeza-Rubio - 9. Sep 2019
EARTH & FIRE at Dodoni Festival Greece
9th of september 2019 in Dodoni /Greece in the Ancient Theatre of Dodoni at Dodoni Festival 2019: The Singapore Chinese Orchestra SCO performs Enjott Schneider's EARTH & FIRE for Sheng (Soloist: Wu Wei) and Chinese Orchestra, Conductor: Tsung Yeh.... besides works as "Fire Ritual" by Tan Dun - 9. Sep 2019
DESPAIR & LONGING. Worldpremiere
9th of september 2019 in the "Historischen Gemeindesaal Bonn" Susanne Kessel (piano) plays the worldpremiere of DESPAIR & LONGING. WITH BEETHOVEN BEYOND ALL TIME / VERZWEIFLUNG UND SEHNSUCHT. MIT BEETHOVEN JENSEITS ALLER ZEIT. Concert part of the project: "250 piano pieces for Beethoven" - 6. Sep 2019
Earth & Fire in Forli / Italien
SCO Europe Tour 2019 mit Enjott Schneiders work EARTH & FIRE 6 Sep 2019 | 8pm | Forli (Chiesa) Conductor: Tsung Yeh Sheng : Wu wei - 29. Aug 2019
Starting with 29th of august 2019 I will be member of the jury at INTERNATIONAL MUSIC COMPOSITION HARBIN 2019 in the Harbin Conservatory of Music.... Together with wellknown international collegues as Unsuk Chin (Korea), Xiaogang Ye (China), Robert Beaser (Julliard School New York) - 22. Aug 2019
Schlafes Bruder in Passauer Dom
22nd of august 2019 in Passauer Dom Felix Hell (Saint Peter's Lutherian Church, New York City, USA, *1985) is performing: TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER. Praised as the "probaly most well known young concert organist worldwide" (Dr. John Weaver, The Juilliard School) he sets "standards that many established and honoured older players would struggle to equal" ("The American Organist"). - 15. Aug 2019
"Schmücke Dich, o liebe Seele" and ATACCOT
15th of august 2019 in Church St. Sebald Nürnberg Jürgen Geiger is performing "Schmücke Dich, o liebe Seele" und ATACCOT... - 15. Aug 2019
Tänze aus dem Land der Trolle
Am 15. August 2019 spielt die Philharmonie Bad Reichenhall unter Leitung ihres Chefdirigenten Christian Simonis von Enjott Schneider TÄNZE AUS DEM LAND DER TROLLE.... eine Suite über die finnischen Moomins-Figuren der Autorin Tove Jansson. Im Programm stehen ferner die beiden Peer Gynt Suiten von Edvard Grieg. - 3. Aug 2019
EARTH & FIRE in Singapore
3 Aug 2019, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Singapore Chinese Orchestra Concert Hall Singapore Chinese Orchestra Conductor: Tsung Yeh Sheng: Wu Wei Enjott Schneider :sheng concerto Earth and Fire - - 3. Aug 2019
FANFARE & ODE TO HARMONY in Akropolis Athen Odeon Atticus Theatre
Saturday 3rd of august at 9:pm in Athen/Greece in the Odeon Atticus Theatre - Epidaurus Music Festival will take place the world premiere of two new pieces: FANFARE FOR HARMONY OF CULTURES (for 10 trumpets and Ensemble) and ODE TO HARMONY , for voice, 10 Trumpets, Ensemble (music: Enjott Schneider / lyrics: Gordon Wang ) . Performed by Otto Sauter and his TEN OF THE BEST, and singer Ulita Knaus. Gordon Wang is chairman of United Nations Alliance of Civilizations UNAOC and of UNAOC Wordl Ecologica Civilizations Dialogue Conference. His book HARMONY OF CULTURE was starting point for a lot of concerts: CEREMONY OF HARMONY - MELODY OF WORLDWIDE CIVILIZATION. BesidesTEN OF THE BEST will perform the Salzburger Kinderchor and the HKCO Hongkong Chinese Orchestra "expressing the commun aspiration of all nations for a universal vision of world peace" - 31. Jul 2019
On Wednesday 31st of july inFrauenkirche München Felix Hell (USA) is giving Toccata SCHLAFES BRUDER / BROTHER OF SLEEP - 28. Jul 2019
Nekyia in Stuttgart
28th of July 2019 8 p.m. in Hoffeld-Kiurche Stuttgart-Degerloch, NEKYIA for Oboe and Orgel, wizth Martina Hasenzahl (Oboe), Barbara Straub (Organ) - 21. Jul 2019
Toccata Schlafes Bruder
21st of July 2019 in the Audimax of University Heidelberg Felix Hell (USA) is performing Toccata SCHLAFES BRUDER / BROTHER OF SLEEP - 20. Jul 2019
Toccata Schlafes Bruder
20th of July 2019 in the Audimax of University Heidelberg Felix Hell (USA) is performing Toccata SCHLAFES BRUDER / BROTHER OF SLEEP - 14. Jul 2019
Schlafes Bruder-Toccata in Kaiserdom Königslutter
Sunday, 14th of july 2019 at 4 p.m. in Kaiserdom Königslutter Felix Hell (USA, *1985) is performing TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER. Prqaised as the "probaly most well known young concert organist worldwide" (Dr. John Weaver, The Juilliard School) he sets "standards that many established and honoured older players would struggle to equal" ("The American Organist"). The programe contains works of Bach, Mendelssohn, Schneider) - 13. Jul 2019
ATACCOT in Mindelheim
13th of July .2019 in Mindelheim Stadtpfarrkirche: Jürgen Geigeris performing in his Matinée ATACCOT - 6. Jul 2019
SCHLAFES BRUDER in Paris Oratoire du Louvre
6th of July 2019 in Oratoire du Louvre Felix Hell (Saint Peter's Lutherian Church, New York City, USA, *1985) is performing TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER. Praised as the "probaly most well known young concert organist worldwide" (Dr. John Weaver, The Juilliard School) he sets "standards that many established and honoured older players would struggle to equal" ("The American Organist"). - 5. Jul 2019
"Schmücke Dich" and Ataccot in Immenstadt
Fridya 5th of July 7. 2019 20 Uhr in Immenstadt, Kirche St. Nikolaus: Jürgen Geiger at the ORGELNACHT is performing Choralvorspiel "Schmücke Dich, o liebe Seele" and ATACCOT... - 4. Jul 2019
BR Klassik - talking table MUSIC & FILM
4th of July 2019 in München, Foyer der Bayerischen Versicherungskammer (Warngauerstrasse 30): TALKING TABLE "MUSIC & FILM" with Ulrike Haage, Dietrich Brüggemann and Enjott Schneider (veranstaltet von BR-Klassik, Filmfest München und Versicherungskammer Kulturstiftung)… Enjott Schneiders soundtrack "23" "Die letzte Fahrt" (Mitglieder der Münchner Symphoniker) will be performed - 1. Jul 2019
Marco Polo in Quanzhou
1st July 2019 in Opera House Quanzhou / China: Performance of my 3 hours-opera MARCO POLO (Libretto:Wei Jin, Music: Enjott Schneider) with singers, choir, orchestra and chinese ensemble - 30. Jun 2019
Opera Marco Polo in Quanzhou-China
30th of June 2019 in Opera House Quanzhou / China: Performance of my 3 hours-opera MARCO POLO (Libretto:Wei Jin, Music: Enjott Schneider) with singers, choir, orchestra and chinese ensemble - 26. Jun 2019
Orgelsinfonie Nr. 3 TOTENTANZ
26th of June 2019 19:30 Basilika Gößenweinstein/Nordbáyern: Ludwig Schmitt performs Organ Symphony Nr. 3 TOTENTANZ and other works of Widor and Vierne - 24. Jun 2019
YIN&YANG with WuWei (Sheng) & Wuppertaler Philharmoniker
24.6.2019 20:00 Historical Townhall Wuppertal, WuWei (Sheng) plays with the Wuppertaler Philharmoniker:YIN&YANG. CONCERT FOR SHENG & ORCHESTRA, conducted: Tung-Chieh Chuang with other works by Borodin and Tschaikowsky - 23. Jun 2019
Organ Symphony Nr. 12
Sunday 23rd of June 2019, in Church St. Helena Mönchengladbach-Rheindahlen will be performed the Organ Symphony Nr. 12 VENI CREATOR in the framework of concert: ORGELTRILOGIE III: Veni creator with Reinhold Richter (organ) - 23. Jun 2019
YIN&YANG in Wuppertal
23rd of June 2019 at 11 a.m. in Historic Townhall Wuppertal, Großer Saal: WuWei (Sheng) is playing with Wuppertaler Philharmonikern: YIN&YANG. CONCERT FOR SHENG & ORCHESTRA, Cond: Tung-Chieh Chuang - 19. Jun 2019
YIN & YANG mit WuWei & Simon Gaudenz in Hamburg
Am 19.6.2019 um 20 Uhr in der Laeizhalle Hamburg spielt WuWei (Sheng) YIN & YANG. Concerto for Sheng and orchestra, mit der Hamburger Camerata, Ltg.: Simon Gaudenz - 4. Jun 2019
ORGAN SYMPHONY Nr. 13 in Regensburg
5th of June 2020 in Regensburg Neupfarrkirche: Stefan Baier is performing the Organsymphony Nr. 13 LUNA, dedicated to Stefan Baier - 18. May 2019
SULAMITH in Neuburg/Donau
18th of may 2019 in the Kongreationssaal Neuburg/Donau near Ingolstadt DANSES SACRÉES "SULAMITH" for Violoncello & orchestra with Laszlo Fenyö/Cello and the Ensemble del Arte, Conductor: Ariel Zuckermann, - in the concert named "Leidenschaft und Hingabe" - 18. May 2019
ACH GOTT in Amsterdam
18th of may 2019 Amsterdam / Orgelpark (Gerard Brandstraat 26): Performance of my choral prelude ACH GOTT, TU DICH ERBARMEN with William Whitehead (Organ) in the framework of the spectaluar 7hours GESAMTORGELBÜCHLEINPROJEKT - 12. May 2019
12th of May 2019 7 p.m. in Herz-Jesu-Kirche Ettlingen: Domorganist Markus Eichenlaub performs SALVE REGINA as excerpt of Organ <Symphony Nr.14 "Romanische" during 18. Ettlinger Orgelfrühling - 8. May 2019
ALTAI Double Concerto in Astana
8th of may 2019 in Astana/Kazakhstan, Central Concert Hall "Kazakhstan", First Premiere of ALTAI – TRACES TO INFINITY / ALTAI - SPUREN INS UNENDLICHE Kaleidoscope for Violin, Piccolo Trumpet & Orchestra, with Ayman Mussakhajayeva (Violin) and Otto Sauter (Trumpet), State Orchestra "Academy of Soloists", Conductor.: Dieter Menning - 29. Apr 2019
29th of april 2019 8 p.m. in Einstein Kultur Munich Duo Flutympanon Stana Krstajic, Flute and Birgit Stolzenburg, Tenor Dulcimer are playing WILLST EINE WELT DU SCHAUN for Flute and Tenor Dulcimer - 27. Apr 2019
27.4.2019 10:00 München Gasteig Kulturzentrum / Kleiner Konzertsaal: die Preisträgerin Tajda Krajnc spielt von Enjott Schneider PRELUDIO & SALTARELLO für Zither, im Rahmen des 8. Internationalen Festivals für Zither - 19. Apr 2019
Holy Friday, 19th od April 2019 at 5 p.m. in Evangelische Christuskirche Neuss: TENEBRAE for soprano, violin and organ, withIrene Kurka (Sopran), Aki Yasuda (Violine) und Katja Ulges-Stein (Organ) - 14. Apr 2019
Berlin Punk
14.4.2019 um 20:00 Konzerthaus Berlin: Das Saxophonquartett clair obscur und die Philharmonie Frankfurt a.O. (Leitung: Sebastian Weigle) spielen BERLIN PUNK für 4 Saxophone und Orchester, das eben auch auf CD WERGO/NAXOS "clair obscur" erschienen ist - 12. Apr 2019
BERLIN PUNK in Frankfurt / Oder
12th of april .2019 at 20:00 the Quartet Clair Obscur is playing: Enjott Schneider the second performance ofBERLIN PUNK for Saxophonquartet & Orchestra - 11. Apr 2019
BERLIN PUNK in Frankfurt/Oder
11th of april .2019 at 20:00 the Quartet Clair Obscur is playing: Enjott Schneider's BERLIN PUNK for Saxophonquartet & orchestra - 11. Apr 2019
At 11th of april 2019 in Krasnoarsk/Siberia is the world premiere of the double concert LEPORELLO & GIOVANNI for Double Bass, Contrabass-Balalaika & Orchestra. With Artem Chirkov (Double Bass), Mikhail Dzyudze (Vontrabass-Balalaaika), Siberian State Symphony Orchestra, Conduct.: Vladimir Lande. A concert in the framework of Trans Siberian Art Festival 2019 - 8. Apr 2019
FLORESTAN & EUSEBIUS in Gelsenkirchen
8th of April 2019 at 7:30 p.m. in Musiktheater im Revier Gelsenkirchen the Neue Philharmonie Westfalen directed by Rasmus Baumann is performing the orchestra poem FLORESTAN & EUSEBIUS as musical thoughts about Robert Schumann together with Schumann's Piano Concerto a minor and Brahms 1st Symphony c-minor - 6. Apr 2019
Saturday, 6th of april 2019 in Schlosskirche Bonn Figuralchor Bonn is singing with conductor Kirchmann, UBI CARITAS for Choir a cappella ii n the concert "Chormusik zur Passion" - 6. Apr 2019
6th of April 2019 at 8 p.m. in Städtisches Bühnenhaus in City of Wesel theNeue Philharmonie Westfalen directed by Rasmus Baumann is performing the orchestra poem FLORESTAN & EUSEBIUS as musical thoughts about Robert Schumann together with Schumann's Piano Concerto a minor and Brahms 1st Symphony c-minor - 3. Apr 2019
4th of April 2019 at 8 p.m. in Konzertaula in City of Kamen theNeue Philharmonie Westfalen directed by Rasmus Baumann is performing the orchestra poem FLORESTAN & EUSEBIUS as musical thoughts about Robert Schumann together with Schumann's Piano Concerto a minor and Brahms 1st Symphony c-minor - 2. Apr 2019
2nd of April 2019 at 8 p.m. in Städtisches Bühnenhaus in City of Wesel theNeue Philharmonie Westfalen directed by Rasmus Baumann is performing the orchestra poem FLORESTAN & EUSEBIUS as musical thoughts about Robert Schumann together with Schumann's Piano Concerto a minor and Brahms 1st Symphony c-minor - 31. Mar 2019
RAPTUS in Göppingen
31st of March 2019 6:00 p.m. Göppingen City Hall: Performance of RAPTUS. THE FREEDOM OF BEETHOVEN, with Göppinger Jugendsinfonieorchester - 31. Mar 2019
St. Gallus-Kirche in Flörsheim (Main-Taunus), 17 Uhr: PAVANE für Saxophon und Orgel, mit Christian Segmehl (Sax) und Markus Eichenlaub (Orgel) - 30. Mar 2019
Oud & Organ in Munich
Saturday 30th of march in Erlöserkirche Munich:Samstag, 30.3. 19 Uhr in Erlöserkirche München-Schwabing: Abathar Kmash (Oud) and Michael Grill (Organ) are playing: NATHANS DREAM for Oud and Orgel. + PRAYERS für oud and Organ - 30. Mar 2019
UBI CARITAS in Köln/Cologne
30th of march 2019 in Basilika Saint Apostels in Cologne Figuralchor Bonn is singing with conductor Kirchmann, UBI CARITAS for Choir a cappella ii n the concert "Chormusik zur Passion" - 29. Mar 2019
works with saxophones by Enjott Schneider
29.3.2019 um 20:00 in Heilbronn (Wartbergkirche) spielt das Saxophonquartett CLAIR OBSCUR aus Berlin von Enjott Schneider das Quartett PANTA RHEI und das Trio AS TIMES GOE BYE. Veranstalter ist der Förderverein für Neue Musik Heilbronn - 22. Mar 2019
LUNA-Organ Symphony Nr.13
Friday, 22nd of march 2019 at 7 p.m. in Antoniterkirche Köln/Cologne KMD Johannes Quack (Organ) is performing Enjott Schneider : ORGAN SYMPHONY NR. 13 "LUNA" - 17. Mar 2019
17th of march 2019 at 5 p.m. in Evang. Stadtkirche Nidda: Katrin Anja Krauße (Organ) and Oliver Reitz (Percussion) are perform ing MEDIA VITAE für Orgel und Percussion - 16. Mar 2019
Dreamin' Backwards...
16th of march 2019 at 8 p.m. in Augsburg / Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst / Glaspalast is playing my piece DREAMIN' BACKWARDS for alto recorder solo - 16. Mar 2019
16.3.2019 19 Uhr im H2 - Augsburg - Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst im Glaspalast: Iris Lichtinger (Altblockflöte) spielt DREAMIN' BACKWARDS, im Rahmen des Jubiläumdskonzertes "5 Jahre Jetztm,usik - Augsburger Gesellschaft Für neue Musik" - 9. Mar 2019
Höchsten Heiles Wunder - Le Plus Grand Miracle
Saturday 9th of March 2019 at 8 p.m. in Montbéliard/France in Théatre Montbéliard L'Orchestre Victor Hugo (direction: Jean-Francois Verdier) presents: Enjott Schneider HÖCHSTEN HEILES WUNDER / LE PLUS GRAND MIRACLE. HOMMAGE À RICHARD WAGNER - 8. Mar 2019
Höchsten heiles Wunder - Le plus Grand Miracle
Friday 8th of March 2019 at 8 p.m. in Besancon )(Kursaal) L'Orchestre Victor Hugo (direction: Jean-Francois Verdier) presents: Enjott Schneider HÖCHSTEN HEILES WUNDER / LE PLUS GRAND MIRACLE. HOMMAGE À RICHARD WAGNER - 6. Mar 2019
Fairy tales for organ
6th of march 2019 Church Elisabethen Basel: Musical Fairy Tales for narrator and organ (Die Palme und der Stein/Afrika; der Mönch und sein Glöcklein/Japan) with Valérie Regenass/narrator und Lysiane Salzmann/Organ - 24. Feb 2019
Symphonialis in Idstein
Sunday 24th of february 2019 at 5 p.m. in church: Katholische Kirche Maria Königin in 65527 Niedernhausen the " Mädchenkantorei am Hohen Dom zu Limburg" and the "Frauenkammerchor CARPE DIEM", conducted by Jürgen Fassbender and Judith Kunz are singing a composition cycle by Enjott Schneider: SYMPHONIALIS ES ANIMA with texts of Hildegard von Bingen for female voices, violoncello and Percussion - 23. Feb 2019
Saturday 23rd of february 2019 at 5 p.m. in bishop cathedral in Limburg: the " Mädchenkantorei am Hohen Dom zu Limburg" and the "Frauenkammerchor CARPE DIEM", conducted by Jürgen Fassbender and Judith Kunz are singing a composition cycle by Enjott Schneider: SYMPHONIALIS ES ANIMA with texts of Hildegard von Bingen for female voices, violoncello and Percussion - 22. Feb 2019
22nd of February 2019 at 8: pm Hong Kong Art Festival: First Premiere of SILK ROAD - THE TRAVELS OF MARCO POLO for Sheng & Orchestra. Soloist: WuWei (Sheng) with Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, - 22. Feb 2019
BERNARDUS-FRESKEN in Philharmonic Hall Lodz / Poland
22nd of Februayr 2019 at 19:00 in Philharmonic Hall Lodz/Poland: Lukasz Dlugosz (Flute) and Roman Perucki (Oranl) are playing BERNARDUS FRESKEN für Flöte, Orgel und Orchester. with Philharmonic Orchestra Lodz, conductor.: Jean Luc Tingaud (with works by Resphigi and Hindemith: Mathis der Maler-Sinfonie) - 12. Feb 2019
Ach Gott
12.2.2018 in London St Peters Church / Eaton Square: Uraufführung des Choralpräludiums ACH GOTT, TU DICH ERBARMEN, mit William Whitehead (Orgel), live broadcast on BBC Radio 3 - 10. Feb 2019
RA for 10 flutes
10.2.2019 um 20 Uhr München / Schwere Reiter, in Verbindung mit dem Tonkünstler München e.V. und NEOS live. spielt das MÜNCHNER FLÖTENSEMBLE von Enjott Schneider: RA - für 10 Flöten. Im Rahmen des Release-Konzertes zur Doppel-CD FLUTE NEWS (Neos 11819-20) - 1. Feb 2019
1st of february 2019 at 19:00 in Erlöserkirche Munich/Schwabing: wordlpremiere of PRAYERS FROM THE HELLS OF WAR / GEBETE AUS DEN HÖLLEN DES KRIEGES, - in the concert: NACH(T) DER AVANTGARDE mit Abathar Kmash (Oud) and KMD Michael Grill (Organ) - 31. Jan 2019
YIN & YANG with WuWei and Philharmony Jena
31.1.2019 at 20:00 philharmonic hall "Volkshaus Jena" WuWei (Sheng) is playing the german premiere of YIN & YANG. Concerto for Sheng and orchestra, with Jenaer Philharmonie, Cond.: GMD Simon Gaudenz - 29. Jan 2019
YIN & YANG with WuWei and Jenaer Philharmonie
At 29.1.2019 in the Audimax of University of Jena WuWei (Sheng) is playing the german Premiere of YIN & YANG. Concerto for Sheng and orchestra, with Jenaer Philharmonie, Cond.: GMD Simon Gaudenz. The world Premiere (also conducted by Simon Gaudenz) took place: 19.9.2017 at the Festival Europe-Siberia-Asia in Krasnoyarsk (Russia) - 29. Jan 2019
Am 29.4.2019 um 20 Uhr spielt das Duo Flutympanon Stana Krsajik (Flöte) - Birgit Stolzenburg (Hackbrett) von Enjott Schneider WILLST EINE WELT DU SCHAUN für Flöte und Tenorhackbtrett - 29. Jan 2019
YIN & YANG Universität Jena
29.1.2019 Jena Aula der Universität: Gesprächskonzert mit der Aufführung von YIN & YANG für Sheng und Orchester (Jenaer Philharmonie) und einem Gespräch von WuWei (Solist), GMD Simon Gaudenz (Dirigent) und Enjott Schneider (Komponist) - 27. Jan 2019
FARFALLA in Kosowo
27th of january 2019 8 p.m. in Prishtina/Kosovo Youth Palace Red Hall: 2nd station of the World Ring Premiere trumpet concerto L'ANGELICA FARFALLA with Otto Sauter (Piccolo trumpet) and KOSOVO PHILHARMONICS, conducted by Darious Mikulski in the Concert "Enjott Schneider - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart". - 25. Jan 2019
BERNARDUS-FRESKEN in Philharmony Kattowitz / Katowice (Poland)
25th of january 2019 at 19:00 Philharmoniy Kattowitz-Katowice/Poland: Lukasz Dlugosz (Flute) and Roman Perucki (Organ) are playing BERNARDUS FRESKEN for Flute, Organ & Orchestra. With Schlesische Philharmonie, conducted by: Miroslaw Jacek BLASCZYK - 18. Jan 2019
18th of january 2019 at 20:00 in Baltic Philharmony Gdansk/Poland. Lukasz Dlugosz (Flute) und Roman Perucki (Organ) are playing BERNARDUS FRESKEN for Flute, Organ & Orchestra. Baltic Philharmony, conducted by.: Miroslaw Jacek BLASCZYK - 17. Jan 2019
Organ works in Nidda
17th of March.2019. 5 p.m. Evangelische Stadtkirche Nidda: Katrin Anja Krauße performs TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER and TOTENTANZ MEDIA VITAE - MITTEN WIR IM LEBEN SIND for Organ & Percussion (Oliver Reitz/Percussion) - 17. Jan 2019
RA in Poznan/Polen
6th of april 2019 in Poznan/Polen Secondary General Music School M. Karlowicz: the " Münchner Flötenensemble" performs "RA" for 10 flutes, at the "European Flute Ensemble Event across Europe 2019" - 10. Jan 2019
Am 10. Januar 2019 spielt die Philharmonie Bad Reichenhall mit ihrem Chefdirigenten Christian Simonis die Uraufführung von DER MOND UND DER KLEINE STERN, ein musikalisches Märchen für Orchester und Erzähler.... - 9. Dec 2018
NATHAN'S DREAM for Oud & Organ
9.12.2018 at 6 p.m. in Church Saint Katharina in Rottenburg-Wendelsheim: NATHANS DREAM for Oud (arabic Lute) and Organl, with Abathar Kmasch (Syria) and Michael Grüber, in thr programme of "Alle Menschen werden Brüder" - 25. Nov 2018
Sounds of Light - HILDEGARD-Oratorio in Amsterdam
25th of november-2018 at 15:30 in Waalse Kerk Amsterdam / in the "Serie Couleur Vocale": The HOLLANDS VOCAAL ENSEMBLE (cond.: Fokko Oldenhuis) sings KLÄNGE DES LICHTS - SOUNDS OF THE LIGHT / Hildegard-Oratorium für Chor, Laute, Streicher und Orgel - 24. Nov 2018
Hildegard von Bingen-Oratorio in Utrecht/Holland
24-11-2018 at 20.15 in Nicolaikerk Utrecht / in programme of the HILDEGARD FESTIVAL: With HOLLANDS VOCAAL ENSEMBLE (cond.: Fokko Oldenhuis). Netherlands Premiere of von KLÄNGE DES LICHTS / Hildegard-Oratorio for Choir, Lute, Ensemble of Gamba, Organ - 17. Nov 2018
MONUMENTUM 1914 in Cologne
17th of november 2018 at 18:00 in TrinitatiskircheCologne: Johannes Quack is playing MONUMENTUM 1914. TRIPTYCHON FOR ORGAN - 17. Nov 2018
First World War
November 17, 2018 6 pm, Cologne Tritnity Church: Organ vespers about the end of the First World War, works by J.S.Bach, Max Reger, Nepomuk David and Enjott Schneider "Monumentum 1914" organ: Johannes Quack - 16. Nov 2018
Friday, 16th of november 2018 7:30 p.m.: 1st Premiere of DER RING DES NIBELUNGEN, Adaption of Richard Wagner's RING: Libretto, staging, directing: Florian Moch, Music: Enjott Schneider (based on themes of Richard Wagner), Puppets and costumes: Florian Moch, set design: Hans Kautzmann, Light design: Dieter Bürgstein - 11. Nov 2018
SWABIAN CHILDS'S MASS in the Basilika Weingarten
11th of november .2018 at 10:30 in Basilika Weingarten the choir vof the basilika is singing SWABIAN CHILDS'S MASS for soloists, choir and organ - 5. Nov 2018
DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE in Villach
Montag, den 5.11.2018 um 19:30 in Villach (Austria) im Congress Center spielen Jens Peter Maintz und Wolfgang Emmanuel Schmidt (Cello Duello) die Komposition DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE, begleitet vom Bayerischen Kammerorchester, Ltg.: Johannes Moesus - 31. Oct 2018
Organ Symphony Nr.16 in Düsseldorf
31.10.2018 At the IDO / Internationalen Düsseldorfer Orgelfestival Hansjörg Albrecht is playing: Enjott Schneider ORGAN SYMPHONY NR.16 MARTIN LUTHER - 30. Oct 2018
CRUCIFIXUS in Caravaggio
30th of october at 8:30 p.m. in Caravaggio / Italy in the Curch "Santuario di Santa Maria del Fonte", the italian Saxophone Quartet "VAGUES QUARTET" is playing CRUCIFIXUS for Saxophone quartet and organ - 20. Oct 2018
Symphony Nr. 6 THE RHINE in Brno/Czech Republik
20. Oktober 2018 Brno (CZ), 20:00 in the Mahen-Theatre Enjott Schneider: Symphony Nr. 6 „The Rhine“ (also: Gustav Mahler: Sinfonie Nr. 2 „Resurrection“) with Julia Sophie Wagner, Soprano, Choir and Orchestra at National Theatre Brno. Conductor: Hansjörg Albrecht. Presentation of the New WERGO-CD with this symphony recorded there in June 2017. - 19. Oct 2018
19th of october 2018 in Town Hall Pirmasens (Germany): World Premiere of L'ANGELICA FARFALLA. "DIAMONDS LOST IN THE DARKNESS OF PAST" Concerto for Piccolo trumpet and orchestra, Soloist: Otto Sauter (Piccolo) with Russian Chamber Philharmonics St. Petersburg, Conductor.: Juri Gilbo. - 14. Oct 2018
14th of october 2018 5 p.m. , Kirche St. Andreas in Augsburg THE STONES OF NEWGRANGE for guitar & organ, with Stefan Barcsay und Elisabeth Römer (Orgel) - 1. Oct 2018
Dreamin backwards
October 1, 2018 at 8 pm in Munich, Bayrische Versicherungskammer: world premiere of DREAMIN' BACKWARDS TO MY FORMER TIMES MISTRESS for recorder solo, - soloist: Iris Lichtinger during the concert UNBLOCK - 23. Sep 2018
Fantasy NUN JAUCHZT DEM HERRN in Regensburg Cathedral
23rd of september 2019 at 10:00 is the 1st performance PHANTASIE "NUN JAUCHZT DEM HERRN" for choir & organ. Choir are the worldfamous Regensburger Domspatzen (cond.: Domkapellmeister Roland Büchner) - 22. Sep 2018
Ommagio a Vivaldi Bad Brückenau
22nd of september.2018 Bad Brückenau Staatsbad König Ludwig I.-Saal, Dorothee Oberlinger (treble recorder) plays OMMAGIO a VIVALDI for treble recorder, harspichord and strings, Bayerisches Kammerorchester Bad Brückenau, concuctor: Johannes Moesus - 21. Sep 2018
PATER NOSTER in Regensburg
21st of September 2018 St. Caecilia Regensburg: The "Neue Kammerchor Regensburg" and the choir of university of Music Regensburg (conducted: Kunibert Schäfer) are singung PATER NOSTER for 6 voices & prayer bell. This work present the text in six languages, - incl. in aramaic language - 20. Sep 2018
PATER NOSTER in Rothenburg
20th of September 2018 Church St. Stephan in Rothenurg ob der Tauber: The "Neue Kammerchor Regensburg" and the choir of university of Music Regensburg (conducted: Kunibert Schäfer) are singung PATER NOSTER for 6 voices & prayer bell. This work present the text in six languages, - incl. in aramaic language - 10. Sep 2018
Masterclass Composing for Choir in Köln
From 10th to 12th of September (10a.m. to 5 p.m.) at University of Music / Hochschule für Musik Köln, Enjott Schneider is holding a Masterclass COMPOSING FOR CHOIR - 5. Sep 2018
Stephan's Cathedral Vienna
On Tuesday, September 5th, 2018 at 7 pm in Vienna / Stephan's Cathedral , Hansjörg-Albrecht plays the Organ Symphony No. 10 B-A-C-H and the Organ Toccata "Brother of Sleep" - 18. Aug 2018
SULAMITH in Sindelfingen
18.8.2018 in Sindelfingen, Saint Martins-Church / Martinskirche: SULAMITH for Violoncello & organ, played by Matthias Weinmann (cello) and Izumi Kando - 15. Aug 2018
SULAMITH in Predigerkirche Erfurt
15.8.2017 Predigerkirche Erfurt: SULAMITH for Violoncello & Organ, played by Matthias Weinmann (solo cello player at Gran Teatre del Liceu Barcelona) and Izumi Kando - 11. Aug 2018
SYMPHONIK in Schlosskirche Bayreuth
Am 11.8.2018 um 12:00 Schlosskirche Bayreuth spielt Ludwig Schmitt (Regensburg) an der Orgel der Schlosskirche SYMPHONIK von Charles-Marie Widor, Max Reger und von Enjott Schneider die ORGELSINFONIE NR. 3 TOTENTANZ - 5. Aug 2018
5th of august 2018 15:00 in St. Clemens Bad Iburg Axel Eichhorn is playing BAUMBILDER / PICTURES OF TREES . Suite for organ, in programme of "Konzerte bei der Landesgartenschau" - 3. Aug 2018
Orgel-Sinfonie Nr.3 TOTENTANZ
3.8.2018 19 Uhr Neupfarrkirche Regensburg (Neupfarrplatz): Ludwig Schmitt spielt ORGELSINFONIE NR. 3 TOTENTANZ - 25. Jul 2018
25th of july 2018 19.00 University of Music and Performing Arts MUNICH, Large Concert hall: First Premiere ALS ICH EIN KIND WAR ("When I was a Child") für Chor und Instrumentalensemble (words: Ernst Moritz Arndt, Poem 1811) - 21. Jul 2018
New Grange in Miltenberg
21st. of july 2018 in Miltenberg Church St. Jakobus: Stefan Barcsay (Guitar) is playing THE STONES OF NEW GRANGE ....a spiral music for guitar & organ (organ player: Michael Bailer) - 20. Jul 2018
AFRICAN PATCHWORK im Herforder Münster
Am 20.7.2018 21:00 Münster Herford spielen im "Nachtkonzert I" Franz Hauk (Orgel) und Stefan Blum (Percission) von Enjott Schneider AFRICAN PATCHWORK für Orgel und Djembee - 15. Jul 2018
38. Bielefelder Orgelsommer
15.7.2018 Bielefeld - Neustädter Marienkirche: Ruth M. Seiler spielt in SOMMER I von Petris Vasks, Dmitri Schostakovitch und Enjott Schneider - 14. Jul 2018
New Grange in Wuerzburg
14th of july 2018 19:30 Uhr in Wuerzburg/Lengfeld Church St. Laurentius: Stefan Barcsay (Guitar) is playing THE STONES OF NEW GRANGE ....a spiral music for guitar & organ (organ player: Hans-Bernhard Ruß) - 7. Jul 2018
Ratzeburger Dom mit dem SONNENGESANG
7.7.2018 um 18 Uhr im Ratzeburger Dom singt der Dresdner Kreuzchor (Ltg.: Wolfgang Behrendt) von Enjott Schneider SONNENGESANG für zwei Chöre a cappella - 7. Jul 2018
YI JING in Guangzhou/China
2018-07-07 in Guangzhou/China, peoples republic: Guangdong National Orchestra, cond. Liu Sha, playsEnjott Schneider: YI JING for Sheng & orchestra - 4. Jul 2018
SONNENGESANG mit Dresdner Kreuzchor in Klosterkirche Thalbürgel
Am 4.7.2018 Klosterkirche Thalbürgel in Bürgel um 20 Uhr singt der Dresdner Kreuzchor SONNENGESANG, Leitung: Kreuzkantor Roderich Kreile - 4. Jul 2018
EDGE OF TIME in the Stephan's Cathedral Vienna
4th of July 2018 at 20:30 Vienna Stephan's Cathedral: Johannes Skudlik (Landsberg) plays Enjott Schneider AT THE EDGE OF TIME. Reflections on Mozart's Requiem for organ - 3. Jul 2018
Song Cycle TRAKL-TRÄUME in the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts
3rd July 2018 in the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts: Salome Kammer (Mezzosoprano) and Rudi Spring (piano) are playing the song cycle TRAKL-TRÄUME, - Enjott Schneider got new member of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts in May 2018. - 1. Jul 2018
1st of july 2018 16:00 in Bad Wörishofer/Stadtpfarrkirche St. Justina: Stefan Barcsay (guitar) is playing THE STONES OF NEW GRANGE ....a spiral music for guitar & organ (organ player: Karl Stepper) - 30. Jun 2018
Berlin Punk in Krasnoyarsk
30.6.2018, 20:00 Philharmonic Hall in Krasnoyarsk/Russia-Siberia: BERLIN PUNK for Saxophone Quartet & orchestra and LE CRI MUET. Variations sur l'Adagio de IXieme symphonie de L.va. Beethoven pour saxophone, choir & orchestre....are played by the Saxophon-Quartet CLAIR OBSCUR (Berlin) and the Siberian State Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonic Choir Krasnoyarsk, cond. Vladimir Lande (followed by the recording of these works for Label WERGO) - 22. Jun 2018
22nd of June 2018 NIGHT OF THE ORGAN KAUFBEUREN, in church St. Martin, Stefan Barcsay (guitar) and Daniel Herrmann (Organ) are playing at 22:30: THE STONES OF NEWGRANGE. Spiral-music for guitar and organ - 20. Jun 2018
World Premiere Gesualdo
June 20, 2018 - 6 pm Nymphenburg Castle Munich. World premiere of "GESUALDO“. Variazioni su „Moro, lasso, al mio duolo" for string quintet together with the Nymphenburg Ensemble - 16. Jun 2018
Ommagio A Vivaldi
16th of june 2018 19:30 in Simmern Hunsrückhalle, Dorothee Oberlinger (treble recorder) plays OMMAGIO a VIVALDI for treble recorder, harpsichord and strings, Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie, Cond. Paul Goodwin - 18. May 2018
Marco Polo
May 18, 2018 State Opera House in Beijing / China: Premiere enactment Beijing of the three hours opera MARCO POLO. OPERA IN 3 ACTS, PROLOGUE & EPILOGUE, for solos, choir, ballett, orchestra. Composition commission by the Chinese government 2017. Music: Enjott Schneider, Libretto: Weijin, Direction: Kasper Holten and Amy Lane, Conductor: Muhai Tang. Cast: Peter Lodahl (Marco Polo), Elise Caluwaerts (Chian Yun), Haojiang Tian (Kublai Khan), Yuan Chenye (Wen Tianxiang) and others. - 18. May 2018
Dance of Death
May, 18 2018, 06:15 pm, Cologne Antoniter Church: Dance of Death- Music and lectures about the end of the First World War: Works by J.S. Bach, Max Reger, Nepomuk David and Enjott Schneider "Monumentum 1914", Lectures: Anna Fischer, organ: Johannes Quack - 13. May 2018
Am 13.5.2018 11:45 im Altenberger Dom spielt Andreas Cavelius von Enjott Schneider die ORGELSINFONIE NR. 5 ANGELUS - 13. May 2018
Altenburg near Cologne No. 5
May 13, 2018 Altenberg Cathedral (near Cologne): Andreas Cavelius plays the ORGAN SYMPHONY NO. 5 "ANGELUS" - 9. May 2018
Am 9.5.2018 19:30 Stadtkirche St. Dynisius Krefeld spielt Andreas Cavelius von Enjott Schneider die ORGELSINFONIE NR. 5 ANGELUS - 5. May 2018
SONNENGESANG mit Kreuzchor Dresden
Am 5.5.2018 17:00 Kreuzkirche Dresden in der KIrchenmusik Kreuzchor Dresden erklingt Enjott Schneider SONNENGESANG für zwei Chöre a cappella mit dem Dresdner Kreuzchor, Ltg.: Wolfgang Behrendt - 5. May 2018
Marco Polo
May 5, 2018 Opera House in Guangzhou / China: 1st Premiere/ second performance of the three hours opera MARCO POLO. OPERA IN 3 ACTS, PROLOGUE & EPILOGUE, for solos, choir, ballett, orchestra. Composition commission by the Chinese government 2017. Music: Enjott Schneider, Libretto: Weijin, Direction: Kasper Holten and Amy Lane, Conductor: Muhai Tang. Cast: Peter Lodahl (Marco Polo), Elise Caluwaerts (Chian Yun), Haojiang Tian (Kublai Khan), Yuan Chenye (Wen Tianxiang) and others. - 4. May 2018
May 4, 2018 Opera House in Guangzhou / China: 1st premiere of the three hours opera MARCO POLO. OPERA IN 3 ACTS, PROLOGUE & EPILOGUE, for solos, choir, ballett, orchestra. Composition commission by the Chinese government 2017. Music: Enjott Schneider, Libretto: Weijin, Direction: Kasper Holten and Amy Lane, Conductor: Muhai Tang. Cast: Peter Lodahl (Marco Polo), Elise Caluwaerts (Chian Yun), Haojiang Tian (Kublai Khan), Yuan Chenye (Wen Tianxiang) and others. - 22. Apr 2018
Am Sonntag, 22.3.2018 18 Uhr wird in St. Joseph Westenholz / Delbrück aufgeführt: SCHWABENKINDER-MESSE für Soli, Chor und Orchester (zusammen mit dem Requiem for the Living von Dan Forrest) - 11. Apr 2018
April 11, 2018 Volkshaus Jena: performance of the concert BERLIN PUNK for 4 saxophones and orchestra with the saxophone quartet CLAIR OBSCURE and the Jena Philharmonic Orchestra - 18. Mar 2018
March 18, 2018 Nazareth Church Munich-Bogenhausen (Barbarossastrasse 3) Stefan Barcsay plays OBSCURITAS for guitar solo during the sound performance SUL FONDO DEL LAGO - 16. Mar 2018
Symphony No.6 in BRNO
March 16, 2018, National Theatre/ Janaceck Opera in Brno/Czech Republic: Concert for solo, choir an orchestra (conducted by Hansjörg Albrecht) with Schneider/ Symphony No. 16 THE RHINE and Mahler Symphony No. 2 RESURRECTION - 8. Mar 2018
Ubi Caritas
On Tuesday, March 8, 2018 the choir of the Trinity College in Cambridge sings UBI CARITAS at 6:15 pm during the concert CHORAL EVEN SONG with music director Stephen Layton - 4. Mar 2018
Works Foreign Cultures Kronach
On Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 5 pm a concert on the topic of "Friendship with foreign cultures" takes place in the protestant Christ Church Kronach - overall direction by Marius Popp (organ). The following works by Enjott Schneider are performed: NATHAN'S DREAM for oud & organ (with mit Abathar Kmash, Syria, Oud), "Three Fairytales for Organ and Storyteller" (from Japan, Africa, Islam) and with the African Patchwork for djembe and organ. - 23. Feb 2018
Organ Symphony LUNA
February 23, 2018 , 6-11 pm, Antoniter Church Cologne: Long Astronomic Organ Night, among others with Enjott Schneider's "Organ Symphony No.13 "Luna" (for details see www.kirchenmusik-keoln.de ), at the organ: Johannes Quack - 19. Feb 2018
ATTACOT für Orgel
Am 2.2.2018 in der Pfarrkirche St. Gangolf Differten spielt Wolfgang Münchow von Enjott Schneider ATTACOT für Orgel (Bachs d-moll-Toccata in retrograder Version) - 4. Feb 2018
Nathan's dream Munich
February 4, 2018 Munich Church of the Redeemer, 06:00 pm, performance of NATHAN'S DREAM for oud and organ, with Church Music Director Michael Grill and Abathar Kmash (Oud) - 26. Jan 2018
Märchen mit Orgel
January 26, 2018 Regensburg concert hall of the University for Music: performance of the "Fairy tales for organ and storyteller", overall direction: Prof. Kunibert Schäfer - 16. Jan 2018
Pauluskirche Voerden VIVALDISSIMO
16.1.2018 Pauluskirche Voerden / Dinslaken: Klaus-peter Euen und Philipp Euen spielen mit dem Organisten Ludger Höffkes von Enjott Schneider VIVALDISSIMO für 2 Trompeten und Orgel - 16. Jan 2018
January 16, 2018 Theater Augsburg featuring the Philharmonic Orchestra Augsburg and Stefan Blum as soloist: Second performance of the percussion concerto MACHINE WORLDS - 15. Jan 2018
Machine WORLDS
January 15, 2018 Theater Augsburg featuring the Philharmonic Orchestra Augsburg and Stefan Blum as soloist: World premiere of the percussion concerto MACHINE WORLDS - 13. Jan 2018
OBSCURITAS in Seidlvilla Munich
January 13, 2016 Seidlvilla Munich 07:00 pm Stefan Barcsay (guitar) plays my solo work OBSCURITAS dedicated to him - 31. Dec 2017
December 31, 2017 7 pm St. Gallus church Hofs (near Leutkirch) in the Allgäu: PAVANE for saxophone and organ, played by Christian Segmehl (saxophone) and Ludwig Kibler (organ) - 30. Dec 2017
December 30, 2017 7 pm St. Wolfgang church in Rottenacker PAVANE for saxophone and organ, played by Christian Segmehl (saxophone) and Ludwig Kibler (organ) - 26. Dec 2017
Pavane Sax+Orgel
December 26, 2017, 5 pm Schemmerhofen in the pilgrimage church Aufhofener chapel: PAVANE for saxophone and organ, played by Christian Segmehl (saxophone) and Ludwig Kibler (organ) - 19. Dec 2017
December 19, 2017 in the high Cathedral Cologne: Winfried Bönig (cathedral organist of Cologne) plays the world premiere of MARIA. meditation based on the “votive picture Mariahilf” by Lucas Caranach d.Ä. (1537) for organ solo - 16. Dec 2017
December 16, 2017 Würzburg Cathedral: Winfried Bönig (cathedral organist of Cologne) plays the world premiere of MARIA. meditation based on the “votive picture Mariahilf” by Lucas Caranach d.Ä. (1537) for organ solo - 3. Dec 2017
Sonntag, den 3.12.2017 Sophienkirche München (-Riem) um 17 Uhr spielt Gitarrist Stefan Barcsay in seiner Klangperformance mein OBSCURITAS für Gitarre solo. - 3. Dec 2017
RA für 10 Flöten
December 3, 2017 City Museum Munich 11 am: The Munich flute ensemble plays RA - SUN RITUAL FOR 10 TRAVERSE FLUTES in a Chamber concert (CD recording on February 12, 2018) - 1. Dec 2017
Dr. Jekyll in JENA
December 1, 2017: Philharmonie Jena, Edith Salzmann and Ramon Jaffé (violoncellos) play the double concert "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde" for two cellos and orchestra - 1. Dec 2017
Dr. Jekyll & Mr.Hyde in Jena
December 1, 2017 Volkshaus Jena: Performance of the double concert DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE with the cello players Ramon Jaffé and Edith Salzmann and the Jena Philharmonic Orchestra - 9. Nov 2017
Feste Burg in JENA
November 9, 2017, 08:00 pm Volkshaus Jena General Music Director Simon Gaudenz conducts Enjott Schneider EIN FESTE BURG (A SOLID CASTLE) as final concert of the Year of the Protestant Reformation 2017 „Resistance and Freedom“, further works by Johann Sebastian Bach and Fazil Say - 21. Oct 2017
Organ Symphony XVI
October 21, 2017,6 pm Emperor Wilhelm Memorial Church Berlin: the director of church music Johannes Quack (Cologne) plays the Organ Symphony No. 16 "MARTIN LUTHER" of Enjott Schneider as part of the concert "Luther songs in organ compositions" - 18. Oct 2017
Düsseldorf No. 16 and Death & Devil
October 18, 2017 at the IDO (International Organ Festival Düsseldorf) in concert "REFORMATION! RE-FORMATION? - A symphonic response with works by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy & Enjott Schneider" Hansjörg Albrecht plays my organ symphony No. 16 MARTIN LUTHER and the 4 comments "Luther, Death and Devil "for electronics and organ - 12. Oct 2017
Orgelsinfonie16 in Lima
12.10.2017 20:00 Uhr Christuskirche Lima/Peru, Thorsten Maeder spielt an der Klais-Orgel von Enjott Schneider die Orgelsinfonie Nr. 16 MARTIN LUTHER (mit Werken von Karg-Elert und Johann Sebastian Bach) - 7. Oct 2017
October 7, 2017 at 08:00 pm in the Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig: world premiere of the 3 works ENIGMATIC - LABYRINTH - VEXACION for electronic and dancers, in 3-D, based on the "Quasi-crystals" of the Swiss artist Kurt Bruckner in the staging of the Swiss multimedia performer Beat Toniolo - 6. Oct 2017
October 5, 2017at 08:00 pm in the Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig: world premiere of the 3 works ENIGMATIC - LABYRINTH - VEXACION for electronic and dancers, in 3-D, based on the "Quasi-crystals" of the Swiss artist Kurt Bruckner in the staging of the Swiss multimedia performer Beat Toniolo - 5. Oct 2017
Quasi Crystals
October 5, 2017 at 08:00 pm in the Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig: world premiere of the 3 works ENIGMATIC - LABYRINTH - VEXACION for electronic and dancers, in 3-D, based on the "Quasi-crystals" of the Swiss artist Kurt Bruckner in the staging of the Swiss multimedia performer Beat Toniolo - 30. Sep 2017
Kyrie and Gloria
Town Hall Square Vienna on September 30, 2017 performance of KYRIE AND GLORIA for voices of whales, accompanying electronics and choir, expecting 5000 singers at the closing event "500 YEARS AND A FEAST" in the course of "Reformation affects", overall direction: Matthias Krampe - 24. Sep 2017
September 24, 2017 5 pm Paul's Church Stuttgart: Sabine Steinmetz and Marius Popp play LUTHERMANIA, the version for 2 organ players à 4 hands and 4 feet - 17. Sep 2017
September 17, 2017 Coesfeld Open Air on the opening of the new Schlosspark, WATER ORATORY for solos, choir and orchestra. 10 choirs of the region and the city play. Musikverein Coesfeld (music society), conducted by Ansgar Kreutz - 16. Sep 2017
September 16, 2017 7 pm Paul's Church Stuttgart: Sabine Steinmetz and Marius Popp play LUTHERMANIA, the version for 2 organ players à 4 hands and 4 feet - 16. Sep 2017
Organ Symphony XVI
September 16, 2017, 06:00 pm Konstantin Basilica Trier: Johannes Quack (Cologne) plays the Organ Symphony No. 16 "MARTIN LUTHER" of Enjott Schneider as part of the concert "Luther songs in organ compositions" - 10. Sep 2017
Ansbach's choir book
September 10, 2017 at 3 pm Basilica Wechselburg - Ansbach's choir book (together with Altenburg's Motettenchor) and Ansbach's organ book (with Georg Wendt, organ) - 10. Sep 2017
YIN UND YANG in Krasnoyarsk
September 10, 2017, 07:00 pm in Krasnoyarsk/Siberia in the Philharmonic Society / Maly Concert Hall. world premiere of YIN & YANG for Sheng and orchestra, with WuWei (Sheng), Krasnoyarsk Chamber Orchestra, conductor: Simon Gaudenz (Switzerland) = opening concert of the 16th International Festival "Asia-Siberia-Europe" - 21. Aug 2017
August 27, 2017 Church of the Redeemer in Munich (Schwabing): the guitar player Stefan Barcsay is playing the guitar work OBSCURITAS which was composed for him in 2016 as part of his solo program - 20. Aug 2017
Organ Symphony No. 16
August 20, 2017 at 5 pm Stadtkirche (town church) Neustrelitz - (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania). Georg Wendt is playing the Organ Symphony No. 16 - 20. Aug 2017
Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde in Lucerne
August 20, 2017, 02:30 pm Festival Strings Lucerne / Switzerland, KKL Lucerne concert hall Daniel Dodds (violin and direction) and the two violincello soloists Jonas Iten / Alexander Kionke play Schneider's DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE for 2 violincellos and string orchestra. - 13. Aug 2017
Organ Symphony 2
August 13, 2017 at 4 pm in the Basilica Altötting - Georg Wendt is playing the Organ Symphony No. 2 - 8. Aug 2017
Stones of Newgrange
August 8, 2017 Church Music Director Michael Grill (organ) and Stefan Barcsay are playing inter alia the world premiere of THE STONES OF NEWGRANGE. A SPIRAL MUSIC for organ and guitar by Enjott Schneider in the Church of the Redeemer in Munich/ Schwabing. - 5. Aug 2017
Organ Symphony No. 16 and Luther Death, Devil
On August 5, 2017 8 pm in Hamburg / Mariendom (cathedral), Hansjörg Albrecht plays the organ symphony No. 16 MARTIN LUTHER as well as my comments LUTHER, DEATH & DEVIL for electronics and organ in his reformation program (also with the organ arrangement of Mendelssohn's Symphony on Reformation) - 3. Aug 2017
Organ Symphony No.16 Altenberg Cathedral
August 3, 2017 08:00 pm in Altenberg: Johannes Trümpler (cathedral and court church from Dresden) plays the Organ Symphony No. 16 MARTIN LUTHER at the Concert Organ Festival / "The symphonic Luther and others" - 29. Jul 2017
Obscuritas in Karlstadt
July 29th, 2017 Karlstadt plays his project SUL FONDO DEL LGO inter alia with my OBSCURITAS for guitar solo - 23. Jul 2017
OBSCURITAS Bobing's Music Summer
July 23rd, 2017 at the BOBING'S MUSIC SUMMER/ Bobingen next to Augsburg, Stefan Barcsay plays his program "Night and Dreams" with OBSCURITAS for guitar solo by Enjott Schneider - 22. Jul 2017
Obscuritas Lindau
July 22nd, 2017 Lindau, Stefan Barcsay plays Enjott Schneider OBSCURITAS for guitar solo - 21. Jul 2017
Organ Symphony XVI
July 21, 2017, 07:00 pm Market Church Neuwied: the director of church music Johannes Quack (Cologne) plays the Organ Symphony No. 16 "MARTIN LUTHER" of Enjott Schneider as part of the concert "Luther songs in organ compositions" - 16. Jul 2017
Organ Symphony XVI
July 16, 2017, 02:30 pm Altenberger Cathedral: Johannes Quack (Cologne) plays the Organ Symphony No. 16 "MARTIN LUTHER" of Enjott Schneider as part of the concert "Luther songs in organ compositions" - 15. Jul 2017
July 15th,2017 6pm Firenze Open Air on the river Arno and on the Ponte Vecchio, world premiere of WATER MUSIC. Un viaggio fiorentino da Giotto a Puccini for 118 brass players and solosoprano including the performance of Puccini's BABBINO CARO in orchestration. 12 soloistic brass players play in historic boats on the river Arno as well as two Brass orchestral links play along the left and right bank of the Arno. Conducted by: Alain Trudel, Roger Bobo, Dale Clevenger, commisioned by the Maggo Musicale Fiorentino and the 18th Italian Brass Week. - 15. Jul 2017
July 15, 2017 Würzburg, Church St. Laurentius: the guitar player Stefan Barcsay is playing the guitar work OBSCURITAS which was composed for him in 2016 as part of his solo program (will be published soon by the Schottverlag) - 13. Jul 2017
Ataccot in Eisleben
July 13th,2017 St. Andreas Church in Luther's town Eisleben, 07:30 pm: Church Music Director Thomas Ennenbach plays Enjott Schneider's ATACCOT (based on J.S.Bach) - 12. Jul 2017
Organ Symphony No. 16 et al in Munich
July 12, 2017 Mariendom (cathedral) Munich 8 pm: In concert with soloist Hansjörg Albrecht: "Mendelssohn's Symphony on Reformation" and "Schneider's Organ Symphony No. 16 Martin Luther". My composition "Luther, Death& Devil"- four electronic comments is played between the movements. - 10. Jul 2017
First Broadcast MORDKOMMISSION KÖNIGSWINKEL (Homicide Division)
Monday, July 10, 2017 at 8:15 pm on ZDF is the first broadcast of the thriller MORDKOMMISSION KÖNIGSWINKEL: Liebe bis in den Tod (Homicide Division KÖNIGSWINKEL: Lovil until Death (the film music was composed in December 2016) - 9. Jul 2017
July 9, 2017 Bad Wörishofer, Catholic Church, 5 pm, the guitar player Stefan Barcsay is playing the guitar work OBSCURITAS which was composed for him in 2016 as part of his solo program (will be published soon by the Schottverlag) - 8. Jul 2017
Ubi Caritas
July 8th, 2017 Regensburg Cathedral St.Peter: The Youth Choir of Osnabruck sings sings UBI CARITAS by Enjott Schneider for choir a cappella at the German Youth Choir Festival "pueri cantores" - 7. Jul 2017
Neidhart's Nightmare at Concerto bavarese of the BR
July 7, 2017 piano concert NEIDHARTE NIGHTMARE with Oliver Triendl (piano), Sound Artists Orchestra Austria, conducted by Kevin John Edusei at the Concerto Bavarese of the Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Broadcasting) - 7. Jul 2017
Luthermania Stuttgart
July 7th, 2017 collegiate church Stuttgart, 07:00 pm cathedral organist Prof. Dr. Winfried Bönig (Cologne) plays LUTHERMANIA by Enjott Schneider in the finale of the concert - 5. Jul 2017
Organ Symphony XVI
July 5, 2017, 06:30 pm Neanderkirche Düsseldorf: Johannes Quack (Cologne) plays the Organ Symphony No. 16 "MARTIN LUTHER" of Enjott Schneider as part of the concert "Luther songs in organ compositions" - 2. Jul 2017
Bernardus Frescos in Frombork/Poland
July 2, 2017 in the Cathedral Frombork/Poland: “Bernardus Frescos” for flute, organ and orchestra, feat. Lukasz Dlugosz (Fl), Roman Perucki (org) und Baltic Phliharmonic Orchestra Gdanks in the opening concert of the 50th International Organ Music Festival in Frombork’s Cathedral - 30. Jun 2017
Organ Symphony XVI
June 30, 2017, 07:00 pm Florinskirche Coblenz: the director of church music Johannes Quack (Cologne) ) plays the Organ Symphony No. 16 "MARTIN LUTHER" of Enjott Schneider as part of the concert "Luther songs in organ compositions" - 25. Jun 2017
June 25, 2017 Krumbach Church St. Michael 5 pm: Stefan Barcsay plays my guitar work OBSCURITAS in the series "Music in the Swabian Baroque Corner" - 24. Jun 2017
Obscuritas Augsburg
June 24, 2017 Stefan Barcsay plays OBSCURITAS for guitar solo in the course of the "Long Night of Liberty" Art Association Augsburg in the Holbeinhaus at 09:45 pm and 10:30 pm - 23. Jun 2017
ORDO AMORIS in the ARD Night Concert
June 23, 2017 in the ARD Night Concert: Enjott Schneider Ordo Amoris, oratorio; Sophia Christine Brommer, soprano; Ralf Simon, tenor; choir of the Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Broadcasting); Munich Radio Orchestra, conducted by Ulf Schirmer - 23. Jun 2017
The secret of the trees, premiere
June 23, 2017 Bad Reichenhall Theatre, 8 pm, Premiere of THE SECRET OF THE TREES. CONCERTO FOR PERCUSSION & ORCHESTRA, David Panzl (percussion), Philharmonic Orchestra Bad Reichenhall, conducted by Wolfgang Lischke (who also conducts Freischütz Overture and Beethoven's Pastorale VII) - 21. Jun 2017
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace
June 21, 2017 Chamber Choir Regensburg sings the motet "Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace" on the occasion of "100 years of Caritas Bavaria" in Munich - 21. Jun 2017
World Premiere Luther, Death and Devil (Elektronic)
June 21, 2017 Predigerkirche Erfurt 8 pm: In concert with soloist Solist Hansjörg Albrecht: between the movements of "Mendelssohn Reformation Symphony" and "Schneider Organ Symphony No. 16 Martin Luther" my world premiere of "Luther, Death and Devil" four electronic commentaries is taking place - 20. Jun 2017
Luthermania in the Cologne Cathedral
June 20, 2017 International Organ concerts in the great Cathedral of Cologne at 08:00 pm: Winfried Bönig plays LUTHERMANIA. The concert is broadcasted live by the WDR 3. - 18. Jun 2017
Earth & Fire in Kaohsiung Taiwan
June 18, 2017 07:30 pm, City hall in Kaohsiung/Taiwan WUWEI (Sheng) plays EARTH & FIRE. Poem for Sheng and Chinese Orchestra (Chinese Orchestra with 89 traditional Chinese original instruments) by Enjott Schneider together with the Kaohsiung City Orchestra. - 15. Jun 2017
WATER MUSIC in Firenze
July 15, 2017 at 07:30 pm Firenze Open Air on the river Arno and on the Ponte Vecchio:World premiere of "WATER MUSIC. Un viaggio fiorentino da Giotto a Puccini" for Soprano Eva Lind, 12 brass soloists, 2 brass orchestras in the course of the Italian Brass Week/Maggio Musicals in cooperation with the Opera House Firenze, festival ensemble, conducted by Alain Trudel, Roger Bobo. - 13. Jun 2017
Luther chorals Eisleben
Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 03:00 pm, Church St. Andreas: Church Music Director Thomas Ennenbach plays Enjott Schneider "Luther chorals" for organ (from the "Ansbach Organ Booklet") at: THE BACHFEST LEIPZIG INVITED IN EISLEBEN organ trip to Luther's town Eisleben - 7. Jun 2017
Organ Symphony XVI
June 7, 2017, 07:00 pm Kreuzkirche Bonn: Johannes Quack (Cologne) plays the Organ Symphony No. 16 "MARTIN LUTHER" of Enjott Schneider as part of the concert "Luther songs in organ compositions" - 28. May 2017
May 28, 2017 Monastery church Oberschönenfeld, the guitar player Stefan Barcsay is playing the guitar work OBSCURITAS which was composed for him in 2016 as part of his solo program (will be published soon by the Schottverlag) - 21. May 2017
Nathan's Dream
May 21, 2017 Mössingen near Tübingen: Performance of NATHAN'S DREAM for oud and organ with the oud soloist Ahmad Almir (who fled from Syria) and Michael Grueber (organ) - 21. May 2017
Organ Symphony No. 2
May 21, 2017 Marienkirche Friedland (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) Georg Wendt is playing the Organ Symphony No. 16 - 21. May 2017
Luther's Kaleidoscope 3
May 21, 2017 07:30 pm Bad Wildbad/Black Forest: »... there is freedom«, Kaleidoscope based on texts by Martin Luther for soprano, baritone and orchestra as part of the opening program of the BLACK FOREST MUSIC FESTIVAL 2017, Philharmonic Orchestra Baden-Baden, conducted by Mark Mast - 21. May 2017
ABOUT BEING A CHILD - Erlöserkirche (church of the savior) Schwabing
May 21, 2017 Munich/ Schwabing Erlöserkirche (Church of the Savior): Stefan Barcsay (guitar) plays in his solo program my guitar cycle "About Being a Child" that is dedicated to him. - 20. May 2017
Luther's Kaleidoscope 2
May 20, 2017 08:00 pm Grafenhausen-Rothaus: »... there is freedom«, Kaleidoscope based on texts by Martin Luther for soprano,baritone and orchestra as part of the opening program of the BLACK FOREST MUSIC FESTIVAL 2017, Philharmonic Orchestra Baden-Baden, conducted by Mark Mast - 19. May 2017
Luther's Kaleidoscope
May 19, 2017 07:00 pm town church Freudenstadt: »... there is freedom«, Kaleidoscope based on texts by Martin Luther for soprano, baritone and orchestra during the opening concert of the BLACK FOREST MUSIC FESTIVAL 2017, Philharmonic Orchestra Baden-Baden, conducted by Mark Mast - 16. May 2017
Nekyia in Warsaw
May 16, 2017 Philharmonic Orchestra Warsaw (Warsaw)/Polska Lukasz Dlugosz (flute) and Roman Perucki are performing NEKYIA for flute and organ - 5. May 2017
Organ Symphony XVI
May 5, 2017, 07:00 pm Antoniterkirche in Cologne: Johannes Quack (Cologne) plays the Organ Symphony No. 16 "MARTIN LUTHER" of Enjott Schneider as part of the "Long Organ Night for Martin Luther" - 29. Apr 2017
TIMES GO BYE sax trio in Irland
April 29, 2017 08:00 pm Sligo/Ireland in the Drumcliff Church in the course of the "International Chamber Music Festival": Clair Obscur play the Saxophone Trio AS TIMES GO BYE. Hommage à (tribute to) J.S.Bach... in the program are works by A. Busch, J. Ibert and Thomas Adès. - 14. Apr 2017
Tenebrae Berlin
April 14, 2017 06:00 pm at the St. Matthew Church Berlin-Tiergarten: TENEBRAE. Tropus for soprano, violin and organ with Irene Kurka (Soprano), Michail Segler (Vl), Lothar Knappe (organ) - 7. Apr 2017
Nathan's Dream
April 7, 2017 Town church Freudenstadt / Black Forest: World premiere of NATHAN's DREAM for oud and organ the oud soloist Ahmad Almir (who fled from Syria) and Michael Grueber (organ) - 7. Apr 2017
April 7, 2017 Baltic Philharmonic Gdansk (Poland): DREAMDANCERS, concert for flugelhorn (Sergei Nakariakov) and Otto Sauter (piccolo trumpet) and the Baltic Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Alain Trudel (Canada) - 30. Mar 2017
Changes in the subscription concert
March 30, 2017 8 pm Volkshaus Jena: Wu Wei (Sheng) is playing CHANGES. Concert for Sheng & Orchestra together with the Philharmonic Orchestra Jena, conducted by Simon Gaudenz - 29. Mar 2017
CHANGES in Jena's Philharmonie
March 29, 2017 11 am Matinee in the Volkshaus Jena's Philharmonie: CHANGES for Sheng and orchestra, with Wu Wei (Sheng) and the Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Simon Gaudenz - 28. Mar 2017
Dreamdancers in Krasnoyarsk Siberia
On March 28, 2017 in Krasnoyarsk/ Russia-Siberia: Performance of DREAMDANCERS. CONCERT FOR PICCOLO TRUMPET, FLUGELHORN & ORCHESTRA, with Otto Sauter (piccolo trumpet) and Sergei Nariakov (Flugelhorn), as part of the Tans-Siberian Art Festivals - 26. Mar 2017
Nekyia in Lodz's Philharmonie
March 26, 2017 Lodz's/Polska Philharmonie Lukasz Dlugosz (flute) and Roman Perucki are playing NEKYIA for flute and organ - 25. Mar 2017
DREAMDANCERS. Double concerto Siberian Art Festival
March 25, 2017 Novosibirsk: World premiere of DREAMDANCERS. CONCERT FOR PICCOLO TRUMPET, FLUGELHORN & ORCHESTRA, feat. Otto Sauter (piccolo trumpet) and Sergei Nariakov (Flugelhorn), as part of the Trans-Siberian Art Festival - 24. Mar 2017
March 24, 2017 Ebersberg, at the "Practice for culture": the guitar player Stefan Barcsay is playing the guitar work OBSCURITAS which was composed for him in 2016 as part of his solo program (will be published soon by the Schottverlag) - 11. Mar 2017
"RA"-Sun Ritual for Flute Ensemble
March 11, 2017 10 am in the big concert hall of the University of Music and Theatre Munich: world premiere of "RA" - A sun ritual for flute ensemble (Piccolo, large flutes, alto and bass flutes) with the Munich Flute Ensemble conducted by Elisabeth Weinzierl & Edmund Wächter - 2. Mar 2017
March 2, 2017 Theater Gütersloh 8 pm BERLIN PUNK. Concert for 4 saxophones and orchestra featuring the saxophone quartet CLAIR-OBSCUR (Berlin) and the Northwest German Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Yves Abel, further in the program the symphony no. 5 opus 100 from Sergei Prokofieff is played - 1. Mar 2017
Berlin Punk
March 1, 2017 Paderborn 8 pm BERLIN PUNK. Concert for 4 saxophones and orchestra featuring the saxophone quartet CLAIR-OBSCUR (Berlin) and the Northwest German Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Yves Abel, further in the program the symphony no. 5 opus 100 from Sergei Prokofieff is played - 28. Feb 2017
Berlin Punk
February 28, 2017 Detmold 8 pm BERLIN PUNK. Concert for 4 saxophones and orchestra featuring the saxophone quartet CLAIR-OBSCUR (Berlin) and the Northwest German Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Yves Abel, further in the program the symphony no. 5 opus 100 from Sergei Prokofieff is played - 25. Feb 2017
Berlin Punk
February 25, 2017 Bad Oynhausen 8 pm BERLIN PUNK. Concert for 4 saxophones and orchestra featuring the saxophone quartet CLAIR-OBSCUR (Berlin) and the Northwest German Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Yves Abel, further in the program the symphony no. 5 opus 100 from Sergei Prokofieff is played - 24. Feb 2017
Berlin Punk
February 24, 2017 Herford 8 pm BERLIN PUNK. Concert for 4 saxophones and orchestra featuring the saxophone quartet CLAIR-OBSCUR (Berlin) and the Northwest German Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Yves Abel, further in the program the symphony no. 5 opus 100 from Sergei Prokofieff is played - 22. Feb 2017
Berlin Punk - world premiere
February 22, 2017 Minden 8 pm WORLD PREMIERE of BERLIN PUNK . Concert for 4 saxophones and orchestra featuring the saxophone quartet CLAIR-OBSCUR (Berlin) and the Northwest German Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Yves Abel, further in the program the symphony no. 5 opus 100 from Sergei Prokofieff is played - 15. Feb 2017
World Premiere PAVANE for English Horn and Saxophone Quartet
Wednesday, February 15, 2017 8 pm Ballhaus Berlin: World Premiere of "PAVANE Variants of a dance from El Maestro (1536) by Luis de Milán" in the version for English horn and saxophone quartet, featuring Dominik Wollenweber (English horn/member of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra) and the saxophone quartet Clair Obscur - 12. Feb 2017
February 12, 2017 Christ Church Aichach, 5 pm, the guitar player Stefan Barcsay is playing the guitar work OBSCURITAS which was composed for him in 2016 as part of his solo program (will be published soon by the Schottverlag) - 4. Feb 2017
February 4, 2017 Scheidegg, Church of the Resurrection, 5 pm, the guitar player Stefan Barcsay is playing the guitar work OBSCURITAS which was composed for him in 2016 as part of his solo program (will be published soon by the Schottverlag) - 27. Jan 2017
Three Nocturnes for Dulcimer
January 27, 2017 8:00 pm Gasteig Munich, Small Concert Hall: in the concert "DULCIMER & MORE" The class of Prof. Birgit Stolzenburg plays THREE NOCTURNES in the version for Dulcimer Duo - 22. Jan 2017
Brahms and Schneider
January 22, 2017, 06:30 pm Munich All Saints "Brahms occasionally relooped" played by the taschenphilharmonie, conducted by Peter Stangel, in the second repeated concert: "ADVENTURE FOR THE EARS III: Brahms & Schneider" - 21. Jan 2017
Ein feste Burg - A solid castle
January 21, 2017 Theatre Schweinfurt: The Federal Youth Orchestra (Bundesjugendorchester) (conducted by Alexander Shelley) plays "EIN FESTE BURG. SYMPHONIC POEM". - 21. Jan 2017
Brahms & Schneider I
January 21, 2017, 06:30 pm Munich All Saints "Brahms occasionally relooped" played by the taschenphilharmonie, conducted by Peter Stangel, in the second repeated concert: "ADVENTURE FOR THE EARS III: Brahms & Schneider" - 20. Jan 2017
Ein Feste Burg - A solid castle
January 20, 2017 Forum in Ludwigsburg: The Federal Youth Orchestra (Bundesjugendorchester) (conducted by Alexander Shelley) plays "EIN FESTE BURG. SYMPHONIC POEM" - 19. Jan 2017
Marburg Ein feste Burg - A solid castle
January 19, 2017 Marburg City Hall: The Federal Youth Orchestra (Bundesjugendorchester) (conducted by Alexander Shelley) plays "EIN FESTE BURG. SYMPHONIC POEM" - 18. Jan 2017
Ein feste Burg - A solid castle
January 18, 2017 Semperoper Dresden: The Federal Youth Orchestra (Bundesjugendorchester) (conducted by Alexander Shelley) plays "EIN FESTE BURG. SYMPHONIC POEM". The Federal Youth Ballet (Bundesjugendballet) dances to it (director: John Neumeier, artistic director: Kevin Haigen). As part of a 9 days tour of the Federal Youth Orchestra celebrating "500 years of Reformation". - 16. Jan 2017
Ein Feste Burg - A solid castle
January 16, 2017 Philharmonic Concert Hall Berlin: The Federal Youth Orchestra (Bundesjugendorchester) (conducted by Alexander Shelley) plays "EIN FESTE BURG. SYMPHONIC POEM", together with DIGITAL CONCERT HALL... The Federal Youth Ballet (Bundesjugendballet) dances to it (director: John Neumeier, artistic director: Kevin Haigen). As part of a 9 days tour of the Federal Youth Orchestra celebrating "500 years of Reformation". - 15. Jan 2017
Ein feste Burg - A solid castle
January 15, 2017 Theatre Coesfeld: January 14, 2017 Philharmonic concert hall Essen: The Federal Youth Orchestra (Bundesjugendorchester) (conducted by Alexander Shelley) plays "EIN FESTE BURG. SYMPHONIC POEM". - 14. Jan 2017
Ein Feste Burg - A solid castle
January 14, 2017 Philharmonic Concert Hall Essen: The Federal Youth Orchestra (Bundesjugendorchester) (conducted by Alexander Shelley) plays "EIN FESTE BURG. SYMPHONIC POEM". The Federal Youth Ballet (Bundesjugendballet) dances to it (director: John Neumeier, artistic director: Kevin Haigen). As part of a 9 days tour of the Federal Youth Orchestra celebrating "500 years of Reformation". - 13. Jan 2017
January 13, 2017 Hamburg State Opera: The Federal Youth Orchestra (Bundesjugendorchester) (conducted by Alexander Shelley) plays "EIN FESTE BURG. SYMPHONIC POEM" as world premiere. The Federal Youth Ballet (Bundesjugendballet) dances to it (director: John Neumeier, artistic director: Kevin Haigen). As part of a 9 days tour of the Federal Youth Orchestra celebrating "500 years of Reformation". - 12. Jan 2017
Ein Feste Burg - A solid castle
January 12, 2017 Marienkirche (Church of Mary) Luebeck: The Federal Youth Orchestra (Bundesjugendorchester) (conducted by Alexander Shelley) plays "EIN FESTE BURG. SYMPHONIC POEM" as preview. The Federal Youth Ballet (Bundesjugendballet) dances to it (director: John Neumeier, artistic director: Kevin Haigen). As part of a 9 days tour of the Federal Youth Orchestra celebrating "500 years of Reformation". - 8. Jan 2017
Teatrissimo in Regensburg
January 8, 2017 Theater Regensburg: TEATRISSIMO - RATATOUILLE for orchestra (in the course of the "Third Symphonic Orchestra (Georges Bizet, Enjott Schneider, Family Strauss), conducted by Tetsuro Ban - 5. Jan 2017
Teatrissimo in Regensburg 3
January 5, 2017 Theater Regensburg: TEATRISSIMO - RATATOUILLE for orchestra (in the course of the "Third Symphonic Orchestra (Georges Bizet, Enjott Schneider, Family Strauss), conducted by Tetsuro Ban - 2. Jan 2017
Teatrissimo in Regensburg 2
January 2, 2017 Theater Regensburg: TEATRISSIMO - RATATOUILLE for orchestra (in the course of the "Third Symphonic Orchestra (Georges Bizet, Enjott Schneider, Family Strauss), conducted by Tetsuro Ban - 1. Jan 2017
Teatrissimo in Regensburg 1
New Year's Eve Concert, January 1, 2017 Theater Regensburg: TEATRISSIMO - RATATOUILLE for orchestra (in the course of the "Third Symphonic Orchestra (Georges Bizet, Enjott Schneider, Family Strauss), conducted by Tetsuro Ban (premiere) - 19. Dec 2016
Ikarus in Dnepropetrovsk
December 19, 2016 Philharmonic Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) Otto Sauter (piccolo trumpet) plays IKARUS. CONCERTO FOR PICCOLO TRUMPET & ORCHESTRA dedicated to himself (conducted by Alain Trudel) - 11. Dec 2016
December 11, 2016 OBSCURITAS. Vision for guitar solo featuring Stefan BARCSAY Sophienkirche Munich - 4. Dec 2016
December 4, 2016 OBSCURITAS. Dream piece with Stefan BARCSAY for guitar solo, monastery church Maria Stern Augsburg - 3. Dec 2016
Pictures of Yang Guifei
December 3, 2016 8pm Jilin (China): World premiere of PICTURES OF YANG GUIFEI for Dizzi & Symphony Orchestra, featuring the Chinese flute soloist CHEN Yue and the Jilin Symphony Orchestra, directed by LIU Sha. The composition tells the story of the famous concubine Yang Guifei, who according to the Chinese mythology founded the playing of the flute and had to hang herself on a silk rope at the end of her life! - 2. Dec 2016
IKARUS in Kiev
December 2, 2016 IKARUS. DESIRE FOR THE LIGHT for piccolo trumpet and orchestra, feat. Otto Sauter (trumpet), conducted by Roman Kofmann (as part of the world ring premiere of IKARUS) - 25. Nov 2016
November 25, 2016 St. Josef in Weiden/Oberpfalz, Kunibert Schaefer (organ) playing AT THE EDGE OF TIME - 24. Nov 2016
November 24, 2016 at 3:30 pm University Hamburg Auditorium A Main Building; World Premiere of the string trio's OUR HOPE IS BLUE & GREEN in the course of the final event of the German-Chinese exchange year 2016 "Exchange - Friendship - Future" with the presence of the Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and LIU Yangdong, Deputy Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China. Played by Darius Preuss (Vl), Leo Möller (vla) und Jakob D. Seel (vc). - 20. Nov 2016
At the edge of Time Regensburg
November 20, 2016 5pm Regensburg Kunibert Schäfer plays in the Reger Concert "The human being lives and exists" from von Enjott Schneider AT THE EDGE OF TIME. REFLECTIONS ON MOZARTS REQUIEM FOR SYMPHONIE ORGAN. The concert is repeated in Weiden/Oberpfalz, the birthplace of Reger, on November 25, 2016. - 15. Nov 2016
BEING A CHILD - guitar
November 15, 2016 6:00 pm Augsburg Rococo Hall of the Government of Swabia : Stefan Barcsay plays "in love" from being a child (guitar solo) at the award ceremony of the literary prize of the district Swabia - 13. Nov 2016
Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 7 pm in the Emmaus Church of Harlaching, The Munich Concert Choir is singing the "Beatitudes" for choir and ensemble to the Mozart Requiem, conducted by Benedikt Haag - 31. Oct 2016
Organ Symphony No. 16
Sunday, October 31, 2016: Some movements of the previously premiered Organ Symphony No. 16 "MARTIN LUTHER" are performed in all Protestant churches in Cologne, in order to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation - 27. Oct 2016
UA Organ Symphony No. 16 MARTIN LUTHER
October 27, 2016 Holy Trinity Church Cologne, 8 pm, World premiere of the Organ Symphony No. 16 "MARTIN LUTHER" performed by Johannes Quack, organ - 22. Oct 2016
October 22, 2016 in Concert Hall Puebla/Mexico: IKARUS. DESIRE FOR THE LIGHT for piccolo trumpet and orchestra, feat. Otto Sauter (trumpet), conducted by Alain Trudel/Canada (as part of the world ring premiere of IKARUS) - 28. Aug 2016
Tiger, Dog & Rooster
August 28, 2016 NCPA Beijing (National Center of Performing Arts) World premiere of TIGER, DOG & ROOSTER. Concert for Sheng (Wuwei), percussion (LI Biao) and orchestra. Performed by the Orchestra of NCPA, conducted by Claus Peter Flor - 26. Aug 2016
Bernardus frescos in Koszalin
August 26, 2016 in Koszalin/Poland: Performance of BERNARDUS-frescos. Concert for flute, organ and orchestra (performed by Luskasz Dlugosz/flute and Roman Perucki/organ and the Baltic Philharmonic Gdansk) - 19. Aug 2016
Ein feste Burg
- 11. Aug 2016
Organ Symphony No. 15
August 11, 2016 In the St. Mark's Church Munich, Bernhard Buttmann is playing the Organ Symphony No. 15 PSYCHOGRAMM - IN MEMORIAM OF MAX REGER - 10. Jul 2016
Organ Symphony No. 15
July 10, 2016 in the Imperial Cathedral Königslutter am Elm, Bernhard Buttmann is playing the Organ Symphony No. 15 PSYCHOGRAMM - IN MEMORIAM OF MAX REGER - 8. Jul 2016
World Premiere of the Organ Symphony No. 15
July 8, 2016 in the Berlin Cathedral, Bernhard Buttmann is playing the world premiere of the Organ Symphony No. 15 PSYCHOGRAMM - IN MEMORIAM OF MAX REGER - 8. Jul 2016
July 8, 2016 11:00 am Matinee at the National Theater Mainz on occasion of "200 JAHRE RHEINHESSEN". world premiere of PANTA RHEI. VOM GLÜCK DES FLIESSENS (ABOUT THE LUCK OF FLOWING) featuring the State Symphony Mainz, conducted by the musical director Bäumer (composition commission for "200 Jahre Rheinhessen" (200 years of Rheinhessen) (...unfortunately at the same time as the world premiere of the 15th Organ Symphony in the Berlin Cathedral) - 5. Jul 2016
Premiere organ concerto BERNARDUS - FRESKEN in Gdansk
July 5, 2016 Basilica Olivia/Gdansk (Poland) Premiere of BERNARDUS-FRESKEN. CONCERTO PER FLAUTO, ORGANO E ORCHESTRA performed by Lukasz Dlugosz (flute), Roman Perucki (organ) and the Polish Philharmonic Gdansk - 22. Jun 2016
June 22, 2016 at the Turkish Brass Festival in Istanbul, Third world premiere of IKARUS. DESIRE FOR THE LIGHT, concert for piccolo trumpet and symphony orchestra, soloist: Otto Sauter, as part of the World & European Brass Ensemble Festival, with Enjott Schneider also being composer-in-residence with lectures at the University Istanbul. - 18. Jun 2016
Braut des Marcel Duchamp
June 18, 2016 08:00 pm anniversary concert 20 years MGNM Munich Society of Contemporary Music with the world premiere of works of 20 composers from Munich: DIE BRAUT DES MARCEL DUCHAMP (THE BRIDE OF MARCEL DUCHAMP). Mechanik der Scham/mécanisme de la pudeur (mechanics of shame) ... for ensemble, conducted by Peter Hirsch, recording by Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Broadcast) - 15. Jun 2016
May 10, 2016 Teheran Iranian Brass Festival The second world premiere of IKARUS. DESIRE FOR THE LIGHT, concert for piccolo trumpet and symphony orchestra, soloist: Otto Sauter, as part of the World & European Brass Ensemble Festival - 14. Jun 2016
Piano concert Evolution
June 14, 2016 Madrid Palau da Musica/Philharmonie: EVOLUTION. Concert for piano and orchestra, Madrid Philharmonic, conducted by Pascual Osa - 12. Jun 2016
Musica Arcaica No. 1
June 12, 2016 Philharmonic orchestra Nuremberg, Aufseßsaal of the Germanic National Museum, 7th chamber concert MUSICA ARCAICA NO.1 piano trio - 22. May 2016
Symphonialis est anima
May 22, 2016 Concert “600 years of the Basilica St. Martin Bingen “SYMPHONIALIS EST ANIMA ...the sound of the soul“ (lyrics of Hildegard von Bingen) for female voices, violoncello and percussion, performed by the Ensemble CLARA VOCE, conducted by Alexander Müller - 1. May 2016
May 1, 2016 7 pm, Synagogue Augsburg, World premiere of LILITH. SYMPHONIC POEM FOR ORCHESTRA, composition commission of "Yehudi Menuhin, Live Music Now. e.V. Augsburg" memorial concert for the 100th anniversary of Yehudi Menuhin, performed by the symphony orchestra of the Leopold-Mozart Center Augsburg and conducted by Ludwig Schmalhofer - 30. Apr 2016
World Premiere DREI NOCTURNES dulcimer version
April 30, 2016 10:45 pm, in the small Gasteig concert hall, World Premiere of DREI NOCTURNES version for alto and tenor dulcimer as part of the "Langen Nacht der Musik" (Long Night of the Music): "At Night Park" - nocturnal impressions. Performed by Franziska Meier, Veronika Hofer, Anna Pontz, Anton Peter (dulcimer class Prof. Birgit Stolzenburg at the Hochschule für Musik Munich ) - 8. Apr 2016
4 Trombones & Orchestra - Jena, Germany
18th of December 2015 - 8:00 PM (CET) - Volkshaus Jena World Premiere Jenaer Philharmonie with the Quadriga Trombone Quartet, Cond.: Marc Tardue: APOKALYPSE Konzert für 4 Posaunen und Orchester (Apocalypse - Concert for 4 Trombones and Orchestra) - 7. Apr 2016
7.4.2016 20:30 im Théatre du Beffroi/Montrouge CRI MUET (IN MEMORIAM 13-11-2015 Paris) mit Christian Elin (Sopransaxophon), dem Orchestre de Chambre Nouvelle Europe, Leitung: Nicolas Krauze, und dem Choeur de chambre Nouvelle Europe (Dir.: Mariana Yotova) - 6. Apr 2016
Cri Muet
6.4.2016 20:30 Uhr im Théatre des Sablons, Neuilly-sur-Seine Uraufführung von CRI MUET (IN MEMORIAM 13. November 2015) pour Saxophon soprano, choeur et Orchester (wird in drei Städten im Großraum von Paris uraufgeführt), mit Christian Elin (Sopransaxophon), dem Orchestre de Chambre Nouvelle Europe, Leitung: Nicolas Krauze, und dem Choeur de chambre Nouvelle Europe (Dir.: Mariana Yotova) - 5. Apr 2016
5.4.2016 20:30 Uhr im Théatre de Corbeil-Essonnes: Uraufführung von CRI MUET (IN MEMORIAM 13. November 2015) pour Saxophon soprano, choeur et Orchester (wird in drei Städten im Großraum von Paris uraufgeführt), mit Christian Elin (Sopransaxophon), dem Orchestre de Chambre Nouvelle Europe, Leitung: Nicolas Krauze, und dem Choeur de chambre Nouvelle Europe (Dir.: Mariana Yotova) - 18. Mar 2016
Rondo Oscuro
18.3. 2016 um 22:00 MUSIKFORUM MÜNCHEN / Schwere Reiter Dachauerstrasse 114: RONDO OSCURO für 8 Flöten (SchottVerlag) gespielt vom: MÜNCHNER FLÖTENENSEMBLE Melanie Gleissner, Jolanda Kretzschmar, Angela Lex, Julia Lutz, Katharina Scherer, Waltraut Siebeck, Britta Steinbauer, Edmund Wächter, Elisabeth Weinzierl, Daniela Weitze - 16. Mar 2016
Welt-Ringuraufführung IKARUS Trompetenkonzert
16.3.2016 im Amazonas-Opernhaus in Manaus / Brasilien Welt-Ringuraufführung von IKARUS. DESIRE FOR THE LIGHT, Konzert für Piccolotrompete und Sinfonieorchester, Solist: Otto Sauter, im Rahmen des World- & European Brassensemble Festivals, wo Enjott Schneider dann auch an der Amazonas Universität composer in residence mit lectures ist. - 27. Feb 2016
27.2.2015 Christuskirche Murg/Hochrhein spielen Irmtraud Tarr (Orgel) und Edward Tarr MEDIA VITA. Totentanz für Orgel und Schlagzeug - 20. Feb 2016
African Patchwork
20.2.2016 Kunststation St. Peter Köln spielen DUO CARILLON Andreas Hoffmann (Orgel) und Armin Sommer-Edenkoben (Djembee) African Patchwork für Orgel und Djembee - 31. Jan 2016
31.1.2016 im 6. Philharmonischen Konzert der Bremer Philharmoniker: Andrew Malcom (EnglischHorn) spielte EIN EWIG RÄTSEL WILL ICH BLEIBEN für Englischhorn und Streichorchester, Ltg.: Markus Poschner - 22. Jan 2016
SIEBEN LETZTE WORTE für Chor und Ensemble
Fr. 22.1.2016 wird im Konzert "7IEBEN" in der Reihe ERSTMAL NEUES der Hochschule für Musik Regensburg (Konzertsaal) aufgeführt: SIEBEN LETZTE WORTE JESU für Chor und Ensemble - 31. Dec 2015
31.12.2015 17:30 St.Josefskirche Rheinfelden/bei Basel Uraufführung von "MEDIA VITA – MITTEN IM LEBEN WIR SIND" für Orgel und Percussion mkit Irmtraud Tarr (Orgel) und Edward Tarr (Percussion) - 15. Dec 2015
15.12.2015 19 Uhr Marienkirche Lübeck spielen Jeroen Berwaerts und Constantin Ribbentrop (Trompeten) und Marienorganist Johannes Unger VIVALDISSIMO für 2 Trompeten und Orgel, im Rahmen des Konzertes: "Weihnachtliches Orgelkonzert im Kerzenschein" - 12. Dec 2015
CHANGES for sheng and Chinese orchestra
12th of December 2015, National Concert Hall in Taipei/Taiwan: world premiere of CHANGES in a version with the Chinese Orchestra. CONCERTO FOR SHENG SOLO, with the soloist Professor Weng Zehn-Fa - 19. Nov 2015
Sulamith in Ungarn
19.11.2015 20 Uhr Liszt-Academy in Budapest spielt Laszlo Fenyö mit dem Franz-Liszt Kammerorchester SULAMITH für Violoncello solo und Streichorchester - 10. Nov 2015
10th of November 2015 New York/USA Central Synagogue Organ Recital Series, Johannes Skudlik performs the organ composition AT THE EDGE OF TIME (in addition to compositions by J. Guillou and N. Hakim) that has been dedicated to him - 9. Nov 2015
African Patchwork in Baden-Baden
9th of November 2015, Baden-Baden, as part of the concert "20. HERBST KORRESPONDENZEN" (20th fall correspondences), the duo Carillon performs AFRICAN PATCHWORK for organ and djembée - 8. Nov 2015
3 Fairy Tales
8th of November, 2015, Church St. Ulrich in Kirchheim unter Teck: Organ Concert (not only) for children in „Drei Märchen“ (Three fairy tales) for narrator and organThomas Gindele (narrator), Thomas Specker (organ) - 10. Oct 2015
Gotham Scapes
10th of October 2015, Feldkirch/Vorarlberg in Austria, 'Altes Hallenbad' at Reichenfeldgasse: Christian Segmehl (saxophone) and the solo kettle-drummer of the HR Symphony Orchestra, Lars Rapp (percussions) perform GOTHAM SCAPES for saxophone, percussions and sound design as part of the "Kammerkonzert in Hessen" (chamber concert in Hesse) - 10. Oct 2015
PROPHECY in Kremsmünster
10.10.2015 im Kloster Kremsmünster PROPHECY. THE 4 HORSEMEN OF APOKALYPSE für 4 Orgel, 4 Trompeten, 4 Hörner, Pauken u.a. Es spielen an den Orgeln Johannes Skudlik, Roman Perucki, Jürgen Geiger u.a.,sowie das international besetzte Bläserensemble EUROPEAN BRASS ASSICIATION mit Otto Sauter u.a. - 10. Oct 2015
Gotham Scapes in Biberach
Samstag, 10.10.2015 Biberach (Pestalozzi-Saal der Musikschule) 20 Uhr spielen Christian Segmehl (Saxophon) und Lars Rapp (Solopauker des HR-Sinfonieorchesters Frankfurt) GOTHAM SCAPES für Saxophon, Percussion und Sounddesign, im Konzert mit dem Kammerchor TRITONUS, Ltg.: Klaus Brecht - 10. Oct 2015
World Premiere Organ Symphony 14, Speyer Cathedral
10th of October 2015, 9 PM (CET), Speyer Cathedral (as part of the 'Nacht der Orgelimprovisation' (Night of the organ improvisation)), Cathedral Bandmaster Markus Eichenlaub, world premiere of my new organ symphony No.14 DIE ROMANISCHE (The Romanic) - 2. Oct 2015
Dr. Jekyll&Mr.Hyde in Hof
2.10.2015 Hof spielen die Cellisten Jens-Peter Maintz und Wolfgang Emmanuel Schmidt das Doppelkonzert DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE mit den Hofer Symphonikern, Dirigent: Hermann Bäumer - 27. Sep 2015
Leipzig Laudamus
Sunday, 27th of October 2015, world premiere of the commissioned work 'LEIPZIGER LAUDAMUS. TOCCATA FÜR BLECHBLÄSER, PERCUSSION UND ORGEL' (Toccata for brass, percussions, and organ) on the occasion of the organ sanctification of the Cath. 'Propsteigemeinde St. Trinitatis Leipzig'(Vleugels organ with 3 manuals, 45 registers) - 25. Sep 2015
Dr. Jekyll Doppelkonzert
25.9.2015 19:30 in der Freiheitshalle Hof (Festsaal) spielen Cello Duello (Jens Peter Maintz und Wolfgang Emmanuel Schmidt), Hofer Symphoniker, Ltg. Hermann Bäumer DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE für 2 Celli und Orchester...zusammen mit Dvoraks Sinfonie Nr.9 AUS DER NEUEN WELT - 19. Sep 2015
CHANGES in Shanghai
19th of September 2015, 7:45 PM local time, Shanghai Symphony Concert Hall in Shanghai: Prof. Wenig Zhenfa plays "CHANGES. CONCERTO for Sheng & Orchestra" with the Zhejiang Philharmonic Orchestra, cond.: Stefan Malzewspielt on the occasion of the 1st Chinese Sheng Festival - 13. Sep 2015
13th of September 2015, 5 PM, 'Marienmuenster', Diessen/Ammersee, SONNENGESANG (Sun Chanting) with 8 voices , with the musica-viva-choir Bamberg, cond.: Ingrid Kasper - 6. Sep 2015
6.9.2015 Berlin Evangelische Kirche Kapernaum (Seestrasse 35, 13353 Berlin): Gesine Hagemann spielt ATTACOT im Rahmen des Konzerts "Rund um die d-moll Toccata) - 6. Sep 2015
Oboe Concert B A C H
6th of September 2015 Zepernick Festival 'RAND-Spiele' Berlin, Germany Oboe Concert BACH-Metamorphosen (Metamorphoses) with the ensemble 'JungeMusik Berlin' - 4. Sep 2015
PROPHECY at the Michel
4th of September 2015, Hamburg, at the Michel, St. Michaelis PROPHECY. THE 4 HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE for 4 organs, 4 trumpets, 4 horns, among others. Performed by Johannes Skudlik, Roman Perücke, Jürgen Geiger, et al. (organs), the brass ensemble Otto Sauter with international musicians, et al. - 4. Sep 2015
African Patchwork in Bochum
4th of September 2015, Detlev Bahr plays AFRICAN PATCHWORK for organ and djembee in the 'Friedenskirche Bochum-Wattenscheid' (in memoriam of Albert Schweitzer) - 3. Sep 2015
3rd of September 2015, 7:30 PM Cathedral Leicester/England Simon Headley performs ATACCOT as part of the "Orgelbüchlein-Projekts" (Organ Book Project) - 28. Aug 2015
CRUCIFIXUS Saxophone quartet
Freitag, 28.8.2015 18 Uhr St. David's Cathedral in Hobart (Australien), - a big & beautiful venue - spielt das XYRIS Saxophone quartet CRUCIFIXUS für 4 saxophone & organ (Schott Music) - 23. Aug 2015
PROPHECY world premiere in Gdansk
23rd of August 2015 in GDANSK/DANZIG, 8 PM local time, Baltic Philharmonic Orchestra, world premiere of PROPHECY. THE 4 HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE for 4 (2) organs, 4 trumpets, 4 horns, 4 strings, flute and kettledrum. Conducted by Enjott Schneider, performed by Roman Perucki and Johannes Skudlik (organs), Lukasz Dlugosz (flute), the international brass ensemble Otto Sauter, et al. - 22. Aug 2015
DUNKELREISE (Dark Journey) Montafon
22nd of August 2015, St. Gallenkirch/ Montafon-Gaschurn (Austria), Christoph Hartmann (oboe) and the Ensemble Berlin perform the sextet DUNKELREISE (Dark Journey) based on fragments by nHans-Rott for oboe and strings - 22. Aug 2015
Am 22.8.2015 Katholische Kirche St. Georg in Freiburg St. Georgen im Konzert FÜREINANDER erklingt AQUA VITAE für hohe Stimmen und Orgel (Mädchenkantorei Rottenburger Dom, Ltg.: Frank Leenen) - 3. Aug 2015
Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
3rd of August 2015, 'Stadtpfarrkirche', Schwaz/Austria, 8 PM (CET), Clemens Markus Toifl performs TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) as part of the „Schwazer Sommerkonzerte“ - 26. Jul 2015
Swabian Children's Mass
26th of July 2015, 7 PM, City Church Landsberg as part of the closing ceremony of the 'Ruethenfest': SCHWABENKINDER-MESSE (Swabian Children's Mass) with the 'Landsberg Jugendchor', Capella Cantabile, Landsberg Kinderchor cond. Johannes Skudlik - 26. Jul 2015
Motets at the Regensburg Cathedral
Sunday, 26th of July, 7 PM local time, Regensburg Cathedral: The REGENSBURG DOMSPATZEN (cond. cathedral bandmaster Prof. Roland Büchner) perform the Regensburg premiere of the motet SIE IST MIR LIEB DIE WERTE MAGD (She is dear to me, the valued maidservant) (text: Martin Luther), as well as the SONNENGESANG (Sun chant) for 8 voices (text: Franziskus von Assisi) - 24. Jul 2015
Symphonic Poem. EIN FESTE BURG (A solid fortress) on the occasion of the 'Europ. Festwochen' Passau, Germany
24th of July 2015 - Basilika Niederalteich in the concert "Für die Freiheit" (For Freedom) on the occasion of the 'Europäische Festwochen Passau' the symphonic poem "Ein feste Burg" (A solid fortress) is performed, amongst others also Beethoven's "Eroica" and Schumann's piano concert, with Ragna Schirmer (piano), orchestra of the 'Opernhauses Brno', Cond. Hansjörg Albrecht „ - 19. Jul 2015
19th of July 2015, 'Ottensoos Mehrzweckhalle', 4 PM and (2nd concert) 7 PM, the 'Dehnberger Hof' Choir performs, cond.: Heike Henning, my arrangements for choir (Carus-verlag) from the HOBBIT movie: "Misty Mountains" and "I see fire" - 11. Jul 2015
Sonnengesang (Sun Chant)
11th of July 2015, 8 PM, Ulm church St. Elisabeth, the chamber choirs of the university Ulm sings, cond.: Manuel Sebastian Haupt, the piece SONNENGESANG (sun chant) for 8 voices as part of the concert i "KLANGKUNST A CAPELLA 3" - 10. Jul 2015
10th of July 2015, 8 PM, Bernstadt, the chamber choirs of the university Ulm sings, cond.: Manuel Sebastian Haupt, the piece SONNENGESANG (sun chant) for 8 voices as part of the concert i "KLANGKUNST A CAPELLA 3" - 5. Jul 2015
Dunkelreise (Dark Journey)
Sunday, 5th of July 2015, as part of the 17th Landsberg Sommermusiken (auditorium of the vocational school), world premiere of DUNKELREISE (dark journey) based on fragments by Hans Rott for oboe/English horn, violin, 2 violas, cello and double bass. Performed by Christoph Hartmann (Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra) and Ensemble Berlin. Together with the premiere of "Dachs-Studie" (badger study) for string quintet by Hans Rott (1858-1884) - 4. Jul 2015
Sun Chanting in Assisi
Saturday, 4th of July 2015, 'Franziskus-Fest' in Assisi (Italy): Performance of the SONNENGESANG (Sun Chanting)(Franz von Asssisi), Cond.: Johannes Skudlik - 28. Jun 2015
Motet SIE IST MIR LIEB (She is dear to me) world premiere
Sunday, 28th of June, 7 PM local time, cathedral in Eichstaett: The REGENSBURG DOMSPATZEN (cond. cathedral bandmaster Prof. Roland Büchner) perform the world premiere of the motet SIE IST MIR LIEB DIE WERTE MAGD (She is dear to me, the valued maidservant) (text: Martin Luther) as part of the Eichstaett Cathedral Concerts - 25. Jun 2015
Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
25th of June 2015, 8 PM (CET), 'Trinitatis-Kirche' in Cologne, Katharina Grasser performs TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) as part of the „Förderkonzert der Folkwang Universität der Künste“ - 21. Jun 2015
African Patchwork
21st of June 2015, 6:30 PM in ST. PETER Rheinberg as part of the „Rheinberg Abendmusik: Percussion & Organ“ Sebastian Gokus (Cologne) and Haral Gokus (Rheda-Wiedenbrück) perform AFRICAN PATCHWORK for organ and djembee - 21. Jun 2015
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Cello Double Concert
21st of June 2015 'Theater Chemnitz' DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE for 2 violoncelli and orchestra, with Thomas Bruder, Jakob Tylman (celli), 'Robert-Schumann-Philharmonie', Cond.: Felix Bender - 20. Jun 2015
20th of June 2015, Landsberg a.L., Organ gala in the 'Stadtkirche' 8PM-12AM (CET): PROPHECY - The four horsemen of the Apocalypse for 4 trumpets, 4 french horn and 2 organs, Cond. Johannes Skudlik - 14. Jun 2015
Oratorio Sancta Trinitas III
14th of June 2015, 'Evangelische Stadtkirche Bayreuth', ORATORIO SPIRITUS SANCTUS - TAUBE, WASSER, FEUERSTURM (Dove, water, firestorm) for soprano, baritone, choir and orchestra, Commissioned work for the 'Stadtkirche "Heilige Dreifaltigkeit"' on the occasion of the 400th anniversary, 'Stadtkantorei', 'Hof Symphoniker', cond.: Michael Dorn - 3. Jun 2015
Baumbilder (Tree Images)
3rd of June 2015, 7:30 PM, 'St. Victorkirche', concert "Keltische Messe" (Celtic Mass), Rainer Kamp (organ) performs the BAUMBILDER (Tree Images)-Suite - 30. May 2015
30th of May 2015 in Borna-Leipzig (ball hall) the Leipzig Symphony Orchestra performs (cond.: Wolfgang Rögner) the orchestra suite MOVIE THEMES MADE IN GERMANY - 29. May 2015
Organ Symphonies 1 and 5
On Friday, the 29th of May 2015, 6:15 PM (CET), Marion Köhler and Johannes Quak (organ) perform the organ symphonies No.1 PATER NOSTER and No.5 ANGELUS in the 'Antoniterkirche' Cologne - 29. May 2015
AQUA VITAE in Regensburg
29th of May 2015 St. Andreas Regensburg, Germany the School Choir of the Musikhochschule Regensburg (Cond.: Johanna meindl) performs the musical cycle AQUA VITAE for choir and instruments - 28. May 2015
Oboe Concert B A C H
28th of May 2015 at 8:00 PM in the 'Residenz' at the 'Würzburg Mozartfest 2015' the oboist Albrecht Mayer (Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra) performs the world premiere of the orchestra version of the oboe concert B-A-C-H - 24. May 2015
Whit Sunday, 24th of May 2015, cathedral in Altenburg near Cologne, 11:00 AM VIVALDISSIMO for 2 trumpets and organ with Rita Arkenau-Sanden and Bruno Feldkircher (trumpets), Rolf Müller (organ) - 18. May 2015
Seligpreisungen (Beatitudes)
18th of May 2015, 5 PM, 'Nikolaikirche Leipzig', peace prayer on Monday, the Leipzig Bach Choir and the Festival Orchestra Leipzig, cond.: Jürgen Wolf, perform SELIGPREISUNGEN (Beatitudes) - 10. May 2015
Gotham Scapes
10th of May 2015, Hallenberg Castle, 'Landesmusikakademie Hessen' at Gräfin-Anna-Strasse in Schlitz near Fulda:Christian Segmehl (saxophone) and the solo kettle-drummer of the HR Symphony Orchestra, Lars Rapp (percussions), perform GOTHAM SCAPES for saxophone, percussions and sound design as part of the "Kammerkonzert in Hessen" (chamber concert in Hesse) - 9. May 2015
Hobbit Choirs
9th of May 2015, 7 PM, Edwin-Scharff-Haus Neu-Ulm: world premiere of the three CHOIRS FROM "Hobbit"-MOVIES (commissioned work for Carus Musikverlag) with the Ulm 'Spatzen Chor', cond.: Hans de Gilde - 25. Apr 2015
Augen der Erde (Eyes of the Earth) - Violin Concert
On the 25th of April 2015 'Stadthalle Traunstein', Ingolf Turban (violin) and the 'Philharmoniker Bad Reichenhall', Cond.: Hansjörg Albrecht play my violin concert AUGEN DER ERDE (Eyes of the Earth) (Movement 1: Königsee, Movement 2: Mondsee, Movement 3: Lago di Garda ) - 24. Apr 2015
World Premiere AUGEN DER ERDE (Eyes of the Earth)
On the 24th of April 2015 'Theater Bad Reichenhall', Ingolf Turban (violin) and the 'Philharmoniker Bad Reichenhall', Cond.: Hansjoerg Albrecht perform the world premiere of my violin concert AUGEN DER ERDE (Eyes of the Earth) (Movement 1: Königsee, Movement 2: Mondsee, Movement 3: Lago di Garda ) - 19. Apr 2015
19th of April 2015, 6 PM, the 'Kammerchor Rosenheim' performs SONNENGESANG (Sun Chanting) for choir with eight voices in the 'Nikolauskirche Rosenheim' - 9. Apr 2015
Rondo Oscuro in Japan
9th of April 2015. Hyogo (Japan), 'Hyogo Performing Art Center', Naoko Tanda (flute) and the SA KU RA Jenne Flute Ensemble perform my composition RONDO OSCURO for solo flute and 7 flutists (Schott Music) - 3. Apr 2015
7 letzte Worte (7 final words)
3rd of April, Good Friday, 3 PM, 'Jesus-Christus-Kirche' in Sennestedt:SIEBEN LETZTE WORTE JESU (7 final words of Christ)(as well as compositions by R. Mauersberger) in "Musik zur Todesstunde Jesu" (Music in the death hour of Jesus), with 'Sennestedter Kantorei', 'Bielefelder Philharmoniker', cond.: Dorothea Schenk - 3. Apr 2015
JESUS CHRISTUS - MENSCH UND BRUDER (Jesus Christ - Human Being and Brother)
3rd of April 2015 - Good Friday, 'Stadtkirche Bayreuth' World Premiere of part 2 "JESUS CHRISTUS - MENSCH UND BRUDER" from: SANCTA TRINITAS. ORATORISCHES TRIPTYCHON ZUR "HEILIGEN DREIFALTIGKEIT" (Oratorical triptych for the Holy Trinity), Choir Stadtkirche, Philharmonie Erzgebirge-Aue, Cond.: Michael Dorn, Commissioned work for the 'Stadtkirche "Heilig Dreifaltigkeit" Bayreuth' on the occasion of the 400th anniversary - 3. Apr 2015
SIEBEN LETZTE WORTE (Seven Final Words) in Hilden
On Good Friday, 3rd of April 2015 the 'Kantorei Hilden' sings DIE SIEBEN LETZTEN WORTE JESU (The Seven Final Words of Christ) in the 'Erlöserkirche' (Cond: Dorothea Haverkamp) as part of the Good Friday church service - 29. Mar 2015
Toccata Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
29th of March 2015, 5 PM (CET), Reinhold Richter plays TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) at the 'Grabeskirche St. Elisabeth' in Mönchengladbach as part of the concert "Durch nacht zum Licht" (Through the night to the light) for mime and organ - 29. Mar 2015
Palm Sunday, 29th of March 2015, 6:15 PM St. Nikolas Herrsching in the Ammersee region, Julius Berger (violoncello) performs, accompanied by "collegium bratananium" (Cond: Johannes X. Schachtner), the world premiere of: FATAL HARMONIES OF BLACK SWEETNESS. Variations on "Moro ,lasso, al mio duolo" (Carlo Gesualdo 1613) (on the occasion of the new concert series 'Passionen' - Passions). - 22. Mar 2015
7 Letzte Worte (7 final words)
22nd of March 2015, 6 PM, 'Friedenskirche Hilden', the 'Kantorei Hilden' performs SIEBEN LETZTE WORTE JESU (7 final words of Christ) as part of the 'Passionskonzert' (Passions concert) "Es ist vollbracht" (It is done), cond.: Dorothea Haverkamp - 22. Mar 2015
"7 Letzte Worte" (7 Final Words) in the 'Friedenskirche Hilden'
22nd of March 2015, 'Friedenskirche Hilden' SIEBEN LETZTE WORTE JESU" (Seven Final Words of Christ) with the 'Kantorei Hilden', Cond.: Dorothea Haverkamp as part of the 'Passions' concert "Es ist vollbracht" (It is done). - 8. Mar 2015
World Premiere SALVE REGINA in Havana/Cuba
Sunday, 8rd of March 2015, Cathedral Havana/Cuba World Premiere SALVE REGINA with six voices on the occasion of the "Segunda Settimana Musica Sacra Havana/Cuba" with the women choir "Ensemble Vokal Luna" (Rehearsals: Wilmia Verrier), directed by Kunibert Schäfer - 19. Feb 2015
NEKYIA in Stockholm, Sweden
19th of February 2015 12:15 PM (CET), 'Konserthus' in Stockholm, Prof. Mikael Wahlin (organ) plays his organ matinée NEKYIA for oboe (English horn) and organ - 18. Feb 2015
SULAMITH cello & organ
18th of February 2015, Soest/'Petrikirche', Yoko Uenomoto and Daniel Tappe play SULAMITH on the Spät organ. Danses Sacrées for violoncello and organ - 14. Feb 2015
Biblische Geschichten (Biblical stories)
14th of February 2015, 'Christuskirche Eislingen', 5 PM: KMD Thomas Gindele performs and reads Enjott Schneider's BIBLISCHE GESCHICHTEN (Biblical stories) in a family organ concert - 30. Jan 2015
30th of January 2015, 8 PM (CET), 'Herz-Jesu-Kirche' Munich: The oratorio AUGUSTINUS for soloists, choir and orchestra is performed by the Munich 'BachChor' and 'BachOrchester' (Cond.: Hansjörg Albrecht) (on the occasion of a CD production and recording for the public broadcasting station 'Bayerischen Rundfunk'). Soloists: Julia Sophie Wagner (soprano), Bernhard Berthold (tenor), Daniel Ochoa (baritone) - 29. Jan 2015
29th of January 2015, 'Stadtkirche Bayreuth' World Premiere of part 1 "WIR GLAUBEN ALL AN EINEN GOTT" (We all believe in one God) from: SANCTA TRINITAS. ORATORISCHES TRIPTYCHON ZUR "HEILIGEN DREIFALTIGKEIT" (Oratorical Triptych for the Holy Trinity), Choir of the 'Kirchenmusik-Hochschule Bayreuth', 'Hofer Symphoniker', Cond.: Georg Hage, Commissioned work for the 'Stadtkirche "Heilig Dreifaltigkeit" Bayreuth' on the occasion of the 400th anniversary - 27. Jan 2015
Ausschwitz Documentary of the ZDF - 75 min.
On the 27th of January 2015 on the public broadcasting station ZDF, 10:15 PM (CET) the first airing of the documentary AUSSCHWITZ with my film score for violin and orchestra takes place. - 16. Jan 2015
Albrecht Mayer plays Concerto B A C H
On the 16th of January 2015, 8:00 PM, 'ALTE OPER FRANKFURT', Albert Mayer (oboe) plays the CONCERTO B-A-C-H METAMORPHOSEN (Metamorphoses) together with Gabriel Schwabe (violoncello) and Vital Julian Frey (harpsichord). - 14. Jan 2015
METAMORPHOSEN (Metamorphoses) with Albrecht Mayer
On the 14th of January 2015, 8 PM (CET), 'Konzerthaus Berlin', Albert Mayer (oboe) plays the CONCERTO B-A-C-H together with Gabriel Schwabe (violoncello) and Vital Julian Frey (harpsichord) - 24. Nov 2014
23rd of November 2014, AT THE EDGE OF TIME. Reflections on Mozarts Requiem for large orchestra, 'Apostelkirche Münster', Cond.: Klaus Vetter - 23. Nov 2014
22nd of November 2014, AT THE EDGE OF TIME. Reflections on Mozarts Requiem for large orchestra, 'Apostelkirche Münster', Cond.: Klaus Vetter - 23. Nov 2014
AQUA VITAE for choir
23rd of November 2014, 6 PM (CET), 'Brüderkirche Altenburg': Choir Cycle AQUA VITAE for female voices, percussions and organ with the 'Altenburger Motettenchor', Cond.: Georg Wendt - 23. Nov 2014
World Premiere "Zeige uns Herr" (Show us, Lord)
23rd of November 2014, 5 PM (CET), Jürgen Geiger plays the world premiere of the organ choral prelude ZEIGE UNS HERR DEINE ALLMACHT UND GÜTE (Show us, Lord, your almightiness and kindness) in the 'Pfarrkirche St. Marien' in Lebach (Saarland) - 22. Nov 2014
Caritas Dei for choir II
22nd of November 2014, 6 PM (CET), 'Gartenkirche Hannover', Marienstrasse 35, the 'FrauenChor Hannover' sings a capella in the 2nd concert the CARITAS DEI (Romans 5,5) for choir, Cond.: Bijana Wittstock - 21. Nov 2014
Caritas Dei for choir
21st of November 2014, 7 PM (CET) in the 'Ev. Kirchengemeinde Horst', the 'FrauenChor Hannover' sings CARITAS DEI for choir a capella, directed by Bijana Wittstock - 21. Nov 2014
Organ Symphony No. 12 in Regensburg
21st of November 2014, 7:30 PM (CET), Concert hall of 'Musikhochschule Regensburg', cathedral organist Prof. Franz-Josef Stoiber performs as the Organ Symphony No. 12 "Veni Creator" that is dedicated to him, titled "Regensburger Dom-Sinfonie" (Regensburg Cathedral Symphony) as part of the 'Concert of the Lecturers'. - 19. Nov 2014
MISERERE in the ARD Church Service
19th of November 2014, 10 AM (CET) in the church 'St. Matthäus' Munich: MISERERE for eight voices, with the Munich 'Motettenchor' and the 'Grünwälder Jugendchor', Cond. Benedikt Haag - 9. Nov 2014
World Premiere Gotham Scape
On the 9th of November 2014 in the studio of the public broadcasting station 'Hessischer Rundfunk' Frankfurt: World premiere of GOTHAM SCAPE for saxophone, percussion and sound design, with Christian Segmehl as soloist in the composition dedicated to him - 6. Nov 2014
World Premiere Piano Quartet with soprano KUNST DES VERTEILENS (Art of Distribution)
6th of November 2014, 7:30 PM (CET) in the 'Carl Orff-Zentrum' Munich (Kaulbachstrasse): world premiere of 'DIE KUNST DES VERTEILEN' (The Art of Distribution) for soprano and piano quartet with Ute Ziemer (soprano), Steten Krstic (violin), Wolfgang Berg (viola), Stephan Haack (cello) and Michaela Pühn (piano). The occasion is a concert and conversation for the 150th birthday of Richard Strauss whose "Krämerspiegel" and piano quartet are performed as well. - 28. Oct 2014
World Premiere SULAMITH cello & orchestra
28th of October 2014, 8 PM (CET), 'Celloakademie Rutesheim' (Halle Bühl II) World premiere of SULAMITH. DANSES SACRÈES for violoncello and string orchestra with Lazlo Fenyö and the 'Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester', Cond.: Johannes Klumpp - 26. Oct 2014
Drei Biblische Geschichten (Three biblical stories)
26th of October 2014, Georg Wendt performs a concert of the 'Sächsische Orgelakademie' in Waldenburg Castle with the DREI BIBLISCHE GESCHICHTEN (Three biblical stories) - 20. Oct 2014
CHAPLIN-Frescos brass quintet
20th of October 2014, 8 PM (CET), 'Bayerische Versicherungskammer Maximilians'. 53 STUDIO FÜR NEUE MUSIK nim Music-Forum Munich. The brass quintet 4.1 plays CHARLES-CHAPLIN-FRESKEN (Charles Chaplin Frescos) - 27. Sep 2014
JUBILISSIMO World Premiere
27th of September 2014, Philharmonic Orchestra Essen, Willibald Guggenmos (cathedral organist of 'Kathedrale St. Gallen') performs on the Kuhn organ for the world premiere of 'JUBILISSIMO. TOCCATA FÜR ORGEL' (toccata for organ). Commissioned work for the Philharmonic Orchestra Essen on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Philharmonic Orchestra - 26. Sep 2014
African Patchwork
26th of September 2014, church in Maur/near Zurich: the organist Silvia Georgieva and the African percussionist Patrick Juvet Baka perform AFRICAN PATCHWORK for organ and djembee - 13. Sep 2014
5th Organ Symphony ANGELUS
13th of September 2014, 6 PM (CET), Organ Symphony No. 5 ANGELUS, with Marion Köhler (organ) on the Klais organ of the 'Trinitatiskirche' Cologne (Filzengraben 4) - 6. Sep 2014
6th of September 2014, 11 AM (CET), A special performance of SULAMITH for children takes place as part of the 9th 'Soundtour' in the Berlin 'MitMachMuseum' on the occasion of the 'XXII. Randfestspiele -Berlin'. Danses sacrées version for violoncello and organ: with Ulrike Brand/cello and Thomas Noll/organ - 18. Aug 2014
Organ Symphony No. 8
18th of August 2014, Bruckner Organ 'Basilika St. Florian'/Austria, 8 PM (CET): Silvius von Kessel performs ORGELSINFONIE NR. 8 „In memoriam Anton Bruckner“ as part of the Bruckner Days „Die Entdeckung des Mysteriums Bruckners 8. Sinfonie“ (The discovery of the mystery - Bruckner's 8th symphony) - 19. Jul 2014
SONNENGESANG (Sun Songs) Regensburger Domspatzen
19th of July 2014 in the 'Stadtkirche St. Peter und Paul Teterow': the 'Regensburger Domspatzen', directed by cathedral bandmaster Prof. Roland Bücher, sing the SONNENGESANG (sun songs) according to Franz von Assisi as part of the concert „VON PALESTRINA BIS ENJOTT SCHNEIDER“ on the occasion of the 'Festspiele Mecklenburg Vorpommern' - 19. Jul 2014
19th of July 2014, Georg Wendt performs Monumentum 1914 for organ in the 'Bergkirche Annaberg-Buchholz' - 12. Jul 2014
Concert Rome
12th of July 2014 in the 'Basilica Sacro Cuore' in Rome: AQUA VITAE and IRISCHER REISESEGEN (Irish Travel Blessing) with the 'Landsberg Chor', Cond. Marianne Loesch and Johannes Skudlik (organ), as part of the International Organ Festival Rome - 8. Jul 2014
SULAMITH in Narbonne
8th of July 2014, Cathedral of Narbonne: Philipp von Morgen, accompanied by the organist Holger Boenstedt, performs SULAMITH for cello and organ as part of the Organ Festival Narbonne - 4. Jul 2014
Oboe Concert CONCERTO B-A-C-H
On Friday, 4th of July 2014 in Landsberg am Lech, oboist Christoph Hartmann (Berliner Philharmonic Orchestra) and the "ensemble berlin" perform the orchestra version of CONCERTO B-A-C-H, a trio sonata that Albrecht Mayer (oboe) performed last October for the very first time in the 'Frauenkirche' (Church of Our Lady) in Dresden. - 3. Jul 2014
TOCCATISSIMO with Organ Symphony XII
3rd of July 2014, 8 PM (CET), 'Regensburger Dom': Toccatissimo! Franz Josef Stoiber plays Toccaten on the Regensburg cathedral organ, incl. the toccata from the Symphony XII for organ „VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS“ by Enjott Schneider, - 27. Jun 2014
Choir and Whale Songs
27th of June 2014, 7:30 PM (CET), KYRIE UND GLORIA for 8 voices and whale songs, in the concert „Wassermusik“ (water music), part of the series „Musik aus Dresden“ (Music from Dresden) with the 'AuditivVokal Dresden' - 22. Jun 2014
NEKYIA for saxophone and organ
22nd of June 2014, 'Stadtpfarrkirche Weilheim' / Upper Bavaria: Johannes Enders (saxophone) and Jürgen Geiger (organ) play NEKYIA - 14. Jun 2014
RINGELNATZ-SUITE for saxophone quartet
14th of June 2014, 'Stadttheater Cuxhafen', the ARCIS saxophone quartet performs the RINGELNATZ-Suite for saxophone quartet and speaker (as part of the award ceremony for the Joachim-Ringelnatz award) - 6. Jun 2014
Ali und der Zauberkrug (Ali and the magic jug)
6th of June 2014, 'Bayerische Staatsoper', ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug). A musical fairy tale for children, as a seat cushion concert; version for narrator, flute, harp, string sextet - 5. Jun 2014
ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug)
5th of June 2014, 'Bayerische Staatsoper', ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug). A musical fairy tale for children, as a seat cushion concert; version for narrator, flute, harp, string sextet - 4. Jun 2014
Ali und der Zauberkrug (Ali and the magic jug)
4th of June 2014, 'Bayerische Staatsoper', ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug). A musical fairy tale for children, as a seat cushion concert; version for narrator, flute, harp, string sextet - 1. Jun 2014
Credo - Halleluja - Responsorial Psalm 27 for Choir and Ensemble
On the 1st of June 2014, in the closing church service of the 'Deutscher Katholikentag 2014', the world premiere of CREDO, HALLELUJA and ANTWORTPSALM 27 (Responsorial Psalm 27)(commissioned work for the German Catholics Day 2014) will take place. Directed by Kunibert Schäfer, the 'Raseliuschor' Regensburg and the choir and the orchestra of the 'Hochschule für Musik' Regensburg perform - 31. May 2014
Ali und der Zauberkrug (Ali and the magic jug)
31st of May 2014, 'Bayerische Staatsoper', ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug). A musical fairy tale for children, as a seat cushion concert; version for narrator, flute, harp, string sextet - 30. May 2014
30th of May 2014, 11:15 PM (CET), Regensburg Cathedral, in the oecumenic concert of the German Catholics Day in Regensburg. World premiere of PATER NOSTER for choir with six voices and prayer bell, with the 'Neuer Kammerchor Regensburg' and the 'Raseliuschor Regensburg', Cond.: Kunibert Schäfer - 25. May 2014
World Premiere CITY LIFE
25th of May 2014, 3 PM (CET), Essen, 'Weststadt-Halle', world premiere of the symphonic composition “CITY LIFE – Impressions for Orchestra”, an homage to the Ruhr region (world premiere) Sounddesign: Friedrich M. Dosch. Commissioned work, subsidised by the 'Kunststiftung NRW', commissioned work for the 'Landesverband der Liebhaberorchester Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.'. 'Weststadt-Halle' is a former repair facility of the 'Kruppsche Guß- und Stahlfabrik' and therefore offers the perfect location for CITY LIFE, a composition in which six percussionists participate by making music with industrial scrap materials! - 25. May 2014
Ali und der Zauberkrug (Ali and the magic jug)
25th of May 2014, 'Kirche Rifferswil'/Switzerland the Chamber Orchestra 'Männedorf-Küsnacht', directed by Christof Hanimann, plays ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug) - 24. May 2014
Ali und der Zauberkrug (Ali and the magic jug)
24th of May 2014, 'Kirche Rifferswil'/Switzerland the Chamber Orchestra 'Männedorf-Küsnacht', directed by Christof Hanimann, plays ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug) - 11. May 2014
BAUER BLEIBST DU (You will continue to be a farmer) Cinematic Documentary
On the 11th of May as part of the Munich 'Dokumentarfilm-Festival' (Gasteig Carl Orff Saal, 5 PM (CET)), the documentary DER BAUER BLEIBST DU (You will continue to be a farmer) by Benedikt Kuby will be shown, a quiet, observant cinematic documentary, I created the film score for - 11. May 2014
Vom Kindsein für Gitarre (About being a child - for guitar)
Sunday, 11th of May, 5 PM (CET), 'Evangelische Kirche Grumbach', Jochnerstrasse: Stefan Barcsay plays the cycle VOM KINDSEIN (About being a child) in the program CHILDRENS CORNER by Enjott Schneider, Admission 10.-/8.- - 8. May 2014
Der Bauer bleibst du! (You will continue to be a farmer) documentary
On the 8th of May as part of the Munich 'Dokumentarfilm-Festival' ('Völkerkundemuseum', 8 PM (CET)), the documentary DER BAUER BLEIBST DU (You will continue to be a farmer) by Benedikt Kuby will be shown, a quiet, observant cinematic documentary, I created the film score for. - 3. May 2014
Monumentum 2014
Saturday, 3rd of May 2014, 6 PM (CET), Berlin Cathedral: Georg Wendt (Halle) performs the world premiere of the new 11 minute organ composition MONUMENTUM 2014 - 28. Apr 2014
Kinderfreuden (The joy of children) song cycle
Monday, 28th of April 2014, 8 PM (CET), 'Musikforum' Munich (Einsteinstrasse 42) Musical evening with Susanna Prokura (soprano) and Taras Yashenko (piano), with the song cycle "Kinderfreuden" (The joy of children) (texts: Wilhelm Busch), series "Komponisten in Bayern" (Composers in Bavaria) of the 'Tonkünstlerverbandes e.V.' - 21. Apr 2014
Schwabenkindermesse (Swabian Children's Mass)
21st of April 2014, Easter Monday, 10 AM (CET), 'Christkönig-Kirche Göppingen', 'Pro Musica-Chor', directed by Thomas Gindele, 'SCHWABENKINDER-MESSE' for soprano, tenor, choir and orchestra (based on motifs of the film score for "Schwabenkinder") - 18. Apr 2014
Sieben letzte Worte (Seven Final Words)
18th of April 2014, 2:30 PM (CET), Good Friday, 'Neustädter Kirche' in Erlangen, „Die Sieben Letzten Worte“ (The Seven Final Words) for choir and ensemble, with the 'Neustädter Kantorei', the 'Quadriga' trombone quartet, amongst others, Cond. Ekkehardt Wild - 7. Apr 2014
Ali und der Zauberkrug (Ali and the magic jug)
7th of June 2014, 'Bayerische Staatsoper', 'Nationaltheater' ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug). A musical fairy tale for children, as seat cushion concert; version for narrator, flute, harp, string sextet - 30. Mar 2014
CRUCIFIXUS for saxophone quartet and organ
30th of March 2014, 'Quirinusmünster Neuss', 4 PM (CET), the saxophone quartet "Panta Rhei" and Stefan Palm/organ perform the CRUCIFIXUS - 22. Mar 2014
Vom Kindsein (About being a child) for guitar
On the 22nd of March 2014, 8 PM (CET), Stefan Barcsay performs the cycle VOM KINDSEIN (About being a child) in the church 'Scheidegg'. This composition will soon be released on CD by raccanto. - 10. Mar 2014
KINDERFREUDEN (The joy of children) for soprano and piano
10th of March 2014, 8 PM (CET), in the 'Bayerische Versicherungskammer' Munich: Performance of KINDERFREUDEN (The joy of children) for soprano and piano with Susanna Proskura and Taras Yashenko - 2. Mar 2014
Organ Symphony No.6 in Jaroslawl
On the 2nd of March 2014, Jürgen Geiger plays the organ symphony No. 6 TE DEUM in the Philharmonic Orchestra Jaroslawl/Russia - 26. Feb 2014
Organ Symphony No.6 in Moscow
On the 26th of February 2014, Jürgen Geiger performs the Organ Symphony No.6 TE DEUM at the cathedral in Moscow / Russia - 16. Feb 2014
Vom Kindsein (About being a child)
16th of February 2014, 4 PM (CET), Würzburg, chapel of the 'Bürgerspital zum Heiligen Geist'. Stefan Barcsay / guitar performs the song cycle GVOM KINDSEIN (About being a child) - 15. Feb 2014
World Premiere New York with TRAUMREISE (Dream Journey) Robert Schumann
15th of February 2014, New York in the 'Symphony Space', world premiere of : ROBERT SCHUMANN'S TRAUMREISE (Dream Journey) according to the Kerner song cycle op. 35, with Michael Leibundgut (baritone) and the 'Glassfarm-Ensemble' flute, bass clarinet, percussions and piano (Yvonne Troxler). Motto from Schumann's Kerner cycle: "MICH HEILT KEIN KRAUT DER FLUR…. UND AUS DEM TRAUM, DEM BANGEN, WECKT MICH EIN ENGEL NUR". (No herb can cure me ... and only an angel can wake me from this frightening dream) - 8. Feb 2014
RESONANZEN. (Responses) Concert for 4 castanet players and orchestra Madrid
8th of February 2014, 10:30 PM (CET), Madrid 'Sala Sinfónica' of the 'Auditorio National': Pascual Osa conducts in the concert LA VIDA BREVE by Enjott Schneider: 'Concierte para 4 castanuelas y orquesta', with the 'Orquesta Escolania Filarmonica de Madrid' - 17. Jan 2014
Concert BR Paradisi Gloria Munich
8 PM (CET), premiere of the oratorio ORDO Caritatis about Bernard of Clairvaux for soloists, chorus and orchestra, choir and Bavarian Radio Orchstra, cond.: Ulf Schirmer, as part of the 3rd concert in the concert series PARADISI GLORIA - 8. Dec 2013
VOM KINDSEIN (About being a child)
8th of December 2013, Church 'Maria Stern'/ Augsburg, Stefan Barcsay (guitar) performs the song cycle VOM KINDSEIN (About being a child) for guitar solo - 30. Nov 2013
Organ Symphony 11
30th of November 2013, 'Johanniskirche Gera', 8 PM (CET), Georg Wendt performs the ORGAN SYMPHONY NO.11 "Advent" - 28. Nov 2013
28th of November 2013, 'Christuskirche Bochum', SINFONISCHE DICHTUNG "AT THE EDGE OF TIME. REFLECTIONS ON MOZARTS REQUIEM" for orchestra (Cond.: Arno Hartmann) with the 'Bochum Symphoniker' - 24. Nov 2013
WuWEi plays 'Veränderungen' (Changes) in Nordhausen
24th of November 2013, 7:30 PM (CET), 'Theater Nordhausen' in the 3rd Symphony Concert with the 'Loh-Orchester': WuWei performs 'VERÄNDERUNGEN' (Changes). Concert for Sheng and orchestra Cond.: Li Biao (among others with Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 e-minor) - 23. Nov 2013
VERÄNDERUNGEN (Changes) with WuWei
23rd of November 2013, 7:30 PM (CET), 'Haus der Kunst' Sondershausen: WuWei plays VERÄNDERUNGEN (Changes). Concert for Sheng and orchestra Cond.: Li Biao (among others with Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 e-minor) - 16. Nov 2013
Mozart in New Orleans
16th of November 2013, 'Kreuzkirche' Munich (Schwabing), 8 PM (CET), Sylvia Dankesreiter plays MOZART IN NEW ORLEANS. VARIATIONS OF "A House of Rising Suns" as part of her piano evening - 9. Nov 2013
Choralbearbeitungen (Choral Adaptations)
On the 9th of November 2013, Jürgen Geiger plays „Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen"„Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend"„Komm Gott Schöper, Heiliger Geist" (on the Stumm organ) from the „Ansbacher Orgelbüchlein“ in the 'Protestantische Kirche Mutterstadt' - 27. Oct 2013
DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE. Concert for 2 violoncelli and orchestra
Rutesheim, 8 PM (CET). Opening Concert 2013 with all instructors of the 'Stuttgarter Kammerorchester' of the 'Celloakademie Ruheheim': as final composition, the concert DR. JEKYLL & MR: HYDE for 2 violoncelli and orchestra celebrates its world premiere, soloists: Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt & Jens Peter Maintz (both solo cellists and cello professors in Berlin), Cond.: Aurélien Bello - 19. Oct 2013
Nekiya Hannover
19th of October 2013, 6 PM (CET), 'Marktkirche Hannover': Leonie Dessauer (oboe) and Moritz Backhaus play NEKYIA for oboe and organ - 16. Oct 2013
DER GEIST DER MUSIK (The spirit of music)
16th of October 2013, 'Michaelssaal Munich' panel discussion VOM GEIST DER MUSIK (About the spirit of music) together with Prof.Dr. Philipp Harnoncourt (theologist), Oswald Bejeaun (Bayerischer Rundfunk), Host: Markus Thiel (Münchner Merkur) - 11. Oct 2013
11th of October 2013, in the cathedral of Bressanone (Southern Tirol/Italy) World premiere of HÖCHSTES HEILES WUNDER. REFLEKTIONEN ZU WAGNERS "PARSIFAL" (Highest Holy Wonder. Reflections on Wagner's Parsifal' for string orchestra and sound recording, Cond.: Hansjörg Albrecht - 4. Oct 2013
BACH - Triosonata CONCERTO B-A-C-H with Albrecht Mayer
8 PM (CET) in the crypt of the Dresden 'Frauenkirche' on the occasion of the 'Frauenkirche-Bachtage': World premiere of CONCERTO B-A-C-H. Triosonata for oboe, violoncello and harpsichord with Albrecht Mayer (oboe), Gabriel Schwabe (violoncello), Vital Frey (harpsichord) - 14. Sep 2013
workshop at chor.com Dortmund
workshop chor.com Dortmund
Vom Kindsein (About being a child)
On Monday, 9th of September 2013, 8:30 PM (CET), church of the island Amrun, Stefan Barcsay plays the guitar miniatures VOM KINDSEIN (About being a child): - 8. Sep 2013
Vom Kindsein (About being a child)
On Sunday, 8th of September 2013, 8:30 PM (CET), the church of the island Foehr, Stefan Barcsay plays the guitar miniatures VOM KINDSEIN (About being a child): bewitched...confused...lost...in love...finally grown up - 28. Aug 2013
San Zeno Maggiore Verona
28th of August 2013, in the church 'San Zeno Maggiore' in Verona, Jürgen Geiger plays ATACCOT, as well as pieces from the 'Ansbacher Orgelbüchlein': "Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen", "Herr Jesus Christ" and "Komm Gott Schöpfer" on the baroque Formentelli organ - 11. Aug 2013
ORBE ROTUNDO 'Residenzfestspiele Darmstadt'
On the 11th of August, 8:30 PM (CET), Open Air in the 'Schlosspark Mathildenhöhe' for the closing ceremony of the 'Residenzfestspiele 2013': ORBE ROTUNDO (together with the sister composition CARMINA BURANA by C.Orff) with the Concert Choir Darmstadt, Cond.: Wolfgang Seeliger - 26. Jul 2013
Organ Symphony No. 6 in St. Ludwig Munich
26th of July 2013, 8 PM (CET), 'Ludwigskirche Munich' (Ludwigstrasse/University): Jürgen Geiger plays several movements from the ORGAN SYMPHONY NO. 6 "TE DEUM", among others the grand finale, on the occasion of a concert summer series of the 'MUSICA SACRA VIVA MUNICH' in honor of Robert M. Helmschrott 75 years - 7. Jul 2013
VOM KINDSEIN (About being a child) for guitar
On Sunsday, the 7th of July 2013, 8:30 PM (CET), Bad Wörishofer, Stefan Barcsay plays the guitar miniatures VOM KINDSEIN (About being a child): bewitched...confused...lost...in love...finally grown up - 7. Jul 2013
ATACCOT in Bochum
On the 7th of July 2013, Arno Hartmann plays ATACCOT for organ in the 'Christuskirche Bochum' - 6. Jul 2013
VOM KINDSEIN (About being a child) World Premiere
On Saturday, 6th of July, 2013, 8:30 PM (CET), 'Leonhardskapelle' of the 'Fuggerei Augsburg' Stefan Barcsay performs the world premiere of the guitar miniatures VOM KINDLEIN (About being a child) that were dedicated to him: bewitched...confused...lost...in love...finally grown up - 30. Jun 2013
2nd Concert DER RHEIN (The Rhine)
Cologne Philharmonie 2nd concerto from SYMPHONY NO. 6 THE RHINE for soprano, chorus and orchestra, with Lisa Tjalve (soprano), Bonner Operisten, Collegium Cantandi Bonn, Cologne Deutz-choir, Württemberg Philharmonic, conductor: Heinz Walter Florin - 29. Jun 2013
6th Symphony DER RHEIN (The Rhine)
The 'Kölner Philharmonie' premiere of SYMPHONY NO. 6 DER RHEIN (THE RHINE) for soprano, chorus and orchestra, with Lisa Tjalve (soprano), Bonner Operisten, Collegium Cantandi Bonn, Cologne Deutz-choir, Württemberg Philharmonic, conductor: Heinz Walter Florin - 24. Jun 2013
PANTA RHEI with Saxellence
24th of June 2013, 8 PM (CET), 'Bayerische Versicherungskammer Munich': The SAXELLENCE saxophone quartet plays Enjott Schneider's saxophone quartet PANTA RHEI on the occasion of the 'Musikforum Munich' 'STUDIO FÜR NEUE MUSIK', with Hermann Rid, Steffen Schmitt, Silvana Kaiser, Markus Vogt - 8. Jun 2013
Cello Concert DUGUD
Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra Laszlo Fenyö (cello) plays the Concerto No.1 for cello and orchestra by Enjott Schneider - 8. Jun 2013
At the edge of time
Landsberg am Lech: AT THE EDGE OF TIME. REFLECTIONS ON MOZARTS REQUIEM KV 622 for orchestra, cond.: Johannes Skudlik - 7. Jun 2013
Cello Concert DUGUD
Budapest Philharmonie Laszlo Fenyö (cello) plays the Concerto No.1 for cello and orchestra by Enjott Schneider - 4. Jun 2013
First Airing ZDF TRAUMFABRIK KÖNIGSHAUS SCHWEDEN (Dream Factory Royal Family Sweden)
ZDF, at 8:15 PM (CET), first airing of the documentary by Julia Melchior, part of the royal series MAJESTÄTEN (Majesties): 'Traumfabrik Königshaus Schweden - Zu Gast im Palast' (Dream Factory Royal Family Sweden - Visiting the Palace); recorded with the Philharmonic Film Orchestra Munich, Cond.: Enjott Schneider - 2. Jun 2013
Organ Compositions with Jürgen Geiger/organ
5 PM (CET), 'Pfarrkirche St. Marien Offenbach' in the opening concert "Historische Orgeln RheinMain" (Historical Organs RheinMain) in honour of "Robert M. Helmschrott 75 years", Jürgen Geiger also plays choral adaptations from Schneider's 'ANSBACHER ORGELBÜCHLEIN' - 30. May 2013
Saxophone quartet & organ CRUCIFIXUS
Brühl, 'Ev. Christuskirche', 7 PM (CET), CRUCIFIXUS for organ and saxophone quartet with the "Tetraphonics" - 24. May 2013
NEKYIA for oboe and organ
8 PM (CET) in the 'KunstKulturKirche Allerheiligen Frankfurt am Main' Nora-Gudrun Spitz-Zipper (oboe) and Johannes von Erdmann perform the composition NEKYIA, in the concert evening with the same name: "Nekyia" - 18. May 2013
OMMAGGIO in Hong Kong
Hong Kong City Hall, 8 PM (HKT), Stefan Temmingh (flute) plays my OMAGGIO A VIVALDI, accompanied by the Hong Kong 'Sinfonietta', Cond.: Jason Lai - 11. May 2013
African Patchwork
11th of May 2013 Hewdigs Cathedral Berlin: premiere of AFRICAN PATCHWORK for organ and hand drums, with organist Thomas Sauer, as part of an Albert Schweitzer Memorial Concert - 10. May 2013
10th of May 2013, 7:30 PM concert hall "Neue Welt" Zwickau at the 18th German Choir Festival: ORBE ROTUNDO for soloists, chorus and orchestra, Catalina Bertucci (soprano), Joaquin Asiain (tenor), George Gädker (baritone), Darmstadt Concert Choir, VDKC Festival Choir, Philharmonic Choir Cologne, Bach Choir Bonn, Singakademie Schwerin Philharmonic Orchestra Plauen-Zwickau, cond.: Wolfgang Seeliger - 7. May 2013
First Airing Traumfabrik Königshaus Spanien (Dream Factory Royal Family Spain)
7th of May 2013, 8:15 PM (CET), ZDF first airing of the 35 min.-film score 'TRAUMFABRIK KÖNIGSHAUS SPANIEN' (Dream factory royal family Spain) - Die Bilanz der Bourbonen (summary of the Bourbons), directed by: Julia Melchior, amongst others - 21. Apr 2013
Bad Reichenhall Theatre, SYMPHONY NO. 7 "DUNKELWELT UNTERSBERG" for orchestra, Bad Reichenhall Philharmonic, cond.: Christoph Adt - 20. Apr 2013
Bad Reichenhall Theatre, SYMPHONY NO. 7 "DUNKELWELT UNTERSBERG" for orchestra, Bad Reichenhall Philharmonic, cond.: Christoph Adt - 19. Apr 2013
Symphony No. 7: DUNKELWELT UNTERSBERG for orchestra
19th of April 2013 Bad Reichenhall Theatre, premiere of SYMPHONY NO. 7 "DUNKELWELT UNTERSBERG" for orchestra, Bad Reichenhall Philharmonic, cond.: Christoph Adt - 18. Apr 2013
Veränderungen (Changes) Second Concert
In the philharmonic concert with the Kiel Theatre Orchestra, WuWei (Sheng) plays VERÄNDERUNGEN - CHANGES. Concerto for orchestra and seng, also in the 2nd concert - 17. Apr 2013
Veränderungen (Changes)
In the philharmonic concert with the Kiel Theatre Orchestra, WuWei (Sheng) plays VERÄNDERUNGEN - CHANGES. Concerto for orchestra and sheng - 14. Apr 2013
Sehnsucht... (Longing...)
14th of April 2013, 5 PM (CET), Chemnitz Music School, Elisabeth Weinzierl and Edmund Wächter (flutes) with Eva slate (piano) play the trio: DIE SEHNSUCHT MEINES GEO-DREIECKS. (The longing of my geo triangle) News report for 2 flutes and piano - 13. Apr 2013
Sehnsucht meines Geo-Dreiecks (Longing of my geo triangle)
13th of April 2013, 7:30 PM (CET) Kulturrathaus Dresden, Elisabeth Weinzierl and Edmund Wächter (flutes) with Eva slate (piano) play the trio: DIE SEHNSUCHT MEINES GEO-DREIECKS. (The longing of my geo triangle) News report for 2 flutes and piano - 12. Apr 2013
Sehnsucht meines Geodreiecks (Longing of my geo triangle)
12th of April 2013, 7:30 PM (CET), Stadtbibliothek Leipzig Elisabeth Weinzierl and Edmund Wächter (flutes) with Eva slate (piano) play the trio: DIE SEHNSUCHT MEINES GEO-DREIECKS. (The longing of my geo triangle) News report for 2 flutes and piano - 11. Apr 2013
Sehnsucht meines Geo-Dreiecks (Longing of my geo triangle)
11th of April 2013, 8 PM (CET), Cultural Institute: Elisabeth Weinzierl and Edmund Wächter (flutes) with Eva slate (piano) play the trio: DIE SEHNSUCHT MEINES GEO-DREIECKS. (The longing of my geo triangle) News report for 2 flutes and piano - 7. Apr 2013
Organ Symphony No. 12 Stuttgart
7th of April 2013, 7:30 PM (CET), Sankt Fidelis ORGAN SYMPHONY NO. 12 VENI CREATOR with Anna Pinter organ - 6. Apr 2013
Stad Wiar A Berg
1st of June 2013, 4 PM (CET), 'Festhalle Bad Feinbach' in the closing concert of the 50th 'Bad Feilnbacher Chorwochen' of the Bavarian 'Sängerbund': STA WIAR A BERG (song cycle: Gemeinsam Einsam - lonely together) - 29. Mar 2013
Sieben Letzte Worte Jesu (Seven Final Words of Christ) world premiere on ARD TV
On the 29th of March 2013 ARD will broadcast live from St. Sebald / Nuremberg (also BR-Klassik Radio and Deutschlandfunk), the 22-minute premiere of Enjott Schneider's DIE SIEBEN LETZTEN WORTE JESU (THE SEVEN LAST WORDS OF JESUS) for Choir, cor anglais, 4 trombones and organ 10-11h00, Good Friday. Conductor: Church Music Director Bernhard Buttmann. Sermon: Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm - 1. Mar 2013
Orgelsinfonie Nr. 10 in Ekaterinburg
1.3.2013 20h00 Philharmonie Ekaterinburg: Hansjörg Albrecht plays in the opening concert of the BACH FESTIVAL the Organ Symphony No. 10 B-A-C-H - 24. Feb 2013
24th of February 2013, 5 PM (CET) in the 'St.Marienkirche Dorsten', performance of the SELIGPREISUNGEN (Beatitudes), with 'confido vokale & camerata', Cond.: Wolfgang Endrös - 2. Feb 2013
Seligpreisungen (Beatitudes) Erlangen
2nd of March 2013, SELIGPREISUNGEN (Beatitudes). LEIPZIG 1989 for choir and orchestra, 'Neustädterkirche Erlangen', Cond.: Wieland Hofmann - 27. Jan 2013
World Premiere Minuten-Tristan (Minute Tristan)
27th of January 2013, Esslingen, world premiere of MINUTEN-TRISTAN (Minute Tristan) for 2 pianos, with the piano duo Martina & Kristina Bauer - 26. Jan 2013
Herr, mach mich zum Werkzeug (Lord, make me a tool)
26th of January 2013, 7 PM (CET), 'Großer Konzertsaal' of the 'Musikhochschule Regensburg': HERR MACH MICH ZUM WERKZEUG DEINES FRIEDENS (Lord, make a tool of your peace) for choir, organ, on the occasion of the concert 'ERSTMAL NEUES 4'; this will also be the perfect occasion for the presentation of the new CD 'Enjott Schneider Sacred Musik Volume 9' (with the choir composition, the beatitudes, and the organ symphony No. 7). - 19. Jan 2013
African Patchwork
19th of January 2012, 'Kirche Aumühle' (near Hamburg), Susanne Bornholdt plays AFRICAN PATCHWORK for organ and djembee in an Albert Schweitzer-Memoriam-Concert (the official world premiere will be performed by Thomas Sauer/Berlin on the 11th of May) - 18. Jan 2013
18th of January 2013, 7:30 PM (EST) New York: the 'Glasfarm-Ensemble' performs the world premiere of KALEIDOSCOPE MARCEL DUCHAMPS for sextet (flute, clarinet, viola, violoncello, percussions, and piano) in the concert CIRCLE, Leonard Nimoy Thalia at Symphony Space Broadway and 95th Street New York - 16. Dec 2012
Schneider in Versailles
16th of December 2012, 5 PM (CET), at the 'Grande Orgie' of the cathedral 'St. Louis Versailles', Jürgen Geiger performs ATACCOT and WACHET AUF, RUFT UNS DIE STIMME (Wake up, the voice is calling out) by Enjott Schneider. - 15. Dec 2012
Rorate caeli desuper
On the 15th of December 2012, 5 PM (CET), Advent Concert, 'Kirche der Barmherzigen Brüder Regensburg', 'Kammerchor Regensburg', Cond.: Prof. Kunibert Schäfer, performing the RORATE CAELI DESUPER (Schottverlag). - 15. Dec 2012
15th of December 2012, 5 PM (CET), Advent Concert, 'Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche Coburg': RORATE CAELI for choir and organ, concert choir 'Coburg Sängerkranz e.V.' - 15. Dec 2012
Schneider in Saint-Louis-en-l'Ille
15th of December 2012, 8 PM, at the 'Grande Orgue de Saint-Louis-en-l'Ille' Jürgen Geiger performs ATACCOT and WACHET AUF, RUFT UNS DIE STIMME (Wake up, the voice is calling out) by Enjott Schneider - 12. Dec 2012
RESONANZEN. (Responses) Symphonic Dances
On Wednesday, the 12th of December 2012, 8 PM (CET), Madrid, 'Auditorio Nacional', a performance of RESONANZEN. (Responses) Symphonic dances for 4 castanets and orchestra. Played by the 'Orquesta Filarmonica Madrid', Cond.: Pascual Osa - 1. Dec 2012
Sehnsucht meines GEO-Dreiecks (Longing of my geo triangle)
1st of December 2012, 'Kulturkirche St. Stephan Bremen', 8 PM (CET): DIE SEHNSUCHT MEINES GEO-DREIECKS. (The longing of my geo triangle). A report for 2 German flutes and piano, played by the 'Münchner Flötentrio', Elisabeth Weinzierl and Edmund Wächter (flutes), Eva Schieferstein, piano - 25. Nov 2012
3rd Symphony Totentanz (Death Dance)
On the 25th of November 2012, 4 PM (CET), Ludwig Schmitt plays the organ symphony no. 3 TOTENTANZ (death dance) in 'St. Josef Regensburg' - 18. Nov 2012
Organ Concert ECHO
On Sunday, 18th of November 2012, 7 PM (CET), 'Jugendstilkirche Pauliskirche Ulm', performance of the organ concert no. 1 ECHO with the organist Peter Bader. The 'STUDIO ULMER MUSIKFREUNDE' plays, Cond.: Wilhelm F. Walz - 18. Nov 2012
Aqua Vitae
18th of November 2012, 5 PM (CET), 'Pfarrkirche Leiden Christi Munich', AQUA VITAE for choir and instruments, 'Chorgemeinschaft Leiden Christi', Cond.: Eduard Steinbügl - 11. Nov 2012
Girl Rosemarie-Suite
11th of November 2012, 7:30 PM (CET), in the 'Mathhäser-Filmpalast' KONZERT DER FILMFONIKER (Concert of the film fonics) "In memoriam Bernd Eichinger" with world premiere of the film score suite: Das Mädchen Rosemarie (The girl Rosemarie) (for Bernd Eichinger - and a memoriam of a great cinematic artist), Cond.: Ingo P. Stefans - 10. Nov 2012
Toccata Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
Concerts in the Berlin Cathedral Saturday, 10th of November 2012, 8 PM (CET) Mime meets Organ ... "Durch Nacht zum Licht" (Through the night to the light) Milan Sladek, mime Reinhold Richter, organ - 28. Oct 2012
Ali und der Zauberkrug (Ali and the magic jug)
28th of Octover 2012, 'Reformierte Kirche Pfäffikon/Switzerland': ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG. EIN MUSIKALISCHES MÄRCHEN FÜR KINDER (Ali and the magic jug. A musical fairy tale for children) (Version for chamber orchestra) with the 'Amici dell'arte', Cond.: Marcel Blanchard - 27. Oct 2012
Our Hope is blue and green
27th of October 2012, Beijing: OUR HOPE IS BLUE AND GREEN, for Chinese flute & Ensemble (Erhu, Guzheng, Pipa, Violoncello, Kbass, perc. ) with Che Yue (flute) concert on the occasion of the anniversary of the Chinese space travel - world premiere of the commissioned work - 27. Oct 2012
Ali und der Zauberkrug (Ali and the magic jug)
27th of October 2012, 'Reformierte Kirche Pfäffikon/Switzerland': ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG. EIN MUSIKALISCHES MÄRCHEN FÜR KINDER (Ali and the magic jug. A magical fairy tale for children) (Version for chamber orchestra) with the 'Amici dell'arte', Cond.: Marcel Blanchard - 27. Oct 2012
Nocturnes in Augsburg
On the 27th of October 2012, 8:30 PM (CET), Stefan Barcsay plays the NOCTURNES for guitar solo by Enjott Schneider in the 'Leonhardskapelle' of the 'Fuggerei Ausgburg' - 26. Oct 2012
Performance in the 'Altstädter Kirche Erlangen' on the occasion of the convention 'MUSIK IN KIRCHE UND GEMEINDE' (Music in church and community): SELIGPREISUNGEN (Beatitudes) LEIPZIG 1989 for choir and orchestra - 25. Oct 2012
Convention MUSIK & KIRCHE (Music and church)
From the 25th to the 28th of October 2012 Instructor and panel participant "Kirche und Avantgarde" (Church and avantgarde) at the convention MUSIK & KIRCHE (Music and church) in Erlangen - 16. Oct 2012
Organ compositions in Paris
16th of October 2012 'Eglise Notre-Dame D'Auteuil' in Paris, Jürgen Geiger plays Schneider: ATACCOT, "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme" and "Schmücke Dich, o liebe Seele" - 10. Oct 2012
Organ Symphony No. 10 B A C H
10th of October 2012, at 8 PM (CET) in St. Eustache/Paris, Hansjörg Albrecht (Munich Bach Choir) plays the French premiere of the organ symphony No. 10 B-A-C-H - 5. Oct 2012
Organ compositions with Jürgen Geiger
5th of October 2012. 'Pfarrkirche St. Joseph Tutzing', Jürgen Geiger plays Schneider: ATACCOT, "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme" and "Schmücke Dich, o liebe Seele" - 5. Oct 2012
Organ compositions with Jürgen Geiger
5th of October 2012, 'Pfarrkirche St. Joseph Tutzing', Jürgen Geiger plays Schneider: ATACCOT, "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme" and "Schmücke Dich, o liebe Seele" - 3. Oct 2012
Closing II Schwarzwald Musikfestival (Black Forest Music Festival)
3rd of October 2012, 7 PM (CET), 'Klosterkirche Alpirsbach', NATURKLÄNGE. HOMMAGE AN SERGIU CELIBIDACHE (Sounds of nature. Homage to Sergiu Celibidache) for orchestra and sound recording, as well as ZWEI BAUMBILDER FÜR BLOCKFLÖTE, CEMBALO UND STREICHORCHESTER 1 (Two tree images for recorder, harpsichord and string orchestra 1): The birch tree, the creative spring, 2: The hornbeam, the magical witch tree, with Stefan Temmingh (recorder), 'Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim', Cond.: Mark Mast - 2. Oct 2012
Closing Concert 'Schwarzwald Musikfestival' (Black Forest Music Festival)
2nd October 2012, 7 PM (CET), Bad Wildbad, world premiere of NATURKLÄNGE. HOMMAGE AN SERGIU CELIBIDACHE (Sounds of nature. Homage to Sergiu Celibdache) for orchestra and sound recording, as well as world premiere of ZWEI BAUMBILDER FÜR BLOCKFLÖTE, CEMBALO UND STREICHORCHESTER 1 (Two tree images for recorder, harpsichord and string orchestra 1): The birch tree, the creative spring, 2: the hornbeam, the magical witch tree, with Stefan Temmingh (recorder), 'Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim', Cond.: Mark Mast - 30. Sep 2012
2 world premieres 'Christuskirche Kronach'
30th of September 2012, 'Christuskirche Kronach', world premiere of LUTHER-MANIA for 2 organists, as well as: world premiere REFORMATION ALTAR OF LUCAS CRANACH D.Ä. - Medtitation for organ and additional electronics, with Marius Popp (Kronach) and Carlo Benatti ((Mantova) - 23. Sep 2012
Biblical stories for organ
23rd of September 2012, 3:30 PM (CET), Münster Ingolstadt/ Orgelempore, world premiere of DREI BIBLISCHE GESCHICHTEN (Three biblical stories) for narrator and organ (Evi Weichenrieder/organ and Michael Würflein/narrator) - 21. Sep 2012
Hildegard von Bingen Oratorio
21st of September 2012, 'Kirche Bingerbrück' (location of the former Hildegard monastery), performance of the HILDEGARD ORATORIO "Klänge des Lichts" (Sounds of the light) for choir, old instruments and organ, with choir Bingerbrück, choir of the 'Basilika Bingen' and the city of Bingen, Bremen 'gambenensemble', Sigrun Richter, Cond.: Regional cantor Alexander Müller, a concert to honor Hildegard von Bingen who was canonised in 2012 and was made a Doctor of the Church. - 21. Sep 2012
Die Flucht (The Escape) (Philharmonic Orchestra Cologne)
21st of September 2012, Philharmonic Orchestra Cologne: orchestra suite 'DIE FLUCHT' (The Escape), played by the European Philharmonic Film Orchestra in a concert of the public broadcasting station WDR (with broadcasting recording) - 17. Sep 2012
Ali und der Zauberkrug (Ali and the magic jug)
17th of September 2012, Theater Rostock / Grosses Haus: Manfred Hermann Lehner conducts two performances of ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG. EIN MUSIKALISCHES MÄRCHEN FÜR KINDER (Ali and the magic jug. A musical fairy tale for children) - 16. Sep 2012
Rondo oscuro
16th of September 2012, in the "Einstein" in Munich, 12 PM, matinée on the occasion of the "Lautwechselfestival": RONDO OSCURO for 8 German flutes with the ensemble Weinzierl & Wächter - 14. Sep 2012
Vivaldissimo for 2 trumpets and orchestra
14th of September 2012, 7 PM (CET), Church of the 'Kolleg der Schulbrüder Illertissen', Reinhold Friedrich and ARD award recipient Fernes Mausz play VIVALDISSIMO for 2 trumpets, cembalo and orchestra. Philharmonic Orchestra Ulm, Cond.: GMD Timo Handschuh, series 'KULTUR IM SCHLOSS' (Culture in the castle) - 11. Sep 2012
Toccata Schlafes Bruder (Brother of sleep)
'Klassik-Festival' i the cathdral 'zu Königslutter' Tuesday, 11th of September 2012, 8 PM (CET) Mime meets organ ... "Durch Nacht zum Licht" (Through the night to the light) Milan Sladek, mime Reinhold Richter, organ - 28. Jul 2012
Pavane for saxophone and organ
On the 28th of July 2012, 8 PM (CET), Church San Bartolomeo in Vesio/Italy, Christian Elin (saxophone) and Prof. Franz Hacker (organ) play the PAVANE for saxophone and organ - 21. Jul 2012
ORBE ROTUNDO (version for pianos & perc.)
8 PM (CET) in the 'Brunnenhof' of the 'Residenz München': world premiere of ORBE ROTUNDO in the version for two pianos and four percussionists as accompaniment for soloists and choir. Vocals by the Munich 'Motettenchor', cond: ENJOTT SCHNEIDER, soloists: Judith Spießer (soprano), Robert Sellier (tenor), Todd Boyce (baritone) - 16. Jul 2012
Closing Concert
'Carl Orff-Saal' in the 'Gasteig' Munich, 7 PM (CET): The concert LIVE ZUR LEINWAND (Live for the silver screen) of my composition class, where eight students give the fascinating movie MIKROKOSMOS a new musical twist (music played by school the 'Schulmusik-A-Orchester' of the 'Hochschule für Musik und Theater' Munich, overall direction: Christoph Adt), is the closing concert of my career as a university teacher that started in 1973 at the Freiburg 'Musikhochschule' (teaching assignment counterpoint/harmonics), took me to Munich with the professorship in 1979... and now, 39 years of 'training' later this time will come to an end. - 15. Jul 2012
Innonence of Fire German premiere
15th of July 2012, matinée, 11 AM (CET), Ingolstadt, German premiere of the 35-minute composition INNOCENCE OF FIRE. SYMPHONIC POEM FOR soloists, male choir & organ, with the 'SINGPHONIKERS', the TAIPEI MALE CHOIR, on the occasion of the Audi-Musiksommer 2012 - 14. Jul 2012
Witches Dance
14th of July 2012, 11 AM (CET), 'Frankfurter Hof' Mainz, world premiere of WITCHES DANCE for piano solo, Oliver Triendl (piano) as part of the Petruschka-Project, recorded by SWR2, aired on the 15th of December 2012 at 10:03 PM (CET) SWR2 - 7. Jul 2012
Die Sehnsucht meines Geo-Dreiecks (The longing of my geo triangle)
7th of July 2012, 8 PM (CET), MUG in the 'Einstein', Einsteinstrasse 42 Munich: The Munich 'Flötentrio' Elisabeth Weinzierl, Edmund Wächter (flutes), Eva Schieferstein (piano) plays DIE SEHNSUCHT MEINES GEODREIECKS (The longing of my geo triangle) for 2 German flutes and piano - 4. Jul 2012
Organ Symphony No. 12
4th of July 2012, 8 PM (CET), Franz Josef Stoiber (cathedral organist) plays the world premiere of the organ symphony No. 12 VENI CREATOR in the Regensburg Cathedral. - 24. Jun 2012
Florestan & Eusebius
24th of June 2012, 6 PM, 'Haus der Kultur' in Waldkraiburg: symphonic orchestra composition FLORESTAN & EUSEBIUS. SCHUMANN-THOUGHTS with the Philharmonic Orchestra Bad Reichenhall, Lead conductor: Christoph Adt - 22. Jun 2012
8 PM (CET), Bad Reichenhall, world premiere of a commissioned work for the Symphony Orchestra Bad Reichenhall FLORESTAN AND EUSEBIUS. ROBERT SCHUMANN-THOUGHTS for orchestra, cond.: Christoph Adt (Wen-Sinn Yang plays the cello concert by Robert Schumann as part of the same concert) - 17. Jun 2012
GRABINSCHRIFTEN (Grave inscriptions)
17th of June 2012, 4 PM (CET), 'Stiftskirche Polling' ES IST SPÄTER ALS DU DENKST. (It is later than you think), 12 time studies according to grave inscriptions for choir, instruments, and sound recordings, church choir Pooling, cond.: Stefan Niebler - 10. Jun 2012
Swabian Children's Mass
10th of June 2012, 'Pfarrkirche Schruns' (Austria), 5 PM (CET), SCHWABENKINDERMESSE (Swabian Children's Mass), with Judith Bechter (soprano), Johannes Puchleitner (tenor), 'Basilikachor Weingarten', 'Vorarlberger Madrigalchor Collegium Instrumentale Dornbirn', Cond.: Guntram Simma - 9. Jun 2012
Swabian Children's Mass
9th of June 2012, 'Pfarrkirche Schruns' (Austria), 5 PM (CET), SCHWABENKINDERMESSE (Swabian Children's Mass), with Judith Bechter (soprano), Johannes Puchleitner (tenor), 'Basilikachor Weingarten', 'Vorarlberger Madrigalchor Collegium Instrumentale Dornbirn', Cond.: Guntram Simma - 3. Jun 2012
Swabian Children's Mass
8th of June 2012, 'Pfarrkirche Schruns' (Austria), 5 PM (CET), SCHWABENKINDERMESSE (Swabian Children's Mass), with Judith Bechter (soprano), Johannes Puchleitner (tenor), 'Basilikachor Weingarten', 'Vorarlberger Madrigalchor Collegium Instrumentale Dornbirn', Cond.: Guntram Simma - 19. May 2012
Gallus in Luxeuil
19th of May 2012, 8 PM (CET), 'Klosterbasilika Luxeuil' (original monastery of St. Gallus, 1400 years ago), French premiere of GALLUS - EIN LEBEN IN DER STILLE. (A life in silence), oratorio for soprano, choir, ensemble and organ. with the ensembles of cathedral music 'Kathedrale St. Gallen': Cathedral Choir / Collegium Vokale / Choralschola / DomBläserquartett and Kimberly Brockman (solo soprano), Willibald Guggenmos (cathedral organist), cond.: cathedral bandmaster Hans Eberhard - 19. May 2012
Beijing Modern festival
19th of May 2012, 7:30 PM (CST), Concert Hall of China National Center for the Performing Arts (NCPA): opening concert of the Beijing Modern Music Festival with AT THE EDGE OF TIME. REFLECTIONS ON MOZARTS REQUIEM KV 622 with the orchestra of the NCPA, cond: Lu Jia - 19. May 2012
Pavane for English horn and organ
19th of May 2012, 12 PM (CET), 'Liebfrauenmünster Ingolstadt', George Kobulashvili (English horn) and Evi Weichenrieder (organ) play the PAVANE based on a motif by Luis Milan. - 18. May 2012
Black Forest Saga 2nd performance
18th of May 2012, 'Klosterkirche St. Märgen', 7 PM (CET), second performance of the 5th Symphony BLACK FOREST SAGA for orchestra with choir 1: Was der Wind den Tannen erzählt, 2: Die Geister vom Mummelsee, 3: Vom Klang der Anders-Welt, Baden Baden Philharmonic Orchestra, cond.: Mark Mast - 17. May 2012
5th Symphony Black Forest Saga
17th of May 2012, 7 PM (CET), in the 'Evang. Stadtkirche Freudenstadt', world premiere of the 5th Symphony BLACK FOREST SAGA. for orchestra with choir 1: Was der Wind den Tannen erzählt, 2: Die Geister vom Mummelsee, 3: Vom Klang der Anders-Welt, performed by the Baden Baden Phiharmonic Orchestra, cond.: Mark Mast (Enjott Schneider is the composer in residence at the 14th Black Forest Music Festival that will last until the 3rd of October 2012). - 13. May 2012
Organ Concert Czech Republic
13th of May 2012, 3 PM (CET), Jürgen Geiger plays "Schmücke Dich o liebe Seele" and ATACCOT in the monastery Hlucin - 12. May 2012
Concert 12th of May, Czech Republic
12th of May 2012,6 PM (CET), Jürgen Geiger plays "Schmücke Dich, o liebe Seele" and ATACCOT in the minorite monastery 'SV Ducha', Czech Republic - 12. May 2012
GALLUS Oratorio
12th of May 2012, 8 PM (CET), Cathedral St. Gallen/Switzerland, GALLUS - EIN LEBEN IN DER STILLE (A life in silence), a ST. GALLUS ORATORIO for solo soprano, schola, grand choir, percussions and organ, with Kimberly Brockman/soprano, cond. cathedral bandmaster Hans Eberhard, organ: cathedral organist Willibald Guggenmos. Commissioned work for the Cathedral St. Gallen on the occasion of the anniversary - 1400 years of St. Gallus 612-2012 - 12. May 2012
12th of May 2012, 8 PM, 'Bibliotheks-Saal' of the 'Monastery Thierhaupten', world premiere of the LOTUS MANDALAS for bass clarinet, prepared piano and prepared harpsichord with Christian Elin. This is also where the new CD with the LOTUS MANDALAS will be presented. - 6. May 2012
Children's Choir Festival Halle World Premiere
6th of May 2012, in the Händel city of Halle: DER SACK UND DIE MÄUSE (The sack and the mice) (Wilhelm Busch) for youth choir and brass quintet, commissioned work for the 33rd children's choir festival in Halle (Saale) - 4. May 2012
Ciaconia mistica
4th of May 2012, 'Kulturkreis Wagnis e.V.' 'Messe-Stadt-Ost' Munich, 8 PM (CET) , Birgit Stolzenburg plays the CIACONIA ;MISTICA - 4. May 2012
4th of May 2012, 'Großer Konzertsaal' of the 'Hochschule für Musik' Munich, 7 PM (CET): the Arcis saxophone quartet plays the "RINGELNATZ-SUITE" for sax. quartet (poems read by Claudio Jope) - 1. Apr 2012
Palm Sunday, 1st of April 2012, 5 PM (CST), in the 'Taipei National Concert Hall Taiwan' - World Premiere of the 30-minute composition THE FIRE OF INNOCENCE IN THE DARKNESS OF WORLD. Symphonic poem for soloists, choir and organ (words by William Blake 1757 - 1827) with the 'Taipei Male Choir', the vocal ensemble 'SINGPHONIKERS' and Berno Scharpf (organ) Cond.: Yen-Hsiang NIEH - 25. Mar 2012
Ciaccona Mistica for bass dulcimer
25th of March 2012, 8 PM (CET), All Saint's Day, 'Hofkirche in der Residenz' Munich, world premiere of CIACCONA MISTICA for bass dulcimer solo, with Birgit Stoltzenburg - 11. Mar 2012
Organ Symphony No.5 ANGELUS
Georg Wendt plays the Organ Symphony No. 5 ANGELUS in a promenade concert between the two main churches ('Schlosskirche' and 'Stadtkirche') in the Luther town Wittenberg. - 2. Mar 2012
Friday, 2nd of March 2012, 'Neupfarrkirche Regensburg' ('Neupfarrplatz'/city center) , 7 PM (CET), SELIGPREISUNGEN (Beatitudes) for choir, bassoon, strings and organ. The 'Raselius Choir' and the choir of the 'Hochschule für Kirchenmusik Regensburg' sing, cond: Roman Emilius (on the occasion of the CD recording "Chorwerke Enjott Schneider" (Choral compositions Enjott Schneider' for Ambiente audio on the 2nd/3rd of March). - 8. Jan 2012
Aqua Vitae
12th of January 2012, 'St. Stephanskirche', Mainz AQUA VITAE for high voices, organ and percussions, 'Bingener Frauenchor FciBV', cond.: Regional Cantor Alexander Müller - 3. Jan 2012
Bottrop, 'Herz Jesu-Kirche', NEKYIA for saxophone and organ with Michael Schwärzer (sax.), Dominik Bernhard (organ) - 25. Dec 2011
Ommagio a Vivaldi
25th of December 2011, 'Theater Brandenburg': OMAGGIO A VIVALDI. Concert for recorder, harpsichord and string orchestra with Stefan Temmingh and the 'Brandenburg Symphonikers', cond.: GMD Michael Helmrath - 25. Dec 2011
Swabian Children's Mass
Performance of the Swabian Children's Mass for soli, choir and orchestra in 'St. Petrus und Paulus', cond: Gregor Simon - 17. Dec 2011
Ommagio a Vivaldi
17th of December 2011, 8 PM (CET), 'Nicolaisaal' in Potsdam: world premiere of OMAGGIO A VIVALDI. Conzert for recorder, harpsichord and string orchestra with Stefan Temmingh and the 'Brandenburg Symphonikers', cond.: GMD Michael Helmrath - 13. Dec 2011
Organ Symphony XI
On Tuesday, the third advent week, 6:15 PM (CET), cathedral organist Hans Leitner (Munich) performs the world premiere of the Organ Symphony No. 11 ADVENT in the Munich 'Frauendom'. - 11. Dec 2011
'Stadtpfarrkirche Landsberg am Lech': As part of the advent concert, RORATE for choir and organ will be performed, cond.: Marianne Lösch - 9. Dec 2011
Zhong Zhi Yue (Sheng) performs the 35-min. composition: EARTH & FIRE. SYMPHONIC POEM FOR SHEN AND ORCHESTRA in the 'Chinese Orchestra Concert Hall Singapore', accompanied by the 'Singapore Chinese Orchestra', cond.: Quek Ling Kiong - 3. Dec 2011
Concert hall Prenzlau, Frank Zacher conducts the concert VIVALDISSIMO for 2 trumpets and orchestra with Marco Schindler and Joseph Gass as soloists and the 'Prenzlau Kammerorchester'. - 27. Nov 2011
Brahms relooped
Sunday, 27th of November 2011, 6.30 PM (CET), 'Allerheiligen Hofkirche' Enjott Schneider: „Brahms occasionally relooped“ together with compositions of Johannes Brahms, played by the TASCHENPHILHAMONIE, cond.: Peter Stängel, conzcert: ABENTEUR FÜR DIE OHREN II (Adventure for the ears II) - 13. Nov 2011
13th of November 2011, Church Music Week in the 'Spitalkirche Gerolzhofen', Stefan Barcsay plays DREI NOCTURNES FÜR GITARRE (Three nocturnes for guitar) - 10. Nov 2011
Panta Rhei
Thursday, 7 PM (CET), 'Gasteig Munich/Kleiner Konzertsaal': the 'arcis saxophonquartett' plays PANTA RHEI for saxophone quartet - 3. Nov 2011
Laconia 2
8:15 PM (CET), aired by ARD, Sequel of the event movie in two parts: LACONIA (teamworx for ARD/BBC) Part II - with Franka Potente, Ken Duken, Andrew Buchan, Matthias Koeberlin, amongst others. Directed by: Uwe janson, film score (also available on CD, released by Alhambra) with Anna Drubich (paino), Sandro Friedrich (duduk), Lorenz Nasturica (solo violin), Philharmonic Film Crchestra Munich, Cond.: Enjott Schneider - 2. Nov 2011
Toccata SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of sleep)
2nd of November 2011, 7 PM (CET), 'Hoher Dom zu Aachen' Reinhold Richter plays Toccata SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of sleep) - 2. Nov 2011
Laconia 1
8:15 PM (CET), aired by ARD, first episode of the event in two parts: LACONIA (teamworx for ARD/BBC) Part I - with Franka Potente, Ken Duken, Andrew Buchan, Matthias Koeberlin, amongst others. Directed by: Uwe janson, film score (also available on CD, released by Alhambra) with Anna Drubich (piano), Sandro Friedrich (duduk), Lorenz Nasturica (solo violin), Philharmonic Film Orchestra Munich, cond.: Enjott Schneider - 1. Nov 2011
Herr, mache mich zum Werkzeug (Lord, make me a tool)
Rottenburg Cathedral, 3 PM (CET), Memorial for the dead, official world premiere of the choral composition HERR MACHE MICH ZUM WERKZEUG DEINES FRIEDENS (Lord, make me a tool of your peace), dedicated to cathedral bandmaster Frank Leenen who conducted the world premiere with the 'Rottenburg Dommusik' - 23. Oct 2011
Organ Symphony No.10
23rd of October 2011, Münster in Basel/Switzerland, Hansjörg Albrecht plays the ORGAN SYMPHONY NO.10 B-A-C-H - 22. Oct 2011
22nd of October 2011, Monastery Oberzell/Reichenau, Stefan Barcsay plays the DREI NOCTURNES FÜR GITARRE (Three nocturnes for guitar) - 22. Oct 2011
Film Score Suite VATIKAN (Vatican)
22nd of October 2011, 9 PM (CET), 'Hochschule für Musik & Theater' Munich,The Munich 'Rundfunkorchester' plays the film music suite from GEHEIMNISSE DES VATIKAN (Secrets of the Vatican) on the occasion of the NACHT DER FILMMUSIK (Night of the film scores) (BR-Klassik) - 20. Oct 2011
Mozart Mantras
20th of October 2011, 7:30 PM (CET), Blackbox in 'Gasteig Munich', MOZART MANTRAS for clarinet and strings, as part of the concert ZEITSPRUNG XX - Konzertmusik von Filmkomponisten (Time Leap XX - concert music from film score composers), ensemble 'Zeitsprung', cond.: Markus Elsner - 16. Oct 2011
16th of October 2011, 'Evangelische Kirche Bad Grönenbach', Stefan Barcsay plays the DREI NOCTURNES FÜR GITARRE (Three nocturnes for guitar) - 14. Oct 2011
7 PM, 'Festhalle Zweibrücken': TALKING TREES for recorder, 2 quint bass guitars and low strings. Four new tree images celebrate their world premiere in Zweibrücken and are added to the 13 existing tree images based on the Celtic tree calendar that have already been released on CD: birch tree, cedar, rowan tree, and chestnut. With Stefan Temming (soprano- and bass recorder), guitar duo 'Gruber & Maklar', as well as the 'Consortium Arboris' (low strings). - 11. Oct 2011
11th of October 2011, 10 AM and 11.30 AM, 'Rohrmeisterei SCHWERTE' and the New Philharmonic Orchestra Westfalen (cond.: GMD Heiko-Matthias Förster) play ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug), a musical fairy tale for narrator and orchestra - 9. Oct 2011
9th of October 2011, 'Christuskirche Erding', Stefan Barcsay plays the DREI NOCTURNES FÜR GITARRE (Three nocturnes for guitar) - 9. Oct 2011
9th of October 2011, 4PM, 'Musiktheater im Revier GELSENKIRCHEN', the New Philharmonic Orchestra Westfalen (cond.: GMD Heiko-Matthias Förster) plays ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug), a musical fairy tale for narrator and orchestra - 6. Oct 2011
6th of October 2011, 10 AM and 11:30 AM, 'Stadthalle UNNA', the New Philharmonic Orchestra Westfalen (cond.: GMD Heiko-Matthias Förster) plays ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug), a musical fairy tale for narrator and orchestra - 5. Oct 2011
5th of October 2011, 11 AM, 'Ruhrfestspielhaus Recklinghausen', the New Philharmonic Orchestra Westfalen (cond.: GMD Heiko-Matthias Förster) plays ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug), a musical fairy tale for narrator and orchestra - 4. Oct 2011
4th of October 2011, 10 AM, 'Hilpert Theater' in LÜNEN, the New Philharmonic Orchestra Westfalen (cond.: GMD Heiko-Matthias Förster) plays ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug), a musical fairy tale for narrator and orchestra - 1. Oct 2011
Fairy Tales for Organ
1st of October 2011, Münster Ingolstadt, Evi Weichenrieder performs the world premiere of DREI MÄRCHEN FÜR ORGEL UND ERZÄHLER (Three fairy tales for organ and narrator) 1: Gott und der Friseur (God and the hair dresser)(Islamic fairy tale), 2: Die Palme und der Stein (The palm tree and the stone)(African fairy tale), 3: Der Mönch und sein Glöcklein (The monk and the little bell) (Japanese fairy tale) - The listeners also sit in the organ gallery and are therefore able to listen attentively to the music and the stories. - 30. Sep 2011
30th of September 2011, 11 AM, 'Konzertaula KAMEN', the New Philharmonic Orchestra Westfalen (cond.: GMD Heiko-Matthias Förster) plays ALI UND DER ZAUBERKRUG (Ali and the magic jug), a musical fairy tale for narrator and orchestra - 25. Sep 2011
Christuskirche Kronach
25th of September 2011, 'Christuskirche Kronach' on the occasion of the 150th anniversary: DORISCHE INTRADA (Doric Intrada) for brass and organ, cond.: deanery cantor Marius Popp - 24. Sep 2011
24th of September 2011, 'Goldener Saal' in Dillingen, Stefan Barcsay plays the DREI NOCTURNES FÜR GITARRE (Three nocturnes for guitar) - 18. Sep 2011
18th of September 2011, 'St. Marien-Kirchel' in Kaufbeuren, Stefan Barcsay plays the DREI NOCTURNES FÜR GITARRE (Three nocturnes for guitar) - 17. Sep 2011
Dunst, alles Dunst (Haze, nothing but haze)
DUNST, ALLES DUNST SPRICHT KOHELET (Kohelet says 'Haze, nothing but haze) for brass ensemble was performed on the occasion of the 1st 'Hannoveranische Bläsernacht' / in the 'Neustädter Hof- und Stadtkirche': Trombone choir of the 'Evang. Studentengemeinde', cond. Steffen Meier - 11. Sep 2011
Aqua vitae
5 PM (CET), 'Christuskirche Altenkirchen', AQUA VITAE ("Wasser des Lebens" (Water of life), based on the apocalypse of St. John) for high voices and organs, with 'Mädchenkantorei Rottenburger Dom', cond.: cathedral bandmaster Frank Leenen - 10. Sep 2011
Aqua vitae
8 PM (CET), 'Stadtkirche Rotenburg', AQUA VITAE ("Wasser des Lebens" (Water of life), based on the apocalypse of St. John) for high voices and organs, with 'Mädchenkantorei Rottenburger Dom', cond.: cathedral bandmaster Frank Leenen - 9. Sep 2011
Aqua vitae
8 PM (CET), 'Liebfrauenkirche Fischerhude', AQUA VITAE ("Wasser des Lebens" (Water of life), based on the apocalypse of St. John) for high voices and organs, with 'Mädchenkantorei Rottenburger Dom', cond.: cathedral bandmaster Frank Leenen - 8. Sep 2011
Aqua vitae
7 PM (CET), 'St. Petri Dom Bremen', AQUA VITAE ("Wasser des Lebens" (Water of life), based on the apocalypse of St. John) for high voices and organs, with 'Mädchenkantorei Rottenburger Dom', cond.: cathedral bandmaster Frank Leenen - 2. Sep 2011
Aqua vitae
8 PM (CET), 'St. Michaeliskirche Eutin', AQUA VITAE ("Wasser des Lebens" (Water of life), based on the apocalypse of St. John) for high voices and organs, with 'Mädchenkantorei Rottenburger Dom', cond.: cathedral bandmaster Frank Leenen - 1. Sep 2011
St. Sebald Nuremberg
1st of September 2011, 8 PM (CET), 'St. Sebald/Nuremberg, Jürgen Bachmann (saxophone) and Franz Hauk perform the PAVANE. Variations of a dance from El Maestro (1553) by Luis de Milan for alto saxophone and organ - 1. Sep 2011
Aqua vitae
7:30 PM (CET), 'Neustädter Kirche Hannover', AQUA VITAE ("Wasser des Lebens" (Water of life), based on the apocalypse of St. John) for high voices and organs, with 'Mädchenkantorei Rottenburger Dom', cond.: cathedral bandmaster Frank Leenen - 15. Aug 2011
Organ Symphony No.10
15th of August 2011, 'Dom zu Meldorf': Hansjörg Albrecht (Munich BachChoir) plays the Organ Symphony No.10 B-A-C-H - 14. Aug 2011
Organ Symphony No.10
14th of August 2011, 'Stadtkirche St. Petri', Chemnitz: Hansjörg Albrecht (Munich BachChoir) plays the Organ Symphony No.10 B-A-C-H - 13. Aug 2011
Organ Symphony No.10
13th of August 2011, 'Robert-Schumann-Konzertvereini',Kreischa near Dresden: Hansjörg Albrecht (Munich BachChoir) plays the Organ Symphony No.10 B-A-C-H - 11. Aug 2011
Organ Symphony No.10
11th of August 2011, 'Klosterkirche St. Marien', Neuzelle: Hansjörg Albrecht (Munich BachChoir) plays the Organ Symphony No.10 B-A-C-H - 10. Aug 2011
Organ Symphony No.10
10th of August 2011, 'Greifswald Cathedral': Hansjörg Albrecht (Munich BachChoir) plays the Organ Symphony No.10 B-A-C-H - 9. Aug 2011
Organ Symphony No.10
9th of August 2011, 'Stadtkirche St. Gertrauden', Frankfurt/Oder: Hansjörg Albrecht (Munich BachChoir) plays the Organ Symphony No.10 B-A-C-H - 5. Aug 2011
Organ Symphony No.10
5th of August 2011, 'Stadtpfarrkirche', Bad Hersfeld: Hansjörg Albrecht (Munich BachChoir) plays the Organ Symphony No.10 B-A-C-H - 1. Aug 2011
Organ Symphony No.10
1st of August 2011, 'Stadtpfarrkirche', Schwaz/Austria: Hansjörg Albrecht (Munich BachChoir) plays the Organ Symphony No.10 B-A-C-H - 28. Jul 2011
Organ Symphony No.10
28th of July 2011, 8 PM, 'Stadtpfarrkirche St. Ludwig', Munich: Hansjörg Albrecht (Munich BachChoir) plays the Organ Symphony No.10 B-A-C-H as Munich premiere, together with choral compositions by Bach (H minor mass), Arvo Pärt (magnificat and magnificat antiphone) and Arnold Schönberg (Peace of earth), interpreted by the Munich BachChoir - 24. Jul 2011
Swabian Children's Mass
24th of July, 6 PM (CET), performed as closing event of the 'Landsberger Ruethenfests' in the 'Stadtpfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt'. SCHWABENKINDERMESSE (Swabian Children's Mass) for soloists, choir and orchestra with the 'Landsberger Kinderchor' (cond: Marianne Lösch) and the 'Capella Cantabile Landsberg', cond.: Johannes Skudlik - 23. Jul 2011
23rd of July 2011, Night concert in the 'Evangelische Kirche Krumbach/Franken', Stefan Barcsay performs the DREI NOCTURNES FÜR GITARRE (Three nocturnes for guitar) - 23. Jul 2011
Pantha rhei
Saturday, 23rd of July 2011 - early in the morning at 10 AM - in the foyer in front of the 'Carl Orff-Saal' (concert for "25 years of Gasteig" the 'Arcis Saxophon Quartett' plays PANTHA RHEI for saxophone quartet: Claus Hierluksch (soprano), Ricarda Fuss (alto), Claudia Jope (tenor) Adrian Planitz (baritone saxophone) - 16. Jul 2011
Organ Symphony No.7
16th of July 2011, Bautzen Cathedral: Georg Wendt plays the Organ Symphony No. 7 VON EWIGKEIT ZU EWIGKEIT (From eternity to eternity) - 16. Jul 2011
Organ Symphony No.10
16th of July 2011, Meran (Italy): 'Stadtpfarrkirche St. Nikolaus': Hansjörg Albrecht (Munich BachChoir) plays the Organ Symphony No. 10 B-A-C-H - 13. Jul 2011
13th of July 2011, 'International Organ Week', Bad Schandau, Stefan Barcsay plays the DREI NOCTURNES FÜR GITARRE (Three nocturnes for guitar) - 10. Jul 2011
SALAAM - Peace Symphony Augsburg
10th of July 2011, 'Rathausplatz Augsburg', SALAAM. FRIEDENSINFONIE (Peace Symphony) for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, choir and orchestra, based on muslim and biblical texts, as well as lyric poetry by Rumi, Goethe, amongst others, 'Augsburg Philharmonic Orchestra' with the 350-member festival choir, Cond.: GMD Dirk Kaftan - 10. Jul 2011
Organ Symphony No.10
10th of July 2011, 'Basilika Waldsassen': Hansjörg Albrecht (Munich BachChoir) plays the Organ Symphony No.10 B-A-C-H - 10. Jul 2011
10th of July 2011, 'Monastery Oberschönenfeld', Stefan Barcsay plays the DREI NOCTURNES FÜR GITARRE (The three nocturnes for guitar) - 9. Jul 2011
9th of July 2011, 'Christuskirche Oberstdorf', Stefan Barcsay plays the DREI NOCTURNES FÜR GITARRE (The three nocturnes for guitar) - 8. Jul 2011
Ewig Rätsel.... (Eternal puzzle)
8th of July 2011, 8 PM (CET), 'Landsberg Musiksommer'/'Rathaus-Saal', Christoph Hartmann and the ensemble Berlin perform the English horn concert EIN EWIG RÄTSEL WILL ICH BLEIBEN. (An eternal puzzle I shall remain) EPITAPH for King Louis II - 7. Jul 2011
Nocturnes for guitar
7th of July 2011, 'Kapelle Pfronten/Allgäu', Stefan Barcsay plays the DREI NOCTURNES FÜR GITARRE (The three nocturnes for guitar) on the occasion of the exhibition "Stiller Abtrag" (Siltent cut) - 6. Jul 2011
AFRICAN BEMBEE for solo percussionist and large orchestra
AFRICAN BEMBEE for solo percussionist and large orchestra 6th of July 2011, 8 PM (CET), 'Rathausplatz Augsburg' / 'Kulturstadion', on the occasion of the concert LÄNDERSPIEL – EINE MUSIKALISCHE WELTREISE (International match - a musical journey around the world) as part of the concert series CITY OF PEACE, Stefan Blum (solo percussionist),' Augsburg Philharmonic Orchestra', Cond.: GMD Dirk Kaftan - 2. Jul 2011
Organ Symphony No.7
2nd of July 2011, 'Brüderkirche Altenburg': Georg Wendt performs the Organ Symphony No. 7 VON EWIGKEIT ZU EWIGKEIT (From eternity to eternity) - 13. Jun 2011
English Horn Concert
13th of June 2011, on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the death of Louis II, world premiere in Neuschwanstein: EIN EWIG RÄTSEL WILL ICH BLEIBEN. (An eternal puzzle I shall remain) LUDWIG II-EPITAPH for English horn, strings and bassoon, with Christoph Hartmann (Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra) and an ensemble of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra - 5. Jun 2011
Saint Augustin Ingolstadt
5th of June 2011, 'Kirche St. Augustin', Ingolstadt, 8 PM (CET): World premiere of PAVANE. VARATIONS OF A DANCE FROM "EL MAESTRO" BY LUIS DE MILÀN for alto saxophone (Jürgen Bachmann, saxophone) and organ, as well as performance of SULAMITH. DANSES SACRÈE FOR VIOLONCELLO AND ORGEL (Evi Weichenrieder, Surab Samugia) - 31. May 2011
Trier Cathedral
31st of May 2011, Jürgen Geiger plays the Organ Symphony No. 6 TE DEUM in the Trier Cathedral / Cathedral Concert - 30. May 2011
HIOB Organ Concert 2011
8:00 PM (CET), 'Philharmonic Orchestra Munich', ORGELPUNKT e.V. and EURO VIA FESTIVAL are organizing the performance of ORGELKONZERTS NR.2 HIOB in a new extended version with choir. Musicians are Johannes Skudlik/Organ, Munich BachChoir and Munich symphonic Orchestra, Cond..: Hansjörg Albrecht, in the same concert the first performance of CONCERTO PER ORGANO by Ennio Morricone will be played. - 22. May 2011
22nd of May 2011, 'Catholic Church St. Willibald', Munich: Stefan Barcsay plays THREE NOCTURNES for guitar solo and the 'Neuer Kammerchor Regensburg', Cond.: Kunibert Schäfer sings POSAUNENKLANG VOM LEBENDIGEN LICHT (Trombone sounds of the living light), 2 motets based on texts by Hildegard von Bingen "O quam mirabilis" and "De innocentibus" - 20. May 2011
20th of May 2011, 'Barfüßerkirche Augsburg', organised by the 'Tonkünstlerverband Augsburg': Stefan Barcsay plays THREE NOCTURNES for guitar solo and the 'Neuer Kammerchor Regensburg', Cond.: Kunibert Schäfer sings POSAUNENKLANG VOM LEBENDIGEN LICHT (Trombone sounds of the living light), 2 motets based on texts by Hildegard von Bingen "O quam mirabilis" and "De innocentibus" - 19. May 2011
Compositions for saxophone
19th of May 2011, 'Kirche St. Maria Schnee' / Kostel panny Marie Snezne with CRUCIFIXUS for organ and saxophone quartet (Arcis-Quartett with Dominik Bernhard, organ) as well as NEKYIA for saxophone and organ with Stephan Mishula/saxophone and Dominik Bernhard, organ - 19. May 2011
Aimez vous Brahms?
19th of May 2011, 'Kleiner Konzertsaal' of the 'Gasteig Munich': "Aimez vous Brahms? - An almost Hungarian Dance" played by the 'Taschenphilharmonie', Cond.: Peter Stangel - 16. May 2011
A Rose is a Rose
Johannes Skudlik (organ) plays the cycle A ROSE IS A ROSE in the Palau de la Musica Barcelona, one of the most beautiful Art Nouveau concert halls in the world - 15. May 2011
15th of May 2011, 5 PM, 'Blutenburg Church Concerts' Munich: Stefan Barcsay plays: THREE NOCTURNES for guitar - 13. May 2011
Organ Symphony No. 13 LUNA
Stefan Baier (Regensburg) plays the world premiere of the ORGAN SYMPHONY NO. 13 LUNA that was dedicated to him, "Vollmondnacht" (Night of the full moon) in the 'Benediktinerabtei Schweikelberg' near Vilshofen, performed with the Klais organ - 8. May 2011
8th of May 2011, 'Heilig Geist Kirche', Mannheim, cathedral organist (Speyer) Prof. Markus Eichenlaub performs the Organ Symphony No.2 "MARIANISCHE" - 8. May 2011
Nocturnes für Gitarre
8th of May 2011, Aithofen near Straubing, re-run of the 'Regensburg Lange Nacht der Gitarre' with the NOCTURNES, performed by Stefan Barcsay - 7. May 2011
Nocturnes in Regensburg
7th of May 2011, starting at 7 PM (CET), Regensburg, in the LANGE NACHT DER GITARRENMUSIK (Long night of guitar music), 'Kaisersaal am Haidplatz', Stefan Barcsay plays the composition THREE NOCTURNES for guitar that was dedicated to him - 6. May 2011
6th of May 2011, 6 PM (CET), 'Kirche St. Martin' in Biberach, Christian Segmehl and Ludwig Kibler (organ) play "NEKYIA" for saxophone and organ - 26. Apr 2011
DUGUD - Concerto No.1 for violoncello & orchestra
In the closing concert of the lecturers at the 'Cello Akademie Rutesheim' Làszò Fenyö (solo cellist of the 'HR-Symphonieorchester') performs the world premiere of the cello concert DUGUD (based on the Hungarian mythical bird), 'Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen', Cond.: Christoph Adt - 25. Apr 2011
Resurrexit et ascendit Easter Oratorio
Easter Monday, 25th of April, 'St. Pantaleon' Cologne, world premiere of the 60-minute Easter and Ascension Oratorio RESURREXIT ET ASCENDIT, 'Figuralchor Cologne' (Cond: Richard Mailänder), recorded by the WDR - 22. Apr 2011
22nd of April 2011, 'St. Andreas Weissenburg', 2:30 PM (CET), Music for the death hour, Michael Haag plays GETHSEMANE for trumpet and organ with Michael Leisinger (trumpet). Liturgist: Pastor Catharina Fenn - 22. Apr 2011
De Profundus
22nd of April 2011, Good Friday Concert in 'St. Martin Augsburg', Markus Hubert plays DE PROFUNDIS/Recitative and Blues about "Aus tiefer Not" (From great hardship) for organ - 10. Apr 2011
10th of April 2011, 6 PM (CET) in the 'Stadtkirche Durlach': AUGUSTINUS-ORATORIO for soloists, choir and orchestra, with Nelly Palmer (soprano), Bernhard Gärtner (tenor), Armin Kolarcyk (bass), 'Durlacher Kantorei', 'Karlsruher Kammerphilharmonie', Cond.: Johannes Bloomenkamp - 6. Apr 2011
6th of April 2011, 'Leonhardskappelle' of the 'Fuggerei Augsburg', Stefan Barcsay plays NOCTURNES for guitar solo in the opening concert of the series "FUGGER UND DIE MUSIK" (Fugger and the music) with an introduction by Albert Graf Fugger von Glött - 3. Apr 2011
3rd of April 2011, 6 PM (CET), 'Kirche Auferstehung Christi', Memmingen: Stefan Barcsay plays: THREE NOCTURNES for guitar - 30. Mar 2011
Brandenburg Theatre 3rd Symphony "CHINESE SEASONS" with WuWei (Sheng), Alto Singer and the Brandenburg Symphoniker, conducted by Stefan Malzew. - 27. Mar 2011
Die Sehnsucht meines Geo-Dreiecks (The longing of my Geo triangle) for 2 German flutes and piano
7 PM (CET), 'Kleiner Konzertsaal' of the 'Gasteig', Elisabeth Weinzierl/ Edmund Wächter and Eva Schieferstein (piano) play "Die Sehnsucht meines Geo-Dreiecks" (The longing of my Geo triangle) - 26. Mar 2011
Rondo Oscuro
At the music festival 'Münchner Gesellschaft für Neue Musik' at the 'Schwere Reiter'/Dachauerstrasse 114/Leonrodplatz, the ensemble 'Elisabeth & Edmund Weinzierl-Wächter' plays RONDO OSCURO for solo flute and 7 German flutes in the concert block at 2 PM (CET) - 26. Mar 2011
26th of March 2011, 7:30 PM (CET), 'Galerie Jürgen Rösner'/Stelle 21 in 73265 Dettingen unter Teck: Stefan Barcsay plays "THREE NOCTURNES" - 25. Mar 2011
Morgenstern Songbook
25th of March 2011, 8 PM (CET), at the 'Festsaal Unterschleißheim'/Rathausplatz: the SINGPHONIKER sing the MORGENSTERN-LIEDERBUCH (Morgenstern Songbook) for 5 male voices and piano, based on texts by Christian Morgenstern (organised by the 'Forum Unterschleißheim') - 24. Mar 2011
Herr, mach mich zum Werkzeug (Lord, make me a tool)
24th of March 2011, 7:00 PM (CET), Regensburg Cathedral: world premiere of the motet for choir a cappella HERR, MACH MICH ZUM WERKZEUG DEINES FRIEDENS (Lord, make me a tool of your peace) in the solidarity concert "Musik für Japan" (Music for Japan) with the choir of the 'Musikhochschule Regensburg', Cond.: Kunibert Schäfer - 21. Mar 2011
Crucifixus 'Markuskirche'
Monday, 21st of March 2011, 'St. Markuskirche', Munich, Gabelsbergerstrasse 6 PASSION CONCERT SCHÜTZ-SCHNEIDER with CRUCIFIXUS for saxophone quartet and organ (Claus Hierluksch - Ricarda Fuss - Claudia Jope - Adrian Planitz) and Dominik Bernhard (organ) - 20. Mar 2011
Music Trumpet Trombone Organ
20th of March 2011, 6 PM (CET), 'Versöhnungskirche' in Kleve, Thomas Tesche (organ) plays GOLGATHA (with Gerald Klaunzer, trombone) and GETHSEMANE (with Hendrik Timmer, trumpet) - 3. Mar 2011
CHATROOM first airing RAI Bozen
3rd of March 2011, 7.40 PM (CET), RAI Bozen broadcasts the recording from 'Kulturhaus Schlanders' / Italy (Southern Tirol): CHATROOM for 5 male voices and piano with the SINGPHONIKERS, - 1. Mar 2011
Willst eine Welt Du schaun (If you want to see a world)
1st of March 2011, building of the 'LfA Förderbank Bayern', Johanna Höberl and Lucia Hellerhoff perform WILLST EINE WELT DU SCHAUEN... (If you want to see a world...), 5 miniatures for German flute and dulcimer - 25. Feb 2011
Changes in China
25th of February 2011, WuWei (Sheng) and the Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra play CHANGES. Concert for sheng and orchestra in the large concert hall of the Philharmonic Orchestra Xiamen Music Island/China, Cond.:Renchang Fu - 2. Feb 2011
Organ Symphony No.7
16th of July 2011, Bautzen Cathedral: Georg Wendt performs the Organ Symphony No. 7 VON EWIGKEIT ZU EWIGKEIT (From eternity to eternity) - 25. Jan 2011
World premiere Nocturnes for guitar/Regensburg
Concert "ERSTMAL NEUES 2", concert hall of the 'Musikhochschule Regensburg', 25th of January 2011, 7:30 PM (CET), Stefan Barcsay performs the world premiere of NOCTURNES FOR GUITAR SOLO, in addition the "Neuer Kammerchor" of the 'HfKM Regensburg' sings the two motets from POSAUNENKLANG VOM LEBENDIGEN LICHT (Trombone sound of the living light)(based on texts by Hildegard von Bingen), Cond.: Kunibert Schäfer - 23. Jan 2011
Chatroom in Schlanders/Italy
23rd of January 2011, 5 PM (CET), 'Kulturhaus Schlanders' / Italy (Southern Tirol): CHATROOM for 5 male voices and piano with the SINGPHONIKERS, recorded by RAI Bozen, on the occasion of the MUSICA VIVA VINTSCHGAU as opening concert of the 20th anniversary season - 20. Jan 2011
Organ Symphony No. 10 B A C H
Hansjörg Albrecht performs the world premiere of the Organ Symphony No. 10 B-A-C-H that was dedicated to him, Cathedral of Porto, on the occasion of the Organ Festival Porto 2011 - 20. Jan 2011
RESURRECTIO - Apokalyptischer Posaunenruf für Orgel
International Organ Festival Porto/Portugal, 20th of January, 12 PM (WET), Ingreja Sao Martinho de Cedofeita, Cathedral Organist Winfried Bönig performs the world premiere of the composition RESURRECTIO - Apocalyptic Trombone Chant for Organ that was dedicated to him - 31. Dec 2010
CHATROOM in the New Year's Eve Concert
8:00 PM (CET) in large concert hall of University of Music Munich Arcisstrasse 12: the SINGPHONIKER perform CHATROOM for 5 male voices and piano - 31. Dec 2010
Organ Variations of FRANKENHYMNE New Year's Eve Concert Ansbach
New Year's Eve, Rainer Goede (Ansbach, Wigleb organ) performs the world premiere of Variations of the 'Frankenhymne' (Franconian Anthem) - 31. Dec 2010
Nekyia oboe and organ
31st of December 2010, New Year's Eve Concert, 10 PM (CET), 'Martinskirche Geisslingen', Christiane Stribel-Berge (oboe) and Seiichi Komaya (organ) perform NEKYIA - 12. Dec 2010
Aqua vitae
12th of December 2010, 'Münster Villingen', the 'Mädchenkantorei' of the 'Rottenburg Cathedral', cond.: cathedral bandmaster Frank Leenen, perform the composition AQUA VITAE based on texts of the apocalypse for female voices and organ - 12. Dec 2010
Ansbach Organ Book
12th of December 2010, 5 PM (CET), 'Dorfkirche Bochum-Stiebel', Rainer Goede (Ansbach) plays from the ANSBACHER ORGELBÜCHLEIN (Ansbach organ book) - 11. Dec 2010
11th of December 2010, 'St. Elisabeth' Nuremberg, the 'Mädchenkantorei' of the Rottenburg Cathedral, cond.: Cathedral Bandmaster Frank Leenen, perform the composition AQUA VITAE based on texts of the apocalypse for female voices and organ - 5. Dec 2010
8 PM (CET), 'Herkules-Hall' Munich Residence World Premiere of ORBE ROTUNDO for soprano, tenor, baritone, choir and orchestra with the Munich Motet Choir conducted by Hayko Siemens. This work is based on latin and middle age lyrics (from the collection "Carmina Burana"). It is my main composition for 2010 and I may regard it as the "summa" of a 60years-life! It will be performed together with Carl Orff's CARMINA BURANA in the same orchestration. - 5. Dec 2010
Rondo Oscuro
At 11 a.m. in the Münchner Stadtmuseum and at 5 p.m. in Michaelskirche Brannenburg/near Kufstein (Austria) the Münchner Flötenensemble cond.: Elisabeth Weinzierl performs RONDO OSCURO for solo flute and 7 German flutes - 30. Nov 2010
Circulus Vitiosus for oboe and harpsichord
The world premiere of CIRCULUS VIRTIOSUS for oboe (Albrecht Mayer) and harpsichord (Hansjörg Albrecht) is recorded at the 'Wirtshaus im Schlachthof', Munich for 'U21 Klassik Radio' and 'Bayerisches Fernsehen' - 28. Nov 2010
28th of November 2010, 'Jesuitenkirche Heidelberg', the 'Mädchenkantorei' of the 'Rottenburg Cathedral', cond.: Cathedral Bandmaster Frank Leenen, performs the composition AQUA VITAE based on texts of the apocalypse for female voices and organ. - 27. Nov 2010
Choral Cycle GEMEINSAM EINSAM (Lonely together)
As part of their program "Just Songs", the 'Singphoniker' perform the cycle 'GEMEINSAM EINSAM' (Lonely together) on the 27th of November 2010 at 8 PM in the 'Kulturzentrum Unterföhring', Munich. - 22. Nov 2010
'Bayerische Versicherungskammer' Munich
7:30 PM (CET), 'Bayerische Versicherungskammer', Munich, Maximilianstrasse 53 concert of the 'Tonkünstlerverbandes München e.V.': Sylvia Hewig-Tröscher (piano) plays the piano variations MOZART IN NEW ORLEANS; Elisabeth Weinzierl and Edmund Wächter (flutes) with Eva Schieferstein (piano) perform the world premiere of DIE SEHNSUCHT MEINES GEO-DREIECKS für 2 Querflöten und Klavier, - (The longing of my geo triangle for 2 German flutes and piano) - this primordial version for a trio has not had a world premiere since 1982 and will now be performed for the first time after 28 years. With regard to aesthetics, this composition has been influenced greatly by the sternness of Anton Webern with a backwards running 'center' in the shape of a cancer (with Wagner's Tristan melody 'sink hernieder, Nacht der Liebe' (descend, oh night of love) in piano bass. - 9. Nov 2010
9th of November 2010, the 'Raschèr Saxophone Quartet' and Tobias Lindner perform CRUCIFIXUS for 4 saxophones and organ in the 'Pfarrkirche Sankt Franziskus', Riehen/Basel (Switzerlan) - 7. Nov 2010
6 PM (CET), 'Friedenskirche Baumberg/Monheim', KLÄNGE DES LICHTS. (Sounds of the light), Hildegard von Bingen-Oratorio, conducted by Matthias Standfest. - 7. Nov 2010
Movie Themes 'Opernhaus Halle'
11:00 a.m. (CET), 'Opernhaus Halle', closing concert of the 'Filmmusiktage Sachsen-Anhalt': 'Staatskapelle Halle' performs MOVIE THEMES MADE IN GERMANY (Orchestra Suite) - 7. Nov 2010
Toccata SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep)
7th of November, 'Pfarrkirche St. Helena', Mönchengladbach, 5 PM (CET), TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) "Organ meets mime" with Milan Sladek (mime) and Reinhold Richter (organ) - 5. Nov 2010
ENJOTT SCHNEIDER: “I would like to thank Wagner...
Film Music Days Halle/Sachsen-Anhalt. Opening lecture by Enjott Schneider: "I would like to thank Wagner..." (Dimitri Tiomkin at the 1955 Academy Awards). Topic: The magic and function of symphonic film music. - 31. Oct 2010
"Ein feste Burg"
Essen Philharmonic's World Premiere of the orchestral composition "Ein feste Burg" conducted by Arno Hartmann. - 19. Oct 2010
Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
16th of October 2010, 8 PM (CET), Cathedral in Speyer, Felix Hell (USA) performs Toccata SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) - 19. Oct 2010
Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
16th of October 2010, 8 PM (CET), Cathedral in Speyer, Felix Hell (USA) performs Toccata SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) - 26. Sep 2010
Schmücke Dich, o liebe Seele (Decorate yourself, oh dear soul)
Jürgen Geiger (organ) performs SCHMÜCKE DICH, O LIEBE SEELE (Decorate yourself, oh dear soul)(from: Ansbach Orgelbüchlein)at the church 'St. Nikolaus/Friedrichshafen' - 26. Sep 2010
Schmücke Dich, o liebe Seele (Decorate yourself, oh dear soul)
Jürgen Geiger (organ) performs SCHMÜCKE DICH, O LIEBE SEELE (Decorate yourself, oh dear soul)(from: Ansbach Orgelbüchlein)at the church 'St. Nikolaus/Friedrichshafen' - 22. Sep 2010
Sulamith. Danses Sacrees
7:30 p.m. at Immanuel-Church Königstein: first premiere of SULAMITH. DANSES SACREES for Violoncello and organ with László Fenyö (solo cellist of the 'HR-Sinfonieorchester' Frankfurt)and Daniel Tappe (organist of Concert Hall Peking/China) organized by organ festival FUGATO 2010 Bad Homburg a.d.Höhe - 19. Sep 2010
Neubrandenburger Marienkirche VERÄNDERUNGEN (CHANGES). A concert for Sheng and orchestra with WuWei (sheng) and the Neubrandenburger Philharmonics, conducted by Stefan Malzew. - 17. Sep 2010
Neubrandenburger Marienkirche VERÄNDERUNGEN (CHANGES). A concert for Sheng and orchestra with WuWei (sheng) and the Neubrandenburger Philharmonics, conducted by Stefan Malzew. - 16. Sep 2010
Neubrandenburger Marienkirche VERÄNDERUNGEN (CHANGES). - 13. Sep 2010
Sinfonia Coloniensis
13th of September 2010, Winfried Bönig performs parts of the Organ Symphony No.4 SINFONIA COLONIENSIS at the Saardom organ in Dillingen. - 31. Aug 2010
Organ Symphony No.4 'Kölner Dom' (Cologne Cathedral)
8:00 p.m. Winfried Bönig (cathedral organist cologne) is playing the 3thrd movement "Reliquienprozession" from Orgelsinfonie Nr. 4 SINFONIA COLONIENSIS; in these days he will record the entire Symphony No.4 for a CD production with ambiente audio - 18. Aug 2010
Toccata Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
8:00 p.m. (CET), 'Pfarrkirche Hofgarten' in the Bressanone valley/Tirol: Hansjörg Albrecht plays Toccata Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep) with Helmuth A.Häusler reading parts of the novel "Schlafes Bruder" (Brother of Sleep) - 12. Aug 2010
Toccata Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
Hansjörg Albrecht performs TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) in the Freiberg Cathedral - 10. Aug 2010
Organ Symphony No. 5 TE DEUM
8 PM (CET), 'Münster Freiburg i.Br.', Jürgen Geiger plays the Organ Symphony No. 5 TE DEUM - 7. Aug 2010
Toccata Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
Hansjörg Albrecht performs TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) at St. Peter and Paul/Görlitz - 7. Aug 2010
Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
7th of August 2010, 8 PM (CET), Berlin Cathedral: Felix Hell (USA) performs Toccata SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) - 7. Aug 2010
Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
7th of August 2010, 8 PM (CET), Berlin Cathedral: Felix Hell (USA) performs Toccata SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) - 4. Aug 2010
Toccata Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
Hansjörg Albrecht performs TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) at the 'Stadtkirche Meiningen' - 1. Aug 2010
Organ Symphony No. 9 in Notre Dame Paris
4 pm in the Notre Dame Cathedral Paris: Johannes Skudlik plays the Organ Symphony No. 9 PATHETIQUE (Orgelsinfonie Nr. 9 PATHETIQUE) - 1. Aug 2010
NEKYIA for panpipe and organ
Ulrich Herkenhoff (panpipe) and Matthias Keller (organ) perform NEKYIA in the 'Bürgersaalkirche', Munich - 23. Jul 2010
LANDSBERGER TE DEUM for soprano, tenor, choir and orchestra (with field piping and Lansquenet Drum soloists) as finale of the "Night of Romance" and dedication to the renovated City Parish Church with the collaboration of over 200 singers. - 21. Jul 2010
Organ Symphony No.2 “Marianische"
8 PM (CET), Johanneskirche Saalfeld: Georg Wendt plays the Organ Symphony No. 2 "Marianische" on the Sauer organ. - 18. Jul 2010
Symphony No.2 SISYPHOS
City Hall, Leonberg: Symphony No.2 SISYPHOS for drums and orchestra with Johannes Fischer and the Leonberg Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Alexander Adiarte. - 17. Jul 2010
Aqua vitae in Würzburg
8:00 PM (CET), at Neumünsterkirche Würzburg organized by "Endspiel. Würzburger Apokalypse 2010": first premiere of AQUA VITAE (The waters of life) secundum Apocalypsis Iohannis for female voices and organ, performed by the Mädchenkanorei of the Rottenburg Cathedral, Dir.: Cathedral Bandmaster Frank Leenen - 11. Jul 2010
Organ Symphony No.1 in Magdeburg
4:00 p.m. at the Magdeburg Cathedral: Franz Hauk (Ingolstadt) plays Orgelsinfonie Nr. 1 PATER NOSTER 3thrd mouvement Tenebroso (Hommage a Cesar Franck) und 4th movement Toccata "Pater Noster" - 8. Jul 2010
7 PM (CET) Large Concert Hall in the Music academy in Munich: Orchestral work AT THE EDGE OF TIME. REFLECTIONS ON MOZATR'S REQUIEM KV 622 with the academy orchestra, conducted by Ulrich Nicolai. - 8. Jul 2010
Toccata Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
Hansjörg Albrecht performs TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) at the 'Marienkirche' in Pirna - 4. Jul 2010
Sunday Matinee
Sunday Matinee 11:00 AM Large Concert Hall in the Munich Music Academy: the saxophonists from André Legros play the saxophone repertoire: CRUCIFIXUS for saxophone quartet and organ, NEKYIA for saxophone and organ, the saxophone quartet PANTHA RHEI and RINGELNATZ-SUITE, the saxophone trio "AS TIME GOES BYE". Poems by Ringelnat will be read by Enjott Schneider. - 4. Jul 2010
Toccata Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
Hansjörg Albrecht performs TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER at the 'Franziskanerkirche' in Bad Tölz - 4. Jul 2010
Toccata Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep)
Hansjörg Albrecht performs TOCCATA SCHLAFES BRUDER (Brother of Sleep) at the 'Franziskanerkirche' in Bad Tölz - 27. Jun 2010
Missa Surrexit Christus in Landsberg
10:00 a.m. (CET), at Stadtpfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt Landsberg: "Landsberger Jugendchor" Dir..: Marianne Lösch sings MISSA "SURREXIT CHRISTUS", with Almut Cech 1st Soprano, Anita Steuer 2nd Soprano, Cornelia Lechner Alto, Jürgen Geiger/Organ. - 26. Jun 2010
Teatrissimo in Coburg
8:00 p.m. (CET) Rosengarten Open-Air des Theaters Coburg plays TEATRISSIMO. RATATOUILLE für Orchester - 24. Jun 2010
MOVIETHEMES at Cirkus Krone
8:00 p.m. in the arena of Zirkus Krone Munich: first premiere of MOVIE THEMES MADE IN GERMANY (Suite for Soprano and orchestra) with Masako Goda and the Münchner Rundfunkorchester, Dir..: Ulf Schirmer, during this CINEMA IN CONCERT (as opener of Filmfest München - Live on air with BR Klassik and TV-production of bavarian broadcast) Howard Shore received the filmmusic award of Bavarian Broadcast - 19. Jun 2010
Ringelnatz-Suite for 4 saxophones
8:00 p.m. (CET), Hohenloher Kultursommer 2010: the saxophone quartet Panta Rhei plays RINGELNATZ-SUITE für Saxophonquartett, lyrics performed by actor: Michael Kromann - 13. Jun 2010
Komm Heilger Geist (Come, Holy Spirit)
13th of June 2010, St. Clemens in Mayern, 'Dekanatschor' (cond.: Volker Kaufung) performs the choral motet KOMM HEILGER GEIST (Come, Holy Spirit) - 13. Jun 2010
Komm Heilger Geist (Come, Holy Spirit)
13th of June 2010, St. Clemens in Mayern, 'Dekanatschor' (cond.: Volker Kaufung) performs the choral motet KOMM HEILGER GEIST (Come, Holy Spirit) - 11. Jun 2010
Mozart in New Orleans
7:00 p.m. (CET), in the concert hall of Piano Fischer Munich, organized by Mozart-Gesellschaft München, Sylvia Dankesreiter plays the variations for piano MOZART IN NEW ORLEANS - 3. Jun 2010
Swabian Children's Mass
3rd of June 2010, 'St. Martinskirche Kaufbeuren' performs the SCHWABENKINDERMESSE (Swabian Children's Mass), cond.: Daniel Herrmann - 3. Jun 2010
Swabian Children's Mass
3rd of June 2010, 'Sankt Martin Kaufbeuren', performance of the SCHWABENKINDERMESSE (Swabian Children's Mass), cond.: Daniel Herrmann - 29. May 2010
Taipei/Taiwan Philharmonic: World premiere of EARTH AND FIRE. SYMPHONIC POEM for sheng and orchestra with WuWei (sheng and the Taipei Chinese Orchestra, conducted by Xia Chung. - 8. May 2010
Pantha Rhei saxophone quartet
8:00 p.m. at Gasteig Munich: the Saxophonensemble Panta Rhei plays Mantras for saxophone quartet PANTA RHEI - 30. Mar 2010
Preludio et Saltarello
30th of March 2010, auditorium of the school 'Großkarolinenfeld': Irmengard Auer plays PRELUDIO ET SALTARELLO for zither - 1. Jan 2010
1.1.2010 Neujahrskonzert Heilig Geist Kirche Geldern Jeeh Yun Park spielt ATACCOT für Orgel - 11. Jun 1999
Clair Obscur spielt BERLIN PUNK in Frankfurt / Oder
Am 12.4.2019 um 20:00 spielt das Quartett Clair Obscur von Enjott Schneider BERLIN PUNK for Saxophonquartett und Orchester